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Combat Changes in Fallen Empire


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Depends. According to the proponents, depending on what they're responding to, levelsync will make lower mobs a challenge, but it also won't make them a challenge.


It'll make them able to hurt you, but the encounter won't be a difficult one

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Guys, srsly, DONT DO THAT. You will lose older experienced players. .


Why? Most of the older experience players are done leveling characters so all the problems you mention for them are irrelevant.


Personally I like the fact that an opponent soldier or beast on Ord Mantell or Dromund Kaas will become dangerous again as a soldier or beast on Yavin. It makes far more sense that way with regards to the story and a character.

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Totally no need. A 60 even in crap gear, while under Sync, can literally own any Heroic on the planet. Stated this many times throughout this thread. It's been demonstrated on video as well. Trust me you will not have any issues at all with soloing Heroics while under Sync.


So, if a down-leveled character will "own" that content... what's the point?


Why not make levelsync optional, and make it mean something?


That way, people who like things they way they are, keep doing it the way it is now, and people who want a "challenge" can actually be synced to a level where that low-level content is actually a "challenge".



It'll make them able to hurt you, but the encounter won't be a difficult one


Well that's not much of a "challenge", then, is it?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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So, if a down-leveled character will "own" that content... what's the point?


Why not make levelsync optional, and make it mean something?


That way, people who like things they way they are, keep doing it the way it is now, and people who want a "challenge" can actually be synced to a level where that low-level content is actually a "challenge".





Well that's not much of a "challenge", then, is it?


I gave up trying to logic Max, they are all using circular reasoning. Like the part about level sync making ganking by max level characters harder because they will be downleveled, yet most gankers are just going to roll in PvP gear and lowbies have no shot since they can't get gear with expertise.


If a level 60 BIS PvE geared toon gets insta-wrecked in PvP against a level 60 bottom tier PvP geared toon now, I have no idea where they are getting it'll be more even when said ganker gets downleveled but still has expertise. It will be exactly the same as that example except worse, because that level 60 BIS PvE geared toon has a huge stat advantage compared to PvP gear, yet expertise trumps every other stat.


I mean really, 60k+ HP in PvE gear versus 40k+ HP in PvP gear never mind the main stat difference, yet expertise beats that every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Yet somehow it will reduce ganking... riiiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:


The only way level sync will reduce ganking is if they remove expertise from the game. As long as expertise remains, gankers will load up on expertise gear and be happily ganking while downleveled, and now all the people getting ganked can't complain it was because the ganker was max level anymore. Can't wait for the tears, because they wanted level sync thinking it will help. :D

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I still believe you haven't understood my point of view. (I think this is addressing me, because I were the only one to used the word 'fairness' in this context. So let's try a different route this time.


I apologize if you felt like I was attacking you specifically, I was not addressing you per se, as others have use the "level sync= fairness" argument on other sites, and most of their discussions link back to this "official" thread.



While I do understand your point of view, and even like your idea of no mission rewards/drops if you choose to turn level sync off, I still feel level sync needs to be a toggle, as it is a slap in the face to max level players who go back to low areas. Yes we accept a form of level sync as xp adjustments, but that's when we're leveling, my argument (which I guess wasn't clear enough for which I apologize) is that MAX LEVEL chars should be able to turn level sync off.


You used the analogy of having your boss call you as you are about to arrive home, telling you you forgot your paycheck. Well, in that scenario you can either go back and get it right then, or get it when you go back to work for your next scheduled shift. Level sync, as described HERE is on period, no choice, and the announcement says that players willll get xp comperable to killing appropriate level enemies.


The example they used is "If you are level 60, and you return to Alderaan to do some Missions, your character will be scaled down to be level 32......So if you are a level 60, killing level 30 mobs, you will gain experience appropriate for being a level 60 . " And hey that's great if I go back while I'm leveling, but at MAX LEVEL I won't receive XP at all. So I'll be 65 battling level 30's as if they were 65 just so I can see what I missed? That doesn't appeal to me, and from the opinions I've seen in this thread alone, I'm not the only one to feel this way.


We're all entitled to our opinions, and we're all free to give our arguments and back them up with whatever data we can find, but the devs are going to do what they feel best regardless. May the Force be with all of us. ;)

Edited by Murgren
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pretty much slamming the nail on the head murgren..but thats just the PVE part, i hadnt thought of that expertise crap so there's that too..so in other words here's whats going to happen when they shove the lvl-sync down our throats:


in PVP the ganking will go on and low lvl newbies will get crushed over and over by those hardcore wussies with the best pvp-gear (dont know how else to discribe the *************** in nicer words) and in turn lower the amount of players that might want to play on PVP servers and no newbies to fight these kiddies will start getting bored or quit to go to WoW.


and in PVE most high lvl toons will only go back to a low lvl world if they are completely bored and have nothing else to do and avoid the low lvl worlds like there's a plague going on...please think before you type another word boys n girls...now you might sit here thinking ''well the older high levels might not want to go back but i do''..guess what...at some point you will see a decline in amounts of high leveled and more experienced players due to the fact that they got slapped in the face for reaching that high level maxed out everything and done more grinding then anyone here..only to get a lvl adjustion to content they pretty much consider secondary or on the to-do-for-not-getting-bored-list..


i have a really hard time believing that anyone would go back to older content with their lvl adjusted to when they were still leveling and play there for a serious reason apart from the normal excuse of ''it has double the fun and i dont get bored'' or ''i just do this cause i got bored''..or pretty much the other 1k reasons i heard in guild wars 2 (yea boys n girls the lvl sync had to come from somewhere..and yea people there get slapped in the face for gaining that higher lvl) and believe me when i say that a lvl-sync does not increase the fun of your game..its only is good for letting you as a player know that leveling is bad..(ever got that feeling on your fingers when your grandmother tought you that taking a cookie without asking is bad? well this should feel pretty much the same only with a little twist..think of putting your hand in a fire and hold it there for 5 hours or just enough to get a burn..then get slapped on the had with a stick).


basics of why one levels in a game:

player x has a hard time killing mobs in zone A..he finally manages it and gets xp for it together with some nice loot as a reward for doing that, when player x has completed zone A he gets a level up and he gets a new challange with lots more in the near future and goes back to zone A where he might wants to help his friend or explore that last part of the map (at this point the leveling is not on his mind nor is the possibility of more lewt on his mind).


after going trough all the hardships and challanges the player either goes back to low-lvl zones only to either finish up anything he might have missed or to help a friend that is doing something he should leave for when the friend is the appropiate level but as your friends you normally do this as part of the social-standards within mmo-rulesets..not for glory/xp/phat lewt..no just for that good old fashion social aspect of what is called the mmo-code of being a good player.


now here's the nice difference of that lvl-sync:


player x goes trough zone A and bla bla bla same..at some point player x has gained highest level and the best gear all trough all those challanges and hardships, he now ventures back to help his friend with that great xp and phat lewt quest (at this point gaining more xp and loot is on player x's mind)


player x goes about questing some more in low level areas being a complete ''''''' to his friend and depreiving said friend of fun all because the quest he wants to do is only meant for sillyness and has no phat lewt or great grant godlike xp...ow and all that goodie helping the friend? ''unless i actually gain something from that quest your doing i really do not care and you should learn to play your class you ffin newb'' (player x has now become the type of players i came across within guild wars 2 who dont want to tell the new people what they are doing wrong and only act when there's something to gain).


hmm..i might have been a bit too honest..owell i cant wait to see more of you guys that throw out the part of being a good player with future aspect of actually having friends just because you wanted to only help cause you gain something other than a simple ''thanks'' i mean who would actually behave per social-mmo ruleset where you actually make new friends when you can get lewt and great grant godlike xp for going to low lvl zones and get xp and lewt extremely ez? (all those that now state that i am wrong are proving my exact point as those guys are the most ****** selfish bunch of **** that would only want to help someone if they can advance themselves and they are the only ones getting rewarded when that lvl sync goes live)

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The stat changes, companion changes I take zero issue with.


The level sync change? If it's not optional then you'll lose my subscription + CC purchases after ..... well actually. Now.


I really dislike this idea which has been stolen from GW2. One of the main reasons for returning to a planet was to finish of the harder missions when stronger etc. Now I will find myself in the same old situation - underpowered for the job I'm doing.

This happens all the time with these games and was the reason I quit WoW. Every so often all skill point refunded, combat techniques altered and I'm scratching around to learn a new way of fighting.


When all this fooling around is implemented, I just hope that there's another game I want to play.


Incredibly disappointed.

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This happens all the time with these games and was the reason I quit WoW.



Did you play WoW long enough to get max level/gear, a garrison, max it (your garrison) out then have nothing to do but sit in said garrison feeling silly for paying ~$15/mo? Well, that's probably going to happen here with level-sync. We'll all finish the story quests then sit in our strongholds waiting until the next month's new content (since the devs are saying they plan on releasing new stuff roughly every month or so).

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Sorry if this has been asked/answered before in this thread, but by same "ability sets" does that mean all companions with the same weapon type and combat role will have identical abilities in terms of just their functions (e.g. stun) or also aesthetically, i.e. animations? More specifically, will the original companions lose their unique combat abilities?
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I apologize if you felt like I was attacking you specifically, I was not addressing you per se, as others have use the "level sync= fairness" argument on other sites, and most of their discussions link back to this "official" thread.

No worries!


You used the analogy of having your boss call you as you are about to arrive home, telling you you forgot your paycheck. Well, in that scenario you can either go back and get it right then, or get it when you go back to work for your next scheduled shift. Level sync, as described HERE is on period, no choice, and the announcement says that players willll get xp comperable to killing appropriate level enemies.

Well, my metapher was more meant to be like this:


"Driving to work" => the accepted extra effort i.e. fighting tougher (lvl-adjusted) monsters as you level up

"Driving back because you've missed something" => the extra effort in case you return to an old planet with level-sync

Your "next scheduled shift" would be the next time you want to level, because that's the normally accepted fight against level-adjusted enemies.


Thereafter, you wrote about "returning to Alderaan to repeat some missions".... So let's concentrate one that!


My first question would be: Why you want to do that? Is it because you've missed them on your first visit? Or just for fun or the 'good-old-times'?


The second question would then be: Why you need your lvl65 powers in these cases? Wouldn't it then be more enjoyable to repeat these quests without one-shotting everything? I mean, if you missed them back then, why wouldn't you want to experience them a bit more the way they were meant to be played?


And to be honest, it really surprised me that you then differentiated between characters at MAX LEVEL and those one level below it? If you do these missions for fun or because you're a completionist, why would you differ between these two cases? I mean, if you repeat missions on a planet with an appropriate level (f.e. Rishi, Yavin, etc.), you wouldn't complain that they aren't simplified for MAX LEVEL characters, do you? And at MAX LEVEL, you won't get XP from events either, yet they are adjusted to your level?

In case you've missed H4+ missions, you should be pleased to hear that they are now H2 missions and therefore soloable for every maxed character..


So even if I add this in the list of reasons, WHY players would want to return to low-level planets...

  • To see how awesome they've become
  • To catch datacrons they've missed
  • To repeat missions they've missed or just want to repeat


... I'm still convinced that the (potential) benefits of a (permanent) level-sync still outweight the inconvenience in these rare cases.

Edited by realleaftea
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I wonder if Bioware is counting the pro vs con comments regarding levelsync in this thread.


I wonder if they care one bit about customer reaction to this, or if they they're convinced that this is a great idea and no one is going to change their minds about it unless their corporate bosses (hypothetically, I make no predictions of doom) see a downturn in subscription income.

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So even if I add this in the list of reasons, WHY players would want to return to low-level planets...

  • To see how awesome they've become
  • To catch datacrons they've missed
  • To repeat missions they've missed or just want to repeat


... I'm still convinced that the (potential) benefits of a (permanent) level-sync still outweight the inconvenience in these rare cases.


You left off several reasons why people go back to lower-level planets:


Bounty Contract Week

HK parts

Materials gathering

Class missions (Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquisitor have missions on the far side of heroic areas on DK, for example)


Binocular/Probe Droid missions



And a significant number of us have no desire at all to have to fight off local trash mobs that have suddenly remembered that they have an aggro radius even if they're technically 40 levels below our PC, just to get those things done.

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So even if I add this in the list of reasons, WHY players would want to return to low-level planets..


Well, regardless of our reasons, for or against, the latest stream pretty much explained BW's reason for it. At Comic Con the lead designer (sorry i forgot his name - not an uber nerd "know all the staff" fan) said pretty much their reason for doing this and doing it how they did is "for future special events and missions that will be making use of those planets." Interesting. I wonder what they have planned.

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Well, my metapher was more meant to be like this:


"Driving to work" => the accepted extra effort i.e. fighting tougher (lvl-adjusted) monsters as you level up

"Driving back because you've missed something" => the extra effort in case you return to an old planet with level-sync

Your "next scheduled shift" would be the next time you want to level, because that's the normally accepted fight against level-adjusted enemies.


Thereafter, you wrote about "returning to Alderaan to repeat some missions".... So let's concentrate one that!


My first question would be: Why you want to do that? Is it because you've missed them on your first visit? Or just for fun or the 'good-old-times'?


The second question would then be: Why you need your lvl65 powers in these cases? Wouldn't it then be more enjoyable to repeat these quests without one-shotting everything? I mean, if you missed them back then, why wouldn't you want to experience them a bit more the way they were meant to be played?


And to be honest, it really surprised me that you then differentiated between characters at MAX LEVEL and those one level below it? If you do these missions for fun or because you're a completionist, why would you differ between these two cases? I mean, if you repeat missions on a planet with an appropriate level (f.e. Rishi, Yavin, etc.), you wouldn't complain that they aren't simplified for MAX LEVEL characters, do you? And at MAX LEVEL, you won't get XP from events either, yet they are adjusted to your level?

In case you've missed H4+ missions, you should be pleased to hear that they are now H2 missions and therefore soloable for every maxed character..


So even if I add this in the list of reasons, WHY players would want to return to low-level planets...

  • To see how awesome they've become
  • To catch datacrons they've missed
  • To repeat missions they've missed or just want to repeat


... I'm still convinced that the (potential) benefits of a (permanent) level-sync still outweight the inconvenience in these rare cases.


so, in your point of view you want the lvl sync because you want to do these things..then why would you go ham on leveling and do those things way later in the first place? you might aswell stick to the planet your on while leveling and finish every last bit before going towards the next planet..which in turn also negates that leveling sync in the first place and making the leveling sync absolete.


speaking of rare cases, i have yet to see anyone giving a normal answer to why there's a beneficial part in a level sync apart from the so called ''challange'' bs, there's no challange to be found in area's where one only does the same missions which they already completed using the same char or look at how awesome they became (showing off at newbies does not provide said challange..it only makes the person showing off look like a complete arrogant ******** in the eyes of new players) and those datacrons collection runs can be done even without that lvl-sync..jumping puzzles are hard enough as is..especially at 3rd person view (though that differs from player to player)...so apart from those ''benefits'' you mentioned what is the actual beneficial part in a lvl-sync?


(and yes i have my gaze turned towards you atm, if you want to defend something like this you really need to come up with something better then the 3 things you mentioned)

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Sorry if this has been asked/answered before in this thread, but by same "ability sets" does that mean all companions with the same weapon type and combat role will have identical abilities in terms of just their functions (e.g. stun) or also aesthetically, i.e. animations? More specifically, will the original companions lose their unique combat abilities?


This is what I want to know.


Which powers do said companions get?


Does Elara Dorne keep her Medical Droids?

Does Dark Jaesa keep her Dark Lightning?


Do Republic Force using companions have different animations/fx for their healing abilities than Empire Force using companions?

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Judging from the dev statements and the livestream, I'm expecting level sync to set the "difficulty" on a planet where you're under sync to somewhere around the difficulty of Rishi for an L60. Somewhere between Yavin and CZ-198, anyway.


Just as a note; I happen to be running my L58 Heal Trooper with 172 Comms gear (l55 Blue), and I can solo w/ companion the H2+ boss on CZ-198 pretty regularly. It's a bit of work, I'll admit, but it's not a nailbiter. And I'm not going to call myself anything other than an average player. It's a pretty fuzzy metric, but it they're going to set the difficulty for H2+ mobs w/ level-sync anywhere near that, I'm OK. Likewise, I could solo w/ companion the H2+ on Oricon with my L60 back before I upgraded to a mix of Yavin/Massassi gear, though I would occasionally have to use a probe if I was incautious with mob pulls or sloppy in combat. (Vig Guardian, equipped for tanking at the time).


The goal seems to be to avoid the experience of an L60 in the Black Hole (or Section X, probably, though I haven't been there recently with an L60) - where you simply aren't meaningfully threatened by anything on the map. This is a design goal I can appreciate and agree with - if there's nothing the opposition can do to you, then that's A Bad Thing. There ought to be some chance of failure, even if it's pretty remote.


In short, I'm feeling OK that the devs can hit a sweet spot for risk vs reward, and that the H2+ missions will continue to be soloable by a reasonable proportion of the player base at max level, based on theri statements and observable levels of difficulty of endgame characters vs non-endgame challenges. Remember, the devs can pull data showing exactly how hard any particular fight is vs the stats and skills of the characters attempting it. They don't have to make uneducated guesses about setting difficulty.

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You left off several reasons why people go back to lower-level planets:


Bounty Contract Week

HK parts

Materials gathering

Class missions (Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquisitor have missions on the far side of heroic areas on DK, for example)


Binocular/Probe Droid missions



And a significant number of us have no desire at all to have to fight off local trash mobs that have suddenly remembered that they have an aggro radius even if they're technically 40 levels below our PC, just to get those things done.

My bad, I simplified it a bit too much. I already discussed most of these things or they fit into a certain category.


Bounty Contract Week - The fight is already level-synced. So the only difference would be how you get to the target. So it's similar to the what I already said, You're basically saying: "We deserve the same rewards as anybody, but in a much easier and faster way, simply because we chose to do it with a higher-level character.".


HK parts // seeker droid - Similar to the "return to old quests you've missed" aspect I've talked about. According to you, the later you buy the expansion and the later you start it, the easier it should become.The reward isn't any different! Nope! All those you bought it early and played it the way it was meant to be are just too stupid to max their character first. So in order to protect players from making these stupid mistakes, we should give all quests the prerequisite that you've max your character first.


But onto the real interesting parts:

Materials gathering According to that, the time & effort you have to spend gathering materials should decrease depending on your character level, right? So how about the corresponding missions? The way it's now, low level characters shouldn't gather materials at all. Instead, they should buy it on the GTN, get the money for it somehow and level up as fast as they can. Then, when they've finally maxed their character, they should start gathering (it's now faster & easier) and sell it on the GTN. The money they make in this way is then used to pay back the debts. In total, they would be better off.


And the justification for that? - Oh well, the lvl60 characters can't stand it if gathering tier-1 materials would just be as inconvenient as gathering matierials of their appropriate for their level.


And finally:

Role-playing - And that's the point, I'd like you to be more precise on. My definition of a good roleplay is that my decisions determine my character and the world around me, but I'm really interested in yours! I just want to know whether this game stops to be a role play, if BioWare would have drastically reduced the benefits of a level-up (i.e. significantly lower augmentation advantages).

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My bad, I simplified it a bit too much. I already discussed most of these things or they fit into a certain category.



But onto the real interesting parts:

Materials gathering According to that, the time & effort you have to spend gathering materials should decrease depending on your character level, right? So how about the corresponding missions? The way it's now, low level characters shouldn't gather materials at all. Instead, they should buy it on the GTN, get the money for it somehow and level up as fast as they can. Then, when they've finally maxed their character, they should start gathering (it's now faster & easier) and sell it on the GTN. The money they make in this way is then used to pay back the debts. In total, they would be better off.


And the justification for that? - Oh well, the lvl60 characters can't stand it if gathering tier-1 materials would just be as inconvenient as gathering matierials of their appropriate for their level.


Just as a note - they're making it quicker for folks with higher-ranked gathering skills to gather low-level mats - high-ranked gathering skills get more mats from nodes. For the same amount of actual gathering time, you get more mats than someone with lower-ranked skills. Meaning you need less fights to clear the nodes, etc.

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I like discussing this with you realeaftae, you make great counter arguments. :rak_09:



And finally:

Role-playing - And that's the point, I'd like you to be more precise on. My definition of a good roleplay is that my decisions determine my character and the world around me, but I'm really interested in yours! I just want to know whether this game stops to be a role play, if BioWare would have drastically reduced the benefits of a level-up (i.e. significantly lower augmentation advantages).


You define a "good roleplay" as "my decisions determine my character and the world around me". I have the exact same definition! Now how this applies to level sync is super easy to see (especially if you're Sith). I personally play both sides. But for sake of argument let's use my main on Empire side - a Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer. My char becomes a full fledged Dark Lord, gets max level, and goes to Korriban to get an apprentice (another player, most likely a rl friend). In order to prove to my potential apprentice I'm the" toughest Sith on the block" I go to an area he has trouble with and I stand there and laugh as the enemies can't so much as scratch me. With level sync this isnt possible, be cause yes I'd still easily hand the enemies their backsides, but I'd take "regular" amounts of damage to do it and that isn't nearly as impressive to a potential apprentice. (The Jedi version would be perhaps flying to a potential apprentices rescue in a heroic area they are trying to solo......)


You also asked why I differentiate between a MAX level char and some one 1 level lower. The difference is at max level, I no longer receive XP, (Legacy XP sure but that's completely different and gained at a much lower rate than regular XP). If I go back to a planet for completion, or just to roam around for nostalgia, I don't need XP, I'm there to accomplish a specific goal whose reward is an achievement/title, or a specific drop for cosmetic reasons,or just the completion of the task. In other words NO GAME IMPACTING stuff, other than I can dress differently or show off a shiney title (which doesn't really impress people, but it's good for RP - like the "The Merciless" title for a Sith or "the Throne Breaker" title for a Jedi.....)

Edited by Murgren
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Ok, so all of our stats are going away, what does this do to the many Datacrons scattered throughout the various planets? I personally like getting them, some people don't and I can understand that. Are they going away, reduced to two per planet (Mastery, Endurance, Presence and Matrix Shard), or are they going to stay for story background/codex entries only?
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Ok, so all of our stats are going away, what does this do to the many Datacrons scattered throughout the various planets? I personally like getting them, some people don't and I can understand that. Are they going away, reduced to two per planet (Mastery, Endurance, Presence and Matrix Shard), or are they going to stay for story background/codex entries only?


I can only guess those datacrons will award Mastery, as it'd be easier to program that than remove them and the accompanying achievements.

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My bad, I simplified it a bit too much. I already discussed most of these things or they fit into a certain category.


Bounty Contract Week - The fight is already level-synced. So the only difference would be how you get to the target. So it's similar to the what I already said, You're basically saying: "We deserve the same rewards as anybody, but in a much easier and faster way, simply because we chose to do it with a higher-level character.".


HK parts // seeker droid - Similar to the "return to old quests you've missed" aspect I've talked about. According to you, the later you buy the expansion and the later you start it, the easier it should become.The reward isn't any different! Nope! All those you bought it early and played it the way it was meant to be are just too stupid to max their character first. So in order to protect players from making these stupid mistakes, we should give all quests the prerequisite that you've max your character first.


But onto the real interesting parts:

Materials gathering According to that, the time & effort you have to spend gathering materials should decrease depending on your character level, right? So how about the corresponding missions? The way it's now, low level characters shouldn't gather materials at all. Instead, they should buy it on the GTN, get the money for it somehow and level up as fast as they can. Then, when they've finally maxed their character, they should start gathering (it's now faster & easier) and sell it on the GTN. The money they make in this way is then used to pay back the debts. In total, they would be better off.


And the justification for that? - Oh well, the lvl60 characters can't stand it if gathering tier-1 materials would just be as inconvenient as gathering matierials of their appropriate for their level.


And finally:

Role-playing - And that's the point, I'd like you to be more precise on. My definition of a good roleplay is that my decisions determine my character and the world around me, but I'm really interested in yours! I just want to know whether this game stops to be a role play, if BioWare would have drastically reduced the benefits of a level-up (i.e. significantly lower augmentation advantages).


I'm not even sure what you're talking about, a lot of what you say there appears to be baseless assumptions about my thought process. None of that has anything to do with what I'm thinking or why I'm opposed to mandatory levelsync, and none of that even means anything to me. This has nothing to do with "advantage" or "level playing fields" or "justification". It has nothing to do with thinking other players are dumb or trying to get an edge on anyone else.


If I'm on Tatooine to track down the Kingpin that's there, then that's all I'm there for. I'm not there to evade or clear trash mobs, clear a bunch of trash mobs off the area where the probes are released, or otherwise deal with the local level trash mobs. I'm there for one reason -- track down the Kingpin, get the capture or kill, and go home. Nothing else.


If I'm on DK for one of the SI or BH class quests, then that's all I'm there for. I'm not there to evade or clear a bunch of low-level "heroic" crap that's in the way. I'm there for one reason -- get to the mission area, get the mission done, and move on.


If I'm looking for low-level mats to craft something for an alt, then that's all I'm on whatever planet for. I'm not there to fight the same low-level trash I've already killed 1000s of times and might end up killing 1000s more on other alts. I'm there to get on the lowest-population planetary instance, find an area where there are no actual low-level PCs that I'd be impacting ( "stealing" from ), and get some quick gathering done. That's it.


If I'm on a planet to look for HK parts, then that's why I'm there. Not for anything else.



As for the RP aspect, that's not really something I get into with other players online, I find the risk of ending up with some skeevy wierdo is way too high, based on past experience. I list that because other people find a way to enjoy it, and sometimes their RP requires them to go into remote areas on low-level planets. The last thing they want to do is hack their way through low-level trash just to get out to whatever spot that is.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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