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Please let me romance Arcann.


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It is easy to say well its a game but a game should not remind a person of a situation that they have been involved in.

Then why are you playing this game? It's about war, murder, death, loss, betrayal, disappointment, failure and even suicide. The beauty of fiction is it's reach to cover and explore a wide variety of topics to deliver an expeprience that can be entertaining and at the same time enlightening when it needs to be. If someone can't handle the situations that a piece of fiction presents for no more reason than it simply being there, they should stop engaging with fiction.


Characters die, reminding others of those they have lost. Exploration of the effects of war, there are plenty of soldiers who play games. Should we take away any inkling of struggle or tragedy?

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This isn't anything like the Arcann story. Actually, this is more like the male force user stories, both jedi and sith. They come on to their (worryingly) young students and pursue relationships with them. What is a padawan going to do, tell her galaxy famous, heroic jedi master that his attention makes her uncomfortable? Tell the council that their chosen Knight of the Republic is being a creep to little ole' her? No, she'll decide her master's attention is flattering and roll with it.

Uh, no. In all instances, the padawans come onto the player if the player doesn't make the first move. They are not forced into it at all, Quinn is the only romance in the game that ever had any sort of implication of force. Though Jaesa is debatable cosnidering you do comepltly break her world by introducing her to the dark side.

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Yeah just gave him a listen, he's really good. My favorite by far is still always and ever the original performances by Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford, vocal wise though I was reasonably impressed with Emmy in the film and Butler.. I'll have him any day of the week no matter who he plays or what he does. :o


Oh we talking Phantoms :D Ramin Karimloo is my favourite phantom (that voice...he can come sing Music Of The Night for me any day!). I actually have the 25th Anniversary Concert on DVD, I might go watch it this afternoon now.


Back on topic I do have a character I would romance Arcann on just to check it out. ;)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Im going to guess youve never been in a physicaly abusive relationship. I cant even begin to understand why someone would want to "pretend" to be in a relationship with someone that tried to kill them/beat them regularly.


Some things just dont make any sense to "RP", especially to those that have actually experiened things like that.


Seriously, there is no way a Arcann/outlander relationship could possibly be more f*cked up than the worst relationship that is currently already in the game. I'm talking about the DS warrir/Jaesa relationship of course. Really, that sh*t is downright sickening.


It literally consists of the warrior stalking Jaesa for extended amounts of time, during which he also murderes all her family and friends in cold blood. Then the warrior tortures her Jedi master to lure her to him.

When she arrives he tortures her psychologically and beats her up physically until she completely snaps and becomes a completely insane, broken husk of a human being.

And only after the warrior completely stripped Jaesa of her humanity and turned her into a deranged, violent shadow of her former self like that, ...only then does he f*ck her.


I can't possibly see how any relationship yet to be introduced by Bioware can get worse.

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I believe it's just a desire for parity. Variety is good and the guys just have a lot more of it. There are 6 female force using love interests and 0 male. The is also frustration over species. 5 female aliens vs. 1 male.


That's kind of what I thought. After experiencing a couple of the female force-user romances, though, I was surprised how little the actual Force played into them. My consulars spent a lot more time talking about the Force with Iresso than my male JK did with Kira, or my sorc did with Ashara. They talked about the Jedi power structure and ethos a lot, but the Force was an afterthought at best. Jaesa will forever be a mystery to me, though. Yuck. Both my female SWs kept her shoved away in medbay-- and she was light side.


Why we want more male Force-User love interest...


There's a romanceable Sith Lord in Sith Inquisitor Alderaan's arc where she could romance with before he met his demise. I was surprised that the game register him as her LI. Its bittersweet actually when I found out that she was actually in love with him when one of the force ghost assumed his form and begged her not to kill him again. Which is lovely scene for a character who is pure brat and a psychopath...


There's also a romanceable Pureblood male Sith Lord on Makeb who turns out to be gay and it only culminates in a LS kiss scene.


Its not enough.


Arcann is still a hottie even with a half mask and a robot arm. Is there something wrong with ladies to be attracted to a sexy albeit-damaged demigod?


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. You're in the middle of a big Sith family drama, might as well join the family.


I started a female sorc and kind of liked that poor guy-- but she was still in the early stages of the whole Andronikos fiasco. I left her on Alderaan and never finished the story. Liked Andronikos as a bro to my DS male sorc, but I hate him as a LI. Ick. But for me, the attraction to that Sith Lord was his personality.


Now, Arcann. Ugh. I wouldn't have minded a flirtation with the adorkable Attros Finn on Coruscant, though ;)


I've always responded better to personality than the Force, though. I'll take a Jonas Balkar over a billion Darth Marrs. I adore Vowron, so I'd romance him for his fun personality any day. Maybe it's because Bioware's never treated the Force as anything more than a toy, or something you throw at mobs.


I tend to take story at face value, though, unless it sucks or has major holes. Then my imagination goes crazy to fill them in.

Edited by JainiaDral
woops, backwards
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honestly i rather romance vaylin then arcann

atleast with vaylin you know you gonna have some fun,


Before or after she cuts off/out your primary sexual characteristics and then also cuts off your secondary sexual characteristics because she hates odd numbers? ;)

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I started a female sorc and kind of liked that poor guy-- but she was still in the early stages of the whole Andronikos fiasco. I left her on Alderaan and never finished the story. Liked Andronikos as a bro to my DS male sorc, but I hate him as a LI. Ick. But for me, the attraction to that Sith Lord was his personality.


Now, Arcann. Ugh. I wouldn't have minded a flirtation with the adorkable Attros Finn on Coruscant, though ;)


I've always responded better to personality than the Force, though. I'll take a Jonas Balkar over a billion Darth Marrs. I adore Vowron, so I'd romance him for his fun personality any day. Maybe it's because Bioware's never treated the Force as anything more than a toy, or something you throw at mobs.


I tend to take story at face value, though, unless it sucks or has major holes. Then my imagination goes crazy to fill them in.


As it stand, even most SWTOR romances can be somewhat vanilla. Even Lana romance with my uber DS M!Inquisitor is cute....damn it, I want more sexy banters instead of cute flirts.


I'm already an Arcann fan since the trailer (occasionally flirted with the VA too) and I tend to like unconventional unpopular romances in Bioware games. (for instance, try being a Kaidanmancer in Mass Effect surrounded by a tsunami of Garrus/Thane fans or tragic Anders rivalmance which is frickin epic!!!). of course, I really don't expect everyone to romance him, he's not a one-sized fits all character and I don't want that to change. His appeal was to my main Wrath who deserve someone who could fight her like an equal and occasionally butt heads instead of someone she could walk all over easily and toss aside. Grovelling is the last thing she need more of.


Again I don't expect everyone to forgive Arcann for what he's done or try to fit the idea of romancing him with their characters.

Edited by revkashepard
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As it stand, even most SWTOR romances can be somewhat vanilla. Even Lana romance with my uber DS M!Inquisitor is cute....damn it, I want more sexy banters instead of cute flirts.


I'm already an Arcann fan since the trailer (occasionally flirted with the VA too) and I tend to like unconventional unpopular romances in Bioware games. (for instance, try being a Kaidanmancer in Mass Effect surrounded by a tsunami of Garrus/Thane fans or tragic Anders rivalmance which is frickin epic!!!). of course, I really don't expect everyone to romance him, he's not a one-sized fits all character and I don't want that to change. His appeal was to my main Wrath who deserve someone who could fight her like an equal and occasionally butt heads instead of someone she could walk all over easily and toss aside. Grovelling is the last thing she need more of.


Again I don't expect everyone to forgive Arcann for what he's done or try to fit the idea of romancing him with their characters.


You don't have to explain Kaidan to me :) I loved Thane the most, but Kaidan was a very close second. They're both my favorite types of personalities in romance characters: quiet, intelligent, and competent. I liked the Anders rivalmance with my male Hawke. They just "fit" together. I get the unpopular romance thing: I'm probably the only one who exclusively romanced Zevran with all my DA:O characters after doing the requisite Alistair run with a human noble.


Arcann, though. Even if he'd never done anything to any of my toons, I still wouldn't find him appealing. He's so flat despite his temper tantrums. Even those bore me in the cutscenes. Probably a YMMV thing, though. Vaylin bores me to tears too, and I can't figure out why. There's this sort of one-dimensionality in all of the KOTFE chapters that taints every NPC except Senya. It probably doesn't matter, since I uninstalled the game last night.

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I'm already an Arcann fan since the trailer (occasionally flirted with the VA too) and I tend to like unconventional unpopular romances in Bioware games. (for instance, try being a Kaidanmancer in Mass Effect surrounded by a tsunami of Garrus/Thane fans or tragic Anders rivalmance which is frickin epic!!!). of course, I really don't expect everyone to romance him, he's not a one-sized fits all character and I don't want that to change. His appeal was to my main Wrath who deserve someone who could fight her like an equal and occasionally butt heads instead of someone she could walk all over easily and toss aside. Grovelling is the last thing she need more of.


Again I don't expect everyone to forgive Arcann for what he's done or try to fit the idea of romancing him with their characters.


This is basically the story of my life. Arcann> Everyone else! Even though lord scourge would be nice for my other toons, they won't rework vanilla toons. I really hope they'll go for Arcann in 6.0, It's nice to have a different kind of LI for once as the others are so stale.


He has a great voice, is Valkorion's son and has a darker past. Even though he doesn't have the greatest fanbase, I don't see how that matters, for him being an option. It's not like people like Koth.

Edited by Eshvara
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I'm not one begging for a romance with Arcann, but I wouldn't mind having the choice to. I have one or two characters that may very well suit a bit of love from Arcann, or for him. I just hope if it is added that way in the future, those already romancing a character, can change their mind after KotET since we don't know if this is a definite or not.


Either way, if they add it into the game it would be player choice to romance him, so I don't see why not or why anyone feels it should never happen be arguing just because they don't like the idea, it won't be forced. Don't like it, don't do it, like ever other romance in the game.

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I'm not one begging for a romance with Arcann, but I wouldn't mind having the choice to. I have one or two characters that may very well suit a bit of love from Arcann, or for him. I just hope if it is added that way in the future, those already romancing a character, can change their mind after KotET since we don't know if this is a definite or not.


Either way, if they add it into the game it would be player choice to romance him, so I don't see why not or why anyone feels it should never happen be arguing just because they don't like the idea, it won't be forced. Don't like it, don't do it, like ever other romance in the game.


The argument isn't about being forced to kiss that idiot . But some of us don't want him AT ALL In our alliance , as a companions . So yeah , while I won't stand in the way of peoples who wanna romance him , I do hope it isn't done selfishly and force me to have him ALONG . I dont want him ! EVER!


And that they make the Option to kill him as well as say No . Go away . (if we can't kill him for some reasons) .

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Yes please, let Arcann be a romance companion for both genders. Maybe he can redeem himself in Kotet. If he turns out to be a companion, then why not put him "romancable" like Theron, Lana, and Koth. He has a nice voice, nice built, he's the former leader of the eternal empire and the son of the immortal emperor. It is a waste to just lump him with the rest of your 150+ companions you don't even use.
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The argument isn't about being forced to kiss that idiot . But some of us don't want him AT ALL In our alliance , as a companions . So yeah , while I won't stand in the way of peoples who wanna romance him , I do hope it isn't done selfishly and force me to have him ALONG . I dont want him ! EVER!


And that they make the Option to kill him as well as say No . Go away . (if we can't kill him for some reasons) .


Actually this is a thread solely about possibility of a romance. They haven't spoiled whether the possibility of having him as a companion (or just 'there' not a companion at all) is based on choices yet (eg the end of ch 16). Maybe go to a different thread for that debate instead?

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The argument isn't about being forced to kiss that idiot . But some of us don't want him AT ALL In our alliance , as a companions . So yeah , while I won't stand in the way of peoples who wanna romance him , I do hope it isn't done selfishly and force me to have him ALONG . I dont want him ! EVER!


And that they make the Option to kill him as well as say No . Go away . (if we can't kill him for some reasons) .


So don't recruit him to the Alliance and kill him off. You can have that choice. Its not really a secret that Arcann can be redeemed or even more filled with hate. Why the rage?


Jeez.. its Ashley vs Kaidan all over again.

Edited by revkashepard
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So don't recruit him to the Alliance and kill him off. You can have that choice. Its not really a secret that Arcann can be redeemed or even more filled with hate. Why the rage?


Jeez.. its Ashley vs Kaidan all over again.


We don't actually know if he can be killed or not. So unless you know more than we do....

They said we can decide his fate, which can imply anything. If they somehow want to reuse him in the next expansion or his other family members you probably won't get to kill him off. For all you know you just banish him and Senya, like you did Baras.



The argument isn't about being forced to kiss that idiot . But some of us don't want him AT ALL In our alliance , as a companions . So yeah , while I won't stand in the way of peoples who wanna romance him , I do hope it isn't done selfishly and force me to have him ALONG . I dont want him ! EVER!


And that they make the Option to kill him as well as say No . Go away . (if we can't kill him for some reasons) .


While they did not say hes going to be a companion or not, it seems rather likely. But I wouldn't be surprised if they gave you the choice whether to recruit him or not, and kill him.

I also wouldn't be surprised if they don't give you the option to kill him at all.


For the other companions they used the word "kill" for valkorions family they said, "decide their fate' it seems kind of fishy! Not that I care, but yah.:rak_03:

I do wonder that I'd you do get to kill him, you just pick him up from the terminal, even though he wouldn't be in your future story anymore, if he'd be there at all.

Edited by Eshvara
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So don't recruit him to the Alliance and kill him off. You can have that choice. Its not really a secret that Arcann can be redeemed or even more filled with hate. Why the rage?


Jeez.. its Ashley vs Kaidan all over again.


Name one companion in the said List we have now , that we can go kill .


As for Ashley and Kaidan , I actually wanted to strap both of them on the nuke .

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We don't actually know if he can be killed or not. So unless you know more than we do....

They said we can decide his fate, which can imply anything. If they somehow want to reuse him in the next expansion or his other family members you probably won't get to kill him off. For all you know you just banish him and Senya, like you did Baras.


While they did not say hes going to be a companion or not, it seems rather likely. But I wouldn't be surprised if they gave you the choice whether to recruit him or not, and kill him.

I also wouldn't be surprised if they don't give you the option to kill him at all.


:) ....nah.. not going to spoil you that. One week to go anyway.


Keep calm.

Edited by revkashepard
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:) ....nah.. not going to spoil you that. One week to go anyway.


Keep calm.


I know the whole story is "out" there, and accidentally have seen a few things unfortunately. But yes, please don't spoil!:D I've been avoiding YouTube comments like the plague and spoiler tags. ;/

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Name one companion in the said List we have now , that we can go kill .


As for Ashley and Kaidan , I actually wanted to strap both of them on the nuke .


Did you not play KOTFE killing everyone for achievement? Please do, its fun. Also Tanno Vik died years ago, that's one.


I would happily save them both just so I could nuke Garrus and Liara from the trilogy.

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I know the whole story is "out" there, and accidentally have seen a few things unfortunately. But yes, please don't spoil!:D I've been avoiding YouTube comments like the plague and spoiler tags. ;/


It really didn't help that Bioware does it purposely... if you watch the latest Rule the Galaxy teaser trailer, you might accidentally spoil yourself with Arcann stuff if you look too closely. Also there's one tweet on @swtor with Arcann's eyes.... :)


'Accidentally' read through some kotet chapter's mission logs among other things.... ....shhh..... few more days

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It really didn't help that Bioware does it purposely... if you watch the latest Rule the Galaxy teaser trailer, you might accidentally spoil yourself with Arcann stuff if you look too closely. Also there's one tweet on @swtor with Arcann's eyes.... :)


'Accidentally' read through some kotet chapter's mission logs among other things.... ....shhh..... few more days

I've seen, and I think I know what you're referring to. Someone on the forums flat out told me couple weeks ago, it was in this thread but the post got removed. But yessssssss a few more days /o/ I'm excited!!

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Uh, no. In all instances, the padawans come onto the player if the player doesn't make the first move. They are not forced into it at all, Quinn is the only romance in the game that ever had any sort of implication of force. Though Jaesa is debatable cosnidering you do comepltly break her world by introducing her to the dark side.


Ain't no sense in denying it, this game has some terrible moral choices you can make, and that is why we all love it. :p I'm not trying to argue against Arcann/Vaylin because I want everyone to be a girl scout. I just think they suck.


There isn't anything debatable about killing someone's family/masters in order to cause them pain and get them to serve you. lol. Poor Ashara is a slobbering fool by the end of it, going on and on about how she's not a Sith while doing Sithy things, including an actual Sith. :D My Inquisitor was highly amused.


Quinn is definitely coerced into it as well, he clearly tells you he wants to keep it professional while you clearly have a good time making him feel uncomfortable. At least you didn't kill his family to make him sleep with you. /shrug Deep down, he probably couldn't wait for Baras to tell him to kill you.


I think it is debatable whether Nadia and Kira come on to you first or not, but regardless, each time they are your padawan and its gross if you're playing it straight.


Nadia's romance arc made me feel ill. I don't know why it disturbed me more than any other in the game, I had to turn it off. I'd rather romance Arcann a thousand times than watch Nadia talk about "waiting" and not wanting you to think she's "that kind of girl". /gag

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Ain't no sense in denying it, this game has some terrible moral choices you can make, and that is why we all love it. :p I'm not trying to argue against Arcann/Vaylin because I want everyone to be a girl scout. I just think they suck.


There isn't anything debatable about killing someone's family/masters in order to cause them pain and get them to serve you. lol. Poor Ashara is a slobbering fool by the end of it, going on and on about how she's not a Sith while doing Sithy things, including an actual Sith. :D My Inquisitor was highly amused.


Quinn is definitely coerced into it as well, he clearly tells you he wants to keep it professional while you clearly have a good time making him feel uncomfortable. At least you didn't kill his family to make him sleep with you. /shrug Deep down, he probably couldn't wait for Baras to tell him to kill you.


I think it is debatable whether Nadia and Kira come on to you first or not, but regardless, each time they are your padawan and its gross if you're playing it straight.


Nadia's romance arc made me feel ill. I don't know why it disturbed me more than any other in the game, I had to turn it off. I'd rather romance Arcann a thousand times than watch Nadia talk about "waiting" and not wanting you to think she's "that kind of girl". /gag


I don't know anything about Nadia's romance, you make me want to YouTube it. :p Sounds like quite something!

Edit; I didn't actually get what you meant, until now. lol

Edited by Eshvara
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