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So who's staying with their old romances, and who's moving on?


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My main inquisitor(F) cheated with Lana because Andronikos wasn't woman enough for her.



That's something I would have thought a awesome Sith like the Inquisitor would have noticed right away when it came to Andronikos. Now I'm curious as to how she even thought he would be to begin with. :p

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I had no old romance that I could enter due to orientation issues, so I'm with Lana for now, but honestly, I might possibly be willing to dump her. We'll see.


Same boat here.


None of my characters have old romances, because there were no SGRs for them to have. I've romanced Theron on every one that's made it as far as SoR. (I never romanced Lord Cytharat on my imps either, because I guess I'm shallow and I really hate his hair.) :o

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Everyone stayed loyal because I'm boring and don't like hurting imaginary feelings. Even my Smuggler and Agent--though I headcanon the latter as bi-curious, so he was attracted to them both; he just didn't follow up on it because sleeping with either of them--especially Lana, a Sith--sounded like a dumb thing in his book. My Knight was unattached until she met Theron and just...clicked, so she's hoping for a follow-up on that raincheck.


So, come KotFE, almost everyone's sticking with their pre-KotFE paramours. Sole exception is my Trooper, who is technically dating Jorgan but holding out hope for Jonas Balkar. If he comes knocking, she's going with him and not looking back.

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I tend to use the characters story to progress through the relationship with their companions. My Sorcerer started off on the light side path ultimately marrying Ashara because it seemed logical with how I had made the story progress. However during the course of chapter 3 and the expansions he eventually began to fall into the hopelessness and despair of acting as a member of the Dark Council. The inevitable temptation of the dark side even if temporary caused a shift in his allegiances. His new found neutrality and selfishness worked well with Lana's story, during the course of the Revan expansion he broke his vows with Ashara and chose Lana.


I will most likely do the same in KoTFe, waiting to see how his years in stasis and confrontation with the Emperor as well as Lana's changes in personality ( if any) are reflected on the story. It could go either way with my Sorcerer, rekindling his relationship with Ashara or continuing with Lana. Who knows, if Theron has become less of a **** my Sorcerer could end up playing on the opposite side of the field.

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Am i the only one who shudders at the thought of what would happen when jaesa found out the warrior was romancing lana ? It frightens me almost as the thought of what jaesa has been doing these five years left to her own devices without her master to keep her in line:eek:
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My Agent will take the plunge with a new female NPC simply for self preservation. That class is all full up on powerful female crazy. One day you just know that Kaliyo will become bored, Raina is going to suspect your loyalty to the empire is on the same level as her fathers and Scorpio will cease to iterate on functionality and train her focus on you...

My Sorc will trade as well for reasons mentioned by other posters here.

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Am i the only one who shudders at the thought of what would happen when jaesa found out the warrior was romancing lana ? It frightens me almost as the thought of what jaesa has been doing these five years left to her own devices without her master to keep her in line:eek:


I predict two options.


1. She flies into vindictive #ragemode and seeks to end either you, Lana or the pair of you. Might end up having to banish or kill her at that point, she's not one for moderation.


2. She'll shrug and not care. She's at least said that she's open to sharing (a letter from her later on suggests that was a lie), so she might simply accept it and move on.

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I then hope their respone to that is "No, you weren't listening." :)


I chose not to cheat on any of my spouses besides Quinn because I'm undecided on him, but I would love to see videos of all the companions reactions when you get to talk to them about your affair.

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DS Marauder...Lana all the way...Vetter's tears will sustain him...


LS Merc...he'll stay faithful to Mako...


LS Commando...he'll stay faithful to Elara...


LS JK...still in CH. 1...but not pursuing romance with Kira outside a couple flirt options...my head cannon...While he does his duty, it bothered him to spy on those padawans back on Tython. He'll flirt with Kira but finally notice nothing between them...and bam...Theron Shan...honestly...if SGR are implemented it will be my JK taking that plunge...


DS Agent...still in CH. 1, but she'll love her bug boy when the time comes...


DS Smuggler...still in Ch. 1, but he'll go after Risha...my head cannon side note...I have my agent and smuggler married with the Mar, Merc, Comm, and JK their kids...but with missions for the Pub and Emp keeping them apart my Agent and Smuggler will have an understanding with regards to companions...



LS Inq and DS Con...."Legacy Fodder" so I can have that legacy achievement...finished the Inq, still working on the Con, as soon as Ch. 3 is done...that's it for them...

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My main is my Inquisitor, and she'll be sticking with Andronikos if given the option. Personality wise they seem to mesh well although as of SOR she's only at Dark II.


Playing through the Agent story I'll probably wait until I reach Kotfe until I start any romance. Vector kinda gives me the heebie jeebies. Would be a nice twist if she hit it off with Nico Okarr.


To be honest I haven't been really impressed with any of the other romance options for each class. Aric is starting to grow on me, although I do plan on re-rolling my trooper to play the story line again.

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Romance Lana or Theron? Why not Darth Marr? :rak_01:

Neither of them, the only one i want or need is Torian . And yes, i'm aware you people don't like him :mad: and i don't understand why :confused:


I actually really liked Torian. The only companion romance I didn't really care for was Felix Iresso. I don't know why... I liked him as a companion friend, just not as a romance. He's a little too cardboard for me.

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Well it all depends on where the LI are in their lives during the events of KOTFE but as of right now....


My smuggler (surprisingly) stayed loyal to risha, he flirted with everything in sight but never betrayed her and I plan to keep it that way for him,


My sith inquisitor didn't cheat yet but he will definetly with Lana, now that she is a companion, at least he wasn't actually married to ashara.


My warrior wouldn't even consider cheating, neither would the trooper.


My agent will probably end up cheating


Jedi consular was never in a relationship in the first place so he's free to do as he pleases with no guilt


The Jedi knight won't cheat,


This is subject to change(I don't have early access so idk what the situation is with old LI atm), say risha or vette remarried during that time period then my characters will move on, but for now this is where I plan for my characters to end up

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From what I've read so far ...



Not a single original romanceable companion has returned as part of KOTFE. The former companions you can recruit are:

Consular: Qyzen, Zenith

Knight: T7-01, Rusk

Smuggler: Bowdaar, Guss

Trooper: Yuun, M1-4X

Inquisitor: Talos, Xalek

Warrior: Broonmark, Pierce

Agent: SCORPIO, Lokin

Hunter: Blizz, Skadge


Of those, only SCORPIO and T7-01 are major players. In other words, a big group of companions no one cares about. Who seriously thought we were beating down the doors to get Skadge back?



Of course, they could add more of the original companions in future chapters, so I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

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With the release of the expansion and learning about these new Alliance missions they've set up to recruit your new team I'm curious about which of the previous romanced companions will even be available to continue the story line with.


Well, listening to the forums and how it seems almost every player has been "Well, my companion didn't speak to me for years, even though I just completed the storyline a week ago, so I started cheating with Lana/Theron." Maybe BW's idea is to never use the original LI's knowing the players will just move on to the next available LI?

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After (spoilers for chapter nine)



Theron gets my ship back for me. I'm never romancing anyone else ever again. That was better then any of the killik silk linens, and body armor gifts I've received. I know he does it for non-romance pc, too. But it's still poignant for me :p


So they better not get rid of him.

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My Sorcerer romanced Ashara in the core game, but in SoR and following content he started flirting with Lana, so that is who he is going with.


My agent did kind of the same. Romanced Vector with her, but started flirting with Theron, so that will be her romance given the opportunity.


As for my other characters, such as my Trooper, Knight, and Bounty Hunter will be sticking with Elara, Kira, and Torian.

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From what I've read so far ...



Not a single original romanceable companion has returned as part of KOTFE. The former companions you can recruit are:

Consular: Qyzen, Zenith

Knight: T7-01, Rusk

Smuggler: Bowdaar, Guss

Trooper: Yuun, M1-4X

Inquisitor: Talos, Xalek

Warrior: Broonmark, Pierce

Agent: SCORPIO, Lokin

Hunter: Blizz, Skadge


Of those, only SCORPIO and T7-01 are major players. In other words, a big group of companions no one cares about. Who seriously thought we were beating down the doors to get Skadge back?



Of course, they could add more of the original companions in future chapters, so I suppose we'll have to wait and see.




With the exception of T7 and SCORPIO, they really went out of their way to collect the least exciting companions. I mean seriously. I hope its just so there is more emotional impact when we run into companions that we actually care about during later issues.. :i_eek:


Edited by Karkais
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It's hard to wait 3-4 years of a mute companion when Lana is so compelling and actually THERE. Want to stay faithful to Kira...but it's a huge ? when she'll return or how integral to the story (the whole love triangle fallout will most likely be quick and over with.) I don't see them continuously adding stuff for the old romance companions or at the very least it not being as interesting as the new ones since the new ones will have way more time put into them.


Going with Lana, loved Kira but....just don't have faith in Bioware making her important enough again to warrant the investment. It's hard too because I avoided Lana in SoR but...yeah just lost faith in seeing Kira again or it having any real impact.

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