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Crafting Changes in Fallen Empire


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How about adding lower level crafted schematics? Maybe I'm just super unlucky with those drops, but it was rare leveling up that I had two level appropriate relics.

Leveling relics can be found at the lightside / darkside vendor at the fleet.


Also, next time the Rakghoul Event comes around, there are some really good leveling relics you can purchase.

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Leveling relics can be found at the lightside / darkside vendor at the fleet.


Also, next time the Rakghoul Event comes around, there are some really good leveling relics you can purchase.


That is a definite. They are pretty spiffy.

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Why the hell did you touch crafting to begin with, Bioware? Why? Are you running out of stuff to fix in the game? I can give you a list. There are so many things you could actually improve instead of messing stuff up for everybody. All the effort I put into Artifice are basically for naught now. Thank you. I am gonna rethink my subscription, how is that for a reward. If you can just come up and kick me in my probverbial teeth I think I have at least the right to get pissed about it.

And why the HELL can't you discuss something like that with your community? You know, how think like that are done by decent developers: Present two, three concepts and let the community decide. This might be your game, but we (some of us) damn sure pay for it.

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Well dunno if Bioware is ignoring the thread or having an oh crap moment....


Because it would be nice to hear back from someone - even a simple "Hey we screwed the pooch y'all. Sorry. Working to correct in 4.0.1." to "Y'all are going to need to adjust. It is just the way it is." to the will not believe it till I see it response of "Y'all were right. We screwed up hard. As such we suspended this change in 4.0 and will not initiate any changes till at least 4.0.1 or later, after we have had plenty of player feedback."


But I guess a lack of response may also mean they are not screwing it up further too....



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I dont appreciate things I spent credits and time on being taken away and having to repeat them. If this change is planned then port over all our learned recipes to any character with the affected crew skills so cybertech learned armoring recipes go to our Armormechs , and artifice enhancements go to our cybers, etc.


The biochem reusable nerf and cyber grenade nerf is just lame, no justification can make me believe otherwise, but the recipe thing is simply infuriating and a great example of the old saying "your bad planning should not constitute my emergency"

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Again: I strongly suggest that due to these changes you make a system where, for at least one month after the release of 4.0. players can trade in their current skills at 500 for any other skill and also have it at 500. You are stripping from players hours and hours as well as tens of thousands of credits spent, earning RE'd schematics. You are instead taking every player who has put time into crafting and making them equal to someone who logs in for the first time and makes their free level 60.



Pretty much this. I'm a long time casual player and it might be weird but I really enjoyed building up my list of purple schematics, being able to gear all of my characters as they leveled, and being able to turn enough profit on the GTN to snag the wealth achievements a couple years back. I'm trying but I'm not finding a lot to love with the new system. I really think some sort of compensation for those professions that are outright losing schematics because the skill is being moved to another profession is in order. What is the point of having gathering skills at all if a crafter has to BUY mats to complete the job? You seem to really hate Cybertech lately. Why in space would a Synthweaver craft armorings? Argh. This is taking a huge chunk of the fun out of the expansion for me. You said you were not going to take away things players worked hard for, so what gives, Bioware?

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I dont appreciate things I spent credits and time on being taken away and having to repeat them. If this change is planned then port over all our learned recipes to any character with the affected crew skills so cybertech learned armoring recipes go to our Armormechs , and artifice enhancements go to our cybers, etc.


The biochem reusable nerf and cyber grenade nerf is just lame, no justification can make me believe otherwise, but the recipe thing is simply infuriating and a great example of the old saying "your bad planning should not constitute my emergency"

i feel the same
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Guys can you provide the complete CONVERSION table for all these materials?


We know that Plasteel = Plastoid, but what about the tricky ones (Exotic Blue / Purple)?


• Exonium (Grade 11 Exotic Blue)

• Matter Transubstantiator (Grade 11 Exotic Purple)

• Exotic Element Equalizer (Grade 10 Exotic Blue)

• Mass Manipulation Generator (Grade 10 Exotic Purple)

• Molecular Stabilizer (Grade 8 Exotic Blue)

• Synthetic Energy Matrix (Grade 8 Exotic Purple)


I'll repost (again) because some of us really would like to know!

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Same here on what you said:

I dont appreciate things I spent credits and time on being taken away and having to repeat them. If this change is planned then port over all our learned recipes to any character with the affected crew skills so cybertech learned armoring recipes go to our Armormechs , and artifice enhancements go to our cybers, etc.


The biochem reusable nerf and cyber grenade nerf is just lame, no justification can make me believe otherwise, but the recipe thing is simply infuriating and a great example of the old saying "your bad planning should not constitute my emergency"


Armorings can no longer be crafted by Cybertechs <---This stinks. This really is truly a grey and dark day.

I can't craft armorings. I don't use them I sell them for credits. Grenades I sell them too. But now I can't go up to invasion force. Still a truly dark day for us all.

Edited by MikeRindos
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Well, apparently (!) you're wrong.


They said you can't go to the vendor and buy the schematics for SM and HM relics.


They didn't say anything about relics that are lower than SM gear, so I assume that this will stay the same.


Sadly, there's actual info available out there that contradicts your assumption. (*ahem*)

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Also, many years ago I tried Artificers. I never got any credits for it. This will just cut it down so that I don't make as much credits which will. Put me at a disadvantage. This is wrong. :mad:


Also, •All previously reusable Cybertech grenades are no longer reusable <---no longer usable. That really sucks.


This looks like either a conquest or ops. I suck at both of them.

Edited by MikeRindos
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I don't do conquests or operations. I suck at them.


Actually, he said personal conquest provides material. Assuming that is a purple material, but not sure if operations drop the same purple material or yet a different one likely used in HM crafted gear.
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So, thx of this patch 4.0 I will lost many things what i have at this moment. I lose craft skills on my 15 characters, when each character had specific craft. Especially cybertech and artifice. Great. Good job developers. I spend a lot of time with crafting good gear for my characters and companions......for what .....?! What about in-game compensation for players who will be affected like me? Why I have to make new craft "armormech" from beginnig if i was too happy without it? Sorry for my English. Edited by Kospe
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My question is this; what is going to happen with the raid gear (shells) I spent countless hours reverse engineering to be able to craft them? Some of the mats like exotic elemental equalizers are being removed. Will I still be able to craft these armor pieces with the converted mats? If not, that's totally bad juju bioware! I spent a ton of time running operations, both sm and HM to 1. Find these drops 2. To win the roll for these drops and 3. To successfully reverse engineer them (20% RE chance my fat white naked butt!) if these are being taken away, as in I craftable, that is total B.S. I haven't seen more than a handful of people out of this whole community that are happy about these changes. If what you're doing looks wrong, and sounds wrong, it is probably WRONG! Scrap the crafting changes or do something to ensure that we aren't being ganked (by you btw) so that countless hours of gametime and currency are not "wasted" please. Edited by Fordbird
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I...I still can't believe they're not going to convert all our old recipes to the new versions. WTH good is archiving them so you can craft them when they are now useless?!? Costumes? BFD!! Since they're doing away with a bunch of materials (thankfully) you currently need to craft them, will you even be able to craft them? If they're converting the archived recipes to reflect only the new materials, why can't they update the recipes themselves?!?


This is such BS! I'm not having nearly as many purple RE'd recipes made invalid as other people posting in this thread, and I'm still considering uninstalling over this.

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Bioware has done this for years. They already have your money (or so they figure) and want to market to another crowd that has no interest in their games whatsoever. It doesn't stop them from trying though. Look at their pandering to the call of duty crowd with mass effect 2 and 3, and now Andromeda with the typical CoD rock and roll musical commercial. And then when there are poor sales because the RPG crowd didn't like how watered down it was, and the pew pew crowd wasn't interested they will blame it on something else entirely. They're seriously banking on this movie to generate buzz around this game, and it just won't. For one, it's a movie that only the neckbeard crowd is excited for. The OT was the worst of the SW films. Second, Battlefront -albeit set in the neckbeard era when it should have been the clone wars- is a more entertaining star wars game than this, and is set to come out soon. GG Bioware. I'll be very surprised if this expansion reaches S2, let alone finishes the first season. You don't even have to be subscribed the entire year to play it. They're doing the story piecemeal, 5-10 minutes every month and all people will do is wait until the last month, pay 15 bucks and call it a day. Their marketing director deserves a medal for that one. :rak_03:


You summed up my thoughts entirely, my sub runs out on the 1st November so I'll give it a try but if it sucks (tbh I think it will) that's me gone. A shame too because I love posting on the versus threads. Off-topic, Battlefront was way better than I though it would be :D

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They're seriously banking on this movie to generate buzz around this game, and it just won't. For one, it's a movie that only the neckbeard crowd is excited for.

You have this exactly backwards.


The "neckbeard crowd" is going to sit in their darkened basements and whine the new SW film, and debate on message boards about how terrible the movie is with a religious fervor that will make Apple fans look like dilettantes.


Regular people will probably enjoy the film simply for what it is -- entertainment.

Edited by Khevar
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I...I still can't believe they're not going to convert all our old recipes to the new versions. WTH good is archiving them so you can craft them when they are now useless?!? Costumes? BFD!! Since they're doing away with a bunch of materials (thankfully) you currently need to craft them, will you even be able to craft them? If they're converting the archived recipes to reflect only the new materials, why can't they update the recipes themselves?!?


This is such BS! I'm not having nearly as many purple RE'd recipes made invalid as other people posting in this thread, and I'm still considering uninstalling over this.


I'm thinking about it. too. But not yet. I want to find how the end outcome looks.

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You have this exactly backwards.


The "neckbeard crowd" is going to sit in their darkened basements and whine the new SW film, and debate on message boards about how terrible the movie is with a religious fervor that will make Apple fans look like dilettantes.


Regular people will probably enjoy the film simply for what it is -- entertainment.


You might be right. I not a SW fan myself. I liked the first 2 that came out and nothing after. I prefer Farscape and Firefly tbh. Still I think SWTOR will get a lot of folks who want to get their Jedi on.

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My question is this; what is going to happen with the raid gear (shells) I spent countless hours reverse engineering to be able to craft them? Some of the mats like exotic elemental equalizers are being removed. Will I still be able to craft these armor pieces with the converted mats? If not, that's totally bad juju bioware! I spent a ton of time running operations, both sm and HM to 1. Find these drops 2. To win the roll for these drops and 3. To successfully reverse engineer them (20% RE chance my fat white naked butt!) if these are being taken away, as in I craftable, that is total B.S. I haven't seen more than a handful of people out of this whole community that are happy about these changes. If what you're doing looks wrong, and sounds wrong, it is probably WRONG! Scrap the crafting changes or do something to ensure that we aren't being ganked (by you btw) so that countless hours of gametime and currency are not "wasted" please.


You took the words right of my mouth.

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