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  1. No one has to "abandon" anything. Even free players can have more than one character per server. It is made very clear (and always has been) that once you choose an advanced class, you are locked in. It is the one choice that has real consequence.
  2. You aren't necessarily being cheated. For whatever reason, the grant never comes (and never has come) right on your resub date. Not sure why, but it's always been off by a bit. Also keep in mind that subs run every 30 days, not every month, so when there is a month with 31 days, it actually moves it by day. In April, it will actually be moved by 2 days since Feb only has 28 days.
  3. While it would not be ideal, one idea to reduce the use of in-game mail for RMT spam would be to implement an option to reject all messages from anyone not on your friends list or in your guild. Official mails and story related mails should, of course, be exempt. Something like this would likely make the use of the in-game mail system far less effective for spammers, so they would be less likely to utilize it.
  4. Don't put this on EA. Most all MMOs follow this same practice, people who don't subscribe, don't post. Simple as that. As for the argument that people should be able to express why they left in order to provide constructive feedback on making the game better, this can already be done. Most all MMOs have a portion of the unsub process offer you the opportunity to explain why you are dropping your subscription. If you think those don't get read, you're wrong, and besides, even if they didn't get read, why do you think they would be more likely to read a forum post?
  5. All of which is clearly spelled out in the user agreements. If you chose to accept them without reading them, that's on you, not them.
  6. Given the fact that the PVP servers are completely deserted, I would say that PVP should be very low on the priority list, since this clearly indicates that the majority of the customer base is not interested in PVP, at least not in any sort of open world PVP. How could it possibly make good business sense to focus on PVP in a game where so many avoid it?
  7. I'm a little confused. Even if it is RMT sites buying items and selling them on the GTN, how is that credit card fraud? Credit Card Fraud is a very specific accusation involving the use of someone else's credit card information. Nothing you said here even remotely points to Credit Card Fraud.
  8. The quote in question refers to the new recipes, not the pre-4.0 recipes. Any pre-4.0 recipes are exactly as they used to be. Nothing has changed. In the new recipes, only components (which are used to craft items) are green, all actual items from the new recipes are blue.
  9. I think that is an exploration mission now, so yes, make sure that you have the checkbox in the world map enabled. If you don't you can't get the exploration missions at all. It doesn't just hide them from showing, it completely disables getting the missions from the contacts.
  10. Just to be clear, it is NOT coming out in a few days for ALL subs, only those subs who qualify for Early Access. It comes out for ALL subs a week later. That being said, no, you are definitely not the only one who is excited.
  11. One tip to get away if you see a group camping like this again. Open your world map and see if there is a number in parenthesis after the planet name in the lower right hand corner, just above the small map. If there is, then there are multiple instances of the planets and there will be a drop down. Simply click the drop down and move to another instance of the planet, leaving the campers behind to seek out other prey.
  12. Datacrons won't be much of an issue since they are being made legacy wide, so if you've done it once on a character, you don't need to go back there again.
  13. Out of curiosity, were you trying to by them from the website or from in-game? In-Game purchases are disabled by default and have to be enabled through your account settings.
  14. Looks like you have excluded one entry. The MAIN story line from the first three chapters of the core story (Korriban/Hutta/Ord Mantel/Tython, Coruscant/Dromund Kaas, Taris, Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, Tattooine, Alderaan, Quesh, Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia). The side missions and heroics will still be available, but the main story from these planets will not. For most planets, these are the missions that usually end by having you speak to a contact in the next area of planet to continue.
  15. Actually, if you are from the US, you live in a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. Either way, it doesn't matter. This game is not the government, you don't vote with a forum post, nor a petition. You vote with your wallet. Stop spending money, and they will do their best to figure out why, and rectify the problem so that you will. If you continue to spend your money, you have already given them your vote, and what you say here doesn't matter.
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