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Not enough EXP from solo questing!


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I have no idea how you managed to run out of missions. I just did the Alderaan bonus series at level 42 where half the missions were grey to me, because I am outleveling my available content. I have skipped every heroic quest since Tatooine. I have only done a handful of Flashpoints. I haven't done ANY PVP. And I've only completed one space combat mission. All I can think is that you have somehow missed out on entire quest series?


I can't remember the last time I did a yellow quest. The vast majority of quests are green to me by the time I pick them up.

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I'm sorry but those types of games don't interest me. I had the opportunity to play UO and EQ but passed.


All I ask is that I be able to solo quest to cap with ease and in my experience I haven't been able to. I've never had this problem in other MMOs.




What MMOs are you referring to? I've actually never played one without quest level gaps UNTIL SWTOR.

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I am a few missions away from level 40, and am currently on Hoth.

I haven't done any flashpoints or PvP on this character, and not many Heroic missions.


And because I don't want to out-level my class quest, I skipped half of Balmorra and Alderaan, most of the bonus quests on Tatooine, and only did 5-6 missions on Quesh.


From what I have seen so far there's plenty of solo XP.

Edited by Workerdrone
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It took a while in terms of levels, not time to reach that level. I've now reached a point where I'm effectively a level behind and need to grind or do flashpoints/pvp.


I guess I'll see what I did wrong when I roll an alt, but I was ahead of the game until reaching hoth. I skipped tons of heroics on the last few planets though.


Definitely missed things most of the time you should out level most zones without doing any heroics if you do heroics you'll outlevel your next planet.


Plus you skipped out on some bonus quests from what you said which = same if not more xp than the base quest itself so that right there would add up pretty fast.

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I'm doing all solo quests and I'm actually a few levels AHEAD on the designated quest level. I would really love to do some Space missions regularly and try out some PvP but I fear it would make me level too fast up to the point where the planet/class quests become gray to me, currently they are all green.


Leveling is too fast in this game, it keeps me from enjoying ALL content and only stick to parts of the game instead.

Edited by Rhaphael
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This is my #1 gripe with the game right now. It took a while, level 40, but I reached a point where my level was too low for the next part of the class quest and the next planet.


One shouldn't be forced to do flashpoints, PvP, grind or do group quests in order to effectively level. I had done a single flashpoint, and a handful of 4 man quests. I had done about 15 space combat missions, but skipped them the first 5 days or so.


I don't like waiting around for groups and so the flashpoints aren't a big draw for me. The 4 man quest groups rarely advertise looking for a dps and when they do I'm often on the other side of that area or in the middle of a class quest.


Once everyone levels their characters this issue will become a bigger problem for newer lowbies. Please either add exp to the solo quests or add more quests!


Ideally there would be multiple planets for some of the level ranges to add diversity and help pick up the slack.


Doing class quests and some other Im up to date regarding XP between levels at lvl 38.



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You GOT to be kidding me.


If you do your daily space missions, a few flashpoints, daily PvP, and a few more PvP rounds just for the hell of it, and doing your quests, you get so gosh darne much xp it is not funny any more.

Im so far ahead of my quests that it is no fun or challange any more. Im getting WAY to much xp too fast.



Uansett om du ikke gjør flashpoints, men om du gjør ALLE questene du finner, så får du enda så mye XP at de neste questene du kommer til er grøne.

Edited by Mamono
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I disagree with the OP. I think less exp from quest should be given. I would like to see more of a planet before 60% of the quests go green and grey.


Yea I personally have a problem with this as well. I have to skip half the planet because I'm far ahead of the level curve. Granted I do a quite a bit of group quests but still. I don't PvP. I have not done an instance besides Esseles and Hammer Station, and I have not done a single space battle.

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Between the PvP daily, doing every Flashpoint quest and Space Combat, I've seen maybe 30% of the solo quest material on Nar Shadda, Tatooine and Alderaan. Outside of the dailies, my time leveling is far better spent solo questing.


Slow EXP rate in solo questing is not an issue in this game.

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I'm sorry but those types of games don't interest me. I had the opportunity to play UO and EQ but passed.


All I ask is that I be able to solo quest to cap with ease and in my experience I haven't been able to. I've never had this problem in other MMOs.


If you wait a few more weeks, you can probably buy a SWToR account on E-bay. Then you dont have to LvL up.

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I am level 41 and am still on Hoth. 2 planets I have rushed through the story and left early. I still have plenty of quests on Hoth and have not finished my class quest there yet.


The only flashpoints I have done are grey (helping guildies). I only PvP occasionally (was doing the daily, stopped when people started running full groups of 50s). I do space missions every day (some xp, but not THAT much when most of the quests are grey).


Did you do the bonus story lines on some of the earlier planets? Do you do bonus missions when you get the chance? Do you do your heroic 2 missions (should be doable with just you and your companion)? Do you do heroic 4s if you see groups looking for more?


It seems like there is plenty of questing available in this game. If anything, I was a bit annoyed that I had to drop maybe a dozen quests that went grey because I outleveled the content. The completionist in me hates doing that. The competitive player in me wants to catch up with a couple of friends.

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You know, your the type of player these games are aimed at these days.


Im lvl 31, still on nar shadaa and my class quest for the next area is grey,its lvl24.....


I thrive on Flashpoints but at this point i dont even want to do my daily nor any space missions or even pvp.......Ive outleveled everything by a mile, and its been like that since ive been lvl 20.

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Almost 30 and didn't have a problem like this.


Actually i skipped a lot of quests at Taris, Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine. Well, that's ok, i'm planing to make tons of alts on either side.


And i'm a stealth class, when other classes actually must clean all the way to quest point, i just stealth in (like to play this way, kind of little roleplaying i guess.) So actually i'm getting less exp. if you compare it to other classes.


In short, until level 30, quests are more than enough. You can stay at your current planet if you like or you can go another if you want to change it.


Can't say anything after level 30 though.

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This is my #1 gripe with the game right now. It took a while, level 40, but I reached a point where my level was too low for the next part of the class quest and the next planet.


One shouldn't be forced to do flashpoints, PvP, grind or do group quests in order to effectively level. I had done a single flashpoint, and a handful of 4 man quests. I had done about 15 space combat missions, but skipped them the first 5 days or so.


I don't like waiting around for groups and so the flashpoints aren't a big draw for me. The 4 man quest groups rarely advertise looking for a dps and when they do I'm often on the other side of that area or in the middle of a class quest.


Once everyone levels their characters this issue will become a bigger problem for newer lowbies. Please either add exp to the solo quests or add more quests!


Ideally there would be multiple planets for some of the level ranges to add diversity and help pick up the slack.


Do the solo side quests. They can be done solo. if anything ... doing the flashpoints/group missions and pvp will OUT-LEVEL you for the main story missions.

Edited by Uben
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i'm having this problem on alderaan, it seems i'm either to low for my class quests or something. darth angral pwns me hardcore ;_;

really... it seems everything pwns me... kira and i jump into a group of normal mobs, we come out with less than half health most of the time, and if a strong joins in it's almost certain we'll die, and forget soloing elites, it's completely impossible for me right now, idk if it's because i'm to low or what. it's really sapping my love for this game though, that's for sure.

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Op has skipped zone's.


On one of my char's i left Balmorra as a level 24, while the next zone is Nar Shadaa 20-24.

I did 1 level on Nar Shadaa (because i don't like it there) and moved on to Tat.


And im already 28 on this char with many quest left.

Looks like im going to be 30 before i go to Alderaan 28-32 zone.

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I had a very similar problem the OP described on my Sith Sorcerer. I never did a single flashpoint or PvP or anything else other than standard missions. This was when I encountered Belsavis. All of the missions were orange at the time and I was level 40. It was just too difficult for me to grind away on as I wasn't fast enough killing mobs to really progress in any area to complete any missions. My solution was to do space missions to level up, and when I hit 41 I was able to progress as I had been and hit 50 within a day and a half. Edited by SodaOfYoda
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I'm not that high yet but so far have had to leave quests behind on each planet to avoid out levelling it.


Seems silly to have to boost your level via other means. I thought they were meant as a bonus not a necessity

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I would like to ignore all the bonus quests, because they feel like grinding, but at moment I have to do them to get not under levelled (and with to few credits in my pockets). I am not too much into the space game (have barely the credits for them, and they are not what want from an MMO), I can't enter warzones at moment (get kicked there before my loading screen let me do anything there), so all I can do it playing the game that feels everyday more grindy.
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Just checking here, but you do know that going back to some planets gives you bonus missions right?


Balmorra and Tattooine springs to mind...


of course, doing those at level 40 will give you nothing, but had you gone back sometime near when youre done with the planet after them, you should still get xp for those missions.

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