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Everything posted by Griff_Simmons

  1. Quinn will be eating blaster or lightsaber at the earliest possible opportunity, I will NOT let him betray me again
  2. I Actually find it makes sense to take Jorgan's cannon away, he was trained as a sniper and in KotFE he has finally been given the ability to use a sniper rifle, I was actually so happy about that to have a Cathar Garrus I agree about Corso not being able to use Torchy though..... that is a dick move on BW's part to take away his beloved possession away from him.
  3. Sorry BioWare, I loved the fact that this game was fully voice acted, the PC Voice Actors are extremely talented in their work and I do feel kind of disappointed in that we won't be getting a fully voice out expansion. But other than that small gripe I'm very excited for Fallen Empire and I can't wait to get started once the download is complete. Quinn, Prepare to die!
  4. You should.... if you've completed ACT 3 on all classes and gotten the achievements then it will still count as part of your legacy.
  5. I agree with you..... Jaxo was an excellent match for my Commando, would have gladly swapped her for Elara and leave Elara to die on that station if I had the choice.
  6. Thanks for answering my question guys, you have been a lot of help. guess its time to hoard those gifts
  7. I make most of my money on my Artificer from crafting and selling Dye Modules. And I think there's going to be even more money in them, at least temporarily with people kitting up their companions to look cool.
  8. The Trooper's decision over Jaxo is the most painful I've made.... especially if Jorgan is your active companion because he emphasizes with you over the deeply personal decision it is but also berates you that "there is only 1 right choice". I sat there for nearly 20 minutes agonizing over which decision to make.... eventually I chose to do my duty over my personal feelings, never felt so guilty over a SWTOR decision before or since.
  9. I was just wondering if it has been said anywhere if companion gifts will have any influence over the companions you recruit for your alliance in KotFE, or if they will only be useful for your original class companions? Just thought I'd ask before I hoard companion gifts for post 4.0.
  10. I think she will mainly be angry you didn't share your Sith Lord with her, though she might still try to cauterize your balls with her lightsaber?
  11. Are you sure you ran a JC and not an Inquisitor in disguise haha?
  12. Praise Kephess for this blessing of a feature from the dev team, great job devs!
  13. The Empire itself is evil, built upon the values and ideologies of the Dark Side as well as Human/Pureblood Sith supremacy. That doesn't mean that there aren't good individuals in the Empire: During the BH story on Hoth you meet a group of Republic and Imperial Prisoners who are helping each other out and whom never want to harm another person after their experiences together. The republic itself is the good guys with values on individual liberties and egalitarianism (despite many individual planets being Aristocracies: I'm looking at you Alderaan) however there are many who operate in a very gray area such as on Coruscant you see apathy towards alien species in the lower levels and on Corellia General Garza all but orders you abandon civilians to their deaths and on another mission you're all but ordered to kill civilians on the Rocket Trams. I don't consider the Empire personally to be the good guys, they're conquerors and genocidal slavers, but there are good individuals within it
  14. My respects to Darth Imperius, I was referring to my Master: Darth Nox, he who openly mocks death and welcomes pain and mayhem with a thunderstorm at his fingertips directed at anyone whom is in the way of his path to power, glory and insanity.
  15. Well considering how insane and detached from reality the Inquisitor is: This is an entirely likely scenario for that particular sadist.
  16. I'm in the same boat.... most of my male toons cheated on their spouses with Lana. I forsee a very ticked of Akaavi Spar trying to kill my Smuggler and Kaliyo and DS Jaesa complaining that they weren't allowed to join in the fun. The rest will probably be some choice words, a divorce and a ***** slap haha
  17. Aric: Leading his own spec ops squad (either Havoc or the Dead eyes) in a resistance effort. Elara: A corpsman with a republic army battalion on what remnant of the Republic's front lines remain M1-4x: probably scrap metal and his power core stolen for testing by the Eternal Empire Yunn: off finding things. Tanno: Blowing **** up, running scams and drinking beer Corso: Running a smuggling operation with Bowdaar financed by Risha who is on Dubrillion trying to keep the Eternal Empire at bay with money and diplomacy as well as subterfuge. Bowdaar: See above Risha: See Above Akaavi: Fighting with a new clan of Mandalorians Guss: Dead due to one too many stuff ups Qyzen: Racking up a huge Jaggernath count from killing Zakuul knights Tharan: happily married to Holiday and doing science. Iresso: fighting for the Republic Army Nadia: A Jedi Knight herself, trying to rally an army just as the Consular did Zenith: a reluctant member of Aric's spec-ops squad, working with the republic as it is the least evil option for Balmorra. Kira: A Jedi Knight, fighting to find and save the Hero of Tython Doc: Arrested for making ilegal **** holos Rusk: In the middle of the biggest firefight he can find Scourge: Probably working with the Sith once more Kaliyo: Running some scam for credits and blowing stuff up and killing people Vector: readying the Killiks for war Lokin: hiding out on Taris, trying to find some biological weapon to use against Valkorian's armies SCORPIO: Fighting with HK-51, killing all the meatbags Tample: Back with the Chiss military, probably promoted. Mako: Working with Blizz and Torian. Torian: see above Blizz: see above Skadge: Dead, dead as can be Gault: Making money and being hunted Vette: reunited with Risha or back with her old Twi'lek Crew Quinn: Dead..... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dead! Jaesa: Fighting for the Empire, with her own apprentice and spreading her ideals (LS or DS) through the Empire's remaining Sith. Pierce: Running black ops like the Boss he is Broonmark: Still insane. Khem: Revel: living the pirate life based out of Rishi, working with Jakarro and DeeFour Xalek: A Sith Lord, running a resistance movement of his Acolytes Talos: either dead or finding Relics on Yavin IV to help what remains of the Empire Ashara: either back with the Jedi, Dead or trying to influence young Sith into her point of view This is my thoughts on this, though I'm probably wrong on a lot of these counts.
  18. actually if I remember another post.... the romanced companions will know if you've gotten with Lana or Theron in SoR. Can Eric please confirm this, or at least give the Vaguest indication one way or the other? If they do know what we get up to in SoR: I'm going to have a lot of angry women after my toons, I just hope Akaavi spares my smuggler and doesn't slow slice his Lekku.
  19. I think that is what they mean..... no way SCORPIO will need saving, ever.... at all.
  20. I think that includes the companion stuff, anything that was story related (not Dailies) before KoTFE becomes unavailable for completion once you begin the xpac. I could be wrong but that's what I think is happening as far as I can tell.... so better get those companion quests finished before early access.
  21. Well Guess it is time to farm Companion Gifts and get that affection level up to 10000 on each companion before you set off on the new Xpac mate.... speaking of which I probably should do the same haha
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