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Can't Abandon Quests?


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Unabandonable Quests?


I have like 7 quests that are grey that I cannot abandon... Is there a work around to get rid of these?

Yes. Complete them.


On a serious note, it's annoying and there's no other way to get rid of them other than above.

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Did you go into your quest log?

There should be the abandon option there

Press L for log and select the quest


Maybe the ones I have deleted i have been able to, and what does the greying out actually mean?

Edited by Darka
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I have the same problem.


I created a ticket for it but it was closed. Something about 'blah blah blah.....we know....blah blah blah....thanks.'


So in other words, I have no idea how, if or when a fix is coming :confused:

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Yes. Complete them.


On a serious note, it's annoying and there's no other way to get rid of them other than above.


I have a grey bonus quest from a one time only trooper instance taking place on a ship out in the middle of space that cannot be abaddoned. The quest objective is to "Stay Frosty".


Seeing as the main quest this bonus is related to is completed and cannot be returned too it's just there indefinitely. Good thing we can untrack them so we don't have to see them on the active quest list.

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I have a grey bonus quest from a one time only trooper instance taking place on a ship out in the middle of space that cannot be abaddoned. The quest objective is to "Stay Frosty".


Seeing as the main quest this bonus is related to is completed and cannot be returned too it's just there indefinitely. Good thing we can untrack them so we don't have to see them on the active quest list.


Same with this... Its specific to Quests... SOME of them are not abandonable. I dont want to go back and finish all these pointless quests.



Stay Frosty isn't PIVITAL in the story line... its a BONUS to a Class quest to not get detected by boobytraps.

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its because those quests are vital for the storyline


Incorrect. The missions that I have which cannot be abandoned are inconsequential to the class storyline. So there really is no reason why a player shouldn't be able to abandon them (for instance, some of them are the "Bonus" missions for Darth Lachris on Balmorra).

Edited by Tarka
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I also have a couple quests in my logs that I can't abandon. Again, they are bonus quests and I can't complete them as they are inside instances that are now closed to me.


I entered a bug ticket and this seems to be a known issue. Hopefully they will get a fix into an upcoming patch.

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I have 3-4 bonus quests that I can't complete because the instance they were in is now closed to me(red door). I don't know if there is a mission cap for the mission log, but if they keep adding up like this it's going to be a problem. I've /bug'd it so we'll see.


25 trackable quests, I believe. I have no idea if that's a hard limit.

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Ok, I have been hoping this issue would be addressed soon, but it has not. I now have 19 quests that are too small for me to do that I cannot abandon. If bio can't figure out how to fix this, can we at least get the limit raised beyond 25? This is ridiculous!


Have you tried submitting a support request? They may be able to remove the dead quests for you.

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I only have one quest like this, on my BH. What makes it very odd is it was a quest I completed on Nar Shaddaa and wasn't in my log for a while. Later I logged in and saw that it was back in my log, and I could not abandon it, despite the fact that I had completed the entire quest chain it starts.

Oh well though. I suppose I can go back and do the quest again and see if that will resolve the issue...

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I have a grey bonus quest from a one time only trooper instance taking place on a ship out in the middle of space that cannot be abaddoned. The quest objective is to "Stay Frosty".


So, after reading this, all I can think of now is:


"Stay Frosty My Friends"

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