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10 Good
  1. Man, no wonder people say to stay away from these forums. The mood here does not represent the game, it is just a bunch of peeved diehards. Next.
  2. While it is a little...lame...I am completely okay and actually excited with the compromise IF...and only IF it means they will be pumping out alliance content really fast to keep us busy in between chapters. What I mean by this is, if less voice over work means that in between each chapter added we also get brand new alliance content that is varied and feels new... that is pretty sweet. But IF it was just a cheap cost cutting method with no other strategic reasoning....lame.
  3. *le sigh* It is frustrating how no one is ever happy. Through the first 8 chapters, here is the cast (main) lineup Arcaan -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Male New Valkorian -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Male New Koth -- Playable first 8 Chapters; Male New ROMANCEABLE both sexes Theron -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Male Not New ROMANCEABLE both sexes Vaylin -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Female New Senya -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Female New Lana -- Playable first 8 Chapters; Female Not New ROMANCEABLE both sexes *le sigh* something out of nothing I suppose. Those whom are really getting shafted is those looking for non sentient romance, as both HK and Scorpio are non romanceable. If anybody should have Bioware neglect issues it is that crowd. Robosexuals matter #LGBTR
  4. I'm really sorry but I chuckled when I read this. So sad though! My condolences.
  5. The inevitable truth, and traditionalists are going to push back hard on this, is "traditional" mmos are dying. Developers across the board are adding single player elements to all MMOs, this one is just innovating in their own way. Won't be long until you see copy cats. Very few people enjoy the toxic elitist atmosphere of traditional mmo end game so it definitely appears developers are trying to mix it up so people don't have to drown in that pool and play the game they want. I am sure BioWare will try to bring back some people they alienated with some operations at a later time, and it very well might be too late but honestly I doubt they care.
  6. Life sure does go on! Great insight :-) Hope you find something fun to do. I for one have brought a few friends back and we are having a blast with the alliance system, I am seeing no problem staying subed. Cheers
  7. I find the opposite. Everyone seems to love it. See what I did there?
  8. I think being able to solo heroics is by design... I for one never did heroics before now I find myself doing them
  9. lol I do just fine. Thanks for the concern though. I can see how not being on the hate bandwagon but donning a white knight costume would set me back though. For real though, I know I kind of did the same, but I just love how people look at a forum where maybe, at best, dozens of pissed off traditionalist mmo player sound off steam and they proclaim doom and gloom with the same accuracy of those churches who cry a new date for judgement day every year. The reality is these people are not true market studies, and I highly doubt the core of gamers playing the game are as "pissed off" as this board would leave you feeling. If the game brings in new blood is another story, but I support the changes and enjoy them.
  10. The core of the customers BioWare is targeting couldn't give a single f bomb about pvp or OPs...it is hard to believe that because the bark is so loud on the forums.
  11. I'd say losing those people is the biggest gain. There will be less complaining and way less salt. I've never endgamed once and I've been here since the beginning. A lot more people like me than you think...that also sub and use the cartel market.
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