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Is This Really What People Want??


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"Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" and "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords" are the two main reasons why "Star Wars: the Old Republic" exists. If it was not for BioWare's great storytelling, the vast majority of "SW: TOR's" population would not exist.



"Star Wars: Knights of the Fallen Empire" is a great throwback to "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic", for it contains all of the elements that made the franchise successful. 'KOTOR I' and 'KOTOR II's' music is being played in the background. Sions follow the teachings of Darth Sion, which is a character found in "KOTOR II". Darth Nihilus' ability to extinguish all life on a planet is also present.


I personally see the family issue mirroring the Sith Triumvirate.


Kreia/Atris/Darth Traya (The Mother)

Sion (The Children)

Nihilus (The Father)

The Outlander (The Exile/Force Echo)


"Shadow of Reven" = end of "KotOR I's" storyline.

"Knights of the Fallen Empire" = end of the "KotOR II's" storyline.


You know, I'd almost buy that if it weren't for all these years of Bioware treating Kotor 2 (a game they had nothing to do with storywise) like a red-headed stepchild.

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After playing for a while now.. I have a slight change of heart.

The story is as it should be.. awesome. BW does it best.

Then I really got into the alliance thing, and it does more then I had expected it to and is better then I had thought.

I am at a loss for words as it has become more then I had initially thought. It is getting better the more I play .

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Were KOTOR 1-2 that faceroll easy? Pardon my curiosity, I've never managed to launch it on Win7


No, but I always wished they were. (That's obviously dependent upon skill and effort, but I don't like to put effort into my entertainment. I put effort into my job)


Yes, this is exactly what I want out of SWTOR.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Nah, I have a good handle on what I enjoy, and I'm enjoying KotFE a lot, but thanks for your concern.


Agreed, there are too many people (not just on the forums but in the game itself) that try to tell me what I should be finding fun, its all very subjective though and no 2 people will ever 100% agree with each other.

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Yeah, it is what I want. I having more fun in the game than I have had in a long time. Great story, the alliances things is working well. Combat is more streamlined, faster, less tedious. For all those who say you can't die questing, guess what, I pretty much never died questing before 4.0. Not dying is just less time consuming and less tedious now.
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I know, right....This hole thing is a desperate trick to get Star Wars movie goers in the game imo. And these "story people" just can't handle any MMO content -- just look at their complaining on these boards. "OMG - I have to do 20 matches of interactive fighting (=PvP - a long established part of MMOs)." Pathetic....


As someone who's played MMOs since 1999 and never had to PvP even once to get what is essentially a PvE toy (You can't use companions in PvP anyway), I dispute your assertion.


The only MMO that's ever really been designed around PvP is EvE, and there's a reason I've never played that one. Every single other one, from EQ up, has been primary PvE with some PvP cookies tossed in for those of you who get your jollies off defeating other players.

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Unfortunately yes, this is what everyone wants. Now Bioware won't add any Multiplayer stuff to the MMO. It's kind of sad that everyone is so close minded to things other than story. This just further re-enforces the idea this game being an MMO was a huge mistake. Whatever, I feel pot commited to this game after playing all these years. I do feel a tad disappointed they won't add anything new on the Raid/PvP front, but it is what it is. No one wants to take the time to learn these mechanics and play them. They'd rather have companions that are better than the main character so they can cheese through the game. Level up to to 20 before leaving the tutorial planet. Because everyone is too busy to play and learn the game these days. :rolleyes:
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Story is exactly what I want. Story is the reason I pre-ordered the game, and story is the reason I'm still playing. I've never liked MMO's, I really don't like PVP. I play SWTOR for the story, and I love it. It's the only MMO that I play because it doesn't feel like an MMO, it feels like an awesome BioWare game. I love what they're doing, and I support this expansion completely.
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is this want i wanted well yes and no


the story is fun so far my agent is at chapter 8 already after 1day of playing

companions no longer needing gear and filling all 3 roles is great i can finally have my force healer when i decide to play a jedi knight story again

the only 3 things i actually like ....



the combat is so faceroll easy its not even funny when i can kill a monolith while synced to 62 and kill it with ease its faceroll ( i always ended up dead when i tried this pre4.0 )

lvling is so retardedly easy now even that isnt fun

all the cool looking gear from equipment vendors is gone with no word on biofail on that and they wanted to remove the rep vendors aswell now we get to use green crap well no thanks green gear is garbage bioware learn it and then preach it

tactical flashpoints being way to hard and unbalanced i dont even understand how it got past the testserver

heriocs being retarded for f2p/prefered players as they cant accept lockboxes and the only thing these heriocs reward for your effort are lockboxes with gear adjusted to your lvl

purple gear that drop from last boss tacticals with no stats clearly broken

oricon starting gear being removed from the story quest

new abilities are lackluster to say the least while my powertech had to relearn shoulder canon...

absolutely no use for common data crystals and since the lvl 7-8 gear looks like crap i wont buy that

bioware intended bs on trying to cram the CM down my throat if i wanted atleast some good looking orange gear to use while lvling

generic companions: they are all the same have the same ability and act the same only difference is their skin its bad....

im sure there are more but its what i have been experiencing and its not what i wanted

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Unfortunately yes, this is what everyone wants. Now Bioware won't add any Multiplayer stuff to the MMO. It's kind of sad that everyone is so close minded to things other than story. This just further re-enforces the idea this game being an MMO was a huge mistake. Whatever, I feel pot commited to this game after playing all these years. I do feel a tad disappointed they won't add anything new on the Raid/PvP front, but it is what it is. No one wants to take the time to learn these mechanics and play them. They'd rather have companions that are better than the main character so they can cheese through the game. Level up to to 20 before leaving the tutorial planet. Because everyone is too busy to play and learn the game these days. :rolleyes:


You make a lot of baseless assumptions, I am very happy with this expansion. I have raided a lot in this game and other games, to the point of being burned out on it. I have pvped quite a bit in other games, figured out that I find pvp pointless, dull and boring, not to mention it has a substantial minority who are just plain obnoxious people I want nothing to do with. I have learned mechanics for raids and done well at raiding, I am sick of raiding. Killing the same boss over and over again hoping to get a drop. It gets really old after a time. Learning the dance of the mechanics is nothing special. It is not a challenge. So do not assume that everybody who is happy with this expansion refuses to raid or pvp. Some of us have done it, and done it a lot, to the point of not finding it fun anymore.

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But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??




I wont lie their story is good but really short and that leaves nothing new except 1 easily ran FP to do at end game that thats a problem.


My bigger problems with story is BW hyped choices matter and other than some affection gains or loses. You choices don't t mean Jack.

However, keeping the story going is a good thing.


But I'll tell you what doesn't make my toons feel epic or like any kind of hero. The new down leveling system. The entire concept of that piece of crap design turns jedi masters into random mob pulling lackies who have a few extra buttons to press. It's terrible.


BUT story? that needs to stay. It's all they seem good right now because the rest of the game once you get past story is a joke.

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People didn't even want TOR to be an mmo to begin with, we wanted KOTOR 3 and in a way we're getting it.


Quoted for truth...



See...while you were playing (insert super grindy MMO's here) I was playing games like the legend of Zelda, the soul reaver series, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, & of course kotor 1&2. I don't play THIS game as an mmo. As far as I'm concerned, none of y'all even exist in game. This is apparently as close as we'll get to kotor 3. Even the devs promoted it as being "like kotor3-10".


Since launch, they've added content aimed primarily at the MMO & RP crowd. They've added PvP maps, OP after OP, and QoL features that RP enjoy. Those of us who enjoy solo game play have waited patiently for more solo friendly content. We're finally starting to get it, and folks loose they damn minds.



They'll be adding new OPs & PvP maps for y'all to run over and over and over again to get that "power lvl 9000" main hand. And when you get bored with THAT after a month & start complaining about "needz moar OPs!"...cats like ME will STILL be playing through the 1-65 single player experience and enjoying tha hell out of it.



*drops mic and creates new character to start over with.

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.


I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!! And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!! I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


Come on people!!


The inevitable truth, and traditionalists are going to push back hard on this, is "traditional" mmos are dying. Developers across the board are adding single player elements to all MMOs, this one is just innovating in their own way. Won't be long until you see copy cats.


Very few people enjoy the toxic elitist atmosphere of traditional mmo end game so it definitely appears developers are trying to mix it up so people don't have to drown in that pool and play the game they want. I am sure BioWare will try to bring back some people they alienated with some operations at a later time, and it very well might be too late but honestly I doubt they care.

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


YES ... this is what I want ...


I am also an seasoned mmo player ... having started pre - CU Star Wars Galaxies ... back then that was how mmo's played ... you had to LIVE it ... I was one of the most popular Tailors on my server (due to keeping my prices low) ... I hated how others kept inflating the prices & they hated me for keeping gear prices in the range of new players instead of 'Alt Prices' ... my Pistoleer/Tailor traveled the galaxy gathering mats for my crafting ... lived in my Guild run city ... slowly doing the questline to become a jedi ... mmo's were very different back then ... only certain types of players played mmo's, because of the huge time sink they were if you wished to progress ... and I loved it ...

I played City of Heroes when it launched ... had to deal with huge XP Dept when my level 5's died ... eventually they pushed that back so you could die all the way to level 10 without accruing dept ... & there was Outcry from the 'Hardcore' ... Early Guild Wars when it was primarily a pvp game ... but ArenaNet realised the bulk (90%+) were actually only there for the pre-pvp story (the tutorial) ... and Guild Wars changed to become more PvE focused ... there was an outcry ... I have played most of the mmo's during the past 13 years ... the only ones I have never played are the pvp ones, as I have no interest in pvp ... or PK's (some of you wil know what they are) ...


Over the course of those 13 years those games, those mmo's changed ... they adapted to what players were wanting ... gone were the open-world sandbox mmo's of STG ... mmo's became more 'Mainstream' & no longer the clique market ... they had to adapt to bring in new players ... then World of Warcraft entered the scene & changed mmo's completely ... the fact it was so popular showed the other companies what they needed to do in order to stay viable ... those that refused to adapt fell ... two of my favourite mmo's are no longer with us (R.I.P. CoH/TR) ...


The fact that swtor's servers are swelling kind of prove that this was the right move ...


A lot of my old Guild mates, player friends no longer play mmo's because they could not adapt to how mmo's evolved ... they fell by the wayside ... whilst I adapted and evolved with them ... I will always be playing mmo's ... because I enjoy them ... I have been with swtor since it was first announced, two to three years before launch - I was in the beta ... I have been very disappointed in swtor since launch & I stopped coming back ... for months on end ... whilst I played other mmo's ... my highest here in all the time since launch (over both accounts) is a 46 Shadow ... but I got tired of the slow grind.


4.0 brought me back, has put swtor back on the radar as a game worth playing ...


SWTOR never lived up to expectations ... so much hype only to fall flat on its face ... dwindling player numbers meant server merges as servers were becoming barren ... swtor was dying a slow death ... until 4.0 shocked it back to life ...


So, again, YEAH ... this is what I want from SWTOR ... this is what swtor should have been from launch ... I was here on these forums fighting to keep stuff that due to loud noises from dissenters were dropped ... companions were greatly nerfed to the point of a joke ...


Now I am back because this is EXACTLY what I want from SWTOR ... this game now feels MORE like a BioWare game ... in the same ilk as Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect & Dragonage ... that is what we were expecting from swtor upon first rumours so long ago ...

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Problem with this content is, it's EXACTLY 1-2 evenings long. Nothing more to it. Original class stories kept me for 2 freaken YEARS, and only now I've finished them the way I wanted, with full recording.


What's the point of staying after KotFE is beaten? What's to do? Rescaled ops are fun for only so long, and PVP remains unchanged since forever. It took me 2 days to gather all datacrons from 0. I'm pretty positive I'll finish alliances in a week. Content that doesn't keep people for long is a failure from MMO standpoint, no matter how good this content is on itsself.


Doomsaying much, I know, but if Bioware won't play their cards right, and won't do it soon, this will be the beginning of the end for SWTOR.


Whats the point? Chapter X: Anarchy In Paradise. When they told us about this new expansion they said there will be constant updates with new content. From what I can see in my quest log now...more is coming. Second I am working on my alliance. I happen to like that aspect. While I understand you may not see a reason to stick around I do.


You say "Content that doesn't keep people for long is a failure from MMO standpoint, no matter how good this content is on itsself."


You should say content that doesn't keep you for long. Secondly for this new model from a MMO standpoint isn't just happening in SWTOR. Most MMO companies are shifting to this model. Case in point FFXIV, WoW. They are all shifting to this new ideology. Hell at least here you can choose to space bar. In FFXIV you are gated behind the gated content until your eyes bleed.

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Coming into 4.0 I didn't really know if this is what I wanted. I was thinking of stepping away from the game since there wasn't going to be any new operations. But, I stayed subbed and figured I'd at least give it a chance. I can definitely say that this expansion is what I want for the most part from the game.


The weekly heroics have replaced the daily areas for me which is a nice change since those heroics get me the alliance crates (and more credits to boot). Those alliance crates tie things back into my story in ways that I don't see yet which I'm good with. The star fortress is fun enough for me to do the 6 runs for the weekly or whatever it is.


I love that you can now spend the crystals for things outside of gear. I was maxed out entering KOTFE, and it didn't take long to re-max out all the levels again. I had no issue spending the crystals on things like the Rakata decorations, or Zakuul mounts. That's a nice addition.


The recruiting of companions isn't bad. I like the idea that not only can I reacquire my old companions if I choose to (sorry Gus, seat's taken, move along) while also getting new companions like Leyta. I wish I could send out more than 6 on companion missions, but that's a small gripe.


Crafting for me was always a gigantic chore that I'd start, then avoid. Now, crafting is in line with how I want it to be and I'm excited about being able to make different things across different characters with different skills.


The story in my mind was phenomenal. I've always said that if Mass Effect were to push out 1 dlc a month free to subscribers to that game, I'd have subbed and never looked back. With swtor adopting a lot of things that I loved about Mass Effect, I have zero issue subbing for the future chapters.


Operations...well I like them, and think they're dumb at the same time. Story mode operations are a total bore, but necessary for gearing. The gap between hardmode and storymode is as wide as I think I've ever seen it. I'll be happy once I'm done gearing up so I can move along back into the hard mode instances.


Conquest has been great. I don't think it's perfect, but I do like how it's tied into the game now where it doesn't feel like a separate pain in the rear to complete. 20k personal points total goal seems like a great fit.


Sure there are things I get down about. But, there is far more great things than bad things. So yea, I'm all for this direction.

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