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BIG announcement for subs on Dec 1


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Fairly obvious I think, three parts:

1) Official announcement of release date for Chapter X

2) Announcing subscribers will have access one day early

3) If you sub by whatever date they choose, you'll receive a free "Dead Horse" pet that gives you the ability "Beat Dead Horse". Every time you use it, it randomly changes your companions efficiency.


only subscribers get access at all at this time....so one day earlier than who?

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In a perfect world, it would be:


-New story campaign were you play as Revan in the events after kotor 2 (retconning the dumb parts from the book)

-Non-pvp Galactic Starfighter campaign.

-Game being ported to the Frostbite engine.


Maaaybe Episodes 1 to 7 related items on the cartel market.

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Whatever it is, they've already overhyped it to the point of being ludicrous.


'Breaks all precedents!' Really? Really? Because the existing precedents are pretty amazing.


So, because I have little faith in the current situation and fully expect to be disappointed on Tuesday, let me explain how this work:


You don't over-hype stuff. You hype it and then OVER-deliver. You don't over-hype and then under-deliver.


When you over-hype and under-deliver, you disappoint people and you sound desperate. When you under-hype and over-deliver, you blow peoples' socks off and 'they' tell people for you just how amazing the hyped thing in question is.


And there's literally no way that I can believe that this game's new subscription rewards thing will 'break all precedents' as stated.

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That's it! Subs get the "sloberknocker" legacy move that starts Stone Cold Steve Austin's walking animation & music playing whenever you enter a Cantina! :D


Can I get the "People's Elbow" as a finisher?


Actually. My Marauder is body type 3, he could totally get away with a tombstone piledriver

Edited by BlazeTomahawk
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It wont be gear...it wont be time cards...it wont be tokens...The only things they can possibly give after all the hype around the announcment is/are-


1. Free movie ticket to see the new movie including extra large popcorn and soda.

2. Chapter 10 with all our old companions back, plus party Jawa.

3. Nihm set bonus gear available from vendors for coms (so inept players like me can have some shiny)

Edited by twpotter
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My dad works at Nintendo and I get ALL the cool games from him like 2 years before you even hear of them. He told me Dec. announcement will be:


- Slighty tweaked GSF engine.


New Class: Pilot(Smuggler)

New Class: Pilot(Imperial Navy)

New Class: Pilot(Republic Navy)

Voice acted by Harrison Ford, the lady who did Starbuck in BSG and some detached British dude.


Open space where it is up to players to fight, trade, mine, kill, die and survive.


Huge non-linear PvE space/GSF campaign that morphs seamlessly into current GSF and open world PvP aspects.



....One can dream, right? ;p


Naah, actually it is gonna be:

* Woohoo, no less than 35 minutes more of talking heads crammed in narrow L shaped tunnels ! Fight battles you can't lose! Make difficult decisions that don't include wrong ones! Mountain climb on flat terrain!

* You guys gonna get special subscribers early access 2000! January 15th! wooo

* If you keep giving us your money, you can get a vomit colored power crystal too or whatever. HF with it or whatever

* Some mount too, these are virtually free to make, it don't matter, just take it lol

Edited by Stradlin
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On the boring side, announcing the release of the next chapter...


On the otherside, I'm guessing either subscriber or vet rewards...


This. Back when they introduced the rewards for maintaining a subscription leading up to launch I said that they would likely add more with each chapter. I mean lets be serious, most people subscribed up to now, especially those who took advantage of early access, have played through all the new content multiple times. The only thing left to do is grind Alliance and Companion affection. I am seeing fatique kicking in already with players who are strongly considering dropping their subs and then maybe coming back to "binge watch" the chapters at some point because the assumption for many is each chapter will basically be 1/9th the amount of content of the launch story.


So I would suspect they will announce the chapter drop date and a list of subscriber rewards for people who keep their subscriptions current between chapters.

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I happen to like not having comps on my ship. If you are an Inquistor there are comps in everyroom, sometimes doubled up, and there is even one (Xalek) who has to sleep in the hallway.


Then there is Andronikus who is slouching on the wall.


Ideally we should be able to choose which comps can be on board. Better give our ships "hooks".

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Whatever it is, they've already overhyped it to the point of being ludicrous.


'Breaks all precedents!' Really? Really? Because the existing precedents are pretty amazing.


So, because I have little faith in the current situation and fully expect to be disappointed on Tuesday, let me explain how this work:


You don't over-hype stuff. You hype it and then OVER-deliver. You don't over-hype and then under-deliver.


When you over-hype and under-deliver, you disappoint people and you sound desperate. When you under-hype and over-deliver, you blow peoples' socks off and 'they' tell people for you just how amazing the hyped thing in question is.


And there's literally no way that I can believe that this game's new subscription rewards thing will 'break all precedents' as stated.


I agree with the above because even if we say "precedents with SWTOR" this expac so far has been an example of exactly what you have said... Over hyped and under delivered. I don't see any of the niches in the game with a a majority of people happy.


The people who like FPs and OPs are pretty underwhelmed with the fact that they are doing the same stuff and due to the bolster mechanic have people who are experience limited showing up via GF.


Many of the solo/story fans are underwhelmed because

1. the story is not delivering on the hype...don't say "well it isn't over yet" please, when you have already seen more than half the story and aren't hooked yet there is a problem. How many books or movies have you sat through from beginning to end when you weren't hooked by the halfway point?

2. The solo content is also retread content thanks to the level sync.

3. To do what little new solo content exists requires a grind of Alliance faction and Companion Affection.


Many of the companion fans are underwhelmed because...

1. Many of their favorite companions are nowhere to be seen, even in the story

2. The reset of companions and change of gear to affection has their companions feeling "weaker" so all of that previous hard work appears to be for nought.


All in all right now I see few people who are sitting here applauding the expac. Many of us are powering through hoping things get better of course but if they over hype and under deliver yet again...OI.

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1. the story is not delivering on the hype...don't say "well it isn't over yet" please, when you have already seen more than half the story and aren't hooked yet there is a problem. How many books or movies have you sat through from beginning to end when you weren't hooked by the halfway point?


Many. Not out of any sense that "it might get better", because I don't believe that, but largely out of the thought that I've begun it, I may as well finish it. There's only ever been two things that have been so offensively bad that I've stopped watching or reading; a seemingly straight science-y movie about deadly storms suddenly becoming a movie about one of the Baldwins with lightning powers and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I eventually finished the latter, but my first copy, bought to be reading material on a road trip when I was a kid from Ontario to Florida, went out the car window somewhere around Detroit.

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It wont be gear...it wont be time cards...it wont be tokens...The only things they can possibly give after all the hype around the announcment is/are-


1. Free movie ticket to see the new movie including extra large popcorn and soda.

2. Chapter 10 with all our old companions back, plus party Jawa.

3. Nihm set bonus gear available from vendors for coms (so inept players like me can have some shiny)


They've struck a deal with an interdimensional witch and all subscribers will be kidnapped, transformed and sent to the starwars universe at the start of the clone wars.

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