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Don't Rush to endgame...


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That right there is the lesson of this thread.


Well, first off thanks for beta testing. I mean that definately makes a big difference in improving the game and its UNPAID. But realisitically, how much content did you expect for $60? From the sounds of it you got a week of 4 hour sleep content. So lets say at least 50hrs. Sounds like a good deal. As long as people coninue to subscribe we'll get more content.


Personally, I played through pretty quick on my Powertech but stopped at around 40 to start on some alts as I figured it would be pretty lonely at 50 for a while. At least that was my experience with Rift and Lotro. Its not an amazing MMO but its still a great and enjoyable video game and I feel like I've gotten my money worth and then some.

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This is what happens when you skip 90% of a freshly released game so you can have bragging rights that you are level 50. No one honestly cares that you rushed to 50 and are now bored. Enjoy boredom until patches come along, we dont want to hear it.
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I'm 40 so far and haven't rushed anything at all. I find this thread to be completely valid and honestly the amount of people complaining about 50's need to grow up. There are many circumstances and reasons people can be 50 by now. Its not their fault they have more time than you its the holidays for christ sake.


Back to the topic on hand. Illum is one of my main goals for endgame and I'm glad you posted this. I should be 50 real soon, hopefully before new year and would love to see more things implemented to make it a viable activity like in WAR. That sort of PVP system or similar would be amazing in this game and I hope the devs take notice and do something about it.


Ignore the haters, they don't even know what they're on about.




So where is the "Dalaran" of SWTOR, the place where everyone stands around checking out each other's gear and trade-chatting in between running dailies or PvP matches?



That would be the Fleet Stations :)

Edited by Pingor
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This is what happens when you skip 90% of a freshly released game so you can have bragging rights that you are level 50. No one honestly cares that you rushed to 50 and are now bored. Enjoy boredom until patches come along, we dont want to hear it.


I really don't understand why you're so mad. Didn't get the xmas gifts you asked for?


Trust me Just because i rushed to 50 does not mean I didn't discover 100% of the game. I did not take my time to enjoy every bit of the scenes but I surely know everything there is to do in the game. I ran most of all the hardmode flashpoints already. Half are extremely easy for being hardmodes and the other half are bugged to s**t.

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I played City of Heroes/Villains for 3 years ('05-'08). This game, like that one, the Journey (to level cap) IS the game. Unlike WoW (which I also played for 3 years, '08-11) the game starts at lvl 1 not at lvl cap.


If you grind out 50 levels as fast as you can so you can sart end-game (where you think the game really starts... because that's how WoW was) you will be very dissapointed. You aren't in Azeroth any more...


Now, where have I heard that before... heh

Edited by Tyrloch
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Yeah, just hit 50 and the endgame is absolutely atrocious. It's just dumbed down versions of the leveling flashpoints (less trash pulls and same mechanics) tuned up to 50. Furthermore, it's near impossible to find a group unless you're a healer during any time but prime time.


I'm actually incredibly disappointed. I'll see if my guild makes up for the endgame's shortcomings, but I really expected more.

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I played City of Heroes/Villains for 3 years ('05-'08). This game, like that one, the Journey (to level cap) IS the game. Unlike WoW (which I also played for 3 years, '08-11) the game starts at lvl 1 not at lvl cap.


If you grind out 50 levels as fast as you can so you can sart end-game (where you think the game really starts... because that's how WoW was) you will be very dissapointed. You aren't in Azeroth any more...


Now, where have I heard that before... heh


It took me 5 days /played to hit 50. I experienced the content pretty extensively. Didn't skip through dialogue, cared about my companion storylines. But the endgame isn't there, and the endgame is what keeps me subscribed. WoW updated their leveling content with Cataclysm - the low level zones are actually really fresh and fun. Didn't stop me from canceling my account a year later.

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Rush if you want to. Do you.


Just don't come here and moan that you have nothing to do after bum-rushing to the level cap in an MMO that's been released for all of 8 days.




Think about that. The game has been live for one day longer than a week. Sorry, but I don't know any MMO that had a robust endgame all set up 8 days after launch. Not even the almighty WoW.

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Agree and Disagree. Had a guild member who could give two ***** about SW universe space bar thru the entire story and was 50 by Christmas. Grats to him, except now he says he quits because there's nothing to do and PvP combat is buggy. Um, ok. I hate that a guild member is leaving and all but it made me take a hard look at myself. I warzone grinded thru my 20s and Balmorra was total crap to me. I'm 30 now and refuse to warzone farm to 50. I'm going to take Tatooine and Alderaan nice and slow and warzone every so often while I quest.


tl;dr OP is right, enjoy the game. 50 will be here tomorrow.

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The people being rude to others for "rushing" make no sense to me. I'm closing in on 40, have 400/400 in all my crafting skills, have done a ton of side quests, all of my class quests, I do my ship missions almost every day (I think I missed one day), pvp on the regular (currently 1k+ commendations saved up) and I am having a blast.


I am still over halfway through with the available content, and I am 8 days into release. This is a problem.


Yes, I want to re-roll (especially over on Republic) and check out other storylines. Yes, there is a ton of extra leveling content. However, I am quite attached to my Agent. In the Launch Documentary itself they mention being attached to your character, and how they want to drive that. Giving us things to do at max level drives that.


I in no way rushed through the game so far. I enjoyed every minute of this game that wasn't spent trying to do broken Alderaan quests (please fix those, because I thought Alderaan was awesome otherwise, kthx). I will be quite disappointed if I hit 50 and have a whopping 3 flashpoints, one poorly-built pvp zone, and half of a raid. These are legitimate concerns.


Edit: At launch at max level WoW had a keyed one-encounter raid and a long 40-man raid, several top-tier instances, and a robust pvp experience.


Everquest (1) had 3 (Phinny counts) raid bosses, lots of high-level areas, tons of things to do/farm/camp, and twinkable alts (my god how I miss this).


Rift had a pretty lackluster endgame imo, but even it had two different heroic instance tiers, Raid Rifts, the launch Raid, and some cool rep grinds. Pvp still let me down, but there was stuff to do.

Edited by Bekkal
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The people being rude to others for "rushing" make no sense to me. I'm closing in on 40, have 400/400 in all my crafting skills, have done a ton of side quests, all of my class quests, I do my ship missions almost every day (I think I missed one day), pvp on the regular (currently 1k+ commendations saved up) and I am having a blast.


I am still over halfway through with the available content, and I am 8 days into release. This is a problem.


Yes, I want to re-roll (especially over on Republic) and check out other storylines. Yes, there is a ton of extra leveling content. However, I am quite attached to my Agent. In the Launch Documentary itself they mention being attached to your character, and how they want to drive that. Giving us things to do at max level drives that.


I in no way rushed through the game so far. I enjoyed every minute of this game that wasn't spent trying to do broken Alderaan quests (please fix those, because I thought Alderaan was awesome otherwise, kthx). I will be quite disappointed if I hit 50 and have a whopping 3 flashpoints, one poorly-built pvp zone, and half of a raid. These are legitimate concerns.


Edit: At launch at max level WoW had a keyed one-encounter raid and a long 40-man raid, several top-tier instances, and a robust pvp experience.


Everquest (1) had 3 (Phinny counts) raid bosses, lots of high-level areas, tons of things to do/farm/camp, and twinkable alts (my god how I miss this).


Rift had a pretty lackluster endgame imo, but even it had two different heroic instance tiers, Raid Rifts, the launch Raid, and some cool rep grinds. Pvp still let me down, but there was stuff to do.


It's not that I mean to be rude, it's just that it blows my mind when people rush to endgame when an MMO launches to realized it's not fully developed yet, complain on the boards, and then quit.


Like, really? You had NO idea endgame isn't fully developed on an MMO that's been live for 8 days? I just can't find any pity for them.

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I am still over halfway through with the available content, and I am 8 days into release. This is a problem.

This is a problem, for you. Everyone else (ok, most of us) are taking their time getting there. Don't expect people to drop everything and rush to put endgame content in for those that couldn't take their time and enjoy the game.


If you're at 50 8 days after the game was released, you rushed it, and that's not anyone's fault, or problem, but your own.

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From the title I thought this post was going to be fairly obvious.


Turns out people are still rushing through the game seeking gratification in being "first" instead of being successful while enjoying the experience.


Oh well, all part of the MMO genre I suppose.


If you rush everything it's fine, just don't expect the game to be designed so top-heavy that the content through the game is lacking just so they can spend more time on end-game. WoW did that and they ended up just short-cutting leveling because the only content they spent any time on didn't start until max level...

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This game is 1 week old, I am level 22. At level 50, there are FPs and Ops for me to take a stab at, crafting, and exploration all to keep me busy until more content is added.


So why should I care, that there is not an abundance of end game content at this stage of the game?


I don't mean to be snarky, its a legitimate question. Why should the 95% of this game that is not level 50 care about the lack of level 50 content, 8 days removed from launch?

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This thread reads like:


"My mom made me a big chocolate cake for my birthday. I ate it all in 5 minutes. I now have nothing to eat until she can bake me another one."


Seriously, people need to get out of this "world first" WoW mentality (I say this as a longtime WoW raider) and slow down and enjoy the game. WoW didn't have much endgame content at launch either.


We're at the beginning, not in the middle of this product's lifecycle. Slow down ADD kids, and have fun for a while.


If you can't do that, this probably isn't the game for you right now. Check back in a couple of years.


As for my wife and I, we're absolutely in love with the game thus far. (but please, do fix the AH).

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In this game you are not allowed to play the way you like it. If you do not take "your sweet time" you are XXXX (insert insult here). Like, the people that "take their sweet time" are paying and the guy who "is rushing" is playing for free so she cannot have an opinion or a way to play.


One pays for a game. He wants to play it. They way she likes it. Telling her to keep paying the subscription where having nothing to do and wait for BW to add content is not normal. At least for a new game. BW should never let 50s with no serious options. This is not a FREE game!

Edited by Rayaleith
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This thread reads like:


"My mom made me a big chocolate cake for my birthday. I ate it all in 5 minutes. I now have nothing to eat until she can bake me another one."


Seriously, people need to get out of this "world first" WoW mentality (I say this as a longtime WoW raider) and slow down and enjoy the game. WoW didn't have much endgame content at launch either.


We're at the beginning, not in the middle of this product's lifecycle. Slow down ADD kids, and have fun for a while.


If you can't do that, this probably isn't the game for you right now. Check back in a couple of years.


As for my wife and I, we're absolutely in love with the game thus far. (but please, do fix the AH).


The world is made of many people. They are all not the same. There is dichotomy in differences. There is the ideas and a great consideration for where any of them could lead.


Take this as one guy making a post on what he thought. A post on what HE seen as some issues. you do not have to agree. I do not agree myself. Who cares? This is the net. People post. They are gonna be spread out across the million corners of opinion. Go easy with it.


Otherwise yer gonna pop yer screws and just limp finger it.

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The world is made of many people. They are all not the same. There is dichotomy in differences. There is the ideas and a great consideration for where any of them could lead.


Take this as one guy making a post on what he thought. A post on what HE seen as some issues. you do not have to agree. I do not agree myself. Who cares? This is the net. People post. They are gonna be spread out across the million corners of opinion. Go easy with it.


Otherwise yer gonna pop yer screws and just limp finger it.


Like the quote above says... just my opinion on the game

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  • 3 weeks later...

OP has an accurate review


But it doesn't mean it is permanent.



Game engine fix + viable endgame + viable trade skills + hi rez textures.

They can fix things up, but will they?


I have said the following before but ill say it again.



"The entire game feels like nothing more then a levelling portal as a bridge to the real MMO. I would love to see that once you hit 50 it opens up a new galaxy full of free to roam worlds and neutral cities. But apparently 150 million couldn't provide that in this themepark game."

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I got a level 22 Merc and it took me about almost 50~ hours to get to 22. So far the game is very much like Mass Effect / Dragon Age...storyline-rich content, a lot to do and look for etc...but what the OP says, kind of disappoints me...if the end game content is that much easy (can be conquered with 45-49 level gear), is it worth paying $15 a month?


(where i play from, $15 means a lot)

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