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PVP should be priority


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I am a SWTOR repeat offender, meaning i started with early release and i leave and come back periodically over the years staying around 6 months at a time!


i love the story Bioware has put forth and i occasionally have participated in the operations aswell, but it is the PVP that keeps me coming back.


that being said Priority of the game should b the game in total...these piecemeal expansions are silly to say the least...i love what the game has down with kotfe but excluding operations wz and all this to the alienation of both parts of the game is silly.



the idea that a game HAS to make something a priority over another is silly. we all now that with the new star wars movie coming out this game will have an influx of new players and and thsoe players will be from all tastes. this entire game needs MORE not just one piece of the swtor pie

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If you want PVP, go play a game designed from the ground up for it. Star Wars Battlefront, COD, or the hundred of other PVP games out there. Not every game in existence needs PVP in it. MMO's have suffered too much trying to balance classes around both the PVE and PVP aspect for too many years, with none being very successful at it. You thing Bioware is going to get that right ?
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Why so offensive? I didn't say anything that could hurt your feelings.

I'm not a PVP player. Honestly, I've played PVP only couple times. Why? Because PVP in TOR is mediocre, and it's not only my opinion. Why is it mediocre? Because it was never a priority for BioWare. It should be. It's not an opinion, it's just logical. PVP is the only thing you can repeat that never gets boring. Why? Because it's never the same.

I can play dailies for as long as I have something to buy. But what if there is nothing that I want to buy?

I can play story for as long as there is something that I can discover. But what if there is nothing else that I can discover? Besides, not everyone wants to have more than one character.

If you want to wait one year to play 6 hours of story, fine. I don't want to. I want to play SW:TOR everyday, while waiting for a new story to come out. And I think there is nothing wrong about it.

And no, I won't play Battlefront. I don't like it.



NO. Just, no.

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No it shouldn't. PVE is always the most important part. PVP could disappear as far as I'm concerned.


I said something similar earlier.


OP Completely disagree..... just speaking personally i would be happy if they completely removed pvp and ops and put the money and resources into more VA work for story and companion romances and interactions.


Pvp and ops are niche stuff for a small % of the player base not the main part of a story based rpg.

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While I don't agree PvP should take priority over story, I have to shake my head at some of the posts here. People keep trying to pass PvP off like it's only played by a very small portion of players, but not once have I seen anything to back that up. What's also funny is it's usually the people who seem to dislike PvP.


This is a Bioware game and they should stick to their guns; Story and character. That doesn't mean PvP should be neglected the way it has been. PvE players get a few FPs and OPs every expansion, PvPers should get at least one or two maps and game types.

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.




oh wait..you're serious. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

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If you want PVP, go play a game designed from the ground up for it. Star Wars Battlefront, COD, or the hundred of other PVP games out there. Not every game in existence needs PVP in it. MMO's have suffered too much trying to balance classes around both the PVE and PVP aspect for too many years, with none being very successful at it. You thing Bioware is going to get that right ?


You're mixing FPSs and MMORPG PvP, two completely different animals. FPSs like COD are all about reflexes or using streaming cheats if you're not on a monitored server. Most MMORPG PvP requires a bit more strategy and even those with less than stellar reflexes can have fun and do well.


I played FPS games quite a bit until age caught up with me and the movement in them started making me nauseous.


Now when I'm feeling like a bit of PvP I play WoW, SWTOR, or some other similar game. I think you'd be surprised how many people like to do a bit of PvP from time to time.

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Yes lets all of sudden change the focus away from what seems to be what the majority of players enjoy to PvP, something that this game sucks at. The work that would need to be put in to make this even a decent PvP game would be astonishing.


Should they come out with some more maps? Absolutely, and they should also continue to dry and balance, but this is an MMO and great balance is almost impossible. I have yet to play an MMO that has good solid balance. This game has a crappy engine that doesn't play nice in PvP, the class balance is terrible, you can't choose which maps you want to play, the participation from players is atrocious, the rewards laughable, with the exception of the ranked rewards. Toss in the fact that it is about gear more than it is about skill. There is no open world PvP objectives, so even if there was OW PvP all you get is ganking, which is only fun for dbags who get a kick out of killing low level characters like it takes some form of skill.


I can keep going on but the fact is everything that an MMO needs to be a quality PvP game, this game lacks. You want solid PvP, go play an FPS, or MOBA. Stop trying to turn this into a solid PvP game, it just isn't going to ever be that. Oh and i understand you like Star Wars and that might be the only reason you play this game, but this is not a PvP game. I wanted this to have solid PvP but it just never happened and isn't going to, the people they put in charge of doing that were incompetent.

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While I don't agree PvP should take priority over story, I have to shake my head at some of the posts here. People keep trying to pass PvP off like it's only played by a very small portion of players, but not once have I seen anything to back that up. What's also funny is it's usually the people who seem to dislike PvP.


This is a Bioware game and they should stick to their guns; Story and character. That doesn't mean PvP should be neglected the way it has been. PvE players get a few FPs and OPs every expansion, PvPers should get at least one or two maps and game types.


The fact that not so long ago it took ages to find a pug for either pvp or pve (With pve being both hm fps and/or ops) is enough proof.

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I have over 35 toons. I am exclusively PVE. I don't mind doing the stories over and over. I am a crafter. I like playing different character races, genders, alignments, etc., in the stories to get different reactions.


I hate PVP. I only do the PVP in the new xp for 4x. I am 8 out of 20 missions. I still hate it. It's not my thing, and I resent being forced to do it just to keep the story going to get a recruit.

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Bioware definitely needs to put more effort into PvP than they did till today. It's just not enough. For how long didn't PvPer's get a new map (besides that trashy loveless Quesh Huttball)? Only starting new seasons and giving out new season rewards is just bad for such a big MMO. So at least one new map should be done, maybe a completely new and revolutionary gamemode like the original Huttball. That would be awesome. Edited by Eskala
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LOTRO was a completely different animal and info from that game has no relevance here.


SWTOR was originally advertised and touted to be a legitimate PvP game by BW. Gabe Amantalago (sp?), the original Lead PvP Dev who has long since been fired, even expressed ambitions to turn SWTOR into an e-sport. Ranked PvP was supposed to accomplish that goal.


Back in the day, PvPers even used to get their own exclusive blogs - SWTOR New Year's PvP Update 2012. That update for example notes that nearly HALF of the player base at the time participated in PvP.


In fact, every metric for content participation I've ever seen BW actually produce showed a substantial amount of participation in PvP by players of this game. I recall another report that provided a snapshot of where players spent most of their time in game. Of course, Fleet was #1, but War Zones were #3.


So all of these people referencing other games and stating that PvPers in SWTOR are only a small minority are straight full of crap. Please show me the metrics to substantiate your claims that players don't participate significantly in this game's PvP. You will be scratching and clawing for a long time to produce some because they don't exist.


That said, I still don't think PvP should be a focus for BW. BW tried to do PvP, and failed miserably. They just don't know how to do it right. So instead they have fallen back on what they do well...telling stories, and for BW, that's a smart move...because they are terrible at PvP development and have been since the beginning.


That's because it was new and shiny and so many players thought they had a chance in the matches of the day. Probably did, because there weren't players with thousands of matches of experience going around in premades rolling over everything which didn't have the kind of skill which comes with that kind of experience. And game performance was probably better, too.


Focus fire against uncoordinated clueless opponents (no healing/guard or even DCDs) doesn't impress anyone. It says even more when certain "elite" roflstomp kings quit matches because they ended up on the wrong end of the matchmaker.

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That's because it was new and shiny and so many players thought they had a chance in the matches of the day. Probably did, because there weren't players with thousands of matches of experience going around in premades rolling over everything which didn't have the kind of skill which comes with that kind of experience. And game performance was probably better, too.


Focus fire against uncoordinated clueless opponents (no healing/guard or even DCDs) doesn't impress anyone. It says even more when certain "elite" roflstomp kings quit matches because they ended up on the wrong end of the matchmaker.


I don't know if it's true, but I like the narrative. I remember the **** talking premades that crushed random teams and acted way too proud of it. I swear they played like 8-12 hours a day too, as if it was some kind of neck-beard growing competition.


Ironically introducing ranked probably killed the number of hours played in WZ as these losers ragequit at being matched up against similarly competitive players.

Edited by DeltaGun
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The problem is: PvP isn't even a priority for the PvPers here. How do I know? Shadowlands crashed the other night, and I actually saw the server select screen. Why spend a lot of time and money building for something that, after they had to upgrade servers for population increases, remain little used by the players? For the carebears rolling on PvE servers, waving their epeens around? If you want to demonstrate how important PvP is in this game, maybe ya'll should be rolling hardcore on the PvP servers. I know the "expert" PvPer that I talked to on Shadowlands admitted he transferred off of Pot5 because he couldn't level for all the PvP happening. This was some time ago, but seeing the condition of the PvP servers, it's not a priority for the player base, or there'd be more people on the servers.
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The day Bioware introduce story, hard and nightmare mode PvP based on gear level I might consider voting to prioritise it, until then Im not enthusiastic about being roflstomped by the elite.


However, put three or four Lake Wintergrasp style contested warzones on some planets and im giving the idea ALOT more consideration. Fifty a side chaos, last second wins and losses and actual fun? Now that's good content :D

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However, put three or four Lake Wintergrasp style contested warzones on some planets and im giving the idea ALOT more consideration. Fifty a side chaos, last second wins and losses and actual fun? Now that's good content :D

This game can't even handle 15 per side...that's why WZ's are limited to 8v8 only...sadly, you'll never see 50 per side.

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This game can't even handle 15 per side...that's why WZ's are limited to 8v8 only...sadly, you'll never see 50 per side.


I've been in games where it was 25 vs 25 and 50 vs 50. It isn't as fun as people seem to think it is. The lag generated not only from all the people in one small area but the skill effects will get you killed quicker then anything else in large scale PVP melee.

Edited by Anaesha
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I've been in games where it was 25 vs 25 and 50 vs 50. It isn't as fun as people seem to think it is. The lag generated not only from all the people in one small area but the skill effects will get you killed quicker then anything else in large scale PVP melee.


Its a shame that number of people cant be supported on a modern server but it does make me wonder how I don't get insta lagkicked from the fleet every time I travel back.

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.


Given the fact that the PVP servers are completely deserted, I would say that PVP should be very low on the priority list, since this clearly indicates that the majority of the customer base is not interested in PVP, at least not in any sort of open world PVP. How could it possibly make good business sense to focus on PVP in a game where so many avoid it?

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Go look, right now, at the server status screen. Click on Forum Management. Click on server status. There are seven PVP servers. 6 out of 7 are LIGHT. Every other server on both continents is STANDARD and two are HEAVY. This is the case any time you look at it. If you want PvP as a priority, put your time were your mouth is and go play it.


But you don't. And THAT'S why PvP is not a priority and never will be.

Edited by MSchuyler
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