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Is This Really What People Want??


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Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon?


Given the die hard players here are likely mostly from Knights of the Old Republic RPGs, I suspect in a way yes except for the afternoon part.


That is what this expansion really is, just an RPG story, just dolled out on an MMO.

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.


I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!! And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!! I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


Come on people!!

It's an afternoon entertainment when you basically spend all your time playing swtor. Also, many players here are not there because it's an mmo but because of Kotor. Now I'm a step closer to some Kotor gameplay,I'm happy.


But as a former fellow hardcore mmo player, seriously, if you like playing mmos, you'd better change game because this mmo has never been 100% an mmo but more like a multiplayer Kotor and seems it's gonna be more and more like that.

When I want pure action without cutscene, I just turn Doom 2 on. And I'm happy again.

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People didn't even want TOR to be an mmo to begin with, we wanted KOTOR 3 and in a way we're getting it.


Really? I signed a petition for them to make a Kotor mmo many years ago, and the thing got somewhere between 60,000 and 80,000 signatures, so I would say there were definitely people that wanted it.

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My boyfriend and I have been playing since launch and we actually enjoy the stories more so than the end game. We have really never done any operations, not that we never will and only a few flashpoints. Neither of us pvp but group up and do our class missions and the plant missions.


No matter how many times we have done it we do it again with the alts we create. We still have alts we haven't finished leveling. We tend to play together when we play. We more of a story type person than end game. We take our time and enjoying playing the stories and doing them together.

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In my opinion, there are dozens of mmos with just as much content, but the one thing they lack that swtor doesn't......a good story, i find pvp boring and predictable, since i personally don't see the need for killing people, i have grown beyond the need for a measuring contest.


I understand some people like pvp, i personally don't, if i just wanted to do pve content and pvp, i would be playing loads of other mmos out there that have alot more content, but i have yet to find a single mmo out there that has a story emotional enough to get me crying over a fictional character's death or something romantic.

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Well Sad thing is most of these people talking about story have never tried the hardcore portion of the game like ranked PVP or world first OPS raid groups. Which is what i enjoy.


I am glad you used most. I didn't do rank PvP or world first OPS raid groups in SWTOR. That being said I did level up my first character on SWTOR almost exclusively though WZ. I was in an Anti-Pk in UO, played a lot of Warhammer and have done nightly raiding in Rift never achieved world first but was in the running. I understand the excitement of the challenge of PvP.(Nothing has come to UO in this) The feeling of accomplishment when you take down something no one else could do. I can't remember the boss name in Rift it was mid level 4 man. It was real early on it got nerfed because it was too hard. The guild I was in could have farmed it because we had the mechanics down.


If you ask me what I want in SWTOR it is story first. That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to see more operations and Warzones added later. If you look at what this expansion is. It would have been foolish to add more Warzones or Operations with it. They change to much in the game. I am pretty sure Eric even said at one point they want to get the current operation up and running and fix then look at adding more. I think people are reading way too much in to what is or isn't in this patch. They are getting out the game mechanics changes and hopefully addressing balancing. Once you have those done then add the new operations. Any experience MMO player can tell you much of a pain a new operation when it's released with a new game mechanic. It seem to compound the bugs. It also to have be really fun to try to fix all those bugs too. Get the mechanics working then add any new operation and Warzones. I think they have hint at next year for both.

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Oh noes! Its been DUMBED DOWN!*


*mantra of small group of people since 1999


I cant recall on which MMO boards i havent seen that phrase used extensively.


Oh noes! Its been DUMBED DOWN!*


*mantra of small group of people who can't read or write properly, responding to something clearly accurate since 1999.


Works both ways sunshine. :rolleyes:

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Not really, what the added after chater 9 is nice, but the leveling is a pain it's nice story wise,but you don't even play most the time. I like good story, but there are too many cut scenes. You go from A to B, 2 minutes cut scene, go from B to C 4 minutes cut scene, kill those bad guys, 3 minutes cut scene. If I want to watch a movie, I go watch a movie, if I want to play a game I don't want to sit for long minutes doing nothing watching cut scenes. I watched them all in my first run, but space barring the hell out of them now. Otherwise, the expansion is fun and I could easily wait for a new op.
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So far, the vast majority of people in this thread have done nothing but extol the virtues of the new expansion.


I've already wrote in this thread before. And I love Bioware's story. I am not a hardcore raider (at least not anymore, not at all). The new story seems interesting to me.




I was just about to give a lot of reasons why I personally adhere to the OPs own opinions....but that's been done so much. So, instead, I'm just going to dumb it down because I'm tired and the overall direction seems depressing to me:


- To create a game that is placed, by collective consumer and developmental consent, into the MMORPG genre, and then to revamp the dynamics so completely that the 'multiplayer' part of this no longer gives one an edge/superior gear (at least enough to make a difference) is a failure.


...I guess that's what this game has become. And where others would say 'more people want story' then, to me, it can be reasonably extrapolated that the decline of WoW and Everquest mass raiding systems is not an obstacle or a dead end, but rather an opportunity to improve upon and succeed where they have/started to fail.


Instead of facing this adversity, BW has retreated to their strong suite.


Now I'm just rambling.... I think you people who believe the changes resulting from 4.0 are so great, are just lazy *****h0Ies. Okay, I'm going to shut up now. Now I'm just sad.


OP had it right: this is now nothing more than a glorified, computerized "choose your own adventure."

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For me, SWTOR is Bioware story. If i want to play PvP there are much better games out there. As long as Bioware keeps telling a good story i am in. If they cant then i am off to other games. I would love to see different stories for each class, but i understand the cost of it and i am not willing to pay more than i pay now.


So, i am in till i get bored from story :cool:

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KoTFE has the same balance between gameplay and cutscenes as other Bioware storytelling RPGs. I love it, and the majority of people who play this game do as well. Like it or not, before this franchise was an mmo it was an RPG first. People fell in love with the series for it's story, not killing space ogre of the week, grinding gear, or pvp. Good on Bioware to return this game to it's roots, and give us the KoTOR 3 we have been waiting for. If you want a more traditional MMO, there are plenty of alternatives. Otherwise, enjoy the excellent storytelling experience they are giving us here.
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Go back to killing Wildstar with this "unly exclusive elite raiders allowed".


I see a lot of people hating on the "elite raiders" but let me say this, I was never into ops honestly because it was waaaay too much work to get the things I wanted from them but I have been getting into them as of late. The "raids" ops are some of the most epic fights in this game and what the story end bosses should have been like. Some of them are down right awesome, I just think that they should be more accessable to normal players. They should also include the story aspect people are getting and want. They should also not over do it with this cartel market crap and stop being so greedy. That last part is due to EA honestly. EA needs to be kicked to the curb next time.

The key is having options and not being forced to do one or the other.


They keep nerfing stuff and removing stuff and just breaking the game instead of doing a little for everyone. They keep leaning one way or another and by doing so they piss off one crowd or another and at the same time you have these game breaking decisions being made to push the cartel market like removing the planet vendors, completely stupid because by doing that you piss off all crowds.


Time will tell if they wake up or if they milk it so hard that everyone eventually leaves.

Edited by xxHellsmokexx
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If you are going to make a raid focused game with PVP to boot, as the focus of said game. IT has to be developed that way from the GROUND UP. With an engine that can handle it.


Bioware took the cheap route with the engine part, and basically indirectly sabotaged the raid/PVP part. It is, what it is.


Need to move on from SWTOR can do raiding/PVP properly, they can't. Bioware would have to redesign the game from the GROUND UP, with a new engine.

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If you are going to make a raid focused game with PVP to boot, as the focus of said game. IT has to be developed that way from the GROUND UP. With an engine that can handle it.


Bioware took the cheap route with the engine part, and basically indirectly sabotaged the raid/PVP part. It is, what it is.


Need to move on from SWTOR can do raiding/PVP properly, they can't. Bioware would have to redesign the game from the GROUND UP, with a new engine.


The engine sucks, I saw that the day the game launched and was left shaking my head at why they would invest so much money in such a crappy engine. I agree, it was doomed from the start that is why it failed.


We still have the stiff robes from KOTOR ffs, remember Revans stiff robe lol? It makes no sense to use an engine like this on such a huge mmo and I am still waiting on someone to make a real good StarWars game tbh because the force unleashed was the best so far but it wasnt an mmo sadly.

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Well i wanted Kotor 3 and i got it lol but i dont like main actors going from voiced to mute even for alliance.

One or the other is fine, i really love the new companion system not the grind though but you feel rewarded with strong companions at rank 50. I do hope they release chapters quickly once they are finished though and don't wait.

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The story is the only good thing about TOR. The people who think it has any other redeeming qualities are morons and delusional. The PVP is awful. The gameplay is tedious and they're making it less so. I'd rather wait 6 months for well-written content because, guess what, I don't spend all of my time playing this game. Imagine that. If you want an MMO that gives you 6 months of boring content, that's on you, go play all of the other games. GW2 has better PVP. Wildstar has better gameplay.


Look at my sig, bro.


Spoilers ahead:




I don't get this, I keep seeing folks say how great the story is but its filled with holes big enough to fly the Gravestone through. The Gravestone is one of those huge holes, a capital class ship has been sitting on the ENEMIES HOMEWORLD FOR CENTURIES?!!?! and they had no idea? It would have made a TON more sense if we had gone to lightspeed and it had konked out near some lost planet where we could find the Gravestone, but not on an occupied planet. That just makes no sense.

Before that though, it takes FIVE YEARS for someone to come rescue me and its LANA and Koth, NOT my crew who love me and had maxed out affection, because really Mako, Skadge, Gault, Torian, Blizz, HK, and Treek could not mow through the stuff in that tower? Oh but they find my ship, but NO ONE from my crew is around it? They just all took off and no one wanted the nice tricked out expensive personal star ship....SURRRREEE....

Ok, now during the story, I'm fighting the big bad guy AGAIN, and tearing him apart, hes down to 20% where I have not gone below 90%, we go into cutscene where.....HE is KILLING ME?!?!! WHAT THE HECK! If you wanted to do things that way at least have him tough enough to hurt me and then trigger the cutscene once he gets ME to 20%. Follow that up with probably the best companion from the expansion sacrifices himself to 'save' me, then ANOTHER companion comes into save me. This one is really crazy, I left her at the bottom of the control spire, we had to take a shuttle part way to get here, so HOW THE HECK did she show up?


This entire 'story' is a single player game on RAILS, there are literally NO options that will let you do things differently, in a different order, or pick different things to do. This expansion should have been a completely new game NOT an expansion to KOTOR.


This added even more to my frustration with this 'expansion' the complete NUKING of the crafting system, I have every crew skill maxed though out my chars and this has cost me MILLIONS in learned schematics with no compensation. I got burned by the LAST early release, I leveled several chars up during the first week and then lo and behold AFTER the early access they make training FREE for everyone. I'm really tired of having put time and effort into things, and even in game money, only to have it taken away.


It seems like we have a completely new cast behind the scenes, writers, developers, etc and they don't like crafting, they don't like the old companions, so they have done everything they can to DUMP what others before them did in favor of the 'companions' that they like. In my case that's costing my subscription, oh and has GUARANTEED that my wife will NEVER come back, she was a die hard crafter, I have not even been able to tell her what they did yet because I don't want her pissed.


TLDR: the 'story' has huge flaws and I hate the crafting evisceration



Forgot the part about how now EVERYONE will have the same companions, no variety, no different personalities, no quirks that are different, its the same for all. Just another step in the 'simplifying' process of the game.

Oh and that 'level synch' that blows.... I go to some planets and I'm WEAKER there than on other planets? So we can not go through lower level planets and easily farm mats anymore, we have to spend time killing mobs just like when we were through there the first time..... No, take that and stick it back in the basement 'bad idea' room and leave it there.

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People didn't even want TOR to be an mmo to begin with, we wanted KOTOR 3 and in a way we're getting it.


^this: I remember when Bioware's "Unannounced Star Wars game" was rumored to be KoToR3, the disappointment that followed when they announced it was an MMO, then over the years people came to accept ToR for what it was.


I for one am glad this game is going in the direction it is, I hope it goes further.

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it was a terribad idea for them to make this game an MMORPG.


It was a bad idea to try and mimic MMO's. I wouldn't be surprised of some of the recent changes were originally designed, but overruled because they weren't like that other MMO.

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To OP - yes, it is. Sure, I would not mind continuation of personal class stories but the way they did it now, I am satisfied to say the least.


TOR is an MMO, sure. And as MMO I would like it too but for how long? The only completely unique feature to the game (MMO part!) is setting. The rest is familiar and soon I would move to a newer game. While stories - truly absolutely unique thing about TOR - keep me here and will continue to do so.


P.S. I do dream about vanilla TOR as a single game too. But this is something we will never get.

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