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  1. My understanding is that all the crafting skills were supposed to eventually get stuff like that.
  2. In which case, why bother to take slicing? You can turn any gathering profession into a cash generator by selling the output. Slicing only generates credits, so if the only profit is in gathering, then you shouldn't take it. You should take another gathering profession because then the results of your gathering can be used both to create things and to generate credits. Slicing can only generate credits so is less useful.
  3. This. You rush through the game to... do what? The point is to have fun, so slow down people and have it.
  4. No. because other crafts actually do other things. Slicing only makes money. If it doesn't make money, then it does... nothing.
  5. Basically this. The only value slicing has is making credits. If it can't make credits, what's the point?
  6. You apparently haven't ever played a MMORG before. Gathering skills generate cash. Crafting skills before end-game consume them. Some end-game crafting skills can make money. Typically potion making (biochem) does. Sometimes if you can get rare recipes in non-consumables you can. Slicing delivers credits, but if you just want money, then take gathering skills and sell materials on the galatic market. Slicing isn't the problem. It's people who don't understand how the game works. PS. I don't have slicing.
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