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Angry previous swtor player unsubbing now.


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  1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
  2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
  3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
  4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
  5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
  6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


Yes because the people on the forum give money so and we want more value for our money why is that well because we gave money what is so hard to understand if we give money it means we can ask for **** because we gave money.

Some people just do not understand money makes you be entitled to certain things because we give things not only take like most players on this game. So we want to feel special way more special then most people because we contribute not only take. We want the right to ask for things because we give money why is that so bad after all we gave money.

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All group content players want is at least 1 new ops a year 2 would be even better. No one is saying don't do all the other stuff they have done as well.


And as for all the people being vocal about the issue, they and myself are just concerned about the long term health of the game and the long term health of a lot of our guilds more importantly.


Its funny when people think whining on the forums by ****posting 50 threads that every content doesn't have a solo participation prize or that they are entitled to everything Ingame is legitimate by these "story" jihaddis. Then when we ask maybe for some new just something repeatable content like PvP or Ops people flip out that it's affecting their story. Others are just jelly that there group rewards they can't get because their garbage and hence everyone else deserves to be punished. SMH

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Its funny when people think whining on the forums by ****posting 50 threads that every content doesn't have a solo participation prize or that they are entitled to everything Ingame is legitimate by these "story" jihaddis. Then when we ask maybe for some new just something repeatable content like PvP or Ops people flip out that it's affecting their story. Others are just jelly that there group rewards they can't get because their garbage and hence everyone else deserves to be punished. SMH


Yup thats right!

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  1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
  2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
  3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
  4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
  5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
  6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


All this stuff is nonsense single player junk, where is the MMO content, you know, what this game actually is?

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If you are seriously comparing Fallen Empire to a paid expansion in other games, I'm going to have to sit here and laugh at you. An expansion in WoW would typically include at least six 5-man instances, numerous world bosses including a couple of raid-level ones, 4+ raids, several daily hubs and an entirely new continent to explore, most of which is available at the launch of the expansion with some of it being introduced in patches.


Considering WoW takes 18+ months off doing anything for the game before an expansion and charges $60, they kind of have to roll in years worth of content into it.

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Just throwing my 2c in here, but it seems like a lot of people are jumping the gun on the whole fire and pitchforks thing. I view the first few chapters as an introduction to the new system, the new story and getting us acclimated to the alliance stuff. We don't know what's coming, and I honestly believe that as time goes on everyone will have what they want.


Give it some time and take a breath. These guys work hard to keep things going, and they can't just shove things out as quickly as you'd like. Not only is that just not a reality when it comes to the coding and design, they also need to navigate around schedules for the voice actors and then they need to work that into the game itself and then go back and rescale everything and make sure the vocal tracks match up with everything and make sure there are no glitches and everything else.


So just give it some time and show just a little bit of patience.

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  1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
  2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
  3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
  4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
  5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
  6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


Best. Post. Ever.

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I propose that EA/BW needs to create a new "rage-quit" forum (optionally titled the "troll farm"), so these angry people (trolls) will have a place to be dramatic outside of the general discussion forum, and stop polluting the other forums with their whiny, self-entitled BS. Edited by Barleron
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Considering WoW takes 18+ months off doing anything for the game before an expansion and charges $60, they kind of have to roll in years worth of content into it.


In SWTOR time, it's more like 3 years worth. Also, the most expensive expansion so far was WoD and it was $49.99, unless you bought the Collector's Edition.

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  1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
  2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
  3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
  4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
  5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
  6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


I think he means because the way they release chapters and their requirements to continue to sub to get them plus the length each chapter takes to get through he is angry they are basically drip feeding us content to complete this story.


Really the current story of this expansion is enticing and it's really infuriating to have to wait 3 months before each release.


The good news, this actually gives me a reason to sub constantly, the bad news is I hate waiting too.

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  1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
  2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
  3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
  4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
  5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
  6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


KotFE is an extension of the story, along with a lot of changes (remaining neutral on that subject for the purpose of this post) to the core gameplay. While it had new areas (that you can only visit for the purpose of the story itself) and a new hub (that seriously lags I'll add....) I'm not so sure it can be classed as an "expansion".


Reworking old content to make something relevant, does not make it new content. It just makes it old content updated. Same for operations, same for flashpoints, same for open world exploration and for the story tuned levelling experience. It still is, and remains old content, there isn't anything new about it.


The subscriber rewards (incentive to subscribe) are just that, they may or may not work as a retention mechanism while other areas of the game have been neglected during the rework of the old content. Let's be honest here, it requires players to subscribe for no less than 8 months to gain all of the rewards (of which most are apparently going to be related to HK). What unknown rewards they actually are, remains to be seen. Most likely, but not limited to, including a HK gun / customisation and some form of deco.


I'm sure the players that intended to remain subscribed, will continue to do so. On the subject of this, locking any form of story content behind an 8 month long paywall? That's about as great as the datacubes in the Cartel Packs from way back, pertaining to the Shroud, story content locked behind RNG packs. Not a great way to sell SWTOR story really. I'd much rather BioWare took the time to release KotFE as individual chapters on the CM, costing no more than 200-300CC each for both subscribers and preferred / f2p players alike.


At least that way the subscribers have the choice to use the free CC stipend to gain new story, and the content is available to every single player of the game if they chose to buy it in some form or another. A real subscriber rewards program has been pointed out by others, from other MMO titles, that would have been far more rewarding to long term subscribers. Sometimes I have to just shake my head at the ideas BioWare comes up with, when the solutions are so much simpler and can be introduced without little fuss.


For me, that would have been;


  • Subscribed for 4 years or more - 200CC extra per month.
  • Subscribed for 3 to 4 years - 150CC extra per month.
  • Subscribed for 2 to 3 years - 100CC extra per month.
  • Subscribed for 1 to 2 years - 50CC extra per month.


So if you're selling the KotFE Chapters for 200CC for example, the players that have been here since day one, essentially get those chapters for free, and everyone else gets it cheaper but it's still within the monthly subscriber CC stipend. Don't feel like playing it right away? No issue, enjoy those free CC for being a loyal long term subscriber. Obviously those amounts could be tweaked anyway they wanted, as long as those players who have been here since day 1 get the KotFE story for free (that wouldn't actually include me, so no bias there).


People on the forums are perfectly entitled to provide feedback to BioWare, just as much as you are perfectly entitled to comment on that feedback.

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Way to make a meaningful argument in the discussion with constructive criticism. Props to you for making a original response which will make many people ponder on why they are unsubbing to the game, and may rethink twice before they smack that cancel button.
Love and appreciate your sarcasm, but why does there need to be an argument? I choose to not argue with someone who is already upset because I choose to not antagonize. I'll leave that to the forum PvP specialists. I prefer throwing in a little dry humor instead. Edited by GalacticKegger
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" For an MMO, this is by no means an expansion." --- right there you are not even worth replying to .....MMO is the environment not a type of game and not the content.


By definition MMO does not mean group content is "required" to be a "mmo" only multiple users in the same environment.


You failed to provide any facts ...this is all opinion and as i point out one example above ....partially "factually" wrong



If you had any reading comprehension skills you would actually look at what I wrote instead of going "blah blah I suck Bioware's c*** and I don't care what anyone writes." Everything I stated is factual. Whether you want to see that or not is up to you.


Then by definition, MMO does not mean "story content only" or "recycling old content and calling it new" either. MMO's were inherently designed to be just that, Massively Multiplayer Online games. Well, if no one played online together in an MMO, it would turn into what, a single player game? You can argue that as much as you want. But they wouldn't make a game an MMO design if it was not intended to be played with other players in group type content.


Tell me one thing I listed that was not factual:


1. 4 year old recycled content in the game. Fairly certain that is a fact. If its not then EV, KP, EC, TFB, etc are all apparently new operations. And apparently all these heroics that people are running that are on the leveling planets are all new as well. They certainly haven't been around since the game has been launched or anything....../sarcasm


2. You can take this as an opinion. But just because its an opinion does not mean it isn't true. I would like to see you get max affection and rep on each and every single advanced class and not tell me you don't feel it is a massive grind.


3. Considering it took 4 hours to get through the story (9 chapters) then I fail to see how each additional chapter would be anything greater than 30 minutes a piece, if that. Unless your view on time is vastly different than the majority population and it takes you a week to finish the story, then tell me I'm wrong.


4. Tell me what the subscriber rewards are for then? What is the purpose that they are releasing monthly subscriber rewards now (after 4 years of the game being out) if it was not to try and retain subscribers with "exclusive" items?


5. You have no leg to stand here. If you don't PAY a sub, you don't GET content. So by simple logic, you are paying for the content. Again, fact.


And instead of trying to disprove anything I said, you throw out weightless words, because you know I am right.


Yes, Bioware did release content. Yes, they added story. But, was this justified for the amount of time it took for them to do vs. the amount of time it took for players to finish it and for the amount we are spending? If it at least had replayability (e.x. meaning choices mattered, which they absolutely don't) then I may see more reasoning. However, that isn't the case here.


If you want an example, go take a look at Guild Wars 2's latest expansion. The amount of things they added compared to the "expansion" for SWTOR was astronomical. And it costs about $50 with no monthly sub fee. Compare that to the amount you are spending here per month for the amount of content you are getting, and you can see why so many players here are disappointed with this expansion. Other games do it way better for the money.

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If you had any reading comprehension skills you would actually look at what I wrote instead of going "blah blah I suck Bioware's c*** and I don't care what anyone writes." Everything I stated is factual. Whether you want to see that or not is up to you.


Then by definition, MMO does not mean "story content only" or "recycling old content and calling it new" either. MMO's were inherently designed to be just that, Massively Multiplayer Online games. Well, if no one played online together in an MMO, it would turn into what, a single player game? You can argue that as much as you want. But they wouldn't make a game an MMO design if it was not intended to be played with other players in group type content.


Tell me one thing I listed that was not factual:


1. 4 year old recycled content in the game. Fairly certain that is a fact. If its not then EV, KP, EC, TFB, etc are all apparently new operations. And apparently all these heroics that people are running that are on the leveling planets are all new as well. They certainly haven't been around since the game has been launched or anything....../sarcasm


2. You can take this as an opinion. But just because its an opinion does not mean it isn't true. I would like to see you get max affection and rep on each and every single advanced class and not tell me you don't feel it is a massive grind.


3. Considering it took 4 hours to get through the story (9 chapters) then I fail to see how each additional chapter would be anything greater than 30 minutes a piece, if that. Unless your view on time is vastly different than the majority population and it takes you a week to finish the story, then tell me I'm wrong.


4. Tell me what the subscriber rewards are for then? What is the purpose that they are releasing monthly subscriber rewards now (after 4 years of the game being out) if it was not to try and retain subscribers with "exclusive" items?


5. You have no leg to stand here. If you don't PAY a sub, you don't GET content. So by simple logic, you are paying for the content. Again, fact.


And instead of trying to disprove anything I said, you throw out weightless words, because you know I am right.


Yes, Bioware did release content. Yes, they added story. But, was this justified for the amount of time it took for them to do vs. the amount of time it took for players to finish it and for the amount we are spending? If it at least had replayability (e.x. meaning choices mattered, which they absolutely don't) then I may see more reasoning. However, that isn't the case here.


If you want an example, go take a look at Guild Wars 2's latest expansion. The amount of things they added compared to the "expansion" for SWTOR was astronomical. And it costs about $50 with no monthly sub fee. Compare that to the amount you are spending here per month for the amount of content you are getting, and you can see why so many players here are disappointed with this expansion. Other games do it way better for the money.


agreed with everything you said here, I had taken a long brake from Star Wars (when I left 55 was max lvl and Galactic star fighters where not out yet) came back mid to late Sept and have been playing again steadily, iv now finished all the content on multiple toons, have grinded out my gear to end game lvs, both PvP and PvE and iv gotten my star fighters set up, so in 2 months iv finished all the content released in the last 2 years and am on grind status (everything else is just the same OPs and WZ, nothing new here) so when my sub ends (think it just re-upped not long ago, I turned off the reoccurring now) that will be it until a decent amount of content comes out, adding a new robot pet that does nothing special isn't enough to keep me subbed. Ill keep the game on my computer and might check back in on F2P every now and again but in my opinion there just isn't enough meat on the bone to warrant a continued sub (and money isn't tight with me, I just wont give it away). In my opinion its like they are not even trying, I mean come on, you have the star wars title, the only star wars MMO, you should be making money hand over fist, if you where pumping out good quality material your cash flow would be endless, id throw money at you, I love star wars but this game...its just.....ok for abit.


just as I little side note GW2 just finished downloading, time to take another look at it, its been awhile....cant Fing wait for Camelot Unchained

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Here is some cheese ... these are all just opinions you didn't disprove anything you just whined you didn't like the facts present...... Debunked post is still debunked

Actually take the time to review a post, read over it properly, and make something constructive for once in this thread. I of course provided opinions in my post, but I also posted facts.


Stop cherry picking posts and make a meaningful response without acting like your above everyone else just because you're a brown noser.

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  1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
  2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
  3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
  4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
  5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
  6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


that alliance system is boring, really unrewarding grind

content upgrade every single month means 1 chapter for ~1 hour of playting for 15$ even a visit at the cinema i cheaper

where is the new content ur talking about ? a really ridicolous and weak story, 9 chapters for about 5 hour of playing time...

i would love to spend 60$ for a real expansion with new flashpoints, operations, planets, events, warzone(s), conquests. i would luv to buy a xollextors edition of it with a hutt statue or satele...


i would even spend money for an expansion that just changes that horrible engine t oreal one...but eaware is milking this game out. more cartel packs then story or operation content. think about it


im not unsubbing for now, but im getting more and more disappointed

Edited by Justbee
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Well yeah they are but if you are a raider, you haven't seen any new content sense December 2014


Their point stands. This isn't really a raiding focused game. There is some raiding tacked on but not a lot, and I doubt will ever be much more than that.


The whole premise of the game came from a single player series. And especially now it should be apparent they are moving back to that premise more.

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There's a big difference between unnecessary grind that has missions that can be done repeatedly and content that is "replayable" in the sense that it is actually enjoyable to do so.


BS, this I hear a lot from the same player(s) who just a few months ago were complaining they had nothing to do.


What you find enjoyable is nothing more than as mentioned self entitlement. Repeating heroics or operations is the same grind. Enjoyable is a matter of perspective. I don't enjoy Op's, so more enjoyable BS. less so if you take into account the hour(s) or so getting a group to do it. The amount of threads these days about "I cannot get a group so have cross server group finders" or such also proves that these were never as popular as you lot claim to begin with. If they were BW would have focused on that and not story.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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With no new group content on the horizon.


It is reasonable for people to leave if the game is not producing content that they find enjoyable. Hopefully they will still want to come back when the game does release stuff they find fun. And hopefully another game does not take them away forever in the mean time.


Very well put.

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