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Level Sync needs an Off Button! : ).


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I find this entire argument amusing.


Most of the reasons given to support level sync in this thread are just as ridiculous as the reasons to deride it. There is, IMO, very few reputable reasons for and against the change, but here are two good ones IMO..

There are only 2 reasons, 1 for and 1 against: "I like it" and "I don't like it." I like it, it's here, no reason to change it. But if for some reason they did change it back, I would not be lobbying for them to change it back yet again.


The ludicrousness comes in with the "anti" folks who say it gimps their character. To quote myself, what they want is for their characters to go back to being Superman rather than being "gimped' down to mere Spiderman levels.

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There are only 2 reasons, 1 for and 1 against: "I like it" and "I don't like it." I like it, it's here, no reason to change it. But if for some reason they did change it back, I would not be lobbying for them to change it back yet again.


The ludicrousness comes in with the "anti" folks who say it gimps their character. To quote myself, what they want is for their characters to go back to being Superman rather than being "gimped' down to mere Spiderman levels.


...or perhaps they simply want the game to be the same it has been for many years prior to this point.


I believe personally this was a good move....and despite a few shortcomings and what I feel are needed tweaks and tucks here and there, I think it is a sound system. I do not, however, feel it was well executed, tested or even thought through....certainly good on paper, in execution perhaps not so much.


However, it is obvious that this is a MAJOR change, and this kind of major change is likely difficult for some folks to swallow after playing the game for years.


So I say ludicrous on both ends of the argument. The simple fact is, to my knowledge, the reasons folks quote for the change are hearsay....because Bioware has not indicated why they made the change, other than saying that they were monitoring the 12XP event and decided to make this change during play testing.


The reasons remain a mystery to my knowledge.


There is no valid reason, other than perhaps this kind of a drastic change this late in the game is difficult for players to accept, to remove level sync or allow a toggle. By the same token, there is no valid reason other than perhaps it makes old content relevant for keeping it in place and making it mandatory.


That is, of course, just my opinion, which means next to nothing.


You do make one point I agree on....most arguments for or against can likely be watered down to like or dislike.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I won't resort to calling you ludicrous, but I will say you seem to be avoiding the issues. Validity in a discussion like this is irrelevant. For players, it is all about preferences. From the point of view of a business, it is all about ROI. Will the changes eventually bring in more players and more money or not. For whatever reason, fewer resources, declining revenue stream, etc. They decided to shake up the game by making some major changes.

I personally like level-sync although I think they could take it a bit further. My major objection to a toggle is that I don't believe there should be different mechanics in the open world. Now I suppose they could make a bunch of changes to try and accommodate everyone, but I doubt they could succeed in pleasing everyone and I do believe they'd just end up wasting resources.


Another minor point I'd like to bring up is the argument that because the game is at least somewhat profitable they wouldn't consider shutting it down. Of course, we don't really know what the profit margin is only a bit about the revenue stream. But even profitable games are shut down.


It is all about ROI and scarce resources. Many of the skills required to maintain and expand any software, including games, are in short supply. Software engineers/computer scientists, for example, have been in high demand, even mediocre ones, for many years. If a company feels that the scarce resource investment will return a greater profit if applied elsewhere they will most definitely transfer those assets to a different project and that may be some of what we've seen with SWTOR.


The highlighted point above is precisely the type of poor development logic that flushed SWG down the toilet. You don't make drastic and unforecasted changes in the hope of a magical fix to declining subscriber numbers.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are two types of players involved in this argument, 1) that thinks they can dictate how ALL players of SWTOR should participate (or not if they won't drink the koolaid) in content and 2) those that think there should be an off-switch should they wish to partake in content differently than the first group.


Group 1 thinks it's perfectly acceptable to force their play-style on millions of people FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE!!!!!!!! The second group just wants to be able to play the game closer to as it was before the devs starting making desperation moves with KOTFE in the hopes of raising subscriber numbers for casual noob players.


Casuals bring money, but only until they get bored and leave for FF16 or WOW: Lands of Whatever, or Evercrack 3. That's why desperation moves by developers are bad, but efforts to cater to the common denominator is even worse. Much like other entertainment, ESPECIALLY with Millennials now in play, short attention spans, lack of patience, A.D.D. and instant gratification are very real considerations to the business model of MMO's. The question is how will Bioware respond? They can take the easy cash (casuals) and hope it's enough, or they can bank on loyal and long-term subs, the same ones telling them that forcing a play-style, any play-style on their sub base is a fool's errand.

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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The game was fine with a standard vertical leveling process in place for almost 4 years.


The game is fine with a horizontal leveling process in place post 4.0.


The lack of or inclusion of a toggle to shut off level sync would make little difference to most players I would imagine. I would assume that most players likely do not care either way.


Demanding a toggle or standing against it are both silly stances to take IMO. It would be nice to have it since it is how the game has been for a long time, and it is how most games are on the market....but the current system is hardly draconian.


Certainly NOT comparable to the CU/NGE IMO. This is a huge change, yes. But the gameplay is almost exactly the same, and where it differs I believe is compensated by much higher rewards.


That is, of course, just my view.

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The game was fine with a standard vertical leveling process in place for almost 4 years.


The game is fine with a horizontal leveling process in place post 4.0.


The lack of or inclusion of a toggle to shut off level sync would make little difference to most players I would imagine. I would assume that most players likely do not care either way.


Demanding a toggle or standing against it are both silly stances to take IMO. It would be nice to have it since it is how the game has been for a long time, and it is how most games are on the market....but the current system is hardly draconian.


Certainly NOT comparable to the CU/NGE IMO. This is a huge change, yes. But the gameplay is almost exactly the same, and where it differs I believe is compensated by much higher rewards.


That is, of course, just my view.


For the record, you made the CU/NGE comparison, I simply said devs of SWG repeatedly made poor decisions in an attempt to increase subscriber numbers of primarily the casual "sub 3 months and bail" type.


But, here is a point I will make from your considerations: This type of poor decision making of "code and pray" undesirable features, failure to focus on long term subscribers/investors over the quick easy cash, and the steady decline of complexity in favor of ease-of-access, is precisely the crap that Sony Online Entertainment pulled just before they started their grand schemes that did in fact turn out to be CU/NGE.


So I'm not saying the world is ending here. But I'm definitely firing off some flares and screaming at the top of my lungs that I've seen this behavior from development teams in MMOs before (and their casual patrons), and I know how it always ends.

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Despite all the whining about it, not one person has come up with a legitimate reason it should be optional.


flipside: there wasn't and still isn't a legit reason to implement it!

and to already give the answer for the argue following my question: if the comps are still just bashing the mobs around and so allow to single the hero missions, so where oh where is the real necessarity of this level sync crab?


p.s: and for those with those wb crab. whom really cares about those? they are absolutly irrelevent to 90% of the whole game!

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But, here is a point I will make from your considerations: This type of poor decision making of "code and pray" undesirable features (snip)


This first part is an interesting point. Aside from the request for some form of ability to mentor players (and for them to still receive rewards), I don't recall seeing a thread asking for level sync to be implemented in this game.


I could be wrong. It would be interesting to know exactly why BioWare felt the need to design the system they have implemented, equally as much as it would be nice to know if they intend to update or adjust it based on the feedback they're being given on the system.


Considering they're all about listening to what the players want and all that.

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I could be wrong. It would be interesting to know exactly why BioWare felt the need to design the system they have implemented, equally as much as it would be nice to know if they intend to update or adjust it based on the feedback they're being given on the system.


I think the obvious solution here would be to have level-sync apply only in groups, and the whole group becomes synced to the level of the group leader.


That way higher level players can help lower level players, but no one is affected during solo play.


Now I know this can be done, other games do it - ESO for example.


All The Best

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I think the obvious solution here would be to have level-sync apply only in groups, and the whole group becomes synced to the level of the group leader.


That way higher level players can help lower level players, but no one is affected during solo play.


Now I know this can be done, other games do it - ESO for example.


All The Best

Unless they really changed how grouping works. the only level sync to group leader was for dungeons, not questing out in the environment.

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It makes it easier for the developers to place new content on old worlds.


Pulled your post history, and honestly it reads like a BW-apologist. No criticalities of a game that's FAR from perfect, or alternatives to people's constructive criticisms about specific events that require redress, much like this thread.


So let me ask the obvious question, what "new content on old worlds" are you talking about? The "new content" KOTFE was supposed to bring? Maybe that new operation on Belsavis;.... oh, wait, there isn't one. Or is this another patented "Bioware is doing something in the future and it's gonna be lights and stars!!!!oneeleven" line?


Here's the problem with level sync; a large number of people didn't want it to begin with, BW went ahead. They've never justified the change, and may people still hate it, others tolerate it. Tolerance of something unenjoyable is not evidence that it's inherently good; something pro-syncers forget.


In either event, blind faith in a for-profit corporation is poor logic. I enjoy Square Enix as a developer, but when they make a piss-poor decision, I call them on it (case in point, FF7 remake in multiple releases). BW apologists lack this fundamental trait which is critical for a constructive discussion.


Personally, I like it. I'd be perfectly happy if they leave it as is.


Now see, this is the type of casual that's problematic. They don't care about anything that happens in the game, so long as THEIR perception of it is enjoyable. It doesn't have to be balanced, fun, non-repetitive, progressive, creative, require problem solving or out of box thinking...just so long as it meets their desire. The problem is this is three-quarters of the player base; the same population I earlier mentioned jumps ship every 3 months. We'll still be here in a year; now stuck with a crap level-sync system BW isn't doing anything more with.


It's unnecessary, unwanted and those resources could have gone to something better such as a companion missions/crafting mobile app.

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Pulled your post history, and honestly it reads like a BW-apologist. No criticalities of a game that's FAR from perfect, or alternatives to people's constructive criticisms about specific events that require redress, much like this thread.


I'm much less of an apologist than I am seeker of actual legitimate criticisms. Most of my posts have as their goal making people actually think about what their complaints really are. That being said:


So let me ask the obvious question, what "new content on old worlds" are you talking about? The "new content" KOTFE was supposed to bring? Maybe that new operation on Belsavis;.... oh, wait, there isn't one. Or is this another patented "Bioware is doing something in the future and it's gonna be lights and stars!!!!oneeleven" line?


The question asked was whether there was a legitimate reason for implementing level sync. Making it easier to put new contents on old worlds is a legitimate reason.


Whether Bioware capitalizes on that ability is an entirely different question.


Here's the problem with level sync; a large number of people didn't want it to begin with, BW went ahead. They've never justified the change, and may people still hate it, others tolerate it. Tolerance of something unenjoyable is not evidence that it's inherently good; something pro-syncers forget.


For claims like this, I prefer to see numbers. Anecdotally, my impression while leveling is that the average number of people on a planet (and not just doing the Heroics thereof) has increased. I assume they're enjoying themselves, because the idea of doing stuff you don't enjoy when you don't have to doesn't make much sense to me.


In either event, blind faith in a for-profit corporation is poor logic. I enjoy Square Enix as a developer, but when they make a piss-poor decision, I call them on it (case in point, FF7 remake in multiple releases). BW apologists lack this fundamental trait which is critical for a constructive discussion.


Calling companies on a piss-poor decision is admirable. Identifying a piss-poor decision objectively is a trait that is missing on these forums, and the main thing I have objected to. To wit:


Now see, this is the type of casual that's problematic. They don't care about anything that happens in the game, so long as THEIR perception of it is enjoyable. It doesn't have to be balanced, fun, non-repetitive, progressive, creative, require problem solving or out of box thinking...just so long as it meets their desire. The problem is this is three-quarters of the player base; the same population I earlier mentioned jumps ship every 3 months. We'll still be here in a year; now stuck with a crap level-sync system BW isn't doing anything more with.


How do you know that they'll be gone in three months? Must every single person who currently enjoys the game right now leave? Have I no option to stay four months? What if the three-quarters of the player base (assuming that the number is accurate) actually stays because, as stated, they enjoy it? What if they don't mind running through class stories multiple times? If their perception of the game is enjoyable, aren't they by definition having "fun?" What if all the creativity they need is in new outfits and combat companions to look at?


Where are you getting your demographic data?


That's what I tend to comment on. Unproven broad generalizations and/or personal preferences stated as facts and axiomatic laws of game design when they are, so far as I can tell, nothing of the sort.

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Whether Bioware capitalizes on that ability is an entirely different question.


That's semantics and you know it. Stating that Bioware "could" capitalize on a potential angle, which they have not yet actually done so or even made generalizations of moving in that cardinal direction, is meaningless. You're basically making a statement that BW is justified in level sync because someday they might do something constructive with it; at best that's speculation ("if you go to college, one day you might make more money than the average middle-class person") and there's not an ounce of support for it. I'd like to see where you get the idea they will with the same numbers you requested me to justify my conclusions with.


Don't make middle-ground statements you're unwilling to stand behind. Draw a conclusion, make a decision. Bioware could decide to try and turn the sky purple Monday morning, let's talk about what they should do, have done in the past, what would be unintelligent to do, and what are the most optimistic outcomes. THOSE are more constructive than logical semantics.


For claims like this, I prefer to see numbers. Anecdotally, my impression while leveling is that the average number of people on a planet (and not just doing the Heroics thereof) has increased. I assume they're enjoying themselves, because the idea of doing stuff you don't enjoy when you don't have to doesn't make much sense to me.


I'm sure you do; I do as well. However, BW's "metrics" are proprietary information that isn't readily accessible to its subscriber base. People get on treadmills for various reasons, some enjoy it, some feel it's just one of those things they have to do, some do it because it kills time. That doesn't necessarily make it enjoyable. While I wish life was a never ending list of enjoyable options, for many, SWTOR might just be a lesser evil than doing the laundry (search your feelings, you know it to be true).



How do you know that they'll be gone in three months? Must every single person who currently enjoys the game right now leave? Have I no option to stay four months? What if the three-quarters of the player base (assuming that the number is accurate) actually stays because, as stated, they enjoy it? What if they don't mind running through class stories multiple times? If their perception of the game is enjoyable, aren't they by definition having "fun?" What if all the creativity they need is in new outfits and combat companions to look at?


Where are you getting your demographic data?


Again, with the data. I don't work for Bioware Austin and neither do you. The data isn't available. Lack of data is not a justifiable argument for or against any conclusion. You sound intelligent, and I gather you're fully aware that asking for proprietary inaccessible data as a defense for a conclusion you disagree with is at best a straw man argument. I'm all for using data where it's available, but it isn't here so we have to go based on known MMO trends, behaviors and common sense. You're going to have to be okay with that unless you're planning a data heist later this week from BW's offices.


In response to your questions, MMO behavior of casual (that is subscribed less than one continuous year without disruption and/or returning) players demonstrates 3 months to be the average loitering time. So yes, you (and probably ONLY you) might stay for four months, but the bottom line is your $15*4 is still less than $15*12, simple common sense conclusion. Here's another, as with most forms of entertainment, pay-for-TV being the prime example, when they lose interest they'll hop over the fence to the next thing, wait for a deal to come back in 6 months and do it again from WoW or whatever else to Final Fantasy, then eventually back here. That's the nature of casual behavior and fad-type tendencies. There's more than enough documentation of the current A.D.D. generation.

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Are people really still complaining about this? Holy crap I don't even notice the difference. You keep all your abilities, you just can't roll around and one shot everything, big whoop. Everything is still soloable.


flipside: there wasn't and still isn't a legit reason to implement it!

and to already give the answer for the argue following my question: if the comps are still just bashing the mobs around and so allow to single the hero missions, so where oh where is the real necessarity of this level sync crab?


p.s: and for those with those wb crab. whom really cares about those? they are absolutly irrelevent to 90% of the whole game!


The point is to keep content relevant.....I can take my level 50, go group up with my friend who is level 20 and do heroics with him and still get xp for me without hurting his xp and get rewards that are at my level. If level sync was optional they would obviously remove all the rewards and xp from it which at that point it becomes pointless.


I'm pretty critical of what BW does, but this is a pretty dumb thing to complain about considering it practically has zero negative impact on the game. You keep all your abilities and you can still solo everything. You just can't roll around and one shot everyone which would break the current system to begin with which is part of the alliance grind. They obviously don't want you running around and clearing the heroic in 5 minutes, which you shouldn't be able to do anyways.


Level sync is fine, get over it.

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Level sync is fine, get over it.


Yet the number of threads and posters still expressing concerns shows it clearly isn't fine for a lot of people; as my father often said - what can't speak, can't lie.


So please stop expressing your personal opinion as fact.


All The Best

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Yet the number of threads and posters still expressing concerns shows it clearly isn't fine for a lot of people; as my father often said - what can't speak, can't lie.


So please stop expressing your personal opinion as fact.


All The Best


There's also a saying that those who like something say nothing at all so it only appears to be the negative crying the loudest. Lets be honest, its not even remotely an issue. The forums make up less than 1% of the player base according to BW and not one person has ever come up with a legitimate reason to have level sync optional (and its the same 10 people complaining about it as well). There really is no negative side to level sync.

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There's also a saying that those who like something say nothing at all so it only appears to be the negative crying the loudest. Lets be honest, its not even remotely an issue. The forums make up less than 1% of the player base according to BW and not one person has ever come up with a legitimate reason to have level sync optional (and its the same 10 people complaining about it as well). There really is no negative side to level sync.


Which is, of course, refuted by the number of threads and posters defending Level-Sync.


Your final sentence "There really is no negative side to level sync." is also just personal opinion, not fact.


My personal opinion is this:


Until today I hadn't even logged into SW since the day of KotFE release. It wasn't what LS did, or how well, or badly it did it, that turned me away from the game - it was Bioware's attitude to the lack of communication for the justification of introducing it. A game company that has so little regard for its playerbase that it refuses to even try to get them to engage with such significant changes is not a game company I wish to risk money on. I came back to SW as a response to the first KofTE trailer, it looked great, and I immediately subbed for 6 months (and even though I have not even logged into the game for a long time that is not something I regret). But as we got closer and closer KotFE going live I became more and more concerned with the direction the game was taking.


Now, I'm what many players refer to a "filthy casual", I play 99% of the content solo, I'm not in a guild, and I rarely engage with group content - not because I don't want to, but because I prefer not to PUG, I prefer to play with people I get on with, whose company I enjoy etc. I drop in and out of the game as my mood takes me, but even though I have had significant absences from the game I have remained subbed for close to 80% of the time since release - I believe that if I am playing a game I should support it, even if the game has a F2P model.


But the supercharged dumbing down of the game that was becoming apparent with KotFE concerned me. Open world content was already easy enough, and making it easier wasn't going to keep people more interested IMO, if anything it would do the opposite. I liked the idea of having multi-functional companions, but felt that removing the need to gear up companion was a "dumb-down" too far, getting reasonable gear in this game isn't that much of a challenge, and unless you are running hard-core end-game stuff there really isn't a desperate need for BiS gear. Likewise the removal of primary stats - if the game is going to "to all that for us" why not just turn it into a movie, rather than something we have to make choices about. I actually liked tweaking my gear to get that extra 5% that made that "unbeatable" boss suddenly beatable - that is part of the challenge of MMORPGs.


I like my games to have some degree of challenge; even better if the challenge is scaleable so I can choose just how challenging I want it.


Level-Sync doesn't add to the challenge, it adds to the grind. In most MMORPGs I play I am a bit of a "deed junkie" I like to get as many as possible completed. Now in almost every MMORPG in existence part of that "completionist grind" is offset by levelling up, so I can go back to lower level zones/planets and finish off those deeds a bit easier than doing them all on level. Level-Sync just adds to that grind.


It's not about adding "challenge", because companions are now so OP there isn't any challenge - but it is about adding "grind" by dumping a time-sink on top of an existing grind.


That, and the aforementioned lack of communication, is why I remain opposed to mandatory level-sync.


Anyone who thinks it was to "add challenge" really doesn't understand how MMORPGs work IMO, because if they wanted to add, or even maintain challenge they wouldn't have dumbed everything else down and made Comps so OP.


All The Best

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Which is, of course, refuted by the number of threads and posters defending Level-Sync.


Your final sentence "There really is no negative side to level sync." is also just personal opinion, not fact.


No its definitely a fact.




Until today I hadn't even logged into SW since the day of KotFE release. It wasn't what LS did, or how well, or badly it did it, that turned me away from the game - it was Bioware's attitude to the lack of communication for the justification of introducing it. A game company that has so little regard for its playerbase that it refuses to even try to get them to engage with such significant changes is not a game company I wish to risk money on. I came back to SW as a response to the first KofTE trailer, it looked great, and I immediately subbed for 6 months (and even though I have not even logged into the game for a long time that is not something I regret). But as we got closer and closer KotFE going live I became more and more concerned with the direction the game was taking.


Same reason every company does things? FFXIV new animus weapon grind is exactly the same as the relic grind pre expansion despite all the complaints(though they did make improvements like not requiring you to be on the class of the weapon you are grinding for to get the crystals so you can fate grind with an alt to level up killing two birds). Companies are going to do what they envision for their game and they don't have to justify diddly squat to you. That said, if you bothered to play the new expansion you would know 100% why level sync is in the game given how the alliance system is set up once you get to Odessen.


Now, I'm what many players refer to a "filthy casual", I play 99% of the content solo, I'm not in a guild, and I rarely engage with group content - not because I don't want to, but because I prefer not to PUG, I prefer to play with people I get on with, whose company I enjoy etc. I drop in and out of the game as my mood takes me, but even though I have had significant absences from the game I have remained subbed for close to 80% of the time since release - I believe that if I am playing a game I should support it, even if the game has a F2P model.


This entire section contradicts what you type up later in your post........Aside from the world bosses, all the level sync stuff is soloable and the world bosses should remain unsolable because...well....they are world bosses. Level sync keeps them relevant.


But the supercharged dumbing down of the game that was becoming apparent with KotFE concerned me. Open world content was already easy enough, and making it easier wasn't going to keep people more interested IMO, if anything it would do the opposite. I liked the idea of having multi-functional companions, but felt that removing the need to gear up companion was a "dumb-down" too far, getting reasonable gear in this game isn't that much of a challenge, and unless you are running hard-core end-game stuff there really isn't a desperate need for BiS gear.


Nothing has really changed....The games difficulty remains the same to me outside of the heroics being soloable now, which is whatever to me. Could care less about companion gear in a game were companions are glorified pets. At least now you can have out your favorite companion without worrying about if they are a tank/healer/dps.


Likewise the removal of primary stats - if the game is going to "to all that for us" why not just turn it into a movie, rather than something we have to make choices about. I actually liked tweaking my gear to get that extra 5% that made that "unbeatable" boss suddenly beatable - that is part of the challenge of MMORPGs.


Main stats were redundant. If you were a marauder you used strength. If you were a sorc you used willpower. Sorc didn't really benefit from using strength and marauders didn't really benefit from willpower. In that regard changing it to mastery made sense and really had no major impact on the game. Its not like classic RPG's were stats actually had different impacts and there was no "main stat" so the argument of a mastery stat dumbing down the game is silly considering it changes nothing outside of we no longer get to laugh at the merc using cunning when he should be using aim.



Level-Sync doesn't add to the challenge


Clearly it does because people are complaining about it since they can't one shot things. Also, here's where you begin to contradict yourself.


it adds to the grind. In most MMORPGs I play I am a bit of a "deed junkie" I like to get as many as possible completed. Now in almost every MMORPG in existence part of that "completionist grind" is offset by levelling up, so I can go back to lower level zones/planets and finish off those deeds a bit easier than doing them all on level. Level-Sync just adds to that grind./


I'm assuming deeds are referring to heroics....in which case it really doesn't. Again, if you bothered to play through KoTFE and got to Odessen you would understand why level sync is setup the way it is. If it was optional then they would have to remove xp and rewards from the quest, which then would make the entire thing pointless.


It's not about adding "challenge", because companions are now so OP there isn't any challenge - but it is about adding "grind" by dumping a time-sink on top of an existing grind.


Welcome to MMO's where the entire point is to add grind? Maybe play something else?


Anyone who thinks it was to "add challenge" really doesn't understand how MMORPGs work IMO, because if they wanted to add, or even maintain challenge they wouldn't have dumbed everything else down and made Comps so OP


I don't think you understand how MMO's work.

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I'm assuming deeds are referring to heroics....in which case it really doesn't.


Nope, Heroics are group content, I already said I tend not to do group content.


I'm talking about things like collecting every datachron, every lore object, unlocking all exploration rewards etc.


The things that tie a player into the gameworld, the things that add to immersion - because immersion and challenge are what keep players playing, and paying.


All The Best

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Nope, Heroics are group content, I already said I tend not to do group content.


I'm talking about things like collecting every datachron, every lore object, unlocking all exploration rewards etc.


The things that tie a player into the gameworld, the things that add to immersion - because immersion and challenge are what keep players playing, and paying.


All The Best


Level sync has absolutely no impact on that stuff.........And datacrons are not immersion. Nothing like suddenly playing platforming games jumping around pipes to get to a damn datacron. How is that immersive? Lore objects? Where does level sync impact that? Exploration? Again, how does level sync impact that? Oh no, you might aggro some mobs running through. News flash, keep on driving on your speeder :rolleyes:


And heroics are no longer group content. You can solo it with a companion, which is intended according to BW.

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