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Level 50. My view of the current state of the game (wordy)


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What do you want at level 50 I don't understand? You don't raid, won't do endgame flashpoints, won't bother collecting datacrons, won't craft, won't do Ilum, won't do warzones, what do you want? Please, enlighten Bioware because I'm sure they're just as confused as I am WHAT SUGGESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR LEVEL 50?


And be specific


Most people collect datacrons as they go, crafting doesn't utilize set bonuses and therefore at end game is inferior to raiding gear, two operations currently available is a decent number if one wasn't incredibly small (note, they are soon patching the rest of it in! sometime), Ilum at the moment is "PvP" of the trading flags and then going home variety and trashing low levels in WZs does get old.


BW's answer to end game woes is to reroll, but how many want to go through the exact same side quests for 50 lvls again?

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What do you want at level 50 I don't understand? You don't raid, won't do endgame flashpoints, won't bother collecting datacrons, won't craft, won't do Ilum, won't do warzones, what do you want? Please, enlighten Bioware because I'm sure they're just as confused as I am WHAT SUGGESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR LEVEL 50?


And be specific


-A meta GCW system in which players fight for control of territories on each planet (not just Illum) for control of each planet, and the galaxy. Perhaps the pvp could be centered around fighting for control of some kind of outposts in each zone. SWG added something similar to this way late into its lifespan, when it was way too late, but it was AWESOME.


-A revamped space system. What we have now is unacceptable, it's a cheap gimmick, pure filler content. It needs to be completely scrapped and redone from scratch. I would love a space combat system more similar to the Rogue Squadron games. This, of course, would be an open space flight game, not the rail shooter we have now. SWG had the right idea, but it was too focused on dogfighting, and had a lack of large scale Star Wars space battle action. Also, space needs to be multiplayer, as this is an MMO. Currently, it is not. SWG hit the nail on the head with their approach to space multiplayer.


-Player cities. The best thing about Galaxies, bar none. But don't make SWG's mistake by mucking up the landscape with random structures all over the place. Bioware made a beautiful galaxy, let's not destroy it. Instead, guilds should be able to purchase a plot of land on whatever planet they want. The amount of player cities on each planet is capped. Cities start at rank 1, and as they get more players to live in them, they rank up. Ranking up grants the mayor access to more civic structures (things like mail terminals,, a starport markets, military buildings, etc). Add a new crafting crew skill to create structures and furniture to support this system. On PvP servers, Republic players can launch attacks on Imperial cities, and vise versa. Anyway, I'm getting into too much detail, here. Obviously this is a very complicated system and deserves its own thread.

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omg stop it with the stupid the game just came out argument, it's the core of the game that is problematic and that is really hard to patch



LOL. If you played WOW at its start, then played it today, or even 3 years ago, you would be astounded at how much has changed. I played wow from start for 2 years, quit for 1, came back and took me a day to figure out all the changes. Yes, changing the core of a game is difficult. So is using visual basic to make a sprite jump. Luckily, the devs are professionals, and while the game is far from perfect, I think everyone knows that the core of the game, its UI, its content, its number of planets, and its responsiveness will all be improved greatly from what they are now. If you agreed to pay $60 for a MMo, and $15 a month thereafter, and you DONT hold the assumption that the game will be constantly improving, than you are a fool.

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WoW feels like a single player game too if you don't do instances meant for groups, no difference there.

Same can be said for a lot of other mmorpg's out there.

At least SWTOR has more enjoyable RPG content, even if you chose to solo trough it, something which I appreciate as ex DII and GW player.

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-Player cities. The best thing about Galaxies, bar none. But don't make SWG's mistake by mucking up the landscape with random structures all over the place. Bioware made a beautiful galaxy, let's not destroy it. Instead, guilds should be able to purchase a plot of land on whatever planet they want. The amount of player cities on each planet is capped. Cities start at rank 1, and as they get more players to live in them, they rank up. Ranking up grants the mayor access to more civic structures (things like mail terminals,, a starport markets, military buildings, etc). Add a new crafting crew skill to create structures and furniture to support this system. On PvP servers, Republic players can launch attacks on Imperial cities, and vise versa. Anyway, I'm getting into too much detail, here. Obviously this is a very complicated system and deserves its own thread.


Actually it would probably fit in better if you replaced "cities" with "ships." In other words, guild having their own capital ships and cruisers as a hub and ranking up is a means of bigger and better ships, armaments, decorations, etc.

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-A meta GCW system in which players fight for control of territories on each planet (not just Illum) for control of each planet, and the galaxy. Perhaps the pvp could be centered around fighting for control of some kind of outposts in each zone. SWG added something similar to this way late into its lifespan, when it was way too late, but it was AWESOME.


-A revamped space system. What we have now is unacceptable, it's a cheap gimmick, pure filler content. It needs to be completely scrapped and redone from scratch. I would love a space combat system more similar to the Rogue Squadron games. This, of course, would be an open space flight game, not the rail shooter we have now. SWG had the right idea, but it was too focused on dogfighting, and had a lack of large scale Star Wars space battle action. Also, space needs to be multiplayer, as this is an MMO. Currently, it is not. SWG hit the nail on the head with their approach to space multiplayer.


-Player cities. The best thing about Galaxies, bar none. But don't make SWG's mistake by mucking up the landscape with random structures all over the place. Bioware made a beautiful galaxy, let's not destroy it. Instead, guilds should be able to purchase a plot of land on whatever planet they want. The amount of player cities on each planet is capped. Cities start at rank 1, and as they get more players to live in them, they rank up. Ranking up grants the mayor access to more civic structures (things like mail terminals,, a starport markets, military buildings, etc). Add a new crafting crew skill to create structures and furniture to support this system. On PvP servers, Republic players can launch attacks on Imperial cities, and vise versa. Anyway, I'm getting into too much detail, here. Obviously this is a very complicated system and deserves its own thread.


To amend your second idea, I saw that the game may have or may implement guild starships, which can give the same perks as they get bigger and can just be in orbit of the last planet they went to, without cluttering anything

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i can overlook all the bugs and social issues but the combat system feels cheap and unpolished. This is a deal breaker for me.


What's wrong with the combat system?


Missing crappy auto attack and macros, steady rotations and all the other ***** that you can find in WoW?


I dislike WoW for giving me the ability to put everythign into 1 button and even be able to auto spam it by either just holding the button down or using on/off trigger.

On top there is the option to add "modifier", so to change rotation I just shortly hit another key.

Rift made the same crap combat system.

Both of these are so easy to make bot scripts for too. (No, I don't make bot scripts neither use them, just stating the fact)


So I'm quite happy with SWTOR's combat system.

Edited by Mineria
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What's wrong with the combat system?


Missing crappy auto attack and macros, steady rotations and all the other ***** that you can find in WoW?


I dislike WoW for giving me the ability to put everythign into 1 button and even be able to auto spam it by either just holding the button down or using on/off trigger.

On top there is the option to add "modifier", so to change rotation I just shortly hit another key.

Rift made the same crap combat system.

Both of these are so easy to make bot scripts for too. (No, I don't make bot scripts neither use them, just stating the fact)


So I'm quite happy with SWTOR's combat system.


I am so happy that this game doesn't have macros. I hope Bioware never gives in. It's legalized cheating, is what macros are.

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Most people collect datacrons as they go, crafting doesn't utilize set bonuses and therefore at end game is inferior to raiding gear, two operations currently available is a decent number if one wasn't incredibly small (note, they are soon patching the rest of it in! sometime), Ilum at the moment is "PvP" of the trading flags and then going home variety and trashing low levels in WZs does get old.


BW's answer to end game woes is to reroll, but how many want to go through the exact same side quests for 50 lvls again?


Didn't give suggestions just gave excuses, other guy wrote a long post explaining he wants SWG2 at end-game, you just *****ed

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is it just me that feels like this game has no replay value since there's only 1 planet per lvl bracket? First character is fun but why would I make a second one? I don't feel like doing all the same boring side-quest only to see a new story thats probably doesnt even represent 10% of my quests. WoW usually had atleast 2 zones per lvl brackets.


yea but not always and besides 2 places is no different then 1.


this game has more reply value then wow


wow implemented fast leveling due to max level is what 85


wows quests are just as boren


no one told all you to race to 50 and boredom is what u get

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What's wrong with the combat system?


Missing crappy auto attack and macros, steady rotations and all the other ***** that you can find in WoW?


I dislike WoW for giving me the ability to put everythign into 1 button and even be able to auto spam it by either just holding the button down or using on/off trigger.

On top there is the option to add "modifier", so to change rotation I just shortly hit another key.

Rift made the same crap combat system.

Both of these are so easy to make bot scripts for too. (No, I don't make bot scripts neither use them, just stating the fact)


So I'm quite happy with SWTOR's combat system.


More like ability lag, the fact that having animations attached to everything easily makes you waste GCDs (i.e melee channeled abilities especially, if my target moves out of range during ravage while I'm stuck going through my little twirl...no damage), animations can also interrupt your own abilities because your dodged for some reason (unexpected realism mayhaps?), erratically updating hp bars and other such pleasantries.


As someone who has played WoW for the grand total of two days back when BC came out, the constant comparisons are kind of annoying =/

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is it just me that feels like this game has no replay value since there's only 1 planet per lvl bracket? First character is fun but why would I make a second one? I don't feel like doing all the same boring side-quest only to see a new story thats probably doesnt even represent 10% of my quests. WoW usually had atleast 2 zones per lvl brackets.




This is a huge problem for me. They are emphasizing the story so much in this game and it's supposed to encourage rolling alts to see the various stories. Yet questing is so incredibly linear. There aren't enough zones for questing. So while I might be somewhat interested in seeing that Bounty Hunter story I don't know that I'm interested enough to go through all the same linear boring leveling again. Outside story quests, the questing isn't very interesting. At least give us more variety with more zones.

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my biggest problem is with PvP in this game. Coming from Warhammer, arguably the best PvP MMO, I feel lack of meaningfull open world PvP. Sure we have Ilum but whole PvP is based on daily/weekly quests which is not bringing much realm/side pride nor encourages grouping to reach any goal. In fact, it is better to "group" with opposing side to finish dailies lol.

Warzones are fun but since last 20+ matches I was put ONLY in Huttball it started to annoy me more than gave fun. Besides not everyone enjoys PvP minigames.

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This is a huge problem for me. They are emphasizing the story so much in this game and it's supposed to encourage rolling alts to see the various stories. Yet questing is so incredibly linear. There aren't enough zones for questing. So while I might be somewhat interested in seeing that Bounty Hunter story I don't know that I'm interested enough to go through all the same linear boring leveling again. Outside story quests, the questing isn't very interesting. At least give us more variety with more zones.


While on the surface I agree with you, this argument is NOT very valid for one reason....the game JUST came out.


In 2 years time, if this is still the case its a problem. Yes its boring right now to roll an alt, but that means pick a main....and focus on it for a while. Do some alts when bored in down time and dont try to focus totally on them, leave a class for expansion time!


No game can ship with mulitple valid quest zones all the way to level cap with as much time and care that went into this games quests. Give it some time is all.

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Dark Age of Camelot is by far the BEST PvP MMO. It knocks spots off of every other MMO I have tried for PvP. I still play it after 10 years because no other game has come close to it in PvP and I really hope that SWTOR offers some great PvP or I won't be playing for any duration. As was said above, once you've leveled up that's it you've done the majority of the content it seems.


Warzones aren't PvP content IMO. They are more kind of FPS objective based games which I could play in Battlefield or COD. Conquest/Rush/CTF etc.


The thing with DAOC PvP, was the 3 large frontiers, 3 realms each with different abilities (over 50 characters available in total) all aiming to take objectives which benefit the realm. From towers which gave access to a dungeon, to Keeps which gave Realm point/Coin etc bonuses, to Relics which gave DPS/Heal type of benefits. The 8v8 combat in DAOC was also great fun.


I would love to know what Biowares plans are for future PvP in this game.

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Dark Age of Camelot is by far the BEST PvP MMO. It knocks spots off of every other MMO I have tried for PvP. I still play it after 10 years because no other game has come close to it in PvP and I really hope that SWTOR offers some great PvP or I won't be playing for any duration. As was said above, once you've leveled up that's it you've done the majority of the content it seems.


Warzones aren't PvP content IMO. They are more kind of FPS objective based games which I could play in Battlefield or COD. Conquest/Rush/CTF etc.


The thing with DAOC PvP, was the 3 large frontiers, 3 realms each with different abilities (over 50 characters available in total) all aiming to take objectives which benefit the realm. From towers which gave access to a dungeon, to Keeps which gave Realm point/Coin etc bonuses, to Relics which gave DPS/Heal type of benefits. The 8v8 combat in DAOC was also great fun.


I would love to know what Biowares plans are for future PvP in this game.


I actually agree with this - DAoC was the MMO that made me love MMOs, and PvP. The PvP mechanic was just plain fun. I have fond memories of long defensive stands at those frontier walls and the massive relic raids ... good times. I haven't found another MMO in which PvP was anywhere near as engaging and fun

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Well written post but i do not agree with nr 3


I don't see or take people serious that are complaining that the Respecc cost is to high and the game defiently needs a dual specc feature. That whole part just makes you come out very spoiled sure it suck you cant use glider in youre hangar but really that bundled up with Dual specc was not a good choice. :D



But aswell you do seem to realise that this game can't be as polished as you would like but really you do now that the first few days alot of WoW servers where downright unplayable and very unstable. For example burning blade server Eu that got renamed broken blade quite fast.


Ao didnt quite launch at all at release :D


But if you dislike bugs that much i would actually would suggest that it would be better that you took 4 months off and deceide to come back if you deceide it is worth it.


I did the same with AOC but sadly enough i found the problems they still had a few months in as unappealing

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Some of the reasons that the Empire is overpop. while republic is underpop.


SI and SW has really cool looking armor, while Consulars and Knights have pretty much 1 colored robes and silly helmets (mainly consulars).


Personally, every companion I have so far hates my dark side choices (jedi consular) and i've read about my last companion too, who obviously "hates dark side blabla". The only reason i actually chose republic is because some of my friends rolled republic..


I'd go Empire over Republic mainly because of the armor and dark/light side choices any day..

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