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So, what do you play in 4.0?


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I saw another thread and got curious. Since the question was a bit different, I am starting this one. :)


I think I am going to keep on with my 2 healer mirrors, Sage/Sorc & Op/Scoundrel, and will keep trying the two radically contrasting DPS pairs, the PT/VG and Merc/Mando.


Your plans?

Edited by DomiSotto
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I saw another thread and got curious. Since the question was a bit different, I am starting this one. :)


I think I am going to keep on with my 2 healer mirrors, Sage/Sorc & Op/Scoundrel, and will keep trying the two radically contrasting DPS pairs, the PT/VG and Merc/Mando.


Your plans?


Waiting the sub runs out and go playing full time tw3 + expansion

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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Have been playing Op (Con), Sorc (Mad + Light), Mara (Fury) and currently my Sin (Hatred). I might stick to the sin for the time being. Perhaps take my Commando out for a spell.


I will not be playing PT, Sniper. Probably not Jugg (Tank) either.


I might just go play Legacy of the Void...

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I saw another thread and got curious. Since the question was a bit different, I am starting this one. :)


I think I am going to keep on with my 2 healer mirrors, Sage/Sorc & Op/Scoundrel, and will keep trying the two radically contrasting DPS pairs, the PT/VG and Merc/Mando.


Your plans?


I'll stick to my Lightning Sorc, myself. With the occasional Alt because of either boredom or the resolution to get M1-4X/Pierce on said Alt. :p

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I love playing consulars/inquisitors, and most of their disciplines are performing really well right now, so I've been playing Infiltration/Serenity Shadow and Balance/Seer Sage predominately. I'll likely start doing more games on my gunslinger and vanguard tank as well soon, just for a change of pace.
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Been plan to primarily play my sentinel (alternate combat and watchman, leaning to combat), and my shadow (infiltration). Will play my healing scoundrel and vanguard tank when those are needed for guild groups. And may end up making the vanguard my main if my guild decides to do group ranked this season. Edited by Vodrin
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PT Tank


PT Heals



Fury Mara / Conc Sent. Although I think I am getting the hang of Annihilation / Watchman for pvp now, can be fun. Not great burst, but really good overall dps. Carnage / Combat: I've tried and tried to like it - burst can be awesome - but when predominantly solo queueing...nope. Fury and even Anni is way better for solo IMO.



1. Mara / Sent

2. Sorc / Sage (a little of all three specs)

3. PT tank

4. PT dps

5. A little Assassin tank when I feel like it


I play a little Merc every now and then. I actually really like Arsenal's playstyle. Just every time I play it though, I am reminded about how horrible that class is. When free-casting, awesome damage; for the other 90% of the time...nope.

Edited by teclado
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1. Fury/Carnage Mara. Definitely my favourite class of all the AC's in the game.

2. Sorc heals. I don't really like relying on others for heals... Which is why I rolled heals. I can only blame myself for dying.

3. Operative heals. Feels a ton more challenging than Sorc heals, and I definitely have a long way to go if I want to master the class, but that makes it fun.

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1. Madness/Corruption Sorc

2. Advanced Prototype PT


I play both only for PVP. Now before you go and slap me with the title "FOTM roller", the two characters above have been my main since launch. It just happens they're just OP as FK right now.


I have a Concealment OP for story and PVE elements. Love how this class/spec plays.

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I saw another thread and got curious. Since the question was a bit different, I am starting this one. :)


I think I am going to keep on with my 2 healer mirrors, Sage/Sorc & Op/Scoundrel, and will keep trying the two radically contrasting DPS pairs, the PT/VG and Merc/Mando.


Your plans?


I been working on lowbies, got my slinger from 25 to 62 now, and just hit 65 with my dps commando... started out as dot spec, then changed to gunnery.


My sage healer is sitting on the shelf at 65, so boring I am sad...


My commando healer is 65, sitting shelved too... disappointed and hoping the class gets something to improve them.


My 65 scoundrel healer is sitting, I just don't really enjoy the whole babysitting of HoTs en masse...


So, basically I find dps more challenging and mostly play the gunnery commando now. I will probably pick my slinger back up, get it to 65 and then, maybe try a lightning sorc just because I haven't tried that yet in higher lvls or since 3.0 dropped.

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Commando healer all geared up and went out to play - 2 Thumping losses + 2 quick / easy wins last night - business as usual.

Immortal Jugg - Not yet geared up form DR, but doing well.

Sorc Heals having a blast in mids. Rattled off the weekly in double quick time in one evening.

2 Snipers and 2 Scoundrel healers are waiting in the wings - (mids) but time online limited ATM.

Might give My Shield VG another spin - only Valor 10 or so, same with Sage heals. - Might give them an outing if lady luck grants me a few more hours to play in the near future.


Overall nothing much changed, but you can tell when people are joining WZ and not contributing. It's makes very lopsided games. - Seeing lots of people not geared up at 65. There were only TWO of us at 2018 in a Voidstar last night. - We lost, not bad but lost. - :rolleyes:

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Hmm, well I usually play tanks. Up until recently I mained (haha, spell check wants to change that to "maimed", which is maybe more accurate in my case :)) a shadow tank, but just before 4.0 hit I FINALLY discovered that a jugger/guardian tank seems to fit my play style (yes, it only took me how many years? :o ). However, it's very confusing to play a tank and also read the forums. In one thread I'm way overpowered, and the scourge of all balance in PvP. In another I've had all my mitigation stats nerfed into the ground, and I'm basically worthless to the team. I really wish you people would make up your minds. :D
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Marauder. Played it in 3.0 too.

Mainly annihilation, but i respec every 2 hours or so, depending on mood.


I have been waiting for an ability like Mad Dash since release. Freaking awesome. I just wish it did more damage,because it feels wrong the way it is now , based on the vibes its animation give. Annihilation buffed Dual Saber Throw damage would be perfect.

Edited by Kaedusz
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