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Bioware, remove the PvP from the quest to get M1-4X.


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It's very simple:

Pve'rs don't want to pvp because they don't like it.

Pvp'ers don't want Pve'rs doing pvp because they have 1000 expertise, die in 2 secs, don't know how to play objectives and just get gestroyed over and over.

Doing warzones at level 65 now is just asking for a bullet in the head, EVERY match 4~5 people with 59k HP when fully pvp geared is about 67~72k.

I blame the Pve'rs?? NO.

I blame BIOWARE, again, messing up things we always told them not to do since BETA: Do NOT force PvP.


Then you say "it's a matter of choice, you don't have to do pvp if don't want to". Well, a companion is all about PvE, some people love that companion. Why the hell Bioware put a pvp aspect on it? Both are unhappy with this.



Yeah, seems pretty stupid.

Perhaps you should just jump into the required number of matches to get him, and simply just sit there and do nothing. And when those who think this is ok, or how it's no big deal on the forums start raging about why their team sucks and aren't trying, perhaps it will sink in to them how this is bad for everyone.

Edited by RichT
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In order to get a widespread amount of awards (eventually, nearly 50 companions) the game wants to reward people who are involved in all aspects of the game. Don't want to do one aspect? Down to 49 (or so) companion options. Dark Side? Down another one. Nobody is upset that Dark Side players lost a companion. I wouldn't be surprised if another companion (Torian, maybe?) requires a certain number of Completed Bounty Contracts. Another might require you to complete an op. Quests like this are all about experiencing the totality of the game and if you choose to lock yourself out of a portion of a game, you are locked out of the rewards for that portion.
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Yeah, seems pretty stupid.

Perhaps you should just jump into the required number of matches to get him, and simply just sit there and do nothing. And when those who think this is ok, or how it's no big deal on the forums start raging about why their team sucks and aren't trying, perhaps it will sink in to them how this is bad for everyone.


People already did that before 4.0 was even a thing. Conquest point farming will result in more afking in warzones than either of these two companions combined. It didn't change their opinion before when crafting was a viable alternative, now the only way to farm conquest points is PvP most of the time.


All you people thinking of afking through matches or trying troll matches because you are crying about this and want to "prove your point" to Bioware, let me remind you all of one thing... It already happens because of Conquest, so dry your eyes and get queuing, your drop in the bucket of afkers won't make a difference.

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And here, just like I said. You don't and won't ever understand. It's not about it being "required". It's the principle


You have a huge double standard with your principle. You only stand by that principle when it is us being forced to PvP, not them being force to PvE.


And we don't have to PvP anywhere near as much as they have to PvE.

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You have a huge double standard with your principle. You only stand by that principle when it is us being forced to PvP, not them being force to PvE.


And we don't have to PvP anywhere near as much as they have to PvE.


But this is a PVE centric game. If they feel "forced"into playing that content , then perhaps they should play an MMO that caters to PVP primarily?

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Please leave it as is. There should absolutely be some challenge to get a companion. This is one of the better quests in my opinion as it introduces players to a game mode they otherwise might ignore. The PvP in this game is not so bad compared to other MMO's but many players just assume it is without trying it.
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It's fine just the way it is. It isn't a necessity to get 4X, and variety is a good thing.


And if you feel you need him for the sake of being a completionist, then you're a completionist and you would already be doing PVP anyway... And I'd urge everyone here who does PVP and finds people afk-ing during matches, bragging about only doing so to complete the companion requirement to report them and let CS sort them out.

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Ok so they ask you to do PVP... but who says you have to do it?

You aren't being forced and it's not a requirement to progress. It's only required to unlock 1 companion. It's not like you can't complete the KotFE expansion without him. .


^ This. I took one look at it, sorted out what was needed, didn't want to punish pvpers with my pve skills and simply moved on. Simple.

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The last time I properly played PvP for Objectives etc was before 3.0.. It's been a while.. I get anxious and panicky now when I queue for WZ's and with a heart condition its not what I need. I used to always have the rule "Win or lose I play only for fun" never rage quit or lost my temper, I got my comms either way, but again the past year I've gotten worse but back onto topic however I did bite the bullet and do the 20 WZ's but I simply didn't care which as usual caused a lot of hate from the PvP community.

I simply stripped down naked and gleefully skipped across the WZ maps till I hit my mark causing both rage and laughter along the way :D


Buy yeah, having to force PvP to a PvE based storyline seems off and I thought BW would have learnt from their mistakes rather than making them worse

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But this is a PVE centric game. If they feel "forced"into playing that content , then perhaps they should play an MMO that caters to PVP primarily?


Do you realize how incredibly hypocritical that is? Not to mention its a circular argument. The only reason it is so focused on PvE is because so many people have complained until the devs made it so PvP is as invisible to you as possible.


This is a game where they launched with multiple PvP servers, and a robust PvP game in place. YOU may not care about PvP, but that doesn't mean that people who do aren't entitled to rewards for that playstyle. If you want 4X or Pierce so bad, then play the content the devs have set as the requirement.

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Been trying to point this out as a bad idea to folks for a bit now but I was told to "quit whining" (meanwhile, my point wasn't about me).


See, here's the deal:


When it comes to PvE content- there are a lot of folks of all sorts of different persuasions that will try- and keep trying for that new shiny carrot no matter what.


Content crawlers will want to see the storyline.


Completionists just have to have that achievement.


RPers will just have to have that whatever on that particular character because it matches them.


These kinds of folks are tenacious. Do not mistake that for even an instant. They will try, and keep trying.... for years if need be.


Meanwhile, because it's a requirement that they can't stand- they're going to do it in any and every way that they can think of.


Within just the first day, I saw threats/promises/ideas of grieving the entire match, entire packs of "suicide squads" (individually and in groups), as well as playing badly on purpose.


Now. I'm sorry. But, even if I got lucky enough to avoid all of those groups mentioned above, I still would never want a ticked off player with less than zero motivation on my team like -ever.


And. Right now? As things stand? Possibly hundreds of those players are descending and are about to descend into the Arenas in massive numbers.


This. To me? Does not sound like a good recipe for a good time for anyone.


So. Yeah. They really need to put in an alternative idea. Make it difficult. That's fine but, make it non-PvP. Because, this is not a good combination, like, at all.

Edited by Dallayna
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Just adding my two cents here.


I'm someone who enjoys both aspects of the game but focuses much more in pve. I really don't have a problem with a companion or two being used as a pvp reward since they've been essentially turned into optional fluff rewards. Now whether they should have become such is another issue altogether. As they lend nothing that you can't get elsewhere it becomes a non-essential and therefore fair game to be used as rewards for a wide variety of challenges.


Though it might be true that this a pve centric game that does not make it a pve exclusive game and so there is no reason that pvp can't be used as a challenge for fluff rewards. If they were using pvp as a wall for something essential to pve, such as making it so that 220 gear could only be earned through pvp then that would be a different story but as it stands there is no problem with what they're doing here. We pve players may be the majority but we are not the entirety of the audience and so asking every challenge to be tailored to be within our interests or comfort zones is unreasonable.

Edited by DrakerNoir
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It's fine just the way it is. It isn't a necessity to get 4X, and variety is a good thing.


And if you feel you need him for the sake of being a completionist, then you're a completionist and you would already be doing PVP anyway... And I'd urge everyone here who does PVP and finds people afk-ing during matches, bragging about only doing so to complete the companion requirement to report them and let CS sort them out.


This. Variety is a good thing. See it as a different kind of reward for people doing different things. Just like how you'll never get that special pvp mount (that can only be used in PVE) if you don't pvp. You don't need it. But if you want it, you'll do what it takes to have it. It's simple as that.


As for those who threaten to be AFK or play badly to protest, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Instead of being destructive, why not take this chance to actually learn more about pvp instead of mindlessly complaining? Like how to maximize Expertise by wearing properly bolstered PVE gear instead of your max level PVE gear? There's a lot of useful information over there in the pvp forum. Or, if that's too much for you to do and yet you want Pierce/4X that much - roll a Warrior/ Trooper? You can level up so fast now anyway that the effort would be less than you complaining here about it.

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Since I'm going through the required Warzones to unlock Forex, here's what I've noted that annoy me as a mainly PvE player:

-I can't do WZ whenever I want. I need other players to queue and seeing as I sometimes play at outlandish hours, it is an issue. Waiting one hour to get a WZ to pop only to get facerolled by a guild in the opposing team isn't fun. So, point 1: Getting my companion isn't dependant on me anymore, both in skill and in availability. The only similar issue right now is Doctor Lokin with the Rakghoul Event.

-20 Defeats/10 victories is just to much. I get why the quest is here: It's mostly to incite new players with the Insta-60 who were shoved into the story right away to try PvP. But in that case, 4 matches (2 Victories/ 4 defeats) would be a much more acceptable ammount. It needs to be used a tutorial to Warzones, not a tedious grind. Right now, only another companion is a tedious grind to get and it's Qyzen (Lokin is annoying but you can just get a character with bioanalysis to run around Yavin 4 to gather the supplies.). Point 2: Make is shorter!

-The idea of completing the Weekly Warzone "Quest" to gain influence with Forex is good. It makes PvP relevant to at least one companion. Why not change the format of the quest: Make it that Forex will only join if his influence is of 10k at least. Then make it possible to offer him gifts he likes. That way, PvPers and PvE players who want to do the Warzones and get him for "free" just earn influence that way. Others have to farm gifts or spend their common Data crystals to acquire some in Odessen. Point 3: If Influence is earned via Warzones for Forex, make it actually relevant to recruit him!

-Now, last point, a completely outlandish one that will never happen but: Create a "tutorial" that only gives wins for this quest. No Valor, no commendations, just the companion. That allows PvE players to try PvP with other players like them instead of dropping into regular Warzones where sometimes the opposition is just far too good. Point 4: Try and separate regular Warzones and "Alliance" warzones if possible.

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And here, just like I said. You don't and won't ever understand. It's not about it being "required". It's the principle: Locking story content behind PvP is not the way to make me play PvP (Insulting me isn't the way either, FYI).

In fact, I played one warzone just now. You know what? I got chain killed, I was useless, I pissed off my teammates, it pissed me off. Excellent way to make me enjoy the game: I either have to force myself to play a part of the game I loathe, keep the quest taunting me in my log, never to be completed, or never start it and permanently have a glowy "Followers and Contact" icon until the end of time.

Taunting PvE players isn't the way to make them play PvP either. It's just the best way to get "sitters" (What I'm probably gonna do in my next Warzones) in your team ruining your experience.

BTW, the terminal doesn't work as of now. So it's not a solution. And that's just for troopers and Warriors (For Pierce). That means if I want to max out my Alliance on all my alts, I'll have to play between 200 to 400 Warzones in total (That number being probably closer to the second one because I'm a burden to my team and fill up a spot a skilled player could occupy instead). What was your first sentence? Ah yes, "a little PvP". Well, next time think before you write stupid things like that.


"You don't and won't ever understand." Like you don't understand their point...


We Pvpers have a small section of the game that's 'ours' yet we're forced to gear up for pve as well. Your argument goes both ways...

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