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BIG announcement for subs on Dec 1


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what would be neat is a lightsaber thats like the one from the new movie coming out.


Great, now you spoiled the secret, it is indeed this lightsaber. You see, in the movie the lightsaber is an old relic once owned by a powerful sith named Obi Ren Kenobi, who had been a jedi turned to the dark side. He had his own knight order that followed him to the dark side. So along comes Kylo and remakes the order after finding the saber. Welp, guess no one needs to go see the movie, soz.

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Don't know if it was stated yet but here is my thoughts:


1. Announcement of the new lead writers.

2. Chapter X has been pushed up from mid-late January to like December 10th to correspond with the Anniversary.

3. Some sub perk to get people to be consistent on the subbing. I suspect this is to counter the "Yo-Yo" effect of people subbing to get content the stop for a few months to sub again and get the other content, etc. (I call it "Leapfrogging").

4. Some tie in to the new movie - maybe this game will get ret-conned back into the 'official' canon.

5. A level cap raise of 5 levels. Someone in my guild swears he saw this on the internet somewhere.

6. A "We're sorry" to all the crafters for getting the prison shower scene done to them without their feedback (Yes I still a bit sore on this topic - no pun intended).

7. Some announcement about the Life Day Event.

8. Potential for SWTOR to pull a "Cataclysm" move like WoW to spark changes (along with a game engine change at the same time).

9. About 10 new packs in the works for the CC.

10. Announcement of a new Star Wars MMO for 2016 by Bioware / EA and the eventual migration of SWTOR to that game.

11. A revamp of the PVP Tiers to make groups based on Valor rankings and system checks to not formulate lopsided teams.

12. A redo of Rail Ship system - maybe allow free travel between worlds if you use the rail ship as opposed to the pay travel system.

13. GSF to expand to include player ships and the potential for Guild Capital Ship combat.

14. World expansion - More items added to existing worlds to expand the story.

15. New playable races, possibly the Wookie (assuming they got Lucas to relent on his "No evil Wookie" rule). Still doesn't let me use the Droid for my IG-88 wannabe Bounty hunter though....

16. Addition of the Z axis to the game.

17. Incorporation of aspect of Battlefront into the game - vehicle control like speeders with turrets, tanks, aircraft, etc.

18. Zakuul faction is now a playable faction.

19. Ability to jump factions.

20. 1 or more new classes to be Zakuul or neutral in faction (Trader, Engineer, Diplomat, etc.) that will require advanced skills to appease a demand for non-combat character advancement.


Probably some of those are wishful thinking, but that would definitely get my attention.



Edited by Blakinik
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"We're breaking all precedents with our new Subscriber Rewards. Watch the announcement live: http://bit.ly/1NyTZFX "


Nailed It as flo would say http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/57474606.jpgi replied to the first announcement it will be sub rewards plus some of the chapter story info on when were and how stuff will work.

Edited by Neoforcer
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"We're breaking all precedents with our new Subscriber Rewards. Watch the announcement live: http://bit.ly/1NyTZFX "


They have got to get new Marketing people.


This sought of hype will only back fire.


If they give any good reward, i.e. a Jetpack/special mount, Arcann's armour, uber loot, Probe droid attack pet. They anger everyone that has spent a lot of money to get them. They also devalue the cartel market one of their main sources of revenue.


If they give fluffy, it i s not breaking any precedents, you give me a **** pet I will never use nearly every MMO out there does that, not to mention it wont be used or have any point. The same goes for ugly reskined mounts/gear/companions.


The thing people want is new content, new story, choices that matter in the story, new and returned companions that can speak basic and talk to people, and class balance. Ultimately the thing that they need to offer subscribers is a reason to log in.


Lets face it there has been no new end game content for a long time. What new content has been introduced is to be easy mostly because of companions but also by design. Two button mashing allows you to complete it. So grinding out one week at a time 224 gear which has such a minor improvement on the 216 and 220 gear as to make less difference than the massive class imbalace is not a good reason to keep logging in. Likewise the alliance recruitment, grind, mass number of boring companions influence grind is pointless, no choices made any difference in the story. So do we really think that maxing influence or even recruting people into the alliance will make any difference. We will still be forced to use the same people. For most the alliance grind of doing heroics the alliance doesn't even exist.


So do we really believe that I have the one and only title is going to play into chapter 10 when none of the previous choices or achievement have played into them. But the marketing people believe some subscriber reward thats unprecedented or otherwise known a recoloured pet is what is going to keep people subscribing.

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4. Some tie in to the new movie - maybe this game will get ret-conned back into the 'official' canon. This seems like the strongest to me, since it would explain why writers are the ones playing it up, Karpyshyn in particular.

10. Announcement of a new Star Wars MMO for 2016 by Bioware / EA and the eventual migration of SWTOR to that game. Second most likely, since I could see KotFE leading toward the "end" of TOR, and Disney possibly wanting a new MMO that more appropriately ties into the new canon, possiblyl set in the OT or around the time of the new movies (or between the OT and the sequel trilogy)

18. Zakuul faction is now a playable faction. Fifth, and most definitely the least likely, given how much would have to go into such a thing, from factional balance to story concerns, but I wouldn't call it impossible.

19. Ability to jump factions. Third most likely, since the devs did mention a while back that they were looking into this possibly being a thing, and with the whole Alliance thing, it could be realistic; or something kinda similar, which I mention in my post..

20. 1 or more new classes to be Zakuul or neutral in faction (Trader, Engineer, Diplomat, etc.) that will require advanced skills to appease a demand for non-combat character advancement. Fourth, and more on the "unlikely" side since adding a new class is a very messy thing for MMOs, especially with how TOR's mirrors work.

These all seem possibilities for me, although there's a sliding scale of possibility. Commentary in blue.


Another theory that I think is a possibility is the breaking-down of factional barriers. Not a strong one, but with the Alliance thing going on, I could see it.

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Big announcement?


Ooh, ooh, I've got it!



Servers will be down next Tuesday for maintenance.



They found the color function for text (or at least yellow) long ago, but now they've discovered font size too.


I can hardly wait. ;)


Incidentally if they don't use at least font size 5 for whatever the actual BIG announcement is I will be slightly disappointed.

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