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Heroic +2 Star Fortress Results.


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Not using the buffs it still seemed reasonably challenging. But doable for my well geared sage with a level 21 Qyzen healing me for that last bit. The room before the final boss fight was tougher than the actual exarch fight, because Qyzen could keep me healed up as long as I didn't screw up.
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That's actually really good gear and companion influence, and if you couldn't manage the Star Fortress heroic pre-buff that was a good sign I think that the nerf was overdone.



Maybe, but I seriously panicked during the Exarch fight and my rotation and awareness devolves into button mashing when that happens. I dont expect to succeed at anything if I cant keep my cool. I might not understand the mechanics, I might have panicked because my healer was melting. I was spending way too much effort toggling companion passive to move it out of the fire to focus on my job of killing the Exarch.



I'm told Koth is buggy as a healer, although he was much better than HK-51 who I had tried using out of missing HK-55... That and I'm romancing him on my juggernaut so from a quasi-RP perspective I like seeing them together. Post-buff I expect I'll give it a try again using Koth and see how it goes.



I am almost certain that there are 2 companions in this game now, Range and Melee. Everything beyond that is a skin. If anyone can prove how any companion behaves differently then another, outside of the melee/ranged grouping, I would be interested to know.

Edited by PulseRazor
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I just completed another h2+ heroic star fortress solo run. It was much fun and i loved it to be able again to do so.


I do not raid, have an average of ilvl 210 and my companion is influence rank 17. Damage dealer plus healer.


inb4 "you dont deserve.. bla bla elitist hurr durr bla blubb blubbb"

Edited by geschmonz
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I am almost certain that there are 2 companions in this game now, Range and Melee. Everything beyond that is a skin. If anyone can prove how any companion behaves differently then another, outside of the melee/ranged grouping, I would be interested to know.


I am told that tech healer abilities are improved by force power and not tech power, that's the bug anyway. I've no idea if they're right or not. What I do know is that Koth at level 15ish influence was healing better than HK-51 at level 30 influence for what it is worth. The former could (along with alliance buffs) keep me alive easily in the heroic SFs while the latter just failed.


So based on that I don't think that the companions are all just skins on the same "core companion" - there are some differences.

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I just completed another h2+ heroic star fortress solo run. It was much fun and i loved it to be able again to do so.


I do not raid, have an average of ilvl 210 and my companion is influence rank 17. Damage dealer plus healer.


inb4 "you dont deserve.. bla bla elitist hurr durr bla blubb blubbb"


Well done.

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Guess what? Tried it. Still can't solo it for the achievement.


Despite some good 216-220 gear, a companion lvl 36 and pulling all the stops (heroic moment, stims,...). I didn't even manage to get past the last console on the way to the exarch. I'm a melee DPS and my healer dies way too fast and I can't heal myself, or even manage to get the heat off him enough/kill the mobs quickly enough, so i would say, that the new buff didn't change a thing for me for the heroic +2 SF.

Edited by lanawinst
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Guess what? Tried it. Still can't solo it for the achievement.


Despite some good 216-220 gear, a companion lvl 36 and pulling all the stops (heroic moment, stims,...). I didn't even manage to get past the last console on the way to the exarch. I'm a melee DPS and my healer dies way too fast and I can't heal myself, or even manage to get the heat off him enough/kill the mobs quickly enough, so i would say, that the new buff didn't change a thing for me for the heroic +2 SF.


It might actually be easier to use DPS companion for that fight. It's a tough encounter, but killing stuff fast to reduce the amount of damage seemed to work better than trying to heal through it. Though I was a sage so I had some self heal going on.

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Made it thru on my shadow, also took no chances and used alliance buffs. Companion: Rank 17 Nadia (rank 7 Niko for platform boss, so they don't get knocked off).


Definitely soloable, but not a cakewalk (for me atleast).




*just glad I could finally complete the mission(s)

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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It might actually be easier to use DPS companion for that fight. It's a tough encounter, but killing stuff fast to reduce the amount of damage seemed to work better than trying to heal through it. Though I was a sage so I had some self heal going on.


This is good to know, in the event that I get my main madness sorc through to the SFs, I'll give that a try, as I've often found myself having to self-heal, even with a tanking companion. Madness/Balance generates a LOT of threat...


I remember the Jedi boss in KDY, it didn't take me long to steal aggro from the other dps; and the threat drop really doesn't help, it never has with that spec.


Made it thru on my shadow, also took no chances and used alliance buffs. Companion: Rank 17 Nadia (rank 7 Niko for platform boss, so they don't get knocked off).


Definitely soloable, but not a cakewalk (for me atleast).




*just glad I could finally complete the mission(s)


Frankly that is all I'm after, I've no expectation of getting the achievement, ever; I just want the companions, and to blow up the SFs for side story. SO yes, I will be using the Influence 10 buffs, whenever and wherever possible.

Edited by sentientomega
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Guess what? Tried it. Still can't solo it for the achievement.


Despite some good 216-220 gear, a companion lvl 36 and pulling all the stops (heroic moment, stims,...). I didn't even manage to get past the last console on the way to the exarch. I'm a melee DPS and my healer dies way too fast and I can't heal myself, or even manage to get the heat off him enough/kill the mobs quickly enough, so i would say, that the new buff didn't change a thing for me for the heroic +2 SF.


I just did the achievement today. My gear is like 216 with 2 pieces of 220.. relics are 186 and lightsaber 208. My compagnion is 25 influence.


Mind you im a sorcerer and got access to insta cast Whirlwind.


I also didint play at all during the nerft

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Just did one and that's it for me. Content that can be completed simply by figuring out how to press any other key than 1 gets boring really fast. I knew this would happen but I am mildly dissapointed nevertheless. It was nice to have some PvE content to mix it up every now and then for as long as it lasted though.
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I soloed Star Fortress Tatooine on my Guardian today with T7, influence 15, healing. It's a challenge, but it's not impossible. I did use Heroic Moment on the Exarch fight but I could've done it just as easily without. I enjoyed having to give everything I had to win, but not having it be impossible. So it's definitely possible, but not for the faint of heart, for sure.
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Didn't they say they'd re-tune SF H2+s, make them harder?


If so, I bet that means they will add a bunch of extra HP and possibly increase the damage done rather than adding any challenging mechanics.


This stuff was boring content to start with, consisting of a lot of over inflated HP trash to slog through, a few hard hitting mobs, and less than a handful of spots where one might need to focus.


Anyways, while I enjoyed the zones and was happy to see new content added, having done them all once in Heroic mode, I have no desire to do them again as they were more slogs than anything which could remotely be considered a challenge.


Then again my favorite encounters in this game and others have been the intricate and involved fights that require a lot of coordination and ability to adapt on the fly, not fights consisting of mostly high HP / high damage mobs with possible tight enrage timers thrown in that only provide the illusion of difficulty / challenge.

Edited by DawnAskham
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There are still people on fleet who think it is worth their time to spend a half hour putting together a 4 man team to do Tatooine planetary heroics.


The biggest reason is credits....


My wife and I run them duo, not because we have to, but because we get paid twice on all the optional quests we finish in group.... 4 people in a group, well you'd be getting paid 4 times...

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New patch, same story

Would probably be a little different on another character, but for the smuggler, it's a long time to get to the enarch, the enarch trashes the companion, then trashes the character, no fun. Switching partner changes little, no trick seems to work and even if the enarch gets to 5% health, the character gets trashed in a single stroke being interrupted half of the time and being tossed around.

The enarchs seem as strong as Revan, but for Revan, you have 9 partners, here one not very efficient, at least at influence 19 and 23

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Sniper - pvp gear 208 / augmented, marksman


pierce as healer - influence 25


Heroic Alderaan.


Bonus Completed / bosses killed


Was actually texting while going through it, completed in 35 mins, no deaths, not even the companion died lol.


I feel that the companion made it a solo instance. But I've been saying companions were OP in 4.0.2 too.

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New patch, same story

Would probably be a little different on another character, but for the smuggler, it's a long time to get to the enarch, the enarch trashes the companion, then trashes the character, no fun. Switching partner changes little, no trick seems to work and even if the enarch gets to 5% health, the character gets trashed in a single stroke being interrupted half of the time and being tossed around.

The enarchs seem as strong as Revan, but for Revan, you have 9 partners, here one not very efficient, at least at influence 19 and 23


You're not interupting / avoiding the boss mechanics if you're dying :/ learn how to dodge attacks / pull your companion using passive.

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New patch, same story

Would probably be a little different on another character, but for the smuggler, it's a long time to get to the enarch, the enarch trashes the companion, then trashes the character, no fun. Switching partner changes little, no trick seems to work and even if the enarch gets to 5% health, the character gets trashed in a single stroke being interrupted half of the time and being tossed around.

The enarchs seem as strong as Revan, but for Revan, you have 9 partners, here one not very efficient, at least at influence 19 and 23


You would want to use scrambling field to mitigate damage for you and your companion, flash grenade to interrupt and soft stun opponents, distraction to interrupt, and diversion to reduce the target's damage by impairing their accuracy.


Most importantly since there are some dangerous ground mechanics in play you want to keybind companion skill #2 which is their passive/active toggle. Mine is Z so I can hit it quickly. Passive companions will move to your side so you can guide them away from the 'bad', just remember to take them off passive.

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Darth Imperious, Sith Hatred Assassin.


Enemy Mechanics - Totally disregarded and deliberately ignored.

Alliance Bonus Skills used - 1 Turret to begin Exarch encounter, completely unnecessary in retrospect.

Interrupts used - Zero

Force Shroud useage - 2 Used this reflexively, it didn't exactly save my life. (Resist Force and Tech Attacks)

Overcharge Saber useage - 2 Used to generate spike damage, did not use as a defensive (gain a bit of health, and heath on hit, also increases damage)

Deflect useage - Zero: didn't ever need it. (increase melee and ranged defense)

Crowd Control used - Zero

Heroic Moment useage - 1: used just to hasten the last room before the final encounter, burning the elites.


This suggests that we have 4.0 back again, enjoy That.


This suggests that defeating Heroic +2 had nothing to do with skill, since it was completely unnecessary to use any defensive cooldowns, the run was a complete faceroll, the only thing remotely tasking was chewing through the mountains of hitpoints the enemies have.


Spectator mode is back, guess melee is off My table, Maining sniper/slinger again.


Anyone else?


I didn't read the whole thread and I am genuinely interested, did you use the buffs and abilities from your alliance? what influence level is your companion, and what role?


I as a sniper always had issues with emeresses (or whatever his name is) room due to the 4 elites, I cant see how you could solo this without cc, (on my trooper its fine as I can cc), even with a healer,

Gear level around 208, which should be fine influence 15.

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Most importantly since there are some dangerous ground mechanics in play you want to keybind companion skill #2 which is their passive/active toggle. Mine is Z so I can hit it quickly. Passive companions will move to your side so you can guide them away from the 'bad', just remember to take them off passive.


By default, this is bound to CTRL+2, btw.

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I know this is very puzzling to some people but I was able to solo 2+ and even 4+ heroics even BEFORE KotFe came out so.. yeah not sure what all this OP comp is about


With the same ridiculous ease? No thought, no defensive skills, no moving to avoid AoEs.


Have to agree with the OP, we're back to that. Not even close to max gear and my health is never in jeopardy doing these runs again.


Perhaps since they are planning to separate Heroics from Heroic Star Fortress, well see them adjust its difficulty rather than comps.

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