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Everything posted by fovzwk

  1. I think he does show up shortly on holocommunicator during the Voss questline, but I'm not a hundred procent sure on that. In any case he is definitely at least mentioned and he does know you messed up his attempts at making the Voss side with the empire.
  2. If I remember correctly Valkorion just destroys his spirit during the battle if you don't free him on Nathema
  3. Now with most of these exmaples I will agree. However Darth Jadus is exactly the puppy kicking montrous variety of Sith. The only difference between him and the usual Sith of the sort is that he kicks puppy in a creepy soft-spoken sadist kind of way instead of in a burning rage. After all his end goal is to have everyone in the empire live in "fear and degradation" and his favorite pastimes include torturing ships full of civilians to madness and being an absuive father. Pretty much the only worse sith lords are the dread master, who are ******* crazy due to being mindr*ped by dark side atefacts themselves and the Sith emperor himself who made crossing the moral event horizon his daily workout routine.
  4. Did I miss something in that book? All I remember from Ahsoka that could be vaguely interpreted as "homosexual-agenda" was Or was the german translation just more conservative than the english book?
  5. Obviously the Jedi counsular due to being a player character and therefore having inpenetrable plot armor that prevents her/him from actually getting killed.
  6. Some of the funniest moments were due to legacy species unlocks. It leads to hilarious cases of insensitivity among quest givers. Highlights inculde this gems such as this: Imperial officier on Taris: Those Cathar settlers are nothing but alien savages. Cathar Sith Inquisitor: You should be careful what you say about aliens. Imperial Officier: Sorry my Lord. I wasn't refering to you. I was only talking about those filthy Cathar beasts. At that moment I just headcanoned that my Cathar Sith Inquisitor just stared at him in utter bewilderment at such blatant disrespect. Or an Republic NPC somewhere loudly saying "A Jedi knight? Well, paint me blue and call me Chiss." To an Chiss Jedi. On the same character on Hoth there is that quest about a Chiss wanting to defect to the Republic and the Republic commander constantly badmouth Chiss and says he doesn't trust any of them. My Jedi was like: "Dude waht the ****. I'm standing right in front of you."
  7. To be fair, while fighting the Sith emperor both Vaylin and Arcann help you. And he was still winning until you figured out that inside your own mind you can make the rules.
  8. Did you forget who we are talking about here. It's the Sith Emperor. The guy doesn't even have the capability to love anyone other than himself. He didn't genuinely love Senya. At best she was just a nice divertion of time. In fact he makes it perfectly clear during his last moments just what he really thinks of Senya and his entire family. To quote: "You were nothing but motes of filth until I graced you with my presence." and "A god has no family". In short he feels he is superior to his family and views them with nothing but contempt.
  9. Thats not how it works. As a rule of thumb cutscenes usually portray what actually happens storywise and not the gameplay. Unless you want to believe that your character actually gets hit into the face with missiles every other fight and their companion just constantly throws healing- force/bacta at them to miracolously keep them without a scratch. And we are clearly shown and told in cutscenes, dialogue with characters and background media that Vaylin is far more powerful then Revan. In the betrayed trailer she accidentially crushes multiple knights at once to death. She also kills multiple knights + almost her entire bridge crew at once in KotET. Then proceeds to blow up the facility on Nathema with the froce from her flagship in space no less. And as you mentioned she actually manages to make sturdy walls crack with her sheer force power. Revan never shows a feat like any of these in comparison unless you count that minigame during his Solo fight in SOR where he makes all the NPCs twirl around in the air and you have to collect foce bubbles. But that is more likely just a game mechanic that forces to player to do something during this fight instead of just waiting til the NPCs finish Revan off on their own.
  10. Really hard to say. One the one hand Vaylin at her prime (after removing the conditioning) is leagues above Revan in power ( keep in mind that the Sith emperor himself deemed it a good idea to limit her power while he was perfectly content to jut leave Revan at full power running around and even use him in his schemes). But she is also way more unhinged and crazy than Revan was even at his worst and her strategic thinking is severly lacking at times. So Revan might actually come out on top due to being able to use his own lesser power much more efficient than her.
  11. Both Counsulars and Jedi knights know about the children furthermore since the smuggler and the Trooper are part of the Republic military (the smuggler inoficially) they probably at the very least heard about the children of the emperor when they started to cause all sorts of havoc for the republic war effort during chapter three. Just because a character didn't see something directly in their class story doesn't mean they never learned it offscrren. Similarily the dark council at least knows about the voices and the hands of the emperor. And since KotFE starts with the Republic and the empire under Darth Marr (A dark council member) already having formed an alliance to take down the emperor. It isn't unreasionable to assume that Darth Marr briefed any outlanders that didn't know about voices before about the whole matter somewhen before you board his flagship at the very start of chapter one. After all he is sane enough to know that your allies shhould probably know all you know about the impossibly powerful guy you are allying up to kill together.
  12. Pretty sure force user can have PTSD. Hell, most Sith probably do have some form of it but it just gets drowned out by the multitude of way worse psychological issues like sociopathy, psychopathy, serious lack of empathy, anger issues, sadism, constant paranoia, megalomania, constant homicidal urges and overall just pitiably ****ed up minds that the average dark side Sith has to deal with.
  13. Don't all possible classes find out that the Sith emperor is assumed dead during the Ilium/False emperor Storyline when Malgus loudly proclaims himself to be the new emperor with all the typical Sith theatralics and dramatically saying "The emperor is dead long live the new emperor". I think that whole storyline is still a purple (read important for the overall story) plot arc yes? Otherwise your trooper would have found out offscreen about it during the earlier mentioned holonet speech from Saresh and Satele about this very subject.
  14. Actually Valkorion/Vitiate does mention them during the dream sequence in chapter two of KOTFE. He says something along the line of "children, hands, voices I no longer need crude tools such as these. I am finally free from death". Impling that he simply discarded them as useless and sees no reason to use them any more. That being said. The children were pretty much dismantled during the consular storyline so I doubt they are plotting anything. Since the hands entire thing is to serve the emperor with slavish most likely mind control induced devotion, now after his death they pobably just comitted suicide or are sittting around somewhere in catatonic state.
  15. I somehow doubt that all the people with some Sith DNA (98% of all inhabitants of the empire) are all evil as a whole. Also where do you get the notion that even the poor people are evil. We rarely interact with anyone inside the empire that isn't part of the military or the Sith ruling class. Also I find it hard to believe that the fact that the Empire is evil somehow justifies killing almost everyone living in the Empire from soldier over random barkeeper to children (the absolute madman could at least have installed some "if (target_age <= 15) {use non-lethal weaponry}" line of code somewhere in his droids)
  16. What? How is Finn a damsel in distress. He is the only one of the three main heroes who doesn't get captured during the movie. On the contrary he saves Poe out of distress. He even saves Rey when he distracts Kylo long enough for her to recover from being knocked out against a tree. I'm starting to think that you are mistaking the comedic sidekick hero for the damsel in distress. The story of a man fighting for the freedom of his country from English oppression who then get's betrayed, sold out to the english and brutally killed to become a martyr? That already exists. It's a movie called Braveheart.
  17. Movies now need legitimate story reasons for the protagonist to be female? Really? And what exactly is a legitimate story reason for a protagonist to be female in your opinion?
  18. 1. I agree this isn't explained all that well. 2. Senya spells this out in Kotfe. There always were periods of time in which Valkorion would not talk with anyone for long times (because his spirit was secretly being elsewhere). While being on Yavin his Valkorion body probably just sat around in his private chambers lifelessly. 3. He isn't really weaker, but your body can't handle the strain of his full power yet (you almost die from only using a fraction of his power on asylum). That's why he continiously manipulates you into killing his chilrden and becoming stronger, so he can then take you over and use his full power again. Also he wouldn't really need your help killing his children (He could have rendered Vaylin helpless at any time he wanted and during Chapter nince he defeats you, Arcann and Vaylins freed spirtit with ease until you manage to figure out the "Hey wait a minute. In my mind I make the rules"-loophole). He just wants you to do it so he can claim a stronger host body later on. 4. Even a complete sociopath can be smart enough to run his empire somewhat benevolent, since that usually causes less discontent and rebellions than being the typical mustache twirling Sith. As for the feeling love thing: He still doesn't feel love. When he said he experienced love that was a blatant lie meant to manipulate you. He treated his "family" as awful as you can treat a person (Handing your daughter over to space Mengele usually implies that you still have a total lack of empathy for anyone). Plus during the final confrontation he makes his true feelings on his family quite clear. Quote: "You were nothing but insignificant motes of filth until I graced you with my presence." and "A god has no family". He doesn't feel any love for them, only contempt and thinks they are beneath him. 5. At the time he is a force entity so naturally he's going to have a hard time on a planet where the force barely exists, even if he was the one who caused it in the first place.
  19. The same reason why the protagonists of various media always win against their superior in every way (aside from morals maybe) enemies. Plot armor.
  20. Suri was only nearly driven insane because the Emperor was in fact still alive and endlessly ranting contradictionary orders in her head though. If he's really dead now, she and other children of the emperor should be fine.
  21. Oh come on, it's not like the outlander kills Vaylin in cold blood after she lies defeated at your feet. On the contrary. At the time we kill her she is currently desintigrating your base with the force and even the outlander (most likely) aided by Valkorioan can barely manage to withstand her onslaught. It's not like there were many options left in order to stop her.
  22. Please don't bring Malgus back. Unless, it is only for him to dramatically storm into the room and proclaim: "Fear Not people of the Empire. I Darth Malgus will make sure that the Empire rises from the ashes and becomes stronger than ever before. The Emperor is dead. Long live the new...." And then he slips on a banana peel and falls down a garbage chute. Later you then walk through a trash-room of some sort and can loot his corpse for some garbage green gear.
  23. Why not Taris? I hear the Rakghoul swarms are especially beautiful this time of the year.
  24. That's nice and all. But unfortunately almost everything in the main Star Wars galaxy requires the force to actually keep living and living beings usually die when it is sucked out of them (As both Darth Nihilus and Vitiate's stunts on Nathema and Ziost prove). So she was perfectly happy to kill almost everything in the galaxy to rid the galaxy of something she perceives as evil, which causes significantly less death than her plan to kill it. Doesn't get much more crazy and omnicidal than that. Except maybe if one of your many names is Vitiate or Valkorion.
  25. Why? Just why would you even ask a Jedi Master about some random imperial Officer. With Jaesa it makes some form of sense to ask since she at least was a Jedi (and if lightside kind of still is) and Master Ranos might have heard something through common aquaintances. Quinn not so much. Might as well just fly to Couruscant and/or Zakuul and start asking random homeless people in the slums about Quinn while you're at it. Similar chances there I wager.
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