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Can't Abandon Quests?


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Incorrect. The missions that I have which cannot be abandoned are inconsequential to the class storyline. So there really is no reason why a player shouldn't be able to abandon them (for instance, some of them are the "Bonus" missions for Darth Lachris on Balmorra).


strange, i could abandon all the bonus missions on balmorra

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I used to have some bonus quest mission I was unable to abandon.


It was something along the lines of Kill Droids 11/12.


I could not return to the mission area. Not surprising as I made the whole place come crashing down before I left. That somehow did not kill the last droid tho.


After 1.1 I could abandon it however.

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I have the Revanite title, and my Inquisitor cannot Complete or drop the quest to get the mask, I turned it in, and the next day it was in my log, i just again clicked reset, got the mask, went to turn it in, and Raymon wont finish it...
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After 1.1 I could abandon it however.


I have still lots of quests I cannot abandon, and every quest I come across, I have to tidy up the questlog. I will from now on write a ticket for every single time I get the message that I cant get anymore quests.


This is getting on my nerves. And I dont want to hear anything about "blabla we forwarded this to the special team." I want someone to rid me of these quests. Can't be so hard!

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Yeah its getting very annoying.


Every time i go to a planet, i grab all the quests, end up doing most of them. But by the time i leave, i still get an additional 2-3 quests that i CANT abandon. Its ridiculous. Its getting to the point where I can only have about 7 quests active because my quest log is full of grey level 10 quests.


yeah, i could go back and finish them. But for a game i barely have time to play, plus pay a monthly fee for the game, I want to spend the time i do play, doing what i want to do, not working around bioware's incompetence.

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It is funny half the bonus quest end sooner then I think they should. Like when the prime objective updates, and not when i turn it in. This is annoying because I pick up the Super Secret Muffin Pan I was sent to to get, only to find I no longer have to bonus mission to kill 900 Muffin Monsters, when i was at 899 and figured id hit the last on the way out. The quest isn't over i still have to leave and turn it in, but the bonus quest is gone.


And the other half of the bonus quest i can never drop.

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I had the same issue with the quest "Smuggler's Moon", which basically leads you to the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series. I could not abandon the quest, even though it was grey. While hovering the cursos over the abandon button however, it gave a mouse-over saying "cannot be abandoned *at this time*.


When I had to be on Nar Shaddaa anyway, I figured I'd give it a shot and talk to the NPC I was supposed to talk to. I got xp for the conversation, mission was done, and I could abandon the 'bonus series' that popped up in my log after that.


It doesn't make sense to do it like this I think, but if you're really stuck on that grey thing in your log, it may be worth a try.

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If I can't abandon these 14/25 extra quests in my log, could you at least raise the quest cap until you fix this bug? All these quests are greyed out, and at least one of them is from an instance I can not get back into ... please fix this asap.


I've just hit 50 and now have to go back to all these low level places to make room for l50 (fun stuff) quests - how boring is that.


** EDIT: 2 hours later and all I've accomplished to do is complete some quests that are replaced by new ones. I'll have to finish the story line for each and every quest! holy bejesus

Edited by supaflav
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I'm having the same issue with one bonus quest from Balmorra (can't recall the name at the moment). It isn't from any storyline instance, but from a different quest instance entirely. It is only a bonus (Kill so many X number of enemies type). I can't go back into the instance because it was already played, so I can't finish the bonus quest..and I can't get rid of it now at all. It is greyed out and can NOT be abandoned.


Bioware needs to fix this.

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Isn't there a known issue about the optional quests not being able to be abandoned once you leave the zone for it?


Like I forgot all about one of them and left the phased area. Can't go back and finish it. Can't abandon it.


Very sad panda inducing.

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currently have 11

one of them I was not able to be abandoned the moment I got it. talked to the guy said maybe i'll get around to it, saw what i needed to do and decided to abandon it right then and there...nope.


every quest except class ones should be able to be abandoned.

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