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METRICS show ranked needs better class balance or changed to 8v8


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And if they are healers & tanks - how will I know that they won't do deathmatching instead of supporting ?


I really do wonder sometimes what you're thinking before you run this crap through a translator. htf is a healer or a tank spec going to "death match" without healing and tanking, respectively, in an arena? your question makes no sense. zero.


if a person specs heal or tank, they aren't going avoid healing and tanking. the issue is getting them to queue heals and tanks.

Edited by foxmob
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I really do wonder sometimes what you're thinking before you run this crap through a translator. htf is a healer or a tank spec going to "death match" without healing and tanking, respectively, in an arena? your question makes no sense. zero.


if a person specs heal or tank, they aren't going avoid healing and tanking. the issue is getting them to queue heals and tanks.


Well. Not really true. You assume the players are competent. In solo ranked, I seen so many subpar tanks it's not even funny. And the DPS? They NEVER peel for healers, ever. Then they get angry because they died when the healer gets focused by a PT and sin duo totally nullified and unable to heal.


It all goes hand in hand and with solo ranked it's not a matter of not having TS or voice, it's a matter of too many bads not playing well as a group.


Maybe Alrik didn't word it very well, but I understand Alrik's sentiments.


I queued heals for ranked solo many times, and would say I am at least average or above at healing. I found tanks to be awful - never swapping guards, and our dps that did nothing to help me stay alive to heal them. You'd think if the dps were not peeling for me, they'd at least burn down their targets right? Nope. They failed at that too.


Ranked is just a frustrating experience all the way around. Not sure how you fix it, besides opening up ranked to 8v8.


There's too many class imbalances that become magnefied by a 4v4 setup. It doesn't matter how awesome a player is, no one is going to march a merc into solo ranked and make it shine. No one is going to march a sniper into ranked solo and make it shine.


It's been proven over and over by players ranked with just 4v4 setups is a fail. Even the stupid "metrics" show that certain classes utterly fail in ranked! What more needs to be said?

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I stopped playing and subscribing to swtor a year ago because pvp is so god awful terrible in this game as a sniper/gunslinger. I was hoping to see it had changed for the better but it has only gotten worse.


I used to use WoW as a metric for how bad an MMO game could be with pvp balance but Swtor has proven that it is 100 times worse than WoW could ever hope to be in the pvp arena.


This power chart is indicative of swtor pvp and how terrible it is.

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I stopped playing and subscribing to swtor a year ago because pvp is so god awful terrible in this game as a sniper/gunslinger. I was hoping to see it had changed for the better but it has only gotten worse.


I'm short before doing something similar. Playing as a Gunslinger has become so much terrible it just isn't fun anymore.

And I do PvP only for fun - if I can have it.

But as a Gunslinger, the "fun" part is on the side of those constantly beating me down.


I don't care whether it will become better in Group Ranked with my Gunslinger. I want the fun NOW. With level 37 !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I'm short before doing something similar. Playing as a Gunslinger has become so much terrible it just isn't fun anymore.

And I do PvP only for fun - if I can have it.

But as a Gunslinger, the "fun" part is on the side of those constantly beating me down.


I don't care whether it will become better in Group Ranked with my Gunslinger. I want the fun NOW. With level 37 !


In 8v8, I fair great on slinger both virulence and SS/MM, but the lvl 32 MM dies really fast atm being a lower lvl in mids. My higher lvl virulence is 52 and manages very well.


At 37 it shouldn't be too bad. I get eaten up in 4v4 if the other team sticks two dps on me or more, but if left alone do massive damage especially with the virulence sniper.


I guess by 41-45 I noticed my virulence sniper started to really pump out the damage, so I am hoping on my MM/SS 32 lvl the same will happen. What build are you running on your sniper, Alrik?

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There is no metrics it is all lie, there wont be 8v8 ranked and with next patch hutball will be completely broken so we will have less content. And do you think these scrubs can make class balance? we saw how good they are about it buffing already OP classes even more giving sorc dpses even more off heals and nerfed merc dpses off heals since it was OP.

In 3.0 they gave ranged dpses incredible mobility, 270 degree attack, cast while moving, slow in almost evey ability, every ranged got root breaker while melee didnt have (most idiotic idea in this game), and in next patches snipers needs buff so add some slow in their casts but it is not melee they are having trouble ******* it is ranged clasess they already have enough tool for melee, after adding too many root and slow they decided to give melee more immunity and this geniouses have no idea one of the hottest topics in this game assassins 12 sec immunity but no they have to go retarded make force charge immunity for all juggs and give fury 6 sec immunity in every 30 sec.

Their solution to problems are add slow and root for ranged and give immunity to melee and buff sorc every *********** patch, this what this geniouses onderstand about class balance dont expect them to make any positive change in this game. And they are just making 2 maps completely useless in this patch. RIP huttball. It was not my favourite map but it was different then others since all the others almost same.

Edited by omeru
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It's a shame Bio don't provide a breakdown on roles per class... I'm sure we would see some interesting results then...

ie, how many of those Sorc are healers vs DPS and of the DPS, how many swapped from Lighning spec during 3.0 to Madness after the Lightning nerf??... Also how many of those PTs are tanks vs DPS...

Everyone always complains about a class being OP without all the facts... They often call for nerfs of the wrong spec or throw the whole class under the OP bus all based on leader boards...

Bio need to provide more data... We need to actually see what is what... Sorcs at 3.0 were considered OP on Lighning and now it's healing... But those graphs, while interesting, don't show the switch between the 2... So as far as anyone is concerned, Sorcs have been OP on everything, all at once for 2 seasons...

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Gunslinger/Sniper suck in pvp for the same reason I could never level one. The cover mechanic is idiotic.


It's a neat idea. But it just does not work in an MMO context, where mobility is king.


Cover being at the core of the class is not the problem. A sniper without it is pretty similar to merc and they don't do so hot either.

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Yet mercs are getting more mobility and snipers aren't.


And still will not be any bigger of contenders.... So whats your point?


Any weakness cover gives, it makes up for in its benefits. Especially if you have entrench up. It is NOT why sniper/slinger is not doing well. The only classes that do well tend to have better anti-focus DCDs and self healing. Not so much their mobility.

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In 8v8, I fair great on slinger both virulence and SS/MM, but the lvl 32 MM dies really fast atm being a lower lvl in mids. My higher lvl virulence is 52 and manages very well.


At 37 it shouldn't be too bad. I get eaten up in 4v4 if the other team sticks two dps on me or more, but if left alone do massive damage especially with the virulence sniper.


I guess by 41-45 I noticed my virulence sniper started to really pump out the damage, so I am hoping on my MM/SS 32 lvl the same will happen. What build are you running on your sniper, Alrik?


Little tip for you dude for your lvl 32. You have to think sneaky, practice tour defences more and how else you can use them. Those two combinations can help a lot whilst going against higher levels.


Think sneaky :)

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/signed on 8v8


Arenas must be nuked out of the game. 8v8 ranked must return, so that there's actually a point for pvp guilds to form up, so that pvp communities can thrive. Just like they used to when there was a pvp mode (8v8ranked) that required 8 people working as a team, which meant 8 people preferebly from the same guild, who would Q for normal to train and bound and be friends, and then team up on 8man groups (just like pve) to do ranked (just like operations).



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/signed on 8v8


Arenas must be nuked out of the game. 8v8 ranked must return, so that there's actually a point for pvp guilds to form up, so that pvp communities can thrive. Just like they used to when there was a pvp mode (8v8ranked) that required 8 people working as a team, which meant 8 people preferebly from the same guild, who would Q for normal to train and bound and be friends, and then team up on 8man groups (just like pve) to do ranked (just like operations).




Exactly...unfortunately it's been said over and over for over for how many years now? I don't know what BW has invested in the 4v4 but it's enough to ignore every PVP fan out there.

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Exactly...unfortunately it's been said over and over for over for how many years now? I don't know what BW has invested in the 4v4 but it's enough to ignore every PVP fan out there.


While I get this, they invested a LOT more into Galactic Star Fighter. That might still be in the game but how often do they update it? They don't even put GSF components into cartel packs anymore. And from what I can tell they stopped updating it six months after it was released! Arenas have been going strong for two years now, and every few months they drop new seasonal rewards like everyone is lining behind them.

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