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10 Good
  1. Somewhat difficult and fun, challenging FPs. If you've never done them and want a change of pace I highly recommend them.
  2. Indeed. Like collicoid war games it's completely incompatible with blank, cookie cutter bs
  3. The mission entrance to either FP can be found on the operations ship "Ziost Shadow" (I forget offhand what the name of the pubside op ship is called, but you reach them from one of the lifts on the cardinal axes of the fleet map) . The introduction can be obtained by NPCs on fleet around the outer ring of either imp or pub station. They should be available at level 50 and over. You will find only "Kaon Under Siege" available. Once the NPC is contacted you will be directed to another NPC in an instances area (which I believe is on the op ship) to start the actual FP. It should be noticed that both of these FPs are a mini story in themselves, so first Kaon will be completed and then you'll go back to the instanced area to get the briefing for Lost Island.
  4. He looks better with the blonde hair customization.... but then again I'm a heterosexual male who is blonde and basically he looks a lot like me irl with blonde hair and sans that weird mole on his face lol
  5. For me, the most 'respected' title USED to be 'Revan's Heir...' It's a title I wear on my main and my main alt as I used to co-manage a Revanite guild back in the day....it was a title that was 'earned' when you pre-ordered Shadow of Revan. But of course they put that title on sale for 10 cartel coins a pop just a little while ago, making the title cheap and essentially worthless.... ....One thing is for sure.....I will never, EVER purchase another game either created or owned by EA....literally not one ever again.
  6. Salutations Meldorin, Thank you for taking the time to detail your thoughts in this thread. Your discovery of some very similar - and perhaps identical - tangents between Lana's writings and her behavioral disposition and of people who are on the spectrum of autism are an impetus for great reflection. I personally never looked at it that way, but then again I don't know anyone with autism so that's really not a surprise. I very much enjoyed your thoughts. Even if it was not the writers' intentions to deliberately ascribe these traits to Lana, your very poignant description of these similarities actually have helped shine a small sliver of light on the full and infinitely complex body of humanity. Your feelings that Lana "feels more like a more real, three-dimensional portrayal of an autistic person" are soundly justified; that which can be perceived of as most genuine - in humanity or nature as a whole - is something organic, not something devised in advance and then implemented. Perhaps the fact that in this instance Lana seems 'more than the sum of her parts' is tribute to that. It is fair to guess this was not the wish of the writers but rather the natural course of her character's development. She was not 'designed' autistic. She is autistic. Or, more precisely, can be accurately perceived as autistic. I will reflect further in subsequent posts. For now, it's bedtime for me. Thanks again for sharing!
  7. Oh I have another one: Khem Val says something like (this is phonetic here): "Dom bi wileysu" When I first started playing I thought it kinda sounds like, "don't be a w******e" lol
  8. A lot of people come on here specifically only to complain or to argue. How many great job, BW threads have you read lately? I bet the number is very small compared to those that are arguing or complaining. Personally looking at that wouldn't really tell you either way, in my opinion. But I just think this game's real, target , at least in it's original concept, is multiplayer-based with some single-player stuff.
  9. Okay, thank your for elaborating. I see what you mean now. Could you not just wait, or keep moving from location to location until you find one? I experienced this on Alderaan the other day doing a kilik heroic; I had to kill a certain amount of kiliks for one of the objectives and someone else was there. I had to move around to different spots where I knew the mobs would be. Took longer than I would have liked, but I got it done. It does happen. I promise it does. I do it. I've done it. Try whispering them and be specific about your intentions. Ask them to group. You will find some people are arse-wholes but some aren't. That's the nature of humanity. Maybe these new people could benefit from your experience. Sometimes you'll be spoken to rudely, other times not. That's a fact of life, in dealing with other human beings.
  10. That's not a bad suggestion. I can see reasoning in that. It would help those who prefer to play that way, or if they have no patience, or maybe they're on a time limit.
  11. Well, from what I can see it's not catered to. If it was, you wouldn't be having problems. It seems to me that you are a person who benefited from low server populations because of your playstyle. They merged the servers now. Now populations are higher. And now you're having problems you may have had before because of that. If they endorsed your playstyle, they'd work a way to fix it. They haven't....doesn't that lead you to believe that maybe they don't endorse it? And also I would like to say that the reason this argument keeps coming up over and over is because it has merit. I would be frustrated too if I had to keep elaborating --- for 20 years did you say? --- for something that needs to be constantly propped up because it can't stand on it's own. OH....and one more thing: KOTET and KOTEF are basically single player. There's your answer. Go play that game......so yeah.....
  12. That is actually a great suggestion! Thank you for saying that! I agree, it SHOULD be that way. Thank you for putting it like that. Now I think I understand some people's perspectives a little better.
  13. I don't understand what you mean by no 'targets' available. Can you elaborate on that please? And per your second point, you don't have to be all at the same point. I have grouped up myself with people who were just starting story missions, and I simply took ahold of my patience and sportsmanship and did it all over again with them. Most times, it turns out I'm a more experienced player, and they have asked me questions along the way about the game while I'm helping them. Can I ask, have you been playing the game a long time? A new player may benefit from this sort of short-term tutelage. Maybe try whispering them while they're moving along and specifically say something like, 'Hey if we group up together we can help each other out,' that way they know what your intentions are when you invite them. There are a lot of other ways you could put it too. Grouping in this manner /does/ happen. I have experienced it firsthand from both perspectives. If I had to guess, your experience sounds similar to the guy I quoted above. Try whispering these people, and simply ask, 'do you mind if I group with you? that way we can help each other do the mission(s).' I appreciate it when people let me know what their intentions are. I have to agree with Galactic Keeper and Talon_Strikes on this one. This is a multiplayer game. What really would be the point of having all these things instanced if it's a multiplayer game? The very fact that they're not leads one to believe that it is. If someone doesn't like it, they can play KOTOR or KOTOR 2. OR....OR....They can be grateful they are able to play solo at all, even though obviously it has downsides like waiting on other people who exist in the world, instead of beeyotching about it like children.
  14. LOL Khem Val says (or at leat used to say) as one of his lines something that sounds vaguely like: "Jerk on my t i t t y"
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