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Item Stack Resale Exploit


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The issue here is many created separate accounts to participate in the exploit and then through gtn or other channels, got the items or creds back to their main accounts. Then it becomes very difficult for BW to say you exploited and sold to yourself, vs you bought a stack of exploited items off the gtn. Their credits made their way into the economy already. They took those exploited credits and bought legitimate items off gtn as well. Cant go back and reverse all sales - don't know which are legitimate or not. It's a giant web that can't be cleaned up.


I'm pretty sure they can fix it. Imo they should keep all transactions as they were and remove the bought items/gear from the offending account.

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Hahaha, suckers!!!


I was wondering over the last few days how this one guy on Harb, had 300 to 400 grade 6 companion gifts for sale per day. He had best prices and I bought a couple stacks from him one day. He immediately replaced those two stacks of gifts that I bought with two new ones....


I asked in chat about a crystal exploit or something, because there's no way to earn coms that fast. Many actually replied that there was a way....


Good riddance to all of you, rot in hell, hahaha!

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so is this gonna be like a chance thing like as nim loot? is there a chance people will get banned or is this highlighted and 100% chance?


Neither. Last time they said they would be "severe" with an exploit they gave 4 days suspension to exploiters as far as I could gather. I'm pretty sure this is just an act not to lose the casuals as well after eradicating the last progression raiding players last night.


Still was a very good comment. Made me giggle. ;):p

Edited by Gilnor
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So reselling is now an exploit? according to previous posts so might as well just get rid of the GTN apparently.


Reselling what? All these goods from your cheating-account? Of course it is! :rolleyes:

Edited by Glower
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Neither. Last time they said they would be "severe" with an exploit they gave 4 days suspension to exploiters as far as I could gather. I'm pretty sure this is just an act not to lose the casuals as well after eradicating the last progression raiding players last night.


Still was a very good comment. Made me giggle. ;):p


If that is true and will continue to act ....I will go on the dark side of the game and play the game as ANTI-SWTOR:KOTFE.So let's make it final and perma-ban them with some show on the top of the forums.:mad::mad::mad:


After all screw the 4 day ban.That means nothing to me, just a stupid delay of the main problem!!!

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If that is true and will continue to act ....I will go on the dark side of the game and play the game as ANTI-SWTOR:KOTFE.So let's make it final and perma-ban them with some show on the top of the forums.:mad::mad::mad:


After all screw the 4 day ban.That means nothing to me, just a stupid delay of the main problem!!!


I do hope they hear you! I honestly do.

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The issue here is many created separate accounts to participate in the exploit and then through gtn or other channels, got the items or creds back to their main accounts. Then it becomes very difficult for BW to say you exploited and sold to yourself, vs you bought a stack of exploited items off the gtn. Their credits made their way into the economy already. They took those exploited credits and bought legitimate items off gtn as well. Cant go back and reverse all sales - don't know which are legitimate or not. It's a giant web that can't be cleaned up.


This is why these exploits should be disabled (vendor temporarily removed from game, etc). It is too difficult to fully trace all the accounts and gains to the cheaters. And they will persist. Permaban their alt account- no biggie. It was all done for their main with the alt account being expendable.


You heard of IP tracing, most folks aren't very clever when it comes to spoofing

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Hey folks,


As of today’s patch, we fixed the following bug: It is no longer possible to purchase a stack of items and resell individual items for the price of the entire stack.


In a previous exploit, we were very up front and very public about its existence. We raised warnings as soon as we discovered the issue associated with the Temple Chair, with the hopes our players would not use it. What we discovered, were many players using a variety of ways to try and mask what they were doing and who they were. So, this time, we returned to removing visibility until we resolved it.


This bug created an exploit where a player could make large quantities of various currencies in the game with minimal effort. Use of the bug in this manner is something we absolutely consider an exploit. We are looking over the data of players who participated, and to what degree. We will begin taking action against accounts within the next few days. Action that will be taken includes:

  • Suspension, up to and including permanent suspension
  • Removal of credits
  • Removal of Commendations and other currency
  • Removal of Companion affection

I can only reiterate, if you discover an exploit, do not use it. Report it to the team immediately. You can do so via an in-game /bug or feel free to PM myself or Tait about it on the forums. Please, do not post about it publicly.


Thanks everyone. I will pass on updates as I have them.




Appreciate the candour Eric.


Having been on the receiving end of the Temple Chair exploit actions, I do hope you extend your actions into tracking anything that has been added into guild banks (currency and items purchased on the GTN with the ill-gotten gains and then placed into guild bank tabs and / or removed by other players within the guild).


There shouldn't be anyway players should profit from this.

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I totally agree with this. Not sure why they don't instantly "HOTFIX" exploits the second they are found/validated. As a START LOCK it down so nobody can use.


I mean Ravagers exploit... LOCK down the instance so nobody could run that Operation. Sure lots of folks upset, but it would have stopped Loot X-mas last year. This year for X-mas we get Deco X-mas and the bad vendor in question could have just been locked down as well (not sell anything). Chair exploit - same thing (Lock it until hotfix).

Agreed. This is how they should be handling these things...not laying in wait hoping to entice others into cheating so they can bust more players. Just disable the vendor. Remove end boss loot. That's how you prevent it from spreading, not "observing".

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They give people plenty of time with he last 2 exploit to tell them enough is enough so yes permanent ban to finally tell people you hear some thing about a exploit weather it is pvp or pve don't do it


You assume that everyone was around for that and was reading the forums...


What about a newer player who doesn't visit the forums, was told about it in game by someone or found it on their own, and just did it for themselves and didn't sell anything.


Would you ban that person?

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You assume that everyone was around for that and was reading the forums...


What about a newer player who doesn't visit the forums, was told about it in game by someone or found it on their own, and just did it for themselves and didn't sell anything.


Would you ban that person?


Why not?

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The /facepalm is really high here. Couldn't spare one single dev to hit the handful of servers and nab the auctions for the stacks of 99 this morning.


So, those, also will vanish into the ether as people snap them up knowing the exploit has been shut down and can flip in a few weeks.


I really just don't know if it is that they are down to a couple of folks with snap, and that those have no power of any kind there or what?

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I agree the average person doesn't know how to hide, but many of the guides that were online gave info for VPN and IP spoofing


It all really depends on whether BW is willing to spend time doing data analysis to catch these people, it is always possible to do so even with VPN and ip spoofing, It is just a time/money investment.

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LOL, from reddit"


Create a new account unrelated to e-mail or credit card attach to your main one. Reap the benefits, but do not accumulate the credits or items bought from vendors. Instead, convert the currency into other rare items, using GTN. Once the banhammer falls, that account may receive anywhere from a week to a few months of bantime and credit removal will be likely. However, the items that have gone over many transactions will most likely remain and after the buzz dies out, you'll be able to quietly move them onto your main account.




Last time they banned for Ravagers exploit, they let the people who got banned keep their ill-gotten gear.


Oh lol, Bioware...

Edited by Glower
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Don't hold back, let justice be swift and strong.


Do not in any way get your hopes up that some swift justice or any real punishment is going to happen.


We have had what? 3 major exploits fairly recently (another big one going on now) and not a single time do I recall anyone getting more than a 7 day ban. No one had their credits or gear taken away. They got to keep it all. Rest up for 7 days and come back to the spoils of war.


Worrying about BW banning someone more permanently or dishing out any real punishment is like getting hit with a feather. Sure it might hit you in the eye and cause a little annoyance but thats about it. Done and quickly forgotten as you wait for the next opportunity to exploit this game because the benefit is just worth so much more than any punishment BW hands out.

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