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Which storyline you believe is the saddest?


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when i saw the jaxo incident for the first time, i knew immediately what i wanted to do despite her pleading. 1 life vs several hundred lives, the choice is an easy one both by the numbers and the right thing to do.


not sure what the saddest would be, i would guess the hopeless situation on Ziost is one such event, as if the one at Uphrades which was just as hopeless. both cases you had no chance and both have millions of people who had their lives snuffed out.

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when i saw the jaxo incident for the first time, i knew immediately what i wanted to do despite her pleading. 1 life vs several hundred lives, the choice is an easy one both by the numbers and the right thing to do.


Everybody, when talking about the Jaxo incident, seems to overlook one aspect. I mean, never mind the question of the romance (not an issue for my she-Commando), nor the friendship, nor the endless futile debates on these forums about light for saving 300 "as-ssitting dweebs" versus dark for saving one proactive special-forces agent provocateur. Everybody overlooks the simple fact that the Trooper has specific orders from War-Criminal-in-chief(1) Garza to rescue the 300 for sure and Jaxo if possible.


(1) After what she did on Rishi, that's what I call her.


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For me personally, it was during the recruitment mission for Ashara.


I will let you ponder why that mission for a bit.


This will give you the answer to why i chose this one.



From the perspective of a LIGHT SIDE SITH. You are stopped and stifled and every turn. The Dark Side Sith hate you, the Empire fears you despite you being no threat to them, the Republic does not understand you, the Jedi dont believe you...


You have NO friends. Nobody believes you. You risk death at every turn when you show mercy. You are all alone on your little ship, in an entire UNIVERSE trying their utmost to kill you! EVERYONE hates you for what you are.


Yes, even real life players hate you because to them, you are a contradiction. You apparently cant be a Sith, cant be on the Empire faction and be Light Side. THIS is why it is sad for me - the saddest story in the game.


My character wears pure white robes, Satele Shan's double bladed GREEN lightsaber and wears the Pure title.

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I gotta go with Light Side Agent.



You can start out as a patriot, but then no matter what you do, Sith politics and corruption transform you into a nameless agent who will never be giving any sort of recognition or thanks for saving the galaxy. Furthermore, the Sith feel free to chemically alter your mind to make you an obedient slave simply because they fear you. Because of the nature of the brainwashing, you have no memory of this happening. The story even seems to hint that the "fix" for the brainwashing may not be permanent, and at some undetermined amount of time you might find yourself programmed with a new keyword.


Siding with the Republic has its own sadness, too, since your character is forced to live the life of a double agent. No one in the Republic, save a scarce one or few people, will ever know you are on their side, or else your cover may be blown. Not even everyone in the SIS knows your status. But for the good of the people of the Empire and the galaxy, you must continue to work with Intelligence with its new Sith leadership, bide your time until you can secure peace... if that time ever comes.


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If you look at SoR and the Class story, the warrior is pretty sad too.



You are basically a privileged child in the beginning. Even at the sith academy, everything was handed to you. Now ill admit the first two chapters are not that sad. But at the end of chapter 2, the master you have dedicated yourself to and served faithfully tries to kill you. Why? Because your getting to strong. But the emperor saves you, and gives you new purpose as the wrath. Now you spend the next chapter hunting down your master, along the way trusted companions betray you and old friends try to kill you.


Now here we are in SoR, youve killed your old master, saved the empire by claiming makeb, defeated the dread masters. Life is good. But then Revan returns, and you are dispatched to dispose of him. As you stand above him in victory, your new master arises only to betray you again. Another master you trusted betrayed you.



It may not seem sad out right, but with the right mindset it is sad. I mean we are caught in a loop of betrayal and death.

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While fighting a Darth Council member.


Yes, on orders from your superiors. They all knew who it was the same time the Agent did. They didn't say, stand back we'll handle this, they sent the Agent in, expecting to have it taken care of, and get upset when it's taken care of.


I played my Agent until the brainwashing. I think an Agent would have to be blindly loyal to let that go.

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The Trooper's decision over Jaxo is the most painful I've made.... especially if Jorgan is your active companion because he emphasizes with you over the deeply personal decision it is but also berates you that "there is only 1 right choice". I sat there for nearly 20 minutes agonizing over which decision to make.... eventually I chose to do my duty over my personal feelings, never felt so guilty over a SWTOR decision before or since.
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The Trooper's decision over Jaxo is the most painful I've made.... especially if Jorgan is your active companion because he emphasizes with you over the deeply personal decision it is but also berates you that "there is only 1 right choice". I sat there for nearly 20 minutes agonizing over which decision to make.... eventually I chose to do my duty over my personal feelings, never felt so guilty over a SWTOR decision before or since.


I feel you, that was harsh. T-T

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Bounty Hunter hands down -- I got to the point of "well, not so sure I like this character or not " and she is light sided too --- but like you said, Star Wars has a lot of sadness in it ---- I still play her, but she may change to a darker character in the new expansion because of the things that happened ( unless someone prevents her)
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Everybody, when talking about the Jaxo incident, seems to overlook one aspect. I mean, never mind the question of the romance (not an issue for my she-Commando), nor the friendship, nor the endless futile debates on these forums about light for saving 300 "as-ssitting dweebs" versus dark for saving one proactive special-forces agent provocateur. Everybody overlooks the simple fact that the Trooper has specific orders from War-Criminal-in-chief(1) Garza to rescue the 300 for sure and Jaxo if possible.


(1) After what she did on Rishi, that's what I call her.

And another thing about the War-Criminal-in-Chief. On Coruscant, we have the first part, where you hunt down Krel(?sp) (with the cargo of battle droids), and:


The WCiC tells you that there are these cyborgs that Krel has created who don't even know they are cyborgs and also don't know that they are tools of evil etc. It came off (perhaps a fault of my understanding of the French localisation) as her saying that they had to be destroyed because they are cyborgs and cyborgs are bad.



The critical point here: The character where I first did this is...


you guessed it...


a cyborg.


I played it as if my character was offended by the implication that her implants made her inherently evil or something.


There's also an element not just of War Criminal but of extreme hypocrisy on Garza's part when she tells you what she has been up to in the twist on Rishi. So I put the boot in when given the opportunity to speak up for or against her in the future trial.

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Bounty Hunter.

Even if you try to go full-on light side and do right by Mako, you still end up murdering innocent people in cold blood for credits. The only appreciable difference between the light side path and the dark side path, is how much moralizing you do after the fact. So, either you tell Mako the truth about what you do as a profession, or you lie to her when you say you only go after people who deserve it.

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Bounty Hunter.

Even if you try to go full-on light side and do right by Mako, you still end up murdering innocent people in cold blood for credits. The only appreciable difference between the light side path and the dark side path, is how much moralizing you do after the fact. So, either you tell Mako the truth about what you do as a profession, or you lie to her when you say you only go after people who deserve it.


Pretty much how I saw it on my second play through. The difference between a hunter and an assassin is the title. :p

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Light side Sith warrior



It is not widely explored, but your light side options give you a chance to say that your secondary goal to serving the emperor is to rebuild the empire from within. Your warrior is basicaly an outsider in his own nation that he so passionately protects. Like a nation in a nation but not by choice. Your warrior operates with the knowledge that every good deed he does is 100 times ruined and stomped over by the other sith.


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I´d say LS patriot imperial agent and sith warrior.


LS imperial agent - well, I can see it has been explained here very well.


Sith warrior


Unless you are murdering psychopat, who simply only wants to kill people and doesnt care about anything else, you are betrayed by anyone, who you are supposed to trust. You work hard to become apprentice of Darth Baras only to be killed due his paranoia. You entrust coordination of the whole team, ship and missions to Malavai Quinn, who then shows to have very little faith in you and believes for a moment, that Darth Baras would be better choice for the Empire. You become Emperor´s Wrath and in the end you are meant to be killed by him just to give him more power to rule over DIFFERENT EMPIRE. One starts to wonder, who will betray you next time.. Darth Marr? Lana? :D


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I´d say LS patriot imperial agent and sith warrior.


LS imperial agent - well, I can see it has been explained here very well.


Sith warrior


Unless you are murdering psychopat, who simply only wants to kill people and doesnt care about anything else, you are betrayed by anyone, who you are supposed to trust. You work hard to become apprentice of Darth Baras only to be killed due his paranoia. You entrust coordination of the whole team, ship and missions to Malavai Quinn, who then shows to have very little faith in you and believes for a moment, that Darth Baras would be better choice for the Empire. You become Emperor´s Wrath and in the end you are meant to be killed by him just to give him more power to rule over DIFFERENT EMPIRE. One starts to wonder, who will betray you next time.. Darth Marr? Lana? :D


Going to have to disagree with Quinn assessment on that. I don't think he ever considered Baras the better choice, just the one he was duty bound to. He was put on your ship by Baras. He was also likely threatened by Baras.

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The Trooper's decision over Jaxo is the most painful I've made.... especially if Jorgan is your active companion because he emphasizes with you over the deeply personal decision it is but also berates you that "there is only 1 right choice". I sat there for nearly 20 minutes agonizing over which decision to make.... eventually I chose to do my duty over my personal feelings, never felt so guilty over a SWTOR decision before or since.


I actually logged out and slept on the decision before choosing but it was a decision I hated as I rather liked Jaxo as a character and in many ways she was probably slightly better suited for my trooper than Elara was.

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I actually logged out and slept on the decision before choosing but it was a decision I hated as I rather liked Jaxo as a character and in many ways she was probably slightly better suited for my trooper than Elara was.


I agree with you..... Jaxo was an excellent match for my Commando, would have gladly swapped her for Elara and leave Elara to die on that station if I had the choice.

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Imperial Agent - "death" of Keeper

Imperial Agent - Imperial Intelligence disbanded

Imperial Makeb - ending


After playing all 8 stories, guess I attached to my agent the most - hence all the sad parts :D And imperial Makeb, IMO, is simply brilliant

Edited by Frenesi
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Yeah agent does come pretty close, especially if you play him as a patriot early on because if you do that you get the following:


Chapter 1


The ultimate bad guy of this chapter is a rogue Sith lord, which are the top of the tree in terms of the hierarchy of the empire and if you cant trust the guys at the top



then of course you get

Chapter 2


You find out that the dark council distrust you so much they order imperial intelligence to put a "control switch" in you just in case you do something in future, again a lack of trust from the hierarchy but even if you wished to defect to the republic they show during chapter 2 that they are not above exploiting the "switch" that the empire put into you.



After all this its a case of who can you really trust you can feel betrayed by just about everyone in the game.

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I'd have to go with IA; they're so manipulated and badly treated, and if you play LS then pretty much everything that happens in Chapter Two is a slap in the face. I'm thinking specifically of the instance where

Chance calls you on Taris to come help him because he's dying of his injuries, and even though you actually ARE going there to help him because you don't want him to die, he uses the control word on you anyway. That alone just made me want to torture everyone in that group.



Then in the end, no matter what you choose to do with the Black Box, you end up being looked at with suspicion and mistrust.

If you keep it for the Sith, you're basically selling out to them and they'll do awful things with it. If you give it to Kothe, you're seen as a dangerous rouge agent and you barely get away with your life. If you use the box to become a 'ghost', you basically no longer exist, which is kind of lonely.



Then, of course, all of Intelligence is disbanded, and the members are either executed, or forced into other fields and roles. It's pretty depressing.


As for Jaxo, she's cool, but she's also just one person. 1 life versus 300 is not justifiable to me. If she had encouraged my Trooper to save the others, that would have actually made it harder for me to make the choice. But even if you let her live, she becomes emotionally scarred and unstable, rendering her useless for combat anyway. At least her death was instantaneous.


As for SW and SI... if you play LS, yes, it's very lonely and rather isolating. But they are still in positions of power, where they can eventually, slowly make a difference. The SW probably has it worse, though, given what happens. They go from being Top Dog, most respected, honored, and feared, to being a bludgeon for Marr. Pretty sad. Also if you play as a female SW and romance Quinn, that romance has a tragic ending. I could never justify forgiving him right away- that made no sense to me. I didn't divorce him, but I did sleep with Theron later on. Quinn lost his luster for me after that betrayal. We'll see if he gets it back during the expansion.

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At the end of the day, this question mostly depends on what you consider to be sad, because it’s not the same for everyone. If, to you, a “sad” story is one where your character is constantly making sacrifices and is never rewarded, the saddest story will be the Agent’s, the Consular’s, or, to a lesser extent, the Trooper. If your idea of a sad story is one where you’re constantly betrayed or making enemies who want you dead, you’ll find the Warrior’s, Inquisitor’s or Agent’s story the saddest (All Imperials, go figure lol). If walking the thin line between morality and cruelty and making tough decisions (especially in a context of war) makes you sad, the stories that’ll appeal to you the most will be the Bounty Hunter’s, the Trooper’s and maybe the Smuggler’s.


Personally, I think the saddest is the Agent. You have the bad luck to be born a non-space-wizard in a world ruled with an iron fist by space wizards. When the Trooper succeeds, everyone hears of it, and he gets a medal and a promotion. The Agent… well, spoilers. Not only is the Agent not rewarded, he’s even punished for giving everything to his space wizard overlords.


Of course, it also depends on the choices you make and your alignment. Like someone already mentioned, a light-side Inquisitor will make you feel really lonely. The same Inquisitor, if played dark-side, also won’t have friends, but it’s a lot less sad because he doesn’t want friends, he just wants people to shoot lightning at. Anyway, just my two cents.

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A little off



You find out the bosses want you killed, and Keeper gets them talked into a mental switch instead.



After that, I would almost think the Agent would want the Star Cabal to win.


OK I stand corrected, I already know my ending based on chapters 1 and 2. My agent won't trust either the empire or republic so will do as he feels right as he can only trust himself (not so sure if he will trust the crew though).

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