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Everything posted by Mercag

  1. I logged out and back in to try again and then it is telling me there is no schematic to learn from it. I had searched for this problem before posting but for some reason came up with nothing, then tweaked the search and got hits where people were getting this message when they already had some of the available schems from RE'ing the piece. Also found that the green 77 does not RE, so worked the 74 into the blue 77 and so on...... really weird way to do things and how the HECK did it figure I had a 20% chance to learn a schematic. Crazy stuff.
  2. Trying to RE green versatile barrel 77 and get 'you already know that schematic'. This keeps happening to me, 4 times now, but I do not have ANY blue or purple schems for rank 77 so there is nothing to be duplicated. Any idea why this is happening or how I can fix it?
  3. Spoilers ahead: I don't get this, I keep seeing folks say how great the story is but its filled with holes big enough to fly the Gravestone through. The Gravestone is one of those huge holes, a capital class ship has been sitting on the ENEMIES HOMEWORLD FOR CENTURIES?!!?! and they had no idea? It would have made a TON more sense if we had gone to lightspeed and it had konked out near some lost planet where we could find the Gravestone, but not on an occupied planet. That just makes no sense. Before that though, it takes FIVE YEARS for someone to come rescue me and its LANA and Koth, NOT my crew who love me and had maxed out affection, because really Mako, Skadge, Gault, Torian, Blizz, HK, and Treek could not mow through the stuff in that tower? Oh but they find my ship, but NO ONE from my crew is around it? They just all took off and no one wanted the nice tricked out expensive personal star ship....SURRRREEE.... Ok, now during the story, I'm fighting the big bad guy AGAIN, and tearing him apart, hes down to 20% where I have not gone below 90%, we go into cutscene where.....HE is KILLING ME?!?!! WHAT THE HECK! If you wanted to do things that way at least have him tough enough to hurt me and then trigger the cutscene once he gets ME to 20%. Follow that up with probably the best companion from the expansion sacrifices himself to 'save' me, then ANOTHER companion comes into save me. This one is really crazy, I left her at the bottom of the control spire, we had to take a shuttle part way to get here, so HOW THE HECK did she show up? This entire 'story' is a single player game on RAILS, there are literally NO options that will let you do things differently, in a different order, or pick different things to do. This expansion should have been a completely new game NOT an expansion to KOTOR. This added even more to my frustration with this 'expansion' the complete NUKING of the crafting system, I have every crew skill maxed though out my chars and this has cost me MILLIONS in learned schematics with no compensation. I got burned by the LAST early release, I leveled several chars up during the first week and then lo and behold AFTER the early access they make training FREE for everyone. I'm really tired of having put time and effort into things, and even in game money, only to have it taken away. It seems like we have a completely new cast behind the scenes, writers, developers, etc and they don't like crafting, they don't like the old companions, so they have done everything they can to DUMP what others before them did in favor of the 'companions' that they like. In my case that's costing my subscription, oh and has GUARANTEED that my wife will NEVER come back, she was a die hard crafter, I have not even been able to tell her what they did yet because I don't want her pissed. TLDR: the 'story' has huge flaws and I hate the crafting evisceration Edit: Forgot the part about how now EVERYONE will have the same companions, no variety, no different personalities, no quirks that are different, its the same for all. Just another step in the 'simplifying' process of the game. Oh and that 'level synch' that blows.... I go to some planets and I'm WEAKER there than on other planets? So we can not go through lower level planets and easily farm mats anymore, we have to spend time killing mobs just like when we were through there the first time..... No, take that and stick it back in the basement 'bad idea' room and leave it there.
  4. Undercutting is one thing, pricing to sell over your competition makes sense....pricing so low that you would have made 2x as much if you had sold the mats you started with is STUPID! Today the price for Dark Projects on Harbringer had dropped to as low as 400k..... The Rakata Energy Nodes alone are 300k on the market, 90-180k each for the other blue/purp mats for the final stage, plus 400k for the Invasion Force alone..... Basicly these idiots are saying "Hey I've got the mats I will make stuff for you with them and then give the finished product to you for LESS than the value of the original mats...." A real world example...Say a jewler goes out and finds a spot to mine gold, he gets enough raw gold together, takes it back to his shop, smelts it, then takes the purified gold and works it into a beutifull ring. Then he takes a huge diamond and sets it into this ring. He then sells this ring to someone he does not know FOR LESS THAN THE VALUE OF THE GOLD HE ORIGINALLY MINED!.......Can anyone see this happening in real life? That's what these idiots are doing by dropping the prices of crafted goods to below the value of the mats involved in making them. Now having said that, I understand undercutting, I do it as well, but if something is selling for 300k I will drop at most to 295k, I've seen fools today doing 50k or bigger drops to undercut.... Sure you will be more likely to sell that way but you would have done just as well with a 50 cred undercut and still had 49k more profit.....
  5. Earlier today on Harbringer the Dark Projects were down at 400k....unbelievable since the mats for just the LAST stage were still worth well over that not to mention that invasion forces were more than that....now the project is back up towards 600k but still seems insanely low.....
  6. I've been reading these can be unlocked via crafting but i'm seeing no way to do so. Anyone happen to have any insight on this?
  7. Is it intentional that existing augments (from slicing before 1.2 patch) can not be RE'd? I've been stockpiling thinking I could at least get mats if not schems from RE'ing them, now it seems to not even be an option?
  8. I thought they were supposed to have fixed this bug...... I've been re'ing a blaster that started as a blue quality, got redoubt fairly quick, then been trying to get veracity, I've gotten all 3 other schematics off of redoubt, and then THREE MORE TIMES gotten 'You already know that schematic'....... So I continue throwing away purple and blue mats trying to get this freaking thing...... Any word on when/if this bug is going to be fixed for REAL?
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