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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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Han Solo is cocky. ridiculously so. whatever he tells to Luke? its not becasue he himself isn't. its becasue he is and he knows it gets him into trouble, but he can't always help it. that's who he is as a person and that is his charm.


Koth is, obviously to me, joking to release the tension of that situation. god forbid someone is not deathly serious at all times. he is sarcastic.


for some reason its acceptable in some characters, but not others. aside from people crapping all over Koth's appearance or timbre of voice (and yeah, you may not want to admit it, but that IS racist) - if I were to guess why most don't like him? it would be becasue he dares to be his own person and have his own opinions that he doesn't hesitate to fight for especially when they diverge from those of a player. he doesn't just take player at their word, how dare he! >_>


and because of that something that may have been a positive trait in another character? that very trait becomes a negative.

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Koth believes in Valkorion. As long as he'd seen Zakuul under Valkorion's rule, everything was fine and dandy. So you know, that's quite natural and it's okay. Some strangers from far away tells him Valkorion is actually an evil planet-eating monster. There's not actually much reason for Koth to just take their word for it. And his line "He's always been good to Zakuul." sounded more like "... he's always been good to Zakuul." to me. The kind of answer you give when you're scrambling to respond to a harsh statement you're having trouble believing. Granted I've only been through that scene twice, so maybe I don't remember it right.


What DOES make him annoying though is that he refuses to listen even when Senya says his perception of Valkorion is wrong and how he gives you, the player, a hard time after seeing Valkorion's power firsthand. My Sorcerer and Bounty Hunter went through the story with pretty much the same choices. The big difference was in the fight with Scarface. My bounty hunter chose to wield Valkorion's power, which ended up killing all those refugees. Koth comes running into the room and goes "Woah! You mean Valkorion actually DOES mass murder after all? :O". Then at the party in chapter 9 he's all "Yeah, you're a mean murdering ******e, I saw what you did on Asylum, I'm not talking to you!"... he's quite aware that was Valkorion. He'd been repeatedly told Valkorion isn't Super Saint 2000. And yet, now the player is a douche all of a sudden? Piss off Carth. I mean, Alistair. I mean, Koth.

Edited by Pscyon
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I like Koth. One of the best characters in KotFE so far. More complex than Lana or Valkorion kids actually.

His attitude fits.


And I wonder if it is possible that he betrays us in future chapters? As Senya said -he is a traitor after all.


I see it as one defining moment -a choice whether we either destroy Zakuul or aknowledge its greatness and save it.

This might be a good moment for Koth to decide is he with us or not :cool:

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Han Solo is cocky. ridiculously so. whatever he tells to Luke? its not becasue he himself isn't. its becasue he is and he knows it gets him into trouble, but he can't always help it. that's who he is as a person and that is his charm.


Koth is, obviously to me, joking to release the tension of that situation. god forbid someone is not deathly serious at all times. he is sarcastic.


for some reason its acceptable in some characters, but not others. aside from people crapping all over Koth's appearance or timbre of voice (and yeah, you may not want to admit it, but that IS racist) - if I were to guess why most don't like him? it would be becasue he dares to be his own person and have his own opinions that he doesn't hesitate to fight for especially when they diverge from those of a player. he doesn't just take player at their word, how dare he! >_>


and because of that something that may have been a positive trait in another character? that very trait becomes a negative.


Your posts in this thread have been fantastic, I just wanted to say that. As for Koth, I dunno, could it be something as simple as outfit envy for some? Lets be honest, his outift is pretty amazing...


As for me? I like him, no problems with him at all, but then, I don't tend to play ******es.


I actually like all of the new comps.

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Your posts in this thread have been fantastic, I just wanted to say that. As for Koth, I dunno, could it be something as simple as outfit envy for some? Lets be honest, his outift is pretty amazing...


As for me? I like him, no problems with him at all, but then, I don't tend to play ******es.


I actually like all of the new comps.


He's proven to be a traitor, he's dismissed of billions of deaths, he's blindly loyal to a mass murderer and he blames the player for things outside of his control.


I don't deny he is an interesting character, well written and voiced, but he's isn't a likeable person.

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He's proven to be a traitor, he's dismissed of billions of deaths, he's blindly loyal to a mass murderer and he blames the player for things outside of his control.


I don't deny he is an interesting character, well written and voiced, but he's isn't a likeable person.


The two are not mutually exclusive.

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He's proven to be a traitor, he's dismissed of billions of deaths, he's blindly loyal to a mass murderer and he blames the player for things outside of his control.


I don't deny he is an interesting character, well written and voiced, but he's isn't a likeable person.


And I do deny most of it! Though my problem is with character archetype, which does not belong to "ex-military", not to mention VA can play a republic scoundrel but that accent in an alien galaxy where he is the only one with it - no, both voice and behavior do not fit a high ranking officer of a very strict army (as zakuulian army is). I wish they make him a simple smuggler - as he is - and be done with it.

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I'm kind of surprised to see all this Koth hate. I liked him. Do my characters agree with everything he says? No, of course not. But that's ok, because those are the type of dynamics that make relationships between characters interesting! I like that Koth has a good sense of humor, that he is an optimist, and that he sticks to his guns over things he believes in. I think it makes total sense that he sees Valkorion positively and has trouble believing that he is a monster. Why shouldn't he? That's not the reality he's been living. You think he's just going to take your word for it? The fact that he's willing to bust you out and follow you around when you have been accused of being the murderer of his beloved leader says that at least he's willing to give you a chance.


Either that or he's going to betray you horribly in chap 16 or something. :p

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I'm kind of surprised to see all this Koth hate. I liked him. Do my characters agree with everything he says? No, of course not. But that's ok, because those are the type of dynamics that make relationships between characters interesting! I like that Koth has a good sense of humor, that he is an optimist, and that he sticks to his guns over things he believes in. I think it makes total sense that he sees Valkorion positively and has trouble believing that he is a monster. Why shouldn't he? That's not the reality he's been living. You think he's just going to take your word for it? The fact that he's willing to bust you out and follow you around when you have been accused of being the murderer of his beloved leader says that at least he's willing to give you a chance.


Either that or he's going to betray you horribly in chap 16 or something. :p


I agree, it's weird to me. Not that some people wouldn't like him because you can't please everyone but the level of hate is weird. I like him a lot and I assumed everyone else would too. Then again I like all the characters guys seem to hate: Carth, Alistair, Kaidan, etc...the ones that are sweet and funny do-gooders. I hope he doesn't betray us :( I've already started a character to romance him with...

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I am absolutely in the...


"Hey Koth, do me a favor while we'll floating out here and go take a look at the primary thruster nozzle...I think it's a little gunked up"


"No, the droids are all busy, you better take a look"


"Yes, I think checking from the outside of the ship is a good idea. Why, don't you?"


"Koth, come in Koth...you out there now? I think you'll see what I'm talking about if you get right up in there...yeah, in there...see?"


"SCORPIO, full burn on primary thrusters on my mark..."


"Koth, you have a good view inside that thruster area? Ok, good..."


"SCORPIO, mark"




"Ok, SCORPIO, shut 'em down"


"Hey, anyone seen Koth?"



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He looks cool but I am an IMP Agent to the core...no room for hippies on my team ( In game hahaha). I'll ghost him if the story ever gives me a chance.


My BH Merc will probably keep him around because he's a nice dude and no longer my main =)

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Lol. Nice threat OP. Yes, Koth is a modern version of Quinn in my book. Quinn is dead when I meet him again. I hope for Warriors, it is as simple as "Attack Quinn" in the first dialogue wheel.


Koth has not betrayed me yet, but since he is a Valky lover, I'm very certain he will. And when that time comes? He is dead.

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I hate Koth. I made a joke in general. I wanted to toss him out the airlock. I don't know everyone's experience with him. Personally for me he was un-likeable. I didn't care he didn't approve of my actions. I almost wanted to make him mad enough to leave. I''m not alone in feeling like that about him.
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Koth seems absolutely nothing like Quinn to me, aside from the fact that many people seem to dislike him. I like Quinn; Koth, not so much. He reminds me of a more worldly, less endearing version of Corso.


I don't think he's a bad character or anything. But the whole time I couldn't help but think how he was a poor replacement for my Sith's usual companion, Andronikos, who would have made a great rescuer/pilot/mechanic.

Edited by Gwena
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I like Koth. One of my male characters is quite cheerfully romancing him. He's funny, seems loyal (so far anyway), and generally useful in a fight. Yeah sure he's a bit thick when it comes to Valkorian, but given the Zakuul backstory that makes a great deal of sense.
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I just want to smack him for being so blind to/uncaring about Vitiate/Valkorians badness....


Koth in a nutshell: "I dont care if he killed billions of people, they werent -my- people after all..."


Agreed, I want to shove him out an airlock and be done with him.

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All the people in this thread that believe I don't like Koth because he's black disgust me. I couldn't care less about the color of his skin, I just hate him because he's a blithering, opinionated idiot. Those last two adjectives, when combined, invariably lead to an unlikable person. Koth is willing to trust you on so many things. All the stories he's heard about you, all the things you do for him, Lana and your burgeoning rebellion. He takes the word that Valkorian is living inside your mind as fact the second he hears it.


But the moment he hears a thing about how Valkorian is actually a terrible person, he just plugs up his ears and starts singing to himself so he can't hear you. And then he gets mad at YOU, as if you were somehow the stupid one in the situation. It never occurs to him for even a moment that the person who has his beloved Emperor inside his head chatting with him might have a slightly better idea of what the Emperor is thinking than he does. You can inform him that in a single instant, let alone across his thousand-year rule, Valkorian slaughtered several billion innocent people on Ziost. And you know what he says to that?


"But muh Zakuul, tho :^)"


He's stupid about how he views Zakuul's culture, too. Talking with Senya, you get a very good idea that the Old World is and has always been a giant piece of crap that no sane person would live in, in addition to the fact that the high society of Zakuul is so opulent it's bred complete apathy in most of its population. But when you bring Koth into the slums he gets downright offended that people on his perfect little planet could possibly not have a perfect life. He doesn't actually care about their suffering, all he can think about is "This isn't supposed to happen on Zakuul!"


And that's not even getting into his dumb spiel about destiny. The guy talks like he never even received a grade-schooler's level of education. The concepts of skill, manipulation, etc. just don't exist in his mind. You'd think he believes you're all just up on a stage acting out a play. He's overconfident to the point of retardation, because the second anything goes his way he believes he's completely invincible.


I don't care if he is black, or white, yellow or chartreuse. Koth is one dumb son of a *****.

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Love the psychologist-in-their-own-mind people in here to tell others that no it's not that Koth blindly follows and loves Vitiate despite all of the **** he's done and that we're telling him he's done is grating, it's because he's black and he has an opinion. Thanks Freud. I bet next you'll tell me the real reason I hate Quinn is because I'm a bigot who hates people with moles on their face, and despite what I think it's not actually because he betrayed and tried to kill me. And the actual reason I hate Skadge is because I'm specist against walking poo people. Well you might actually be right about that last one.


The two conversations that really got me annoyed at him was the "but he was good to Zakuul", and the "but you don't know him like I do". Seriously dude? You've got a Sith and her friend who've watched him devour a planet telling you the guy's evil, and his wife who's saying he's an ***hole, but no, you once watched him on TV and he seemed like a cool dude, so of course your opinion of him matters most. I'm pretty sure the person who's seen him do the most evil stuff wins by default.


I don't even get the whole "but he doesn't trust you yet" part. He joined up with your group and risked his life to come break you out so that you could lead this whole rebellion. "We've come to rescue you because you're the biggest BA in the galaxy and the only one who can help us, but I don't care what you have to say about this emperor that you came here searching for after fighting for years in your own galaxy."

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Hate white privileged people that ignore that SOME do in fact have a bias against him because he is black. And many don't realize that they have that bias.


I don't see people expressing the same hate for other cocky companions.


Oh yeah? Then you haven't seen the Thana Vesh threads, nor the Malavi Quinn threads...

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