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Is This Really What People Want??


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No, TOR as it stands now is not what I wanted.


To be honest, when I first subscribed I hadn't been following this game's development at all. I only knew from some reviews that it was supposed to be a standard fare themepark style MMO set in the SW universe and that was exactly what I signed on for. The fact that it was created by BW was just a bonus to me.

I never expected this to be KOTOR3 in any way, because a story driven RPG with meaningful decisions and consequences can't be turned into an MMO without getting rid of the aspects that are typical for MMOs in the first place.


Either way, I would never have purchased this game if I was just interested in the story alone. Don't get me wrong, the story and especially the 1-50 class stories are done really well...for an MMO. In a single player RPG though I would've expected much much more. Not to mention that I would've expected it to have way better gfx.


And that's what puts on the fence right now. The story presented in KotFE is really great for an MMO, but compared to the 1-50 experience and even Makeb, it lacks replayability. I've been through it once now(not counting the alliances part which reeks of a grindfest to me that I'll never go through on 22 chars) and I already don't feel like playing it a second time right now.

Normally this wouldn't be a big problem, as I'd work on completing new FPs and OPs for a good while, but all I get is old content that I know in and out since I do all of the FPs on every char I create and than some more on HM.


I was already disappointed by SoR and decided to wait and see what the next expansion would bring...now I'll wait some more and see what they have in store next, but if all that is coming is 1-1.5 hours of single player story, I'll not continue to pay a sub for this.:(

Edited by Knorlac
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Yes, story is what keeps me here.


Plenty of other games do MMOs better (WoW, FFXIV)


plenty of other games do MMOs much, much worse (Destiny)



But SWTOR has story those games will never have, never be able to match, never come close to replicating

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I only wish The Pro Nerf crowd would stop spamming these forums. The answer has been a large YES. You don't need a poll to figure that out. The constant obsession and spamming with these sarcastic condensing questions they don't really want the answer yes while creating new threads about to nerf them. It should be limited to a single thread. They need to figure out...no one cares but them...and this is spamming..it needs to stop...just my two cents. How long can keep spamming before they tire themselves out I wonder. Edited by RogerApple
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What if BW is shaping this game directly into an RPG and slowly truncates the MMO portions to a point they simply vanish from the game all together.


Well, another game I'm playing right now is Marvel Heroes, that rebranded itself to Marvel Heroes 2015.


The point? Some MMOs or other games rebrand and do direction shifts. It's my dream that they will rebrand SWTOR into KOTOR 3, "online only for DRM purposes".


IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! (If I could make that last bit flash in 3D... I would... Hey... be happy my luddite self found the color... red... hehe...)


...but it's a cool dream... for me anyways...

Edited by DalrisThane
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Well, another game I'm playing right now is Marvel Heroes, that rebranded itself to Marvel Heroes 2015.


The point? Some MMOs or other games rebrand and do direction shifts. It's my dream that they will rebrand SWTOR into KOTOR 3, "online only for DRM purposes".


IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! (If I could make that last bit flash in 3D... I would... Hey... be happy my luddite self found the color... red... hehe...)


...but it's a cool dream... for me anyways...



I play MH2015 as well...it was a rebranding yes...and it fixed some issues...but it did not take the game and make it from a Multi-player game into a single player game...


MH2015 would have had to:


Turn Multi-Player into single-player (Cause thats what 4.0 did)


Remove all gear between lvl 8-60 from vendors


Nerf the drop rate of items (hell they actually IMPROVED the drop rate of items the last few patches)


Nerf the drop rate of cash


Turn Side-Kicks into Uber-Monsters (Personally I like this, I can let my 6 year-old niece play Star Wars and she doesnt die, so that works out)



Sure, some players at MH want a single-player version...but not all...and would it be fair to those players to just one day say "Nope its a single player game now, screw you and all the time/money/effort you put into this game, we dont care"...kinda what EA/BW did...


I dont want KOTOR3, when I started my journey with SWTOR it wasnt even in Beta yet...I bought the SUPER UBER DELUXE EDITION the day it was announced, I subbed for a ridiculous amount of time before even starting to play...


Why, because they said Star Wars MMO, not KOTOR 3...I wouldnt have dropped half the cash Ive invested in this game to KOTOR 3...To be honest I would have picked it up on the clearance section, same place I picked up KOTOR 1 and 2...


Sure all the Fanboi's scream KOTOR BEZT ZTAR WARZ EVERZ...It was ok, I played through Dark, I played through Light...then its in the bin with all my other old games...It really doesnt have a lot of replayability ..to be honest the Comics were better...I like Revan, dont get me wrong, awesome character...but honestly he was better in the books and comics...


So no all these Fanboi's yelling "THIZ IZ THE GAMEZ WE ALLZ WANTED"..no its not, its the game YOU wanted, not me...not a bunch of people I know...


You guys always scream all those other players dont come on the forums to support my position, cause theyre playing the game...same with mine...alot have a few months left on the sub, or are hoping BW actually fufills all its promises, so will wait a month or two more...and yeah theyre playing the game, cause they have a ton of time/money/effort put into it...but after awhile that just wont matter any more...theyll fade away to other games...

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I play MH2015 as well...it was a rebranding yes...and it fixed some issues...but it did not take the game and make it from a Multi-player game into a single player game...




MH doesn't really have a story, nor has it ever prided on having it as one of its pillars. SWTOR does and has. So comparing SWTOR to MH is ludicrous.


KOTFE brought the story, which has been mostly neglected for the past 4 years for run of the mill MMO grinds, which are, frankly, done better elsewhere, back into forefront.

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I agree, Star wars is story, Swtor is story. BUT: Why can't I have story content that can be progressed as a group? Sure I can invite a friend into my campaign instance, but the other players character is never part of the story, nor is his/her progress stored. Everyone has to finish the campaign on his/her own.


While the original Swtor beyond the class quests has tons of planet wide/ overall story arcs that can be played, experienced and progressed through as a group. And by rolling on dialog options every player has a potential chance on influencing a dialog and his outcome. This is now completely lost in the new chapter content.


Is really no one missing to play with their friends story quests and enjoy to be on a journey through the Star Wars universe together? (And no, operations/ flashpoints/ daily quests are no replacement for this experience).

Edited by Daburn
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The vast majority of KotFE's story excludes my wife & I from leveling through it together. I saw this coming in Shadow of Revan but had hoped Bioware wouldn't get stupid with it. Well, they got stupid with it ... to the point where it almost looks like they are stripping this game down for a console port.


Don't get me wrong, the story is amazing. But it's followed by Companion Heroic 2's and rehashes of old content spiffed with gear upgrades for end game. SWTOR has become a shell of the MMO it once was imho.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The story is the only good thing about TOR. The people who think it has any other redeeming qualities are morons and delusional. The PVP is awful. The gameplay is tedious and they're making it less so. I'd rather wait 6 months for well-written content because, guess what, I don't spend all of my time playing this game. Imagine that. If you want an MMO that gives you 6 months of boring content, that's on you, go play all of the other games. GW2 has better PVP. Wildstar has better gameplay.


Look at my sig, bro.


You said it, you are old fashioned, this is exactly what I'm looki g for!!

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You said it, you are old fashioned, this is exactly what I'm looki g for!!


I know what gears of war 2. But the other one. I don't what that is. From what I'm hearing is that: You don't like this 4.0. thing. And you want more pvp. That would push out all the people like me. Who don't like PVP and world bosses. That's just my opinion. But as for now I'm read alots of articles on this 4.0 thing. I'm still reading right now.

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I know what gears of war 2. But the other one. I don't what that is. From what I'm hearing is that: You don't like this 4.0. thing. And you want more pvp. That would push out all the people like me. Who don't like PVP and world bosses. That's just my opinion. But as for now I'm read alots of articles on this 4.0 thing. I'm still reading right now.


GW2 is Guild Wars 2, not Gears of War 2. Guild Wars 2, aka GW2, is an MMO. As is Wildstar.

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They don't really want to go level syncing. I understand that you're competing with other companies. To win the console war on the free to play thing. Which is one back to the solo player thing. Which was in the beginning for console systems. But that was in the 1990's. I should know. I was a teenager back then. But the console single player thing is getting alittle tiring.

People in my opinion. Want to see Bioware to listen to us players in general. Instead of a small group of players. But I'm approaching 40. Most of people from my generation. Don't use console systems any more.

Now in this case: We use The Computer or laptop now instead. That's good.

For this game: From the way the people are behaving when unsubscribing from the game. This is from my own observations .(Which breaks my hearts). :(

1)They want NO Warzones

2) No World Bosses and events for required missions. If we don't do the expansion. Then We can't get access to the level vendors or anything. That's sad.

2)make level syncing thing be an option.

3)Have the old companions, Crew Skills back in style. And be able to use the old companions in the expansion. With the armor we adaptable armor gave to them.

Example: (Take a look at the Flashpoint requirement thing. Back a few years ago. A lot of us we're kinda turned off by it. So we just didn't play). If it didn't work with the Flashpoint. Then it won't work for this expansion.


Also, It's time for you guys to listen to those people who are complaining. Because, Complainers do make the game better and makes the employees notice that. The company has a few issues. They need to work on.


Nutshell: Listen to the Complainers comments, Don't ignore them. You guys might not want to listen. But you have too. Once again, negative comments do help the company to improve.


This is where I got my info: https://torcommunity.com/database/blogs/896-kotfe-can-bioware-redefine-how-we-view-mmos.

Edited by MikeRindos
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Unlike most people here. I posted in suggestions to keep these threads to a single one. Instead of posting in suggestions like most should done they complain here like kids. I just wish they were mature enough to keep their posts limited to a single thread.
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I definitely agree that future chapters needs more gameplay in between cutscenes during the "new story content" portion of the game. However, the current direction moving the game towards Destiny model is better for TOR. Strong single-player portion driving the lore and story hooks on top of shared world with gameplay group activities. Sticking to whatever MMO labels are and what an MMO should be is pointless. TOR should be doing what's most fitting for TOR and will provide best overall game experience and design
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I wanted story, but I was thinking of Dragon Age Inquisition/Witcher 3 type of story. Not 8 hours of average story, with no replayability. What is even worse, is this is the first content in over six month, and I spent 8 hours, and its done..


PvP? Same old crap, no new blood and suffering from same class issues it had since the beginning of 3.0. PvE? Not much there either. Old re-scaled stuff. Planetary/daily content? Too limited and boring.


I would love to keep playing Swtor, but I cant find anything fun to do. The reason why I unsubbed right after 3.0, is that I turn the game on and I cannot find anything interesting to do. I subbed back to get the new story. Its done, so will be my sub. I do not even know if it is worth it to sub again, say in 6 month, to get the rest of the story. It was not great to begin with, and I still trying to figure out, what is the difference between actually playing it or watching it on YouTube, since it is just a bunch of cut-scenes with pointless choices.

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People also wanted this game to be SWG 2.0. To be honest, I would have preferred that over what we got now.


That being said, when KotFE was announced, I was glad that BW was finally putting out an "expansion" that focused on the one of two parts of the game that have been neglected since launch - the storytelling. However, I am not pleased with a whole lot of other changes and decisions to the game, so ultimately, despite the focus on story. I have cancelled my subs and will be leaving the game for the forseeable future.


The return to storytelling is fine - but only if the story is worth playing, and then replaying with alts. From all appearances, it is not. Therefore, being an MMO whether one likes it or not, the rest of the game must be engaging enough to maintain a stable playerbase to keep the funds and players flowing in. As a result, the lack of endgame/PvP content, and sandbox elements, just makes things worse (and I am not an endgame/PvP/sandbox player). The changes to Ops and FPs are good, and will help in the future, but the current state of the game could have, and should have been much better than what we got.


I kinda agree with your statement. But at the end what you said on the Game could have been better. Well Said Well Said.

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Unlike most people here. I posted in suggestions to keep these threads to a single one. Instead of posting in suggestions like most should done they complain here like kids. I just wish they were mature enough to keep their posts limited to a single thread.


No offense. But you should read my reply alittle more closely. Its not a complaint. I'm sorry you think that.

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Yeah, I'm people were like "Please kill off all my other 7 toons because f them".


People wanted what the game started with: Individual story arcs for each class. Now you don't even have factions anymore. No empire and Republic version. Now it's just one generic story. And instead of giving people options they just made unnecessary sweeping changes that are forced on everyone even though there are rather obvious ways to implement them without forcing it on everyone. This stuff isn't rocket science.

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Yeah, I'm people were like "Please kill off all my other 7 toons because f them".


People wanted what the game started with: Individual story arcs for each class. Now you don't even have factions anymore. No empire and Republic version. Now it's just one generic story. And instead of giving people options they just made unnecessary sweeping changes that are forced on everyone even though there are rather obvious ways to implement them without forcing it on everyone. This stuff isn't rocket science.


You can quit if you don't like it rather then pay money for something you hate. It would actually be very helpful to the community if you can stay and play the game or quit and not. But these constant hate threads are getting annoying.

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Yeah, I'm people were like "Please kill off all my other 7 toons because f them".


People wanted what the game started with: Individual story arcs for each class. Now you don't even have factions anymore. No empire and Republic version. Now it's just one generic story. And instead of giving people options they just made unnecessary sweeping changes that are forced on everyone even though there are rather obvious ways to implement them without forcing it on everyone. This stuff isn't rocket science.


Rocket science lol. Too funny. You're talking my language. On the game. So true so true.

I need to stop. My stress level can't take this. But I liked your reply.

Edited by MikeRindos
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