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Everything posted by ganondorq

  1. The one thing I hope they reconsider is making heroic 2's not soloable. Or at least not as easily soloable. This is one of the most stupid decisions they could have made. They take too long to do as it is, making it worse is an awful idea.
  2. no, i just grew up in a time when we hated the PTA moms and conservatives trying to take our sex, violence, and freedom. you people are authoritarians, plain and simple. i want none of you around, left or right leaning.
  3. I really hate star wars being in disney's hands now, and attracting people like y'all. Shut up and /ignore people. The game would be better off without any of you authoritarians.
  4. Back at launch if you made an alien warrior, there used to be reference to an alien training test program that the Sith were trying out. But that dialogue has been missing for a long time, and I have no idea why they'd have removed it.
  5. I don't really care what gives the best gear, as long as the gear I have access to lets me kill things in the world and story decently quick. With the gear I have now, I feel a little weak on Onderon, and I don't like it. The story tells me I'm basically a force god, I zap and ragdoll a dark council member like he's a fresh Korriban acolyte, yet I can't blast through a handful of animals in a couple seconds? No, this is not right. Reduce mob scaling, or give me higher item level stuff.
  6. only according to george lucas. lucas is out of the picture, and swtor was never a part of that canon anyway. vitiate and the outlander, and maybe vaylin, have surpassed sideous. arcann is stronger than vader, and senya is stronger than obi-wan.
  7. if you bind more to you, you'll have to go through the healing process again. isn't that impossible? i think... not sure.
  8. like, even just starting out as apprentices, both sith classes display a feat greater than anything in any of the star wars movies. on the black talon, you blow open a freaking door in a republic ship to get to the jedi padawon. with just your force power. that was us as just an apprentice. on taris as a jedi consular, you lift with one hand a solid hunk of durasteel as long as the x-wing luke lifted. you lift it and throw it like it's nothing. we're so ridiculously strong. it's a shame we're treated so wrongly with kotfe.
  9. my sith warrior is having her babies with theron. revan bloodline + emperor's wrath bloodline = super saiyan babies.
  10. well, you could look at it like the shield would just be a hunk of metal without your force powers helping it reflect his blasts. but i agree. all the fault for it is on bioware, too. they just had to force both non-force users and force users into a single story. it should have been two separate stories.
  11. i would honestly love a series set in the old republic, about the trials of a young sith pureblood becoming sith. have her delving into tombs, learning dark side rituals, completing the tasks her overseer put before her. it'd be kinda disconnected, but it'd be fun. or making the movie universe incredibly bleak, by having the vong come and steamroll everyone like they did in the EU. watch coruscant be attacked and fall, covered in bio-tech stuff. maybe see some of the vong doing their ritualistic self-mutilation. watch rey or someone realize they're voids in the force learning about it from a rogue vong or something. it'd be awesome.
  12. like, that whole chapter didn't exactly make sense. radical devotion doesn't make anyone stronger by default, otherwise the voss would be entirely unstoppable. yes, they repelled an imperial invasion, but that's not because of them being stronger, it was because they knew the empire's every move before they made it due to visions. that wouldn't save them from a bombardment, they likely couldn't defeat the empire if it seriously invaded with its full force, either. the sith warrior is told the invasion was only for the capture of the voice. what makes a person stronger with the force is intense study and immersion in it. there probably isn't even an argument that grey is stronger, because honestly, both sides of the force can do the same crap. take a lightside ritual and fuel it with dark side, it still works. both sides are really just what you're willing to do to attain strength.
  13. honestly, with disney and jj abrams at the reins, i think i'm pretty much done with main canon unless they do something REALLy cool, like make the yuuzhan vong or pureblood sith show up. legends all the way from here on out for me. zabrak's and humans making babies all over. i honestly just think akaavi is wrong, and assuming that humans and zabrak can't have children, anyway. she's a mandalorian, born and raised. average mando ain't the brightest, it seems. being raised mando as well, she might not even know about the nightsisters.
  14. yeah, i saw the lightning arcing, but i kinda looked like the lightning itself turned to fire instead of just hitting the ground. i kinda wish the player characters would get some force fire. the knights have that one ability that's fire, it's fury of izax i think?
  15. when she walks up in the start of the final scene, watch her hip sway. it's definitely vaylin. they just didn't translate her in game looks very well. also, was that force fire she used? or did she just use her lightning to light fuel?
  16. yeah, they are genetically compatible. humans, zabrak, and twi'leks were all made by the mother machine, so zabraks are even genetically compatible with twi'leks of all things. humans are also canonically genetically compatible with twi'leks, too.
  17. my friend, EA is the one with the power here. they won't hear your voice. make your complaints with a thread, and then unsub. the game devs will here your voice, EA will hear your wallet. maybe your wallet's words will open their ears to the game devs' voice.
  18. do it now, man. no mercy, no remorse. when they try to screw you like this, talk to them in the only way they will understand, the only words that reach their ears: your wallet. unsub, let your f2p friends quit logging in. when they lose money and overall game activity is down, they will either adapt or die. i got a lot of memories in this game. a lot of time and money. i don't want to see it die, but these 5.0 changes are nothing but detrimental.
  19. rng gear is one of the reasons i'm not playing wow right now. like... on top of bad things like that, they go and screw over the f2p people even more. i don't understand how executives can be so out of touch. look at the elder scrolls online f2p system, look how successful it seems to be. yet you just double down on this? i just don't get it. if you want people to sub, you don't punish them for not subbing, you reward them for subbing. positive reinforcement works, negative reinforcement doesn't.
  20. there is relative consistency in the movies. the jedi and sith in the movies are just weak as hell. they show no feats comparable to our characters. even sidious looked weak. the only one that looked to be strong at all was mace, and that was only because samuel l. jackson had to be the special snowflake jedi with his vapaad so he can use his anger, the exact opposite of the jedi code.
  21. it's be good. but i wouldn't want it to use a story that's already in games. a new unique story would be good. maybe follow the exploits of a twi'lek smuggler, that'd be cool. or maybe finally get a series that's shown from a sith's perspective and follow a young acolyte on korriban or ziost.
  22. this terrible feeling could be remedied if they'd just make two stories. non-force users should just never compare to force users at the level we're at in the story now. we do things in our class story alone that make the movie sith and jedi look like chumps.
  23. i don't see any mention of not being able to have kids here. maybe he just picked the wrong options? took me a while to find a zabrak male smuggler lol.
  24. considering senya's probably pushing like 50 years old, i think psychopathy would only be one of the problems that kid would have. honestly, i don't have the urge to flirt with senya at all. it's not her age either, i'm down with older women. but with vitiate in my head, i feel awkward.
  25. in the end, there's just not enough sith to outweigh the numbers advantage that the galactic empire has. it has resources from the whole old republic and more. it has all of those resources with the morals of the empire. the old empire definitely has more powerful ships in its navy, but then you come to the numbers game again. if a silencer fires off and takes out a whole fleet of destroyers, they can just call in more destroyers. they had trouble with the rebels because the rebels used terrorist tactics, hit and runs, bombings. there was no conventional warfare between them. i'm assuming this would be conventional warfare.
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