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Do you still have your first character? How are they doing?


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No, because when my husband and I first started the game at launch, he wanted to join his friends on a PVP server. Then he decided to make a break from his guild, so of course I went with him. We duo-d for a while, but when my husband decided to stop playing and I continued playing, I didn't want to be on a PVP server anymore. I'm not into PVP. So I started fresh- my pubs are on Red Eclipse, and my imps are all on Ebon Hawk.
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My first character to hit the end-game was a tiny little Twi'lek scoundrel. I actually leveled a Smuggler during the Beta, too, but I count the Twi'lek as my first. I switched over to the Empire side of the game for a time and leveled a bounty hunter for the guild I made a home in, eventually. My Twi'lek ended up being sacrificed to the gods of "limited character slots" that were still lumbering around during that first year of the game.


Mind you, it was a total 8 characters we were able to maintain at that time! It boggles the mind, looking back on it ... now I'm stunned when I look at the utter havoc of maintaining a roster in our guild, where everyone can potentially make dozens of characters.


Funnily enough, I was asked by a later guild I joined to create a healer and I leveled another Smuggler. I still think the male Smuggler makes more sense after playing the story through with both gendered characters. Anyway, Gaibriel ended up becoming my Main in the end-game, even after moving to this last and final home in COTP for my Legacy. It's been a crazy insane ride, I kid you not!

Edited by Phyreblade
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My first character at launch was a Zabrek Bounty Hunter. He looks very bad *** and I still think of him as my "main" even if I do play other characters more often now. I've run 6 characters through Kotfe so far but in my mind that first character is my personal canon for my swtor story. I always run him through new content first. I never esc out of conversations to make different choices with him. Whatever chocies he makes, he lives with and I think thats part of why I like him best. He's made some poor choices and has some regrets but always did what he thought was best for him and his crew at the time.


My other characters I will mess around with trying different conversation options, saying whatever I think the companion wants to hear to get the best influence gain or best reward, etc.

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My first character, a female Twi'lek sentinel, is still my main and the only character I've taken through Fallen Empire so far. Early next week I should have nothing left to do in FE (until they add more, obviously) aside from gifting companions.


If I'd chosen her advanced class the way I chose everyone else's, she'd be a guardian, but I'm too attached to reroll (or respec, should that ever become an option).

Edited by Plactus
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My first character was a Knight. Still have him. I wasnt a subscriber till I opened my second character. So I reached 500 points with 2 crew skill after Kotfe now that the gathering skill levels are unimportant while gathering resources. :D Edited by fatsi
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Original Main's still going strong, 65 without starting FE as I've been grinding heroics for supply crates, apart from him, out of the other 27 chars I've only re-rolled a couple - usually by the end of the capital planet and mostly just because I wasn't 100% sure about their look or I had a new concept for them come to mind.


Must confess I'm finding it hard to get into the couple of fresh 60's I've got - feels like I don't know them where as everyone else who's done the long way round worked out full personalities and back stories for.

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My Jedi Sentinel I've had since early access is still going strong and the character I play most often (besides a guardian alt that is the same character). It's been a long road and sometimes I feel I've grown as much in the past four years as my character has.
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A pure blood Sith inquisitor....assassin spec because I wanted to use the saber staff. He was around lvl 14 & constantly getting killed because hey....in kotor I had to use ALL the stats right? :D needless to say he was equipped with whatever random gear dropped. He was also completely broke. :rolleyes:



Thus....he suffered a sad fate....the delete button.


His tombstone has only 2 mysterious words....words he often heard in his short life.... "L2P Noob!" :D

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Been moved server twice by Bioware since making my Trooper Medic but still have same name and its still my main char to play.


Trooper was made very 1st day of release.

Edited by Loska
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1. Human Male light-side super benevolent Sith Warrior. I chose the light-side path cause I enjoyed giving the middle finger to anyone who wanted me to act "like a sith.":)

2. Human Female dark-side murderous killing-machine Jedi Knight. Dark-side cause **** being a stereotypical boot-licking *****.:D


I made characters for all factions and kinda balanced out the dark/light in all of them, i.e. Dark Inquisitor/Light Consular and Light BH/Dark Trooper

Edited by Komidas
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Pureblood Sith Sorcerer. Still one of my major characters. She has been through the hell of Ziost, and is doing some weeklies and dailies while focusing on the Dark Council, her archaeology, and her more arcane Sith studies (alchemy, ghosts, and the just plane strange)... and waiting to see what comes after KotFE.
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I have one of my First 2 Characters. Kheldryn, My First character, a sith assassin, was pre-legacy, pre-tailor, etc. When I got him to 50, I realized he had many cosmetic flaws. These flaws began to bother me more and more until I decided to delete him and start him over. 2 Days later BW released the Legacy System, Of course I didn't get credit for my 50 Assassin as I had just deleted him. *Sigh*, He has since been remade, but the original is but a memory, but I still remember him being the BOSS in Huttball, scoring 5 of the team's 6 pts himself.


The second character I created (Both were originally on the Canderus Ordo server-Pre Merge) was Khal'dryn, My BH, He is still alive and kicking. Sometimes I regret making him a Merc, But he kills things so quickly that it stops concerning me after a few minutes of annihilating things.

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My first character is a Human DS Sith Warrior (Juggy) who romanced Jaesa and remained loyal to her - Sardorim, second is a Human LS Bounty Hunter (Powertech) who romanced Torian though also beds Lana - Tytti.


Played this account, as I lost my old one, when SWTOR first went f2p with only 2 slots and level 20 as Max level. So I settled for what I saw as the coolest classes. That and why go JKwhen I have SW and limited slots?


Both are still my mains though I favor the BH moreso. Think it's because I love fire. May have a problem, don't judge.


Evetually made more as restrictions were lifted than subbed down the line. However those two are still my favorites.


My first character was a fat Jedi Guardian. He's lost weight now though. My main character ended up being a Jedi Sage (I think she was the third character I made). I just like playing healers.

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Mine is a 35ish Zabrak Jedi Sentinel that I continued on from beta (re-made him and took off on day 1).


Around the time he hit 30ish, I found out a good majority of ex-Everquest players I knew were on a different server, so I sadly left him and moved over and started fresh. Rolled a Shadow which I quickly and easily got to 50 (stealth is so uber in PvE), and later on started a Sentinel out of nostalgia.


So I still have him, but haven't touched him in years :/

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Still go my original character, the one I started at game's launch. He has been my main for a very long, but this year I started playing him a little less as he is sentinel dps and I'm tanking alot more on my Shadow.


Nevertheless, I still consider him my main and he is the toon I take care of the most. I didn't not play him through KoTFE first, but that was because I wanted to be careful and see what decisions may impact the overall story.

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My first was a Jedi Sentinel, straight up LS. I put him away for a long time, but just started using him again. After his encounter with the Emperor and joinin up with Lord Scourge, he's been getting a few DS choices in there. I just hit Corellia with him, and he's a slightly smudged LS.
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