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Mass Exodus , due to patching, Nerf and bugs


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97.854% of statistics created by General Chat community are made up on the spot. 100% of the numbers you cake up belong in this category.


KOTFE was a very story centered. linear, pipe-run 10 hour expansion, which offers pretty needless Alliance rep grind and soloable two man content as new end-game. People who returned for KOTFE are now done with KOTFE. In general, even massively successful MMO expansions have busy launch window, followed by less busy post-honeymoon era. This is even more the case with an expansion that is all about the story.


If scale and severity of ridiculous, entitled, spoiled general chat forum primadonna QQ garbage were some kind of an indication on what is or isn't important in this game, then we all must agree a Cartel Market slot machine is the single most essential feature in all of SW:TOR.


Three dozen people are enraged because their companion has stopped playing the game for them. Every last one of them needs to start a thread of his/her own about this. It goes on for few weeks. Then it's back to business as usual.


I fully agree this all was very badly handled by Bioware though. They did not balance companions for KOTFE launch at all. Unless you wanna consider dropping a 100km x 100km meteorite utterly crushing the scales as " balancing" that is. Around September, even the most entitled forum primadonna would have been quick to agree that entire idea of a super god companion who ensures you never lose fights and dishes out measures of healing superior to your fellow players specced for heals is silly and damaging. However, now people have gotten a taste of it. For few weeks there, things were absolutely dysfunctional in terms of integrity of game mechanics and common sense.


A well reasoned and thought out post. Hard to argue with any of it.


Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You clearly don't belong here ;)

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Do a pug FP, get a group of morons who can only saber strike, never used a taunt or heal, think they can pull 3 groups, stand in AoEs... Etc. Why? Because companions allowed them to do it before in solo so why would it be different in a fp?


Do a wz and half your team just have no clue at all. They cant kill anything, they cant follow objectives they have no situational awareness. Coz their companion played the game for them. Bombs planted in front of them, healers free casting on the tank their saber striking. Its unbelievable.


I don't expect people to be good, but I expect people to have a brain and use it when playing GROUP content.


No, I'm not an elitist, just low on patience.


So much this ... also, they quit at the first sign of difficulty. The same people toss about the "I want to play how I want" and "How dare you tell me how I play" and "You're ruining my fun" and "I'm casual and don't have time".


Well, guess what, every game has rules to follow and how it is supposed to be played. "I can't hopscotch my queen like a knight! You're ruining my fun!" See how ridiculous that is?


And to those multi-taskers, pick an activity and do it. Finish and move to the next activity. Splitting your attention will guarantee you will suck at all of it. Seriously, if you can't shut off or pause SWTOR when a kid needs something or a SO requires your attention or whatever else you have bigger issues than changes in a game.

Edited by iacon
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97.854% of statistics created by General Chat community are made up on the spot. 100% of the numbers you cake up belong in this category.


KOTFE was a very story centered. linear, pipe-run 10 hour expansion, which offers pretty needless Alliance rep grind and soloable two man content as new end-game. People who returned for KOTFE are now done with KOTFE. In general, even massively successful MMO expansions have busy launch window, followed by less busy post-honeymoon era. This is even more the case with an expansion that is all about the story.


If scale and severity of ridiculous, entitled, spoiled general chat forum primadonna QQ garbage were some kind of an indication on what is or isn't important in this game, then we all must agree a Cartel Market slot machine is the single most essential feature in all of SW:TOR.


Three dozen people are enraged because their companion has stopped playing the game for them. Every last one of them needs to start a thread of his/her own about this. It goes on for few weeks. Then it's back to business as usual.


I fully agree this all was very badly handled by Bioware though. They did not balance companions for KOTFE launch at all. Unless you wanna consider dropping a 100km x 100km meteorite utterly crushing the scales as " balancing" that is. Around September, even the most entitled forum primadonna would have been quick to agree that entire idea of a super god companion who ensures you never lose fights and dishes out measures of healing superior to your fellow players specced for heals is silly and damaging. However, now people have gotten a taste of it. For few weeks there, things were absolutely dysfunctional in terms of integrity of game mechanics and common sense.


Epic post is epic.

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Here's the thing:


One group says it's way more challenging, I disagree, on the bases of, if you know your class and play the same content as Monday all they did was double the amount of time for veteran players to get through the stuff they need for alliance. More tedious things, why? probably because they freaked out over how fast people where completing alliance stuff.


The other group says mostly it aint any fun anymore or that its impossible to complete stuff i could before.


This I tend to believe as true after running my lvl 60 sniper through a couple of lvl 47 Heroics on Voss and having her eat dirt numerous times. I completed these as H4's at 49 during 12x Xp solo with Lokin. Did i die during that H4 experience sure just about 3 times.


You can spout all that, better gear learn to play, all u want go try some of those with level appropriate characters


So something IMHO is off the amount of the nerf.


As with almost every nerf BW has done since the beginning, in 2011, they hit it with a wrecking ball instead of a 2 lb sledge


And btw my 60 had yavin gear with full augments.


In conclusion if the idea is to make the game a grindy half baked Korean MMO then mission accomplished

Edited by Atalantia
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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


Pull more made up numbers out of your rear please.

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Just unsubscribed myself and let them know exactly why. Multiple threads have already said everything I said -- it wasn't JUST the nerf, it was the way it was handled: the poor communication, the declining friends / family / guild members online. A nerf was needed without a doubt, but they simply went too far. The toxicity on these forums spewed out by those who supported the nerf and now revel in it is the same nastiness after that business with the cartel slot machine. It's a perfect reflection of how Bioware treats its customers and caters to a vocal and loud minority again and again. I hope they fix their communication style. I hope that Bioware will communicate more often and stop bending to the will people who are miserable human beings. Bioware ought to consider the people they catered to this week whilst ignoring polls like the one below that showed a majority of people either did not want the nerf or felt it should have been a slight nerf:



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Game should be fun to play. Hm and nihm content , well, leave that for the twa ts. Like a few other people i just want my Swtor fix.. bumble around planets killing stuff. If i cant even get through a story boss at lvl due to screwed up companions,,***! You elites can just put yr comps on passive if you want it HARD!


And yes i fully admit i am quite possibly the most inept casual player ever.

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And yes i fully admit i am quite possibly the most inept casual player ever.


And we should balance the game around you?


There's a childrens game where you need to put geometrical forms into their respective holes. That might hold up for you. Really? Not being able to beat a story boss? Really?

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Can you be so sure? Remember how many times people rampaged and told the forums that 'this game is dead in a week/month/other arbirtrary date'? How many 'mass exodus' unsubs has the game gone through?


And yet here we still are. And still will be. Crap happens, people leave, people come back, new players will join up. Make-a da world go 'round.

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there is a gallop poll from 1939 that specifically states that 67% of the 50 people they asked felt that the companion nerf amounted to 23.5% of their frustration, but a whopping 60% was attributed to the frustration of seeing post after post of statistics based off of 47.6% of a variable figure derived from 22% (+/- 22%) of how many people wore a cod piece during 35.2% of the previous five years of carnival held across 5.3% of the countries that celebrate some holiday that would except said cod piece. I dont know about you, but thats some serious statistics and i am 5% inclined to believe about 1.34% of what i see across 76% of what 85% consider the most malnourished segment comprising of 4% of those who believe at least 12.5% of what we eat contributes to 78% of our cognitive functions. now thats impressive.



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there is a gallop poll from 1939 that specifically states that 67% of the 50 people they asked felt that the companion nerf amounted to 23.5% of their frustration, but a whopping 60% was attributed to the frustration of seeing post after post of statistics based off of 47.6% of a variable figure derived from 22% (+/- 22%) of how many people wore a cod piece during 35.2% of the previous five years of carnival held across 5.3% of the countries that celebrate some holiday that would except said cod piece. I dont know about you, but thats some serious statistics and i am 5% inclined to believe about 1.34% of what i see across 76% of what 85% consider the most malnourished segment comprising of 4% of those who believe at least 12.5% of what we eat contributes to 78% of our cognitive functions. now thats impressive.



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Quote: Originally Posted by Atalantia View Post


In conclusion if the idea is to make the game a grindy half baked Korean MMO then mission accomplished


This! So much this! And not my idea of "fun times".


and we don't even get the bouncing ***** and over-sized flame blasting chain saws, never mind the hiiiiieeeeeyaaaah! sound effects...:D


Sitting down between fights while the next batch of mobs stands around watching you isn't more engaging game-play Bioware. All you have introduced (apart from community wreckage) is a transparent uninteresting time sink.


At least before, this rinse and repeat was mitigated by getting through fairly quickly. Now?........painful tedium.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Atalantia View Post


In conclusion if the idea is to make the game a grindy half baked Korean MMO then mission accomplished




and we don't even get the bouncing ***** and over-sized flame blasting chain saws, never mind the hiiiiieeeeeyaaaah! sound effects...:D


Sitting down between fights while the next batch of mobs stands around watching you isn't more engaging game-play Bioware. All you have introduced (apart from community wreckage) is a transparent uninteresting time sink.


At least before, this rinse and repeat was mitigated by getting through fairly quickly. Now?........painful tedium.


Translation of this post: Will grind for bewbs not any other reason.


So there you have it Bioware, if you want the grind at least give us bewbs to go with it.

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Translation of this post: Will grind for bewbs not any other reason.


So there you have it Bioware, if you want the grind at least give us bewbs to go with it.

Patch 4.0.3: At Influence Rank 50 you can now customize the gear on new companions. Also, getting Lana, Senya, or Veeroa to Rank 50 will grant you a free Stylish Dancer set of armor. ;)

Edited by DarthDymond
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Do you have any idea how 4.0 has affected any and all group related content?


Do you know what instant 60 and broken companions have done to FP groups, wz teams and heroic groups?


Never in my years of playing this game have I encountered a level of such stupidity and incompetence from people playing an easy game, to the point that its pointless queuing for a FP or entering wz.


Companions may have helped solo content but they *********** destroyed group content.


Do a pug FP, get a group of morons who can only saber strike, never used a taunt or heal, think they can pull 3 groups, stand in AoEs... Etc. Why? Because companions allowed them to do it before in solo so why would it be different in a fp?



Do a wz and half your team just have no clue at all. They cant kill anything, they cant follow objectives they have no situational awareness. Coz their companion played the game for them. Bombs planted in front of them, healers free casting on the tank their saber striking. Its unbelievable.


I don't expect people to be good, but I expect people to have a brain and use it when playing GROUP content.


Was I ok with comps at 4.0? Yes, until I realized the side affects. Do I support the nerf? Hell yes.


This is a game which the player must engage in. If you cant be bothered to learn simple mechanics, tactics, abilites or simply learn to play your class then just unsub like you're threatening to.


No argument I've seen has a leg to stand on. All I see is poor players moaning that they cant solo difficult content and want an "I win button".


Its not a hard game. Adapt or abandon ship.


EDIT: No, I'm not an elitist, just low on patience.

Do you know how ridiculous your reply is? Adapt or quit is your best answer huh? LOL!


Your rant boils down to a "L2P" reply...which is just asinine. This is a SUBSCRIPTION based business, not a class players need to pass. The more players playing, the more $ Bioware makes. Did this nerf improve their bottom line or hurt it? Bioware doesn't care about players learning anything, they care about them staying subbed and spending $.


You're right, it's not a "hard" game, but the nerf also makes it a not "fun" game for many. Bioware needs to adjust this ASAP...the damage is already done and it's very real.

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I'm utterly convinced now.


I'm going to leave... the forums and go play the game so I can see the changes for myself and decide if I like them or not.


I'll be sure to take a carefully-rigged poll to support whatever view I decide on and claim anyone who disagrees is icky and awful.



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FTP players don't spend anything at all. They are ftp because they can't afford a monthly sub and no other reason. They do not buy anything and if so they do it very rarely or with the coins they get from the game.
If you compare game's money / play value ration of a subscription MMO to any other game then the subscription MMO's looses, and by a wide margin. Competing in the current game market means the $15 per month subscription fee is competing with a new game every month on Steam, maybe more if you shop carefully.


Do they spend this much on CC?



One can buy a lot of good games for those amounts.


Subs are the ones that spend hundreds per month on the CM, not f2p or preferred. If they had the money to spend that much, they would have subbed too. If 15 bucks a month on a sub is too much, you can rest assured that they aren't buying more than 15 bucks a month in CC.


It's not about being too much, or not, it's about what else you can buy for that money compared to what the sub actually buys you.


They obviously thought going F2P would make them more money then remaining exclusively subscription based. The fact that they've stayed F2P tells me they believe their choice was right.

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