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Producer Letter Livestream Wrap-up


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You have a dev/design team that asks for feedback, ignores the majority of the community, introduces untested game changes and 'more than usual' amount of bugs (because the didnt bother to test the content), and which they dont seem inclined to fix. Then we get a week of hyped annoucements for content that, again, the majority of the players found rather lackluster. This is a consumer product where the feedback asked for is blatantly ignored and the producers of the content continue with their own limited vision hindering growth of the game. An extremely poor way to coax the dollars from my wallet.
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It is a model that I would love too. Now if BW give me 7-10 hours of story content every month including high quality cut scenes and engaging game play, I will gladly give them $15 a month.



This is also another issue we all know its only going to be maybe an hour of new content at best.

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Heres you guys we will never take anything away from you ..yea you did you took the ability to gear new comps .you we wanted them to be in there own gear well when you sell that gear on the cartel market its not unique anymore if everyone is wearing it common sense man.we have enough droids and enough companions we cant gear our old companions all over the dam place that dont mean crap if we use them thats so fair.you want ?s ..why cant we have the gravestone and why cant we gear the new companions.why do we get junk we dont need or want i have mounts gear and pets we need chapters and companions we can gear because all this gear is useless .you guys let alot of players down do you even care about that or is it just about money .please fix this i beg you as a fan a player and a founder of the game i dont want hk-55 or any of that junk your giving i and or we want to gear the new companions or give us the gravestone to the vet players that have been with you since the start i have hk-51 .please please fix this.
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Although this was not addressed at all in the stream as it was for subscriber rewards, I do have a question.


I'm wondering if there will be any news whatsoever about the romances that are ignored in KotFE any time soon? We've been waiting for well over a month now and have had no communication on this at all.


Iresso Romance Not Acknowledged

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I thought it was a separate group of developers that worked on operations. Is that no longer true? They should be able to please raiders with nightmare as an option.


Yes and no.


They've reassigned developers from Operations design to other teams in the past. IIRC one of the key devs on Scum and Villainy was moved over to Cartel Market art design, or something like that.


I believe the Dev that designed Revan, Coratanni, Brontes, council, etc, got moved to event design and designed some of the tactical flashpoints and stuff, maybe Star Fortress?


It's hard to see from the outside but a cursory scroll through Bioware Austin on LinkedIn helps.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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just seeing the official forum and lot of players in my near community, the anger is strong after this livestream.


using words like these :


Attention #SWTOR Subscribers! Prepare yourselves for a BIG announcement during next Tuesday's Producer Livestream

and the reality...a chapter if you subscribe 7 month ? srly? a companion, we had plenty and a H-k51 !


prepare for lot of unsubs.

Edited by Thaladan
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Even Telltale doesn't do that, but they don't have the audacity to charge you $15/month for their chapters. It's either a flat fee of $25-$30 for the "season" or $5 per episode depending on the platform.


Pity they can't make a star wars game, add a chat room for the "MMO" aspect and then that would be the end of this game.

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^^ this is post 392


A whole two posts and you cant figure that out ...awwwww .... Well here...let me lead you to it since instead of trying to figure it out on your own you decided instead to resort to a personal attack.....


Post I was referring to to was #388 i even quoted you in the response it was only 4 posts away when you asked that question ...and you couldn't find it ...... LOL .....wow just wow **facepalm**


Sorry, but I cringe every time i see your name at the top of a post because I know you are just going to either:


A) Keep repeating yourself about story being content and you love story. (I think we got that the 10th time you posted it, thanks).


B) Keep repeating the dictionary definition of "MMORPG" as if they are all one in the same and this game has never been about "multiplayer content". Sorry, but it absolutely HAS been about that in the past, and is a big reason for a significant part of the population in the game asking questions about more of that same type of content in the future.


C) Giving a snarky, useless, fellow-SWTOR-player bashing style response for whatever reason. It really doesn't help things and likely makes anyone who considered reading your posts and seeing things from your point of view decide you are just a troll who will stand around fiddling while Rome burns.


I'm super glad for you that the game is going exactly the way you want it. I hope there are enough people just like you to keep it going, but I doubt it given the % of unhappy responses in this thread alone. So, why don't you go play the game that you love so much instead of quibbling over dictionary definitions with people on the forums until the game isn't around anymore because it catered only to you and people just like you instead of being the game it was for 3+ years which had BOTH good story and endgame content...

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Eric asked for suggestions and feedback, so here is mine.


1. Please no 2x xp. Seriously we level fast enough. I was level 24 when I hit DK. Let that sink in - level 24. Over 1/3 of the game levels done on the 1st planet...

2. HK-55 I actually like it. Thank you. But would have liked some mission to get him reassembled.

3. We need to get our companions back faster. Sorry but waiting till February for the next 2 is a bit too slow. I know I can click on the 'console' but want to play the game and avoid doing that is at all possible.

4. You mention 'long lasting impacts' based on decisions. Okay that is great! However this is a MMORPG and not a SP game - or is it? I get confused at times. Anyways, on an SP game I can go back to where I 'screwed up' and reboot the game. Unfortunately we do not have that option here. I would like some serious warnings if I am making a mistake or sense of outcome. Something like "Picking this choice may result in a drastic surprise in the future. Are you sure?"


And Finally...


5. Could you please stop screwing with crafters? Seriously just stop! Yes you are expanding it, but not saying how. Sorry but your track record on crafting changes is a bit in the realm of mud and defecation to the crafting community so saying "We'll let you know in January" makes us feel like "Bend over kids!" since last expansion / update we got shafted over the revamp no one asked for. Could you please maybe expedite this information, extend an olive branch, or least make some assurances to serious crafters we are not going to hosed again? Mucho gracias if you do.



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Oh do have 1 last question...


Why no Black Friday / Cyber Monday /Cyber Week Cartel coin sale? I haven't seen cartel coins on sale in over a year. What is up with that?


Also seems the only places you can buy Cartel coins anymore in the 14,500 range is either Amazon or in game. Since I am semi-boycotting Amazon due to their treatment of their workers (they are my store of last resort), are you going to expand the roster of locations for CC's or offer a holiday deal at some point for them?


Finally, not everyone that plays SWTOR is Christian or celebrates Christmas. I know "Life Day" is your way of promoting this, but this starts after Hanukkah and who knows when Ramadan is this year. Any chance to have an extended Life Day event that where others can feel included in a celebration or possibly next year come up with some celebration to incorporate 8 Crystals or Lightsabers? :)



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I'll make this brief…


Story is not content. To be clear, I started playing this game in the first place because of story. However, even with that enthusiasm and focus, I wasn't planning on playing for very long. Because story doesn't last. I played KOTOR I probably over 30 times, and ME1 almost that much, but that is dwarfed by the amount of time I've spent in SWTOR.


The time I've spent in SWTOR has not been because of its story. I've certainly played all of the story content, and I've enjoyed it… the first time through. But now it's over. I have no desire to re-play even the KotFE storyline, despite its excellence. Story doesn't retain ongoing activity in the game.


Story is flavor. Content is substance. Content is something that you do in groups, because people are what give meaning and variety to repetitive actions. PvP and GSF are the embodiment of this philosophy, but PvE (especially operations) are as well. Operations, GSF and warzone maps. These are content. These are what players have poured endless hours into repeating, despite the unchanging nature of the boss fights or objectives or terrain. Nobody is pouring that amount of time into any story.


SWTOR needs new content. Desperately. There hasn't been a single piece of new PvE content since 3.0. There hasn't been a single piece of new PvP or GSF content for even longer. Without content, communities have nothing to do. Guilds die and players leave. All you have left are solo players who log in for a few hours every week, trickle-consuming the story.


I'm not even sure there's a question in here, other than the obvious "when will you release any new content?" And don't say story, because story isn't content.


Quality work.

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Man, did this thread need something light-hearted like that. Too funny lol


Eric/Ben, thank you for the announcement—I am really looking forward to HK-55 and more details of the progressive rewards as you reveal them.


Oh and just quietly, bugs... ↓↓↓↓↓


Thanks. Believe me, I'm counting the days, weeks, months, etc til I get my husband companions back. I'd pay twice my subscription to get them back IN the story and NOT from the terminal.

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Traditionally, this is true.


Now we get to find out if that is the only way to do things - or if this experiment of BW's will successfully expand the MMO paradigm.


Interesting time don't you think ? :cool:

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Lol. I suppose you are technically correct, but really come on. Do I really have to clarify that I mean group content that actually requires a group and a pulse?


Since people are different and I believe majority of players in this game are F2P'ers with quite weak characters... I believe the distinction is important to make. Star fortresses DO count as group content for large amount of playerbase. The gap between veteran players and new F2P'ers is very large and people should realize that.


ps. If there are people who want 'challenging content', I just have to point out that a modern MMO is the wrong place to go looking for it.

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I am currently on Chapter 3 on KotFE and have HK55 as my companion - I could just forget about advancing the story and retain that companion without having to subscribe!


Seriously though, do you not think companions should be earned in the game through game content rather than a bribe to continue subscribing?


I also feel it undermines the desire to get HK51 (through a series of in game tasks) when such a similar companion is so easily accessible (and yes I know I can buy my way past getting HK51 once I have him once)


In general as a subscriber I feel with the current drip feed of slightly desirable items each month is a poor attempt at leading me by the nose without giving serious thought to new and exciting content. IF the content was good enough I don't think we would be led along in this way.


....still wondering what to do with half a cargo bay of nico blaster pistols.

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What I don't understand. What's keeping people from quitting now then playing a year from now and getting all the content at once. I'm sure they would release that chapter to play as HK sooner or later to subs. It just feels like from looking at homepage their going offer a small different perk each month to stay subbed.
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What I don't understand. What's keeping people from quitting now then playing a year from now and getting all the content at once. I'm sure they would release that chapter to play as HK sooner or later to subs. It just feels like from looking at homepage their going offer a small different perk each month to stay subbed.


Yes, that thought had crossed my mind despite sticking at subbing for 4 years. There is a part of me would love to see a further 50 levels x 8 DIFFERENT characters worth of levelling tagged onto the game and I'd gladly pay box price and sub on again but I feel like I'm in a car running on empty and limping from petrol station to station.


Maybe I'm burnt out at this stage but I don't want to drop my support for this game which I have given so much time to and enjoyed but at the moment I feel like I'm putting in more than I am getting out.

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We hope you enjoyed the stream and want to thank you all for tuning in. If you have any questions about the stream or anything else, throw them in this thread and I will work with Ben on getting them answered. Thanks!


Dont see a single answer to any question :( ERIC PLZ


My question is can you give us any and I mean ANY information about the future of group endgame in this MMORPG?


E.g. new operations, flashpoints, pvp maps?


srs a little statement like 'quarter 3 or 4 for a new operation' would put a whole lot of angry peoples minds at rest with a small amount of communication.

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I'm not so sure that they were expecting such a huge backlash from this. Some feedback from BW in this thread is sorely needed. The silence is deafening.


Agreed, their own fault for the backlash though lol. hype something up like they did you better have something to show.


The silence hurts them even more, communication would do a whole lot to alleviate some of the anger and frustration their silence causes. A good Q&A with questions that cover all aspects of the game would honestly quell most peoples anger.

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I'm not so sure that they were expecting such a huge backlash from this. Some feedback from BW in this thread is sorely needed. The silence is deafening.


Silence is BW's way to take care of business, if they dont like replies they will just ignore it.

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This live stream was about the sub rewards yes.


But people were upset about no new ops long before this announcement. There are other issues too like pvp, class balance, bugs, etc... that have been around for a long time.


Why I think people got angry was because we realized that it wasn't a reward for current subs (no entitlement going on here) but rather an incentive for new subs.


Also, yes, communication is not at the level a lot of people think it should be at. We've asked on forums and at cantina events about stuff like new ops, with no information other than "not with KotFE". So when we actually have a chance to see the Devs and communicate via a light speed twitch chat, we kind of hope for / expect a little bit more general information about the overall direction of the game.



It is even way more than just the fact that everyone was angry regarding pvp and operations long before this. It is, that in every single communication from Bioware, they ask for questions, say they will answer questions. Then, they literally ignore the questions. We get that when KOTFE was announced, it was all about story. We get it, we really do. We are now six months removed from the announcement, KOTFE is here, we all now know what the plan is in regards to KOTFE, we get that starting in Feb, they will have content releases (chapters) monthly. There is precious little else we need to , or that we CAN know in regards to KOTFE, because nobody wants spoilers. It really is time for them to stop ignoring pvpers and raiders. Fine, we may only be about 10% of the playerbase, maybe 15%, but how many successful business models do you know of who can essentially flip the bird to 10-15% of their customers for over a freaking year (in pvps case almost 2 years) and not have it effect the bottom line.


As for the sub rewards themselves, it was disappointing because it really should have been new sub perks AND a veterans reward program. The stream literally said to , LITERALLY said to me, "Hey,, I know you are a 3+ year loyal subscriber, just stick with us another 8 months, and we will give you one hour of content." The rewards they offered were GOOD, dont get wrong, but they were not ENOUGH to those who have seriously supported this game through some very bleak times, while all the Johnny-come-latelys now get exactly the same perks as us. It is offensive, to be quite frank.

Edited by Jonfendm
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