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Level Sync needs an Off Button! : ).


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Exactly right, we face stronger and stronger enemies which makes us stronger and enemies of old are no match for us anymore. Now I fly to Alderaan and have stayed at the same power level no matter how much training and experience I get which to me is ridiculous.


Or how about I fly to Alderaan and am as strong as the house guards, then fly to Tython were all of a sudden I'm equal to flesh raiders and then fly to Coruscant where I'm now equal to The Justicars.


Now THATS illogical.


You're completely wrong. Sorry :(

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@ Malastare


I've stated in my first post I'm remaining open minded about the change but my initial thoughts are negative, and yes I have went into lower levels and experienced the changes although it's skewed as my companion is now so grossly overpowered, as a matter of fact my companions in level sync are close to double my hp and power even with me having upper end gear.


Yeah, the companions seem to have some exaggerated bonuses from Presence and the new affection levels. Even if you put them away on the early planets, you still blow through mobs without difficulty. I was running around Tython on a Level 15 shadow with no companion at all. There's no chance that a level 60 character --with all the extra bonuses and passives from another 45 levels-- is going to feel less powerful than my level 15.


To say that you're barely more powerful than a flesh raider is a gross exaggeration.

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SNIP.... It's not anything like the doomsayers predicted.


Actually, its exactly like I predicted. It didn't add anything to the game. It's still not a challenge. It's not as fun as what I was doing before I got down leveled. The gamers that I group with don't care about EXP and just want to get it things done. Screw EXP.


Turns out BW tried to fix something that wasn't broken and screwed the game up more. All done so they could add in the alliance grind to get access to companions and then another grind to increase companion affection and they tacked on down leveling to make it more tedious as thats all down leveling actually did.


You want to talk about a waste of development time? Down leveling, a poor attempt to fix something not broken in an area gamers were finding fun before hand all so we could grind and regrind 4 year old for things recently taken away.


What a waste of development time on a forced feature when optional would accomplish the same thing.

Edited by Quraswren
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No, no I think conversations escape you; it appears opinions and debate are a concept you're unfamiliar with.


There really is no opinion to be discussed about the actual lore-implication of level synch. From a gameplay feature point of view the "being overpowered as my level progresses" is a justified claim. But not having a level-synch doesn't hold up lore-wise at all. You can't just take off all clothes and weapons and walk right into a Mandalorian camp and they don't notice you. Their blasters are still going to hurt you just as much as a Mandalorian blaster on anywhere else on the higher planets. Except they blow up in their face.


We had this conversation and the debate for days about two weeks ago. The problem with the conversation is that this isn't about two sides finding a common ground, but two sides desperately trying to push their opinion through. People who dislike the feature don't appreciate arguments from people who like it at all. The same goes the other way around. We just have to accept that the system, at least right now, is the way it will stay for a bit. Trying to force others into believing the same thing you do with subjective arguments doesn't really cut it.

Edited by Alssaran
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Actually, I was against this but after playing it's not that bad. You just have to pay attention a little more. :D Did the dailies with little difficulty. Haven't tried Oricon commandos (whatever they're called) yet. That might be harder.


Still pissed about the crafting/companion changes. But not here.

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Please add an option to turn off the Level Sync feature.


So many people are unhappy with this. I can understand if someone chooses to revisit old content and wants to level on said planet, but it should be exactly that.. a ( choice ). Forcing this on us is the first time I've considered leaving the game. In a sense it's like taking away my right to the levels I've earned and the time I've spent. There

have been several posts about the negative effects and I have one more to add....

Repeating the whole thing one more time, just for fun.


Problem: There are only a few new players & high-level characters have no reason to repeat planetary missions.

Solution: Tempt high-level characters to repeat these missions using rewards appropriate for their current level.

Side issue: Make sure it isn't abused => sync levels, increase XP & make it more convenient to start the quests.

Side benefit: Players can keep their role (doesn't work with a lvl35 & lvl65 char) and you can reuse planets later.


So sure, go and tell BioWare your inconvenience weights more than their interest to keep the game attractive for new players i.e. new subscribers.


And once you've finished explaining that you won't play KotFE, since playing a lvl60+ content as a lvl60+ is way too inconvenient because having the same level as the opponents around you destroys the whole idea of leveling a character (you might even be pushed off your speeder), look at the four points I've given above and ask yourself how this would work with a toggle (being optional).


Because the main idea is to add level-synced reward boxes. If you could switch the level-sync off, it would be highly abusable. Even if you wouldn't be able to receive these special loot boxes on your own this way, you could still clear the obstacles for all those who would.


But I bet, once you realize the implications of your suggestion, we'll be back talking about how your convenience is way more important than anything else.

Edited by realleaftea
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Get over it. Level sync is here to stay for now and it has more positives over negatives.

Actually what you mention does not make even sense and its subjective.

To me it look like a Gold Farmer whining.


Anyway it's still easy to kill other players outside WZ, if you are down-synced. I mean it just gives them a slim chance to win against you, if you are really bad.

Otherwise regarding Mobs, I don't see problem instead of 1 hit all, you need 2 or 3 and they aren't any threat.

Until you aggro 3-4 groups and at least 4 strong Mobs, still then with Def CDs its easy to get away from them.

Otherwise killing them is still easy, I mean I soloed w/ companion total of 5 tFP since Yesterday.

Because I thought they are like HC+2, until I saw description 4 man Group recommended. Still managed it.

Edited by ProKsnNwk
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Can we add an On Button instead? In current state, the thing is barely noticable, outside of batsh*t crazy XP gains


For me, the "batsh*t craz XP gains" are the problem. At level 45, I don't want 3,500XP for a level 34 flutterwing that barely even scratched me. That's just bad. The mobs in Bounty Week bounties are now scaled to the planets. They're a complete cakewalk now, but you can basically gain a level per bounty. That's just bad.


Level Sync may have had the opposite effect of what a lot of us expected, but it's still really bad and needs a fix, and fast.

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It's not as bad as you're making it out to be! It's awesome. and I love it!


also, who are these "so many people"? everyone I have seen and talked to in the game love it:confused::confused:


You love it because you like games with a system like it. You keep saying how great GW2 is. GW2 is a POS in my opinion because of their version of level sync. I don't like level sync its retard and pointless. Just because you think something great doesn't mean it is.

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You love it because you like games with a system like it. You keep saying how great GW2 is. GW2 is a POS in my opinion because of their version of level sync. I don't like level sync its retard and pointless. Just because you think something great doesn't mean it is.

Correct plus it didnt really change the game either. Just allowed them to reuse 4 year old content in a new affection grind. Not much joy in that rehashing of content when gamers seemed perfectly happy doing it the way the were for the past 4 years.


Of things that caused problems in swtor, over leveling content wasn't some big game killer you heard about.

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You love it because you like games with a system like it. You keep saying how great GW2 is. GW2 is a POS in my opinion because of their version of level sync. I don't like level sync its retard and pointless. Just because you think something great doesn't mean it is.


Just cause you think something's terrible doesn't mean it is... Circular logic's interesting sometimes right?

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My 2 cents (without having read everyone else's comments):


I am not appreciating level sync. If you're max level, you go back to old content to farm - to kill mobs for achievements, or to run dailies for rep/tokens. All this level sync has done is make tedious tasks even more tedious.


I'm not sure what the intention was with level syncing. This change seems to be at odds with the changes to experience gains and leveling speed. On the one hand, they want us to hit 65 in a day. On the other, they want us to be stuck at level 10 if we're going to ever be on Tython. I'm confused.

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You roll over mobs anyway, you just don't do it with single hit, so no farming and no bots.


Lowbies aren't a mere insects and can actually a gank up on you and chase you away.


There is no downside to level scaling unless you're lowbie griefer or gold farmer.


Well, there's no downside if you're determined to make it out like everyone opposed to it has a personal fault that their opposition can be chalked up to... :rolleyes:

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I also prefer the option to disable it at the start of particular quests or instances.


And no it doesn't add challenge to the heroics because my gear and abilities with my companion negate said challenge.


Finally those against said idea should come up with a more legitimate reason then L2P and assume the ones against this can't.


I don't mind losing gear, credits and experience in exchange for disabling this option, seems like a fair trade really.

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The only reason I'm farming old heroics is for supply crates and not credits so I'm all for being able to turn level sync off and get no creds but still get supply crates. Right now level sync just makes this tedious task more tedious and not any more difficult.
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Level Sync has got to go. It is clearly a way to force players to feel challenged by old content instead of offering new content. Also, I used to be able to level up to the point that I was not harassed by every womprat and monkeylizard I wandered across. The idea that my Level 65 dark lord merc of the republic has to go back down 20 or 30 levels on some worlds, and put up with minor thugs and bugs is annoying. No, I did not start playing SWTOR to make groups, join clans, or any of that. I don't bother with x+ Heroic missions because I don't want to have to look for someone to group up with, or have to wait on because they had to answer the phone or some such. I just want to play when I have the time and enjoy myself.

Level Sync doesn't encourage me to form a group. It encourages me to shut off the game and go read a book. If some people like it, good for them, I don't, and I am one of many that wants it gone. Make it optional or get rid of it.

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