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BW hold your ground, don't change the companions back to easy mode


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I appreciate the nerf, the faceroll comps were stopping me from enjoying my character. I mean a veteran of the galactic war, being overshadowed by some random sidekick. . Come on thats no fun at all and makes one really doubt the strength of your own character.


I hope however that BioWare finds some sort of middleground, so all kinds of players can play how they like to, as the Forums are blowing up right now lol

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Do you have some numbers for your claim ? I mean, that would be something BW might consider.


You want numbers? I got numbers. I even started a thread about it. Yes, some of the healing abilities were nerfed 75%.Enlivening force for example on Lana influence level 18 pre 4.02 wwas doing 15451 for my toon. Now same ability is doing 3575. 15,451 before, to 3575 now. you do the math.

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You still can go to any planet and solo stuff.


Yeah I know that. The problem I have is that it's going to take me a lot longer to finish my weeklies now through out my characters then completing them in the 5 days I could before this patch.


I've got 5 characters I run heroics, Took me roughly 2 and a bit hours to complete all heroics with one toon which is really all the time I have with RL commitments. I spend the last few days organizing the Alliance creates and then the game turns into fashion simulator as im going though all the gear, mailing armors to my toons and vendering the rest.


Now with this nerf, unless im playing a stealth and doing an heroic that doesnt demand much combat, it takes me 2 and abit hours just to finish 1 planets worth with all the healing and pausing before fights.

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Do you have some numbers for your claim ? I mean, that would be something BW might consider.


I am sure someone has a screen shot of companion in the quest gear from Revan dailies.


The important thing to look at is the ratio between your character and companion, right now the companion is a small fraction of what a character is. Since the game launched you could get your companions number pretty close to yours especially if you geared it and had unlocks when I did and do.


Not that simply isnt an option.


My rank 20 Lana sucks and I have every companion in the game minus 1 unlocked for the presence bonus. a bonus that does jack sh** it seems.

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I am sure someone has a screen shot of companion in the quest gear from Revan dailies.


The important thing to look at is the ratio between your character and companion, right now the companion is a small fraction of what a character is. Since the game launched you could get your companions number pretty close to yours especially if you geared it and had unlocks when I did and do.


Not that simply isnt an option.


My rank 20 Lana sucks and I have every companion in the game minus 1 unlocked for the presence bonus. a bonus that does jack sh** it seems.

The companion healing abilities right now are 50% of what player healing abilities are by the numbers.

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Yeah I know that. The problem I have is that it's going to take me a lot longer to finish my weeklies now through out my characters then completing them in the 5 days I could before this patch.


I've got 5 characters I run heroics, Took me roughly 2 and a bit hours to complete all heroics with one toon which is really all the time I have with RL commitments. I spend the last few days organizing the Alliance creates and then the game turns into fashion simulator as im going though all the gear, mailing armors to my toons and vendering the rest.


Now with this nerf, unless im playing a stealth and doing an heroic that doesnt demand much combat, it takes me 2 and abit hours just to finish 1 planets worth with all the healing and pausing before fights.


How long did it take you all those years before 4.0 to do the heroics ? I am pretty sure it also took you more time than after 4.0. But still you did play the game for years.

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I'm sorry but if the fact that I don't believe that 4 yo content should be a challenge because we out leveled it years ago makes me a whiner, then yeah I am.

If you are happy doing the same old content forcibly gimped (taken to 10-40 levels below your actual level) so that they can get away with a sub standard expac with little to do at max level and implement it as new content more power to you.


Some of us can just see through the smoke screen.


Most of us were happy even with the above when we still felt powerful, I am not even talking about SF right now, just the old planetary H2's that we out leveled, YEARS ago, why because we could plow through them and know we still had time for alts etc, a small nerf would have even been fine, a nerf to SF would have been fine, but they took my healers from 12k to 1400 channeled, that's not a nerf its a nuke, if you cannot see that then you are quite simply blind.


AGAIN the argument "I can do it so you should be able to, or its fine" is nether accurate/fair or valid.

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How long did it take you all those years before 4.0 to do the heroics ? I am pretty sure it also took you more time than after 4.0. But still you did play the game for years.


You mean when we weren't level scaled, could gear our companions in glorious gear, etc.


I'm sorry but, what? What sort of argument are you trying to make?

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If it stays the same or gets only slightly adjusted, then it will instantly lose two subscriptions. I assume there will be more, quite a lot more.



Now, I know (OP) that with your attitude you could not care less but, the game is going to bleed players.



I would think - given the investment in this new DLC and the drive to get people to play it - this would prove to be very counter-intuitive to their requirements and goals.



Now, why don't all the players (and I hazard a guess that these players are very much fewer in number than the rest of us) who require that HARD MODE EXPERIENCE (despite REFUSING to not use a companion OR, at least, to disable some of the comp's abilities) just get ready to either:



(1) Await the outcome they desire and see the game become a ghost-town like it did in the past.


(2) Await the outcome they don't like and either:


(2a) Suck it up and shut up, or;


(2b) Leave and find some other game that tests their need to feel epic.



I await this outcome with my wallet. Nothing more. Nothing less. I am dead set on going if BW makes the wrong move.



Good day to you.

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Companion Changes in 4.0.2

1. Not happy with it

324 votes (82%)

2. Happy with it?

41 votes (10%)

3. Neutral

29 votes (7%)

394 total votes


Happy with… (10%)

Not happy … (82%)

Neutral (7%)




Considering only subs can post here, and at most about 0.001% probably do (and that's being really generous), I'd hardly call that a representative example of the player base. The people who post here by their very nature are going to be more outspoken and likely to complain, which is why polls posted in forums are worthless. I haven't even seen anywhere near the kind of salt in fleet chat (the only thing I did here was one of two people laughing about how much rage was going on) as over here.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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One question OP:


Why is it ok if they nerf the companions because 20-30 whiners requested it, but not ok if they take back the nerf because 20-30 other whiners request it?


Bonus questions:


What is the difference between the 20-30 whiners and the other 20-30 whiners?


What makes the first-mentioned 20-30 more worthy than the other 20-30?


Is it because you belong to the first 20-30? That's why the 20-30 whiners are right, but the other 20-30 whiners are not?



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The exceptionally loud 20-30 people crying on here do not warrant the changes they seek.


I think you'll find that several hundred have already cancelled their subs and by the end of November/early December swtor will have less subscibers/less player numbers than before 4.0.


Just months ago there was an outcry for server mergers - so that there would be 2x US servers (1x pvp + 1x pve) and 2 servers for EU. This is a very real thing -






swtor had about a year before EA pulled the plug permanently.


The 4.0 happened and there was Maintenance to INCREASE server capacity - servers were Swelling! Player numbers were about the same as at launch. Player numbers have not been that high Since Launch ... it actually looked like swtor may need MORE servers.


Post 4.0.2 - numbers have decreased greatly - a few weeks from now you'll be lucky to have 100 players per server - by February more calls for Server Mergers ... the forced character renaming from these mergers will p*ss of even more players ...


Even the 'groupers' (who, by the way are the minority in mmo's) will leave because you can't group if there are no players on to group with ...


Unless this nerf is addressed immediately I foresee the closure of swtor by this time next year - or at least the announcement that swtor is closing.


Don't believe me? Fine - don't take my word for it - watch player numbers - see how many people on the planets, on the Fleet in 4 weeks from now ... I wish I was wrong - but I already know more than a dozen who have cancelled their subs -


Boo Hoo, you say ... but I smile (knowingly)


I've said it a dozen times within these forums and I will, again, say it here too - the Majority Audience for MMO's today are 'Casual Solo Players' - they make up at the very least, 80% of this game's playerbase - of any mmo's playerbase - smite them at your peril.


Again - watch player numbers on the fleet and planets over the coming weeks and remember this post.


History repeats itself ad infinitum

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Unless this nerf is addressed immediately I foresee the closure of swtor by this time next year - or at least the announcement that swtor is closing.



Agreed. Seen it happen before.



I hold onto my sub and my son's: that is TWO right there. I already mentioned that I spoke to a friend on another server and between him and his guild mates, that was another NINE. But they had already gone solely BECAUSE of this.



Now, I appreciate everyone has differing opinions - that's cool and as it should be - but even the people from the opposing camp who like the patching, have to start to worry about what is happening here.



A ghost-town filled with elite whiners is STILL a ghost town.

Edited by SPAMBAM
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They will be reported and they will have infraction points put on their account for harassment. I'm simply showing support for the decision. The nerf does not affect me as I'm capable of playing my class. Thank you for the response.


ROLF. Just like you insulted anyone that doesn't like the nerf by calling them whiners? Maybe BW should listen to you and take action against your account.

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How long did it take you all those years before 4.0 to do the heroics ? I am pretty sure it also took you more time than after 4.0. But still you did play the game for years.


You didn't have to do the heroics for the only end game solo content there is now. At this point, their idea of a new "faction" was to have you run heroics days on end to get the items you needed to advance your alliance ranks.


But, I wouldn't want to interrupt your troll to point out anything relevant.

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@OP what is this to you?


quick disclaimer, i can do anything i want post patch, but to me its now more tedious and grindy. I (me) have to be in tank spec to get through SF on H2 and its sloooooooooooooow and tedious.


Slow and tedious does not = fun...


back to OP, what is it to you and the others that companions were stronger / OPed etc?


Pre patch companions did not impact you negatively. If it was trivializing content, then do the content without companion.


This change does negatively impact new 65s without legacy bonues and capped stats / influence. For most other people its a quality of life decrease.

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ROLF. Just like you insulted anyone that doesn't like the nerf by calling them whiners? Maybe BW should listen to you and take action against your account.


Heh... I had thought about doing the same thing to him. Then thank him for his response.

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