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Who's not playing FE cuz you'll lose your companions?


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You know that completing all the conversations/missions is no longer dependent on affection (or influence, whatever) anymore, right? Once you're level 50, all the companion conversations/missions are supposed to be available.


Yes, but there not. There are multiple threads about BH companions Skadge and Blizz not completing. I'm one of them, finished up through Ilum and started RoHC.

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You know that completing all the conversations/missions is no longer dependent on affection (or influence, whatever) anymore, right? Once you're level 50, all the companion conversations/missions are supposed to be available.


That's not the issue, it's a BH bug that keeps those companions from talking to you.


Although after 4.0.2a I was finally able to (A) finish Chapter 3 and (B) talk to Blizz and Skadge. It might be fixed now, or at least it was for me.

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That's not the issue, it's a BH bug that keeps those companions from talking to you.


Although after 4.0.2a I was finally able to (A) finish Chapter 3 and (B) talk to Blizz and Skadge. It might be fixed now, or at least it was for me.


What? A bug? In SWTOR? Nah, say it ain't so.


Anyways, I looked it up and I was wrong, on multiple points. it's not level driven. It's story driven. So you have to complete Chapter 3 of your pre-2.0 class story to unlock all the companion conversations/missions. Just so happens I'm one of those players that has to finish that before moving on to any expansion content, so it just never came up for me.


Also, I haven't run any of my Bounty Hunters into KotFE yet, soooo... Good to know about the maybe fixed now but maybe also not fixed yet Skadge/Blizz bug.

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My main will forever remain in Chapter 1 to keep Marr.


I made a clone of her to take through KOTFE (from level 1, no generic choices insta 60, i learned the hard way what crappy choices Bioware makes for you when I lost my Mass Effect saves and had to go into Mass Effect 2 "Fresh". You made Wrex die? FU Bioware)


My marauder is going through and looking for/waiting for Quinn.


Those are the three of my 21 characters that have touched KOTFE, the other 18 will wait til we find out the status of companions missing begore they go -anywhere- near it.


As for the naysayers, why do you care if someone wont do kotfe so they dont lose their comps, only people I can even think of who might would be the "Everyone has to group because this is an MMO and I say that MMOs mean you have to group with me for Heroic Star Fortress!" set, that are protesting you not doing kotfe because that means you cant schleppe them through HSF.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I'm going to play it on all my toons eventually. The thing is I want to get the kill achievements and finish up the companion conversation first on the remaining classes that I have to do them on. Also I have to just do rishi on my trooper enough to do the one class mission so that I'm done with all 8 of those. Once I'm finished with kill count achievements and companion conversations finished for the legacy bonuses then I'll do fallen empire to get clear out my mission log.

As for allience growth I'm only doing it on one toon. the others will be based on old companions

And here speaks a true MMO player that actually understands the balance between storyline and gameplay. The one thing I regret with my toon that I jumped into FE with is that I never completed all the kill achievements, and so now all my other toons will complete those first. The storyline is that you loose your companions, so if you deny that then you are not playing the storyline. Do you walk out of a film half way through because you don't agree with the storyline?


Stick to your companions and refuse to play FE if you want, it's your game, but don't try to make out that you are the ones true to the storyline because you're not. The storyline is FE whether you like it or not. The real storyline players are the ones that play FE.

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I have 2 level 65s and I haven't started KOTFE yet. I spent a lot of money on cartel outfits for my companions and have no interest replacing them with the new companions who look like everyone else.


Bioware constantly makes decisions that makes me wonder if they even play the game. How could anyone at Bioware not know how important companions are? Companions should be expanded not made generic.

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I couldn't care less if people want to play FE or not, there is no outrage on my part, and it in no way impacts on my game.


If that is the case, then why reply to my post? If what you say is true the post is not directed at you. The intended target or targets of the post should be clear.

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You know that completing all the conversations/missions is no longer dependent on affection (or influence, whatever) anymore, right? Once you're level 50, all the companion conversations/missions are supposed to be available.



Yes but Blizz and Skagde or whatever wont complete it's a bug. Been there since 4.0 so dont get the legacy perks for those two which are the only two Im missing.


Someone said yesterday if you had finished the 1-50 story on a BH before 4.0 it doesnt complete but if you have a BH that wasnt through the story prior it will complete

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the first (and only) character i ran through kotfe so far is my sniper. i didn't know i would be loosing my companion, or more exactly, i was under the impression it would only during the story chapter and i would get them back after. Didn't know it was permanent. I do miss the snarky comment of kaliyo



It looks like we'll be seeing Kaliyo in chapter 10. :)


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This makes me happy that since Treek was released I have almost solely played with her... I really have no emotional connection with any of my companions, even the rare ones I romanced.


I have ran four of my toons through FE and the only reason I have stopped is because the mere thought of doing the alliance/influence grind on more than one character is physically painful.

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Nothing they say thank you or whatever but there is no gain, at least on the one I tried (Mako) after a couple gifts I realised, and didn't want to waste anymore.


Did you try and give her Courting? Courting has been broken since KOTFE has come out. They changed how romances work, you are supposed to get a warning that you are entering a romance, and then that character will take courting as a Favorite level gift, which is the highest level. But that hasn't worked since KOTFE launched.

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Personally, I will never break up Havoc Squad. Ever. You?


I do not understand this. *smh* You do not lose your companions unless you choose to kill the ones you can. You will gain them back in time. Or you can go to the companion terminal & grab them. It's that simple.

But instead you're refusing to do it, and in so doing that, losing the tons of other companions you also gain & new content.


Falls to another underlying issue. If you're that attached to a pixel character you need to step away from the computer & seek some help.

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I do not understand this. *smh* You do not lose your companions unless you choose to kill the ones you can. You will gain them back in time. Or you can go to the companion terminal & grab them. It's that simple.

But instead you're refusing to do it, and in so doing that, losing the tons of other companions you also gain & new content.


Falls to another underlying issue. If you're that attached to a pixel character you need to step away from the computer & seek some help.


Yeah, people who are attached to their companions must be perverts.

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I was never really all that in love with my original companions -- ok I married a couple, and got high affection with others, but it was for the crafting thing (and I suppose my character loved her Lis, but then that carbonite freezing thing happened ) ....

only one I really liked was Mako, and she kept my BH from going totally dark side --- like the new ones better, they fit the story better in my opinion


I agree. I actually feel a much deeper bond with Theron and Lana after going through the Revan missions and especially the KOTFR with them. Except for a couple of the healing companions (like Mako - who's personality I love) I really never felt close the original companions. I am looking forward to seeing how the original companions are reintroduced through the story but except for maybe Mako, I wouldn't be heartbroken if some of them never came back.

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I do not understand this. *smh* You do not lose your companions unless you choose to kill the ones you can. You will gain them back in time. Or you can go to the companion terminal & grab them. It's that simple.

But instead you're refusing to do it, and in so doing that, losing the tons of other companions you also gain & new content.


Falls to another underlying issue. If you're that attached to a pixel character you need to step away from the computer & seek some help.



Except for Tanno Vik. His VA died, and your interactions with him make it pretty clear he's not coming back.


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I pretend the terminal doesn't exist. As much as I miss all 40 of my original companions (took one of each class thru kotfe, all my main toons), I don't want to bug or lose hidden achievements there might be by getting my companions early. I miss playing with all my husband companions. It really weird using companions I've never used or hardly used for the last 4 years.


But I'm dying to know when they'll come back, what they've been up to, why they weren't out actively searching for me for these last five-game-years I've been a popsicle.


The terminal is great, but I have a sneaking suspicion that everyone who used the terminal to get companions back before they were slated to arrive properly in the story or via alerts, just lost out on hidden achievements. Nico had a hidden achievement for NOT using the holocommunicator, so....I prefer to wait.


I don't want to wait since I miss Quinn and Vector and Andronikos and such, but *sigh* I have to be a big girl and have patience.

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They have a terminal to get them back. Nobody lost companions.


People seem to keep making this point. But as most of you must be aware that right now it appears the terminal is bugged.


So that means folks are missing companions. Hence the idea that some may wish to wait.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Just to be clear. You can get all your old companions back by visiting the terminal on the alliance base. They just aren't part of the story yet.

And that's the problem: they are not part of the story.


Instead of having a story that is driven by the companions I know for several years, the companions I got attached to while playing through the original game, those companions dissapear, and are replaced by a bunch of companions that I don't care about - and thopse blant, uninteresting and/or annoying characters are the same on evey toon I will play, regardless of class or afflication.


I played KotFE on my insta-lvl-60 toon with a jedi-consular (one of three classes that I haven't played through the whole class story yet, and the only one where I haven't reached the point where I get cthe second companion), a new, fresh toon where I am not attached to any of the old companions... it still doesn't work for me. I get a sith as a companion. I didn't like the idea when my Jedi-Knight was forced to get along with Lord Scourge, and I still don't like the idea in KotFE - this is Star Wars, Jedi and Sith should battle each other, not fight alongside. So, there's the first companion I dislike, and it seems I can't get rid of this sith-thing.... second, we get this annoying pilot, so stereotype, so full of cliché, that it is, from my point of view, impossible to not want to kick him out of the airlock the second you meet him - not to mention his crew, that I would never ever allowed to enter the shp if the game would give us the choice (so far to "choices that matter", btw).... third, there is this knight of zakuul. Can't stand her. Can't tell what exactly it is, but I dislike her that much that I wish she'd be killed before she was even mentioned the first time in the game..


So, even with my insta lvl-60 toon I regret to have started the expansion. I don' know how the companions the consular gets are (apart from Qyzen), but they can't be worse than what KotFE has to offer as plot-relevant companions.


So, no, I will never ever start the expansion with any other toon than this one - and I even doubt I will continue playing it with that one toon, because apart from having to deal with annoying companions, for me the story itself sucks. While it isn't a bad story (if you consider it separated from Star Wars and put it in a neutral, generic Sci-Fi setting), it sucks enormously as a Star Wars story. As I mentioned before, Star Wars is about Sith fighting Jedi, Empire vs Republic, light side vs. dark side... this storyline kills everything that defines Star Wars, at least for me. This whole "Republic and Empire form an Alliance"-BS is an absolute no-go that ruins everything. I didn't play SoR for exactly that reason. No the BS that started there goes on...

Yes, it's good they found theyr way back to story-driven game. But no, not every story works in every setting. That's another thing the devs don't seem to understand. I can understand that going on with 8 class stories is to much work... but it shouldn't be a huge problem to at least make 2 faction-specific storylines, on for the reps, one for the imps. I think it is not to much to expect they make this little efford and bring back not just story, but stories that fit into the setting.

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People seem to keep making this point. But as most of you must be aware that right now it appears the terminal is bugged.


So that means folks are missing companions. Hence the idea that some may wish to wait.


Well not just that but it's kind of cheesing the story doing it that way. It's something I struggle with every time I log onto my main. I really want Nadia back but I don't want to go the cheap route. It makes me wish I'd done KotFE on any other character first because it really is quite the dilemma for some people, bugs or not.

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I played KOTFE with two characters and acquired some extra companions. I did not find any appeal to do that with any more characters. All in all, the appeal to get more than the original companions faded pretty fast. For now I find no reason to start KOTFE with remaining toons.


I would like to have a chance to start KOTFE and use the terminal immediately, instead of after x-amount of chapters.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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I guess I'm pretty dim about all the finer workings of FE, so be warned of an incoming dumb question or two.


I have read a lot of this thread, and have seen two comments that I need more detail on:


First, someone said that you eventually get all your original companions back, if you just stick with the story. I assume this is post-Chapter IX, since I have done Chapter IX and now am stuck at the "Chapter X: Coming Soon" point. If this is so, can someone point me to a dev thread or statement that actually confirms this ?


Secondly, I have read many references to a terminal where a player can immediately recover any or all of his original Companions. I have looked for this terminal in Odessen and have not found it. Can someone tell me exactly where it is ? I do not want to reclaim my Companions in this manner, but it drives me nutters that I can't find it.


Thanks in advance !!!!

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