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Everything posted by SenileBomber

  1. Trying to come back to this game after a while, had to reinstall. When I tried loading up the game, my monitor's resolution is shrunk to an absurdly small level, something like 600x600, and the game tries to open in an extremely thin, tall window that I can't make heads or tails of. And even if I left it that way it wouldn't matter, because I've sat there as long as 15 minutes and the game simply will not load. At all. I've tried re-installing, I've tried waiting for the download to be 100% complete. Nothing helps. And this is a PC that has run this game just fine in the past, so it is neither a hardware nor software issue. It's not a firewall issue either, the game is listed explicitly as an exception. So what do I do here
  2. Don't misunderstand, what I was thinking of wouldn't delete your alts, it would just put a sort of copy of them to be used as an NPC in your other character's instances.
  3. From the very start of the game, it's been implied and stated in various ways that while you were one hero going on feats of derring-do, there were plenty of other heroes of renown on both the sides of the Republic and Empire doing their own parts. Basically, the assumption that while you were playing, say, a Jedi Knight, the Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Trooper and all the Empire classes also existed and were off doing their story campaigns while you were doing yours. I and many other players for various reasons have played through all of these campaigns at least once, which means we've got characters left over from those playthroughs, but personally I simply don't have the time or energy most days to get every single one of them through the newest content. Rather than allow those unused alts to collect dust, I was wondering if there may be some method of incorporating them into your main characters' Alliance. For one reason or another, in KotFE it's implied that while you were imprisoned by Arcann all the other class heroes either died or disappeared, leaving their companions roaming around for you to collect in the main campaign or as Alliance alerts. While I can't speak to the difficulty of such a task, maybe you guys at BioWare could incorporate our alt characters as recruits the same way Guss, or Jorgan, or whoever were. My idea would be through some method, allow players to "record" the alt character on that server they would like to register as the "hero" of that class for their own personal stories. Their appearance, Advanced class, first cosmetic slot for equipment, and alignment would be saved to that profile, and maybe if it's possible to record, the types of dialogue choices they usually pick (flirty, funny, threatening, what have you.) Then, at some point in the future, a new Alliance alert might allow you to go on a mission to recruit the "hero" of one of the other seven classes, and the character that appears would be your alt. Again, I don't know if it's even feasible to implement, but I thought this might be a nice way to give a little more love for players whose Alt-itis has outgrown their time and ability to play The Old Republic.
  4. I'm not even mad about it anymore, I just can't stop laughing. How in the hell did you guys think this was a good idea? Hell, man, at LEAST make first half of the rewards automatically unlock if you've fulfilled the requirements on non-event characters. At LEAST dish out eight free character slots for the event for the members of the community that have been supporting you all this time and don't have any more space to make event characters with. If you're trying to reel in new players so hard you make an event designed to appeal to them, that's fine. But Christ alive, don't screw over your existing player base to do it. What's your plan if this fails and the new players don't come pouring in? All you'd be left with is your previous userbase, who would more than likely be pretty rightly pissed you spent three months giving them the finger.
  5. Let's not pretend the other services they offer aren't disgustingly overpriced.
  6. The real question is why the Jedi and Sith characters shouldn't be focusing on getting stronger in the Force. The non-Force users need weapons but considering how absurdly this last chapter focused on the Force, shouldn't we be trying to use it?
  7. 10/10, best part was when you assumed BioWare would actually make changes between the test server and release.
  8. I'm pretty sure the reason they're so large is part of the exaggerated, stylized aesthetic they tried to make the game with. Weapons are important parts of the character model so they want you to be able to look at it and it be distinct at a glance. Personally I think it's a pretty unpleasant aesthetic to look at, with the way it exaggerates proportions to look more distinct, but I can at least see the idea behind it. The launch weapons in particular were downright atrocious, blasters in particular looking nothing like any blaster in the franchise, just ugly hunks of metal that occasionally had a tube that might be a barrel slapped on.
  9. What about all the people in-game who are complaining too?
  10. I'm cancelling my subscription today. I was giving BioWare a chance under the impression that their new focus on "episodic" content would mean they intended to actually bring out content at a reasonable pace. But the dearth of content in terms of Flashpoints, Operations, Alliance content, and even in the story they were touting as a return to form is disgusting, and the "rewards" they want to hand out in return for sticking through this months-long barren patch is frankly insulting. I can safely say they've permanently lost me as a customer this time.
  11. I cannot think of a single person that actually complained about Companions as they were at KotFE launch. Who on earth is BioWare listening to to make this change?
  12. None of the robes they've added so far really strike me as the kind of jedi robes I want, but that's because the engine they built this game on is absolute garbage and can't properly recreate the volume that the heavy overcoat over the shorter, more practical tunic and trousers should have. They can only do those dumb capes and waist-capes. Can't make the robes drape over the front in any way it seems, that or they're too lazy to figure out how.
  13. Don't be childish and try and turn this into an ad hominem contest. I can understand Koth's reasoning perfectly well. What you're mistaken on is the idea that understanding his reasoning means I have to respect it. I don't. His reasons are poorly founded, rife with fallacy and blatantly colored by his own bias and objective naivete about the goings-on of 95% of the galaxy. He only knows, and makes it very clear he only cares about Zakuul. His entire morality is a sham and hypocritical. To him, the lives of a thousand Zakuulans are precious, and sacrificing them for the greater good makes you an irredeemable monster. But the deaths of billions of non-Zakuulans are, to him, irrelevant because he's sure Valkorian must have had a good reason. Nothing he says on the issue makes any sense, thus I and the characters I play have no reason to respect his opinions on the matter. That is not hatred, that is just people perceiving and reacting to the character they've been presented with in the story.
  14. That line of thinking is horrifying. "Because shut up" is an awful reason to deny requests to provide something your consumers want. These forums exist as a medium for us to speak with the developers and tell them what we like about their product, what we don't like and what we wish to see changed, added, and removed in the future. Don't tell people to stop using this board for the explicit reason it exists just because you're petty enough to get mad about it.
  15. All the people in this thread that believe I don't like Koth because he's black disgust me. I couldn't care less about the color of his skin, I just hate him because he's a blithering, opinionated idiot. Those last two adjectives, when combined, invariably lead to an unlikable person. Koth is willing to trust you on so many things. All the stories he's heard about you, all the things you do for him, Lana and your burgeoning rebellion. He takes the word that Valkorian is living inside your mind as fact the second he hears it. But the moment he hears a thing about how Valkorian is actually a terrible person, he just plugs up his ears and starts singing to himself so he can't hear you. And then he gets mad at YOU, as if you were somehow the stupid one in the situation. It never occurs to him for even a moment that the person who has his beloved Emperor inside his head chatting with him might have a slightly better idea of what the Emperor is thinking than he does. You can inform him that in a single instant, let alone across his thousand-year rule, Valkorian slaughtered several billion innocent people on Ziost. And you know what he says to that? "But muh Zakuul, tho :^)" He's stupid about how he views Zakuul's culture, too. Talking with Senya, you get a very good idea that the Old World is and has always been a giant piece of crap that no sane person would live in, in addition to the fact that the high society of Zakuul is so opulent it's bred complete apathy in most of its population. But when you bring Koth into the slums he gets downright offended that people on his perfect little planet could possibly not have a perfect life. He doesn't actually care about their suffering, all he can think about is "This isn't supposed to happen on Zakuul!" And that's not even getting into his dumb spiel about destiny. The guy talks like he never even received a grade-schooler's level of education. The concepts of skill, manipulation, etc. just don't exist in his mind. You'd think he believes you're all just up on a stage acting out a play. He's overconfident to the point of retardation, because the second anything goes his way he believes he's completely invincible. I don't care if he is black, or white, yellow or chartreuse. Koth is one dumb son of a *****.
  16. Stanley Woo, please go and stay go. I personally don't mind companions as they are now, but the exp complaints are legitimate. You hit the new raised level cap before you're even halfway finished with the current story content. Seems a little silly to me, considering I've maxed out three 60s in early access, that is to say before the game's officially even released. And suggesting that the problem be addressed by saying "You don't HAVE to use a major selling point and feature of the game!" is just absurd. There's tweaking that needs to be done, especially considering that right now there's no good reason to use anything but a healing spec on companions, because it's so objectively better and allows you to soak up infinite damage on anything short of Ops-level content. I think a happy medium could be reached by making companions a little less crazy to start out with, but reaching the current levels of strength as you max out their influence.
  17. I just spend my time today doing world bosses to earn influence with Qyzen, and after the server shutdown we were only given 30 seconds' warning of, lost progress on it all because of the rollback. That's bull, and deserves some manner of compensation.
  18. Not for you maybe, I lost all three of the world bosses I just did, and Qyzen isn't my companion anymore.
  19. I just reached the planet Odessen and I'm getting major flashbacks to Yavin. There is a from what I can tell unanimously experienced latency on that planet in particular, taking anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds for actions to register in the game. It's the first day of early access, so I'm not at all surprised this is here, and I don't really mind it. But I still have a sour taste in my mouth from the Shadow of Revan launch, where Yavin IV possessed these same problems and it was weeks, nearly a month before the developers even responded to our complaints, let alone fixed them. So I figured it would be best to make this problem widely known as quickly as possible in the hopes their response this time around will be more timely.
  20. To access KotFE early access, do you need to have been subscribed nonstop through the duration period of the campaign leading up to it with all the bonuses, or just subscribed at some point in the timeframe? I've remained subscribed through most of it, but my sub lapsed for a couple of days without my noticing. Would this mean I'm no longer eligible?
  21. I don't think I'm allowed to elaborate under current forum rules, but we find out what's up with Vitiate in this expansion early on in the storyline. BioWare hasn't forgotten about him.
  22. White is perfectly serviceable and doesn't make your eyes bleed. Why the hell do you feel the need to color your text?
  23. I can't be the only one sick of this wishy-washy noncommittal language in all our previews of KotFE, right? Clearly they're making changes with our companions, but they refuse to tell what, precisely is changing. This baiting along does not make me more interested in the game, it only makes me frustrated and starts to make me wonder if I should even bother playing the game. Are these characters I'm investing time and, in the case of Treek, money in going to be discarded? Is all the time I spent building up their approval essentially wasted time? All I want is a straight answer: "Yes, they're coming back," "No, they're not coming back," just something! If a BioWare dev happens to read this I'm begging you, just be straight with us. I want to know for a fact whether I'm getting some kind of return in the coming expansion for bothering with my companions up until this point.
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