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Statement: Choices that matter= NONE


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What have I been saying.... The same dang thing.

No choice matters. You end up at the same place with the same folks and just how did I kill off HK?

I never sent or told him to stand and die...now hes to damaged to fix..really? ***!


This gets better and better all the time.

Did they not get test server input for players?


3 toons, Merc, SI, Op.... all choices different as they could be... noting changed. outcome the same.


Maybe the next 9 chapters we will see change.... Question is are you will to pay for the next 10 months to find out?

Next chapter due in January..... right at $164.00 to find out....

Edited by DogMeat
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I've had choices that are very different depending on how I played, and even totally different dialogue based on my classic choices.


But to be fair to all the ADHD people, they don't slap you in the face like a cold fish. Also, we are only half way through the story, so many of our choices haven't come to fruition yet.

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Have to say, Witcher 3 spoiled me, regarding choices and their influences. The numer of possibilities, which have influence over world status and Geralt's personal status was amazing - not even in Blood Baron questline, but in secondary quests.


I thought Tor would offer same way, but I guess it's not possible in MMO, though I regret that you can't even recreate it.

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There are choices that influence what happens with your progression through the chapters. The big over arching decisions haven't occurred yet. Those I'm expecting down the line. But, I'm pretty sure there were about 5 or more decisions that you had to make a choice on. Some had immediate effects on your story i.e you could kill a companion, and some seem likely to resurface in future chapters.


The poster who cautioned people against jumping the gun is correct. Judge the book whichever way you'd all like to. But, to jump to conclusions now is akin to judging a book by it's cover. Or maybe more aptly, judging a book by it's first 9 chapters. Usually after 9 chapters you've still got over 300 pages left to go and like 30 chapters remaining. This KOTFE story is far from being done.


Really though, there's no point to even type this up and post it. There's like 2 percent of forumites that actually understand things in a realistic fashion. I'm only posting cause I'm trying to pass the time left here at work.

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I've had choices that are very different depending on how I played, and even totally different dialogue based on my classic choices.


But to be fair to all the ADHD people, they don't slap you in the face like a cold fish. Also, we are only half way through the story, so many of our choices haven't come to fruition yet.


Agreed....I played through this weekend after watching Dulfys YouTube playthru. And I can tell you for a fact about one very obvious choice that mattered.



when you're sent to rescue the engineer chick with tha blue hair for Koth, you find she's being held captive by Tanno Vic from Havoc Squad. You can kill him or reason with them. Dulfy killed him. I reasoned with them....and he showed up later and helped during a fight.



I'm pretty sure he'll also show up later on at some point. Not all the choices you make will have obvious consequences right now. But considering how often I saw "__________ will remember your actions"..... I'ma give BW the benefit of the doubt for now.

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Choices DO matter! i chose to finish the story on one guy. then on my next guy i stopped doing the story after i got marr, went to the fleet and now use marr as my companion, on my 3rd guy i did the same for HK and he now has HK! Edited by masstershake
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First off, there is one major plot change in Act 8 based on your choices



I chose to accept the Emperor's power the first two times, then in the fight against Arcann I chose NOT to use his power. Instead of the standard scene where you refuse and then get stabbed. Valkorian said "No, I will not allow you to waste this opportunity!" and forcefully interjected against my will. This took me by surprise and has me slightly worried about the repercussions of my earlier choices.



Also, we were given the first half of the story only, most likely the choices made in this half will affect how the second half plays out. Thus we won't see any of our choices matter until chapter X and beyond

Edited by Terro_Fett
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Wow, I guess some of you don't know how this works or maybe how BW has done this with ME. Choices don't have to have an immediate impact. There doesn't have to be instant gratification one way or the other. The choices you make now will impact you later. Who lives, who dies, how this little world develops will all be based on the choices you make now and the choices you made before. Yes, they matter, you aren't far enough along in the story to see it. Lol!


You think I'm just drinking the Jawa juice? Well, some of you have already gotten a few letters. Most especially those of you that cheated on your companion. That is just a little slice of how your choices do matter. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, you will see it soon enough.

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Choices DO matter! i chose to finish the story on one guy. then on my next guy i stopped doing the story after i got marr, went to the fleet and now use marr as my companion, on my 3rd guy i did the same for HK and he now has HK!


This one is good! 10/10.


I don't get why they hyped this fact when they knew it was completely false.


My take on this is that the guys who hyped it actually thought it would be true. They never played KotFE themselves. They got a briefing from the devs and the devs slightly exaggerated, but it was taken for real and was later communicated.

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A strange game. The only choice that matters is the choice not to play. How about a nice game of KOTOR?


No, let's play Global Thermonuclear War.


It is a mute point since no one has seen that content yet.


The word is "moot". Moot! MOOT!


Personal pet peeve: don't use a word or phrase if you don't have a clue what it means; you look less foolish that way.

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I think the obvious thing here is we're judging only based on the unfinished story. Yes nothing changes through the first 9 chapters. What about the rest?


I do not agree with this argument. The first 9 chapters is a complete railroad. If they cannot vary dialogue in the first 6 hours, then they will not do so in the last. They have a script. Most of the time, the character say the exact same line with very little variation between classes.


I could agree with you and then post this exact same thread in July. I spent years always hoping to see a continuation of the class story. I even held out hope that the play throughs would have variety even if it was a single story.


If the first 9 have no variance, the back 7 does not hold out hope of it either.

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]Right now the differences that your choices make are not really apparent. Some of the differences are hard to catch and I look for more apparent differences in later chapters.



Some of them I noticed, on my Knight she was seduced by the promise of unlimited power and immortality that he offered her. She accepted his power on both of the earlier offers and when she got to the part going to find the Lady of Sorrows she actually shot lightning at the generators to drop the force field! If you are just running through not paying attention you would totally miss this. My agent shot it with her gun as normal. She didn't accept his offers.


Then after the big fight when Tora asked if she was dying and if she could have her stuff my Knight used Force Choke! that is two powers she doesn't normally have, is her powerset changing? I am so curious to see what changes the next chapters bring!


We are just way too early in the overall story. We have a long way to go!


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Some of them I noticed, on my Knight she was seduced by the promise of unlimited power and immortality that he offered her. She accepted his power on both of the earlier offers and when she got to the part going to find the Lady of Sorrows she actually shot lightning at the generators to drop the force field! If you are just running through not paying attention you would totally miss this. My agent shot it with her gun as normal. She didn't accept his offers.


Then after the big fight when Tora asked if she was dying and if she could have her stuff my Knight used Force Choke! that is two powers she doesn't normally have, is her powerset changing? I am so curious to see what changes the next chapters bring!


We are just way too early in the overall story. We have a long way to go!



I've only completed the story on my Knight and Consular - both are around the Light 1/Light 2 mark, my Knight only made 2 dark choices (not to abandon ship and kill one of those knights that try to arrest you) and both rejected all the Emperor's offers. I never noticed the lightning shots on my Consular but noticed it on my Knight and both had the option to choke Tora.


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Funny how posters informing people about this got flamed, and then what had been warned, occurred, everyone else acts as if they had no idea this would happen (not directed at OP). :rolleyes:


I think it was Heskal that said it best: Choice is an illusion.


Pretty sure I saw a reddit post that got downvoted to oblivion by the white knights / whales, that used that scene and said something along the lines of, "Knights of the Fallen Empire, everyone."

Edited by Eillack
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While it is underwhelming and a little disappointing I really think that 1-9 were the introductory chapters to kick off the story. Some decisions don't have any noticeable impact except for a slight change in dialogue that you might miss if you don't pay attention.


Though, you shouldn't operate on the assumption that the outcomes and ramifications of those choices won't come up at all We have only 9 chapters out of 20. There is PLENTY of time to see whether the choices do have an impact or not.


It's unfounded to make such claims as "choices don't matter" when we haven't even gotten the complete story yet. We merely got at best the introduction and Alliance set up which, according to Bioware, has a huge impact on the story going forward after these first chapters.


We'll just have to wait and see and if choices really don't matter then we can get angry.

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Some of them I noticed, on my Knight she was seduced by the promise of unlimited power and immortality that he offered her. She accepted his power on both of the earlier offers and when she got to the part going to find the Lady of Sorrows she actually shot lightning at the generators to drop the force field! If you are just running through not paying attention you would totally miss this. My agent shot it with her gun as normal. She didn't accept his offers.


Then after the big fight when Tora asked if she was dying and if she could have her stuff my Knight used Force Choke! that is two powers she doesn't normally have, is her powerset changing? I am so curious to see what changes the next chapters bring!


We are just way too early in the overall story. We have a long way to go!


I got to that point having never accepted Valkorion's assistance and got the same option for Tora as well.

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While it is underwhelming and a little disappointing I really think that 1-9 were the introductory chapters to kick off the story. Some decisions don't have any noticeable impact except for a slight change in dialogue that you might miss if you don't pay attention.


Though, you shouldn't operate on the assumption that the outcomes and ramifications of those choices won't come up at all We have only 9 chapters out of 20. There is PLENTY of time to see whether the choices do have an impact or not.


It's unfounded to make such claims as "choices don't matter" when we haven't even gotten the complete story yet. We merely got at best the introduction and Alliance set up which, according to Bioware, has a huge impact on the story going forward after these first chapters.


We'll just have to wait and see and if choices really don't matter then we can get angry.


Been awhile but in the first few chapters of the class stories choices mattered yes?


So, now we have to wait until this full "Expansion" and I use that term loosely, is released to see if our choices matter...so instead of say $60 for a normal expansion for an MMO...Im paying,what $100+ if I stay subbed the whole time...for an "expansion" that in the first half of its story didnt deliver anything it promised...


But the idea from some of you is "Wait it COULD POSSIBLY matter later"...but again you have no proof that it will matter later...so its maybe a 50/50 shot that they could keep the promise they made...




They pretty much screwed over the crafting community with the changes they made

Turned Companions into glorified Dress-Up Dolls...I mean Mattel makes Barbie and Star Wars toys, might as well get a Barbie skin for the companions..

Took Low-Level Coms Merchants Away...meaning for my Low-Level toons to get purple mods I have to buy them on the GTN...

But wait, they nerfed the cash drop rates from mobs, making it harder to get money to buy stuff on the GTN...



For What exactly...Oh, I remember...maybe 6 hours of story content, thats so Blatant a copy of another Video Game that Im shocked they arent getting slammed by reviewers calling it flat out plagirism...with the only hope of the desperate, that the next installment is any good, and actually delivers on promises made...

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I took the first 9 Chapters to be the intro to KOTFE, honestly. All these, "Koth will remember your cruelty," or "Arcann won't forget this," have me thinking that my actions will come to bite me in the *** later on. Also, Koth yelled at me when I met Theron and Lana because of my evil actions :) then he said that if I don't lead them in the right direction he'd have a problem with me or something and he stormed off.


Which is good. I actually want to decapitate Koth.

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