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A question for those defending the nerf...


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Says the very loud vocal minority who asked for the nerfs in the first place. It's ok when you're loud, but others do not have such a right.


There's a term for this, it's called King Baby Syndrome.

using a term like "vocal minority" is pointless and foolish. not to mention hypocritical.


if you clearly see a "majority" or "minority" of players fall on any side of an issue, then it should be readily apparent to bioware as well.

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Question has been answered many times in many threads, but I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone too lazy to read existing threads and post in one of them instead of creating yet another thread didn't see it.


Part of a MMO is progression, both in terms of character abilities, gear, and yes, players learning to play. We shouldn't have to intentionally under gear ourselves, or not use companions to make the game not so face roll easy.


I would have been perfectly happy with a difficulty slider so that people that want to be able to semi AFK their way through the game can be happy, people that want to at least have to pay attention while playing would be happy, and people that want every fight to be a nail biter could be happy, but failing that, they absolutely needed to nerf 4.0 companions. A super easy game bores people faster than a hard one, and this game was NEVER hard.


I rarely throw the L2P card, but if you thought solo content in this game was ever hard, then L2P does apply. If you couldn't solo 90% of the H2s in meh gear before 4.0, L2P does apply. You level so fast now, even if they put companions at 3.xx ability, you still level faster than you ever did before. The only grind in this game is alliance, and casuals aren't doing it...they're just doing the story.


Why do you assume casuals are automatically people that want the game so easy a 6 year old can beat it? I'm a casual. I don't even have any 65s, FFS.


I've been casually following some of these discussions about the "nerfing" and yours is the first post I felt I wanted to respond to.


Admittedly, I'm the epitome of a casual SWTOR player. I log in for maybe a half-hour in the evening after work, and a few hours on the weekends that I don't have more pressing matters to attend to. I've never even joined a guild since I started SWTOR at launch. I would also have to confess that I have avoided PVP simply because it's all too much for me to keep up with and I would never want to be part of the reason for someone else's failure if they're aiming for the win.


I probably don't even fully understand how to play my 24 alts, but I seem to have managed one way or another to have leveled most of them to the end of their class stories by myself--so maybe that's something.


I play for the story and character growth/development, really. Like reading a great book and having intermissions of PVE.


When I saw the sudden flurry of complaints start mounting following this week's patch, I really had no idea what everyone was going on about. Did it mean that I would die like never before? Considering that following the release of KOTFE, I never saw my characters' health drop below 98% even when facing bosses or launching into heroics (something I'd avoided pre-KOTFE), I couldn't help but think wow, they've really made the game automatic now in order to move people through the stories.


So, I finally had my first opportunity to log in last evening, and I'm hard-pressed to see where my experience has been undermined. I haven't bothered trying out any Star Fortress missions since this week's update, but the worst-case scenario I found myself in last night had my health all the way down to 78%, which if memory serves me right, was about 15% higher than pre-KOTFE gameplay in the "tougher" combat situations--but more than sufficient to put down my opposition and not have to wait for healing. The pacing was maybe slower, but never to the point of ending the fun I've had all along with this game.


Personally, short of what I might find if I launched into a Star Fortress mission, I fail to really see the impact that others are describing.


Do I have to go back to paying attention like I used to before KOTFE? Sure. As it should be. I want the game to have its challenging moments so that I feel as though I've earned the title awaiting me at the end of the class story. Having my companion carry me across that finish line would not be truly overcoming the path each of my alts start down.


Finally, you are right about the alliance aspect. I've no interest in it at this point until I've seen where Bioware takes the story throughout 2016 and shows me that the grind will be worth it. The KOTFE story up until the start of the Alliance grind is fantastic, and I've bought and played 4 start-at-60 tokens to experience it from different classes I favor in the pre-KOTFE story. Since then, I've been content to stay with the older content while Bioware slowly rolls out the new chapters and puts their cards on the table.


That's about all from me. I know others' mileage varies; this is simply my experience thus far since this week's patch.

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using a term like "vocal minority" is pointless and foolish. not to mention hypocritical.


if you clearly see a "majority" or "minority" of players fall on any side of an issue, then it should be readily apparent to bioware as well.


Oh, but it will soon be.

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I was talking about in tank mode, they will absorb around 100,000 damage that would come your way if you didn't have a companion.


Then they aren't healing for 1k ehps. And if you notice, 100k damage absorbed isn't a lot for a tank, my tank spec bubble as a guardian will absorb more damage than a companion's absorb bubble. It's also on a shorter cooldown (blade storm's cooldown).

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.



Because certain classes mostly squishies need there tank companion or they get melted in a trash mob. That's the way they designed the game. Nobody cares what u can and cant achieve ..... and maybe don't sell you self short and u can complete whatever u find is hard.

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Oh, but it will soon be.
and the people that said they were quitting over level sync said the same thing.


and the op companions


and the slot machine


and the utilities


and the ravagers exploit




the sky is clearly falling

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Why is the response for increasing the difficulty of the game to gimp yourself by turning off companion abilities or going solo without one?


The game isn't balanced around the idea of using less to increase difficulty. Difficulty in my eyes are encounters that make me think and react quickly as well as using my abilities to their highest efficiency. My character is only geared in common data crystal gear and everything is still a faceroll after the nerf. Also my highest affection companion is only level 11. This game has been so dumbed down that people still can't out DPS a companion in HM FPs. Did HM CZ yesterday and one of the guys was so bad at DPSing the first boss would enrage. He ended up leaving and we used a guys companion and finished the boss several minutes sooner.


If you are having trouble with the content after the nerf you aren't doing it right.

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Going through the pre-60 story is now an extremely slow and not-fun slog.


Not that I was taking you seriously before but this statement is so ridiculous as to taint your grandchildren's credibility in the future. Leveling is even easier now than it was during 12x XP.

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Not that I was taking you seriously before but this statement is so ridiculous as to taint your grandchildren's credibility in the future. Leveling is even easier now than it was during 12x XP.


This is so funny. Under 12xp with a jedi shadow I stealthed past everything and still out leveled the content. I didn't hit 50 before the change. After that using 25% xp boosts I hit 65 on makeb. Shadow of Revan was all for kicks and legacy xp and KoTFE will be the same. I don't know how people can say its sluggish and slow. This is by far the easiest and quickest leveling experience in any MMO.

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Let us stop this pointless bickering!! BioWare, please to just end this controversy just bump the numbers up a bit. You didn't have to curbstomp the companions! You just had to make them second stringers instead of starters! The nerf was too far! Please, put the numbers up! :D
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Let us stop this pointless bickering!! BioWare, please to just end this controversy just bump the numbers up a bit. You didn't have to curbstomp the companions! You just had to make them second stringers instead of starters! The nerf was too far! Please, put the numbers up! :D


dude even with the nerf I faceroll everything with my healing companion. I rarely drop below 80%HP and that's fighting 2 elites. The only thing I noticed was that I cant let my healing companion tank mobs like before lol. I mean prior to the nerf my companion would be tanking 2 mobs as well and neither of us would drop below 90%.


Making the game that easy makes for a player base that incapable of doing any high level content. The encounters in the HM FP's are not the least bit difficult yet people don't know how to tank, heal, or dps properly because they have been given a level experience so simple and easy that they could probably close their eyes and smash buttons and still be successful.

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dude even with the nerf I faceroll everything with my healing companion. I rarely drop below 80%HP and that's fighting 2 elites. The only thing I noticed was that I cant let my healing companion tank mobs like before lol. I mean prior to the nerf my companion would be tanking 2 mobs as well and neither of us would drop below 90%.


Making the game that easy makes for a player base that incapable of doing any high level content. The encounters in the HM FP's are not the least bit difficult yet people don't know how to tank, heal, or dps properly because they have been given a level experience so simple and easy that they could probably close their eyes and smash buttons and still be successful.


Lies, you can't solo Heroic 2 Star Fortress. And that is what the story really boils down to.

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Lies, you can't solo Heroic 2 Star Fortress. And that is what the story really boils down to.


It's been solo'd by many players. I solo'd it in 200 gear and a level 6 companion. Let's stop with the ridiculous claims and at least talk about the effects of the change honestly.


Are things harder now? Yes. Are heroics and heroic SF impossible now? No. Could companions use a bit of a buff to offset some of the nerf? Yes.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


It's actually quite simple.. You just won't accept the answer..


The challenge in a game is meant to be provided by the game developer, not the player. Otherwise it is an artificial challenge, and it is not fun, not simulating.

Edited by Sambaa
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It's actually quite simple.. You just won't accept the answer..


The challenge in a game is meant to be provided by the game developer, not the player. Otherwise it is an artificial challenge, and it is not fun, not simulating.

HM FPs? HM Ops? NiM Ops? What do you classify those as?

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HM FPs? HM Ops? NiM Ops? What do you classify those as?


I keep saying this, and it bears repeating again.


A boring slog through trash mobs is not a challenge. And calling it that makes one look like you don't know what that word means.


Wrong person quoted :(

Edited by captradface
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I keep saying this, and it bears repeating again.


A boring slog through trash mobs is not a challenge. And calling it that makes one look like you don't know what that word means.


Wrong person quoted :(


Ha...it's ok :) I agree with you.

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This is so funny. Under 12xp with a jedi shadow I stealthed past everything and still out leveled the content. I didn't hit 50 before the change. After that using 25% xp boosts I hit 65 on makeb. Shadow of Revan was all for kicks and legacy xp and KoTFE will be the same. I don't know how people can say its sluggish and slow. This is by far the easiest and quickest leveling experience in any MMO.


No kidding, I went through Nar Shaddah in an hour and was still three levels over. People saying that taking away their immortality makes the game sluggish and tedious can't possibly have played this game pre-3.0

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Group content. Just because there is difficult group content available doesn't mean the same can't be the case for solo content.


You're literally grasping at straws here and playing on semantics. To use your own rhetoric, it's only logical that in an MMO, the most difficult content would be group content.


Go do something genuinely challenging if you want an ego boost.


Oh wait, you probably can't.

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You're literally grasping at straws here and playing on semantics. To use your own rhetoric, it's only logical that in an MMO, the most difficult content would be group content.


Go do something genuinely challenging if you want an ego boost.


Oh wait, you probably can't.

Most difficult, yes. Exclusively difficult, no.

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No kidding, I went through Nar Shaddah in an hour and was still three levels over. People saying that taking away their immortality makes the game sluggish and tedious can't possibly have played this game pre-3.0


I played shortly after launch and left just before Makeb was released. Without XP boosts you had to do almost every solo mission including the planet bonus to stay up on levels. Obviously if you did FP's, warzones, and heroics you out level the content but that was the only way. Even then people said the level was pretty easy.

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