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Combat Changes in Fallen Empire


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Mastery is probably the one change that I'm not going to get ticked off about.


I see why they did it, and there really aren't any negatives to it.


I'll save my opposition for the things that actually diminish my enjoyment of the game.


Except for all the operations where everyone is going to roll on everything...

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Except for all the operations where everyone is going to roll on everything...


Which can be adjusted with a different fix than just scrapping the system. #facepalm


They could add more loot rewards, they could move to a token system, just to name a couple.

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So what?


I don't say that to be dismissive, actually, I just really, really don't understand why some people care so all-fired much about "as designed" and "as intended".


It's a game, who cares as long as someone is having fun and not trying to ruin other people's fun?


True. And I have seen reasoning behind a lot of the factors people want to make sync optional for, but datacrons are so stupidly easy to get even with the Sync system that this will absolutely NOT be a factor in that. Using those as an example for or against Sync in either argument is just dramatic BS.

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I am not for mandatory level sync.


But my main concern is the unique combat animations for the different companions. I know WHY gear was removed. Because it's easier to not have gear and be able to do the three roles, then carry around 3 sets of gear. Fine. I DON'T like it, but I can work around it as long as my companions continue to be power houses of roflstomping omgwtf killing/healing machines they currently are.


What I DO care about is the animations. If Tharan Cedrax (and his name is spelled THARAN, I hate misspellings of his name, arg) uses his deploy Holiday animation for stunning a mob, will he continue using Holiday to stun mobs? Tharan isn't Tharan without Holiday.


I'm just hoping that when they said everyone will share skills in a sense, that the animations are still unique to each companion. Cause I'm not looking forward to Tharan not deploying Holiday.

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I am not for mandatory level sync.


But my main concern is the unique combat animations for the different companions. I know WHY gear was removed. Because it's easier to not have gear and be able to do the three roles, then carry around 3 sets of gear. Fine. I DON'T like it, but I can work around it as long as my companions continue to be power houses of roflstomping omgwtf killing/healing machines they currently are.


What I DO care about is the animations. If Tharan Cedrax (and his name is spelled THARAN, I hate misspellings of his name, arg) uses his deploy Holiday animation for stunning a mob, will he continue using Holiday to stun mobs? Tharan isn't Tharan without Holiday.


I'm just hoping that when they said everyone will share skills in a sense, that the animations are still unique to each companion. Cause I'm not looking forward to Tharan not deploying Holiday.


NYCC Q&S as reported by dulfy

They get a different set of abilities depending on if they are healer/tank/dps but the visuals are slightly different between the companions.


In this case, leaving in the different animations is actually the easier choice

Edited by IanArgent
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Sony did something to the Level Sync in Galaxies. It was called the NGE. Lots of people left, the game was never the same, and it eventually died. Want to compete with WoW? Then write content. You don't see WoW pulling these cheap moves.


I thought the new hotness was to compare KotFE to Cataclysm?

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What are the chances that they are giving Aric Jorgan a sniper rifle, like he should have always had?


Only reason they didn't was because sniper rifles were cunning weapons I am sure, but now that that doesn't matter why not make the sniper a sniper?

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so if all the companions are basically the same, the only thing different is the looks? ok what about the ones we bought like hk-51?is he a companion?depending on how you geared him he had different functions


It's quite possible, based on their statements, that there will be nothing unique other than appearance for any companion. That is, give ANY companion a blaster pistol and set them to DPS, and they will have exactly the same stats (all else being equal), exactly the same "powers", and exactly the same animations.

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It's quite possible, based on their statements, that there will be nothing unique other than appearance for any companion. That is, give ANY companion a blaster pistol and set them to DPS, and they will have exactly the same stats (all else being equal), exactly the same "powers", and exactly the same animations.


The animations, at least, may be different; per the livestream Q&A from NYCC Cantina.



However, it also appears that companions still have weapon proficiencies

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There's a claim that opposition to mandatory levelsync is just the same handful of people posting over and over again.


So, I went back through the thread and started counting, trying to get an idea of the number of different posters who have posted at least once asking for no levelsync or optional levelsync (both of which count as opposition to mandatory levelsync). I did try to avoid counting the same person more than once.


I quit counting when I reached 100 different posters opposed to mandatory levelsync. That was on page 15 (I'm using the longest page-view setting, so for me, this thread has 20 pages right now). To be clear, that's just on this thread, and stopped counting about 3/4 of the way through at this point.


The next time someone says "opposition to mandatory levelsync is just the same handful of (some juvenile insult) over and over again", you know how seriously to take that statement.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I knew it wasn't a handful of malcontents. I am more than a little worried about a Cataclysm event, or (for something I'm a little more familiar with), the outrage over D&D 4.0 - which, while an excellent system in its own right; was not meaningfully D&D. (It was also a much bigger change than this is).
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I knew it wasn't a handful of malcontents. I am more than a little worried about a Cataclysm event, or (for something I'm a little more familiar with), the outrage over D&D 4.0 - which, while an excellent system in its own right; was not meaningfully D&D. (It was also a much bigger change than this is).


To be clear and to be fair, that post wasn't directed at you.


It's directed at an oft-repeated misperception that keeps coming up.

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Just for curiosity the last week I've been popping onto fleet and asking what people think of the 4.0 changes, Most have no idea what the changes are at first, and if I mention the Forums a large part say they don't wanna go to the forums to learn more. I've seen a few who liked the idea of Level Sync but MOST of the people who had heard of it HATED the idea.


For the record Almost everyone was unsure on the crafting changes if it would be good or bad, and they LOVED the idea of the Datacrons going to Legacy.

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Just for curiosity the last week I've been popping onto fleet and asking what people think of the 4.0 changes, Most have no idea what the changes are at first, and if I mention the Forums a large part say they don't wanna go to the forums to learn more. I've seen a few who liked the idea of Level Sync but MOST of the people who had heard of it HATED the idea.


For the record Almost everyone was unsure on the crafting changes if it would be good or bad, and they LOVED the idea of the Datacrons going to Legacy.


This is why I keep posting. Because Level Sync is change. But it's not going to be A Big Deal .


Here's the thing. Max_Killjoy is right., from a certain point of view. Level sync will mean that content on older planets will require more time and effort than before. You will have to fight more mobs, and you will have to spend more time doing so. Where and why I disagree with him is that this additional effort will be a meaningful obstacle in the path of enjoyment for most players. In part because I disagree that a grey mob that cannot meaningfully damage you cannot still require you to expend time, and in part because I believe that an obstacle placed ought to be relevant across the entire player experience. Level Sync will betray and kill his enjoyment of the game, apparently. I think it's going to be the father to a needed balance in the Force. :D


Here's the thing - if his view dominates, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy - because people won't approach the change with open mind. Which is why the execrable communications from BW and the whole companion achievements debacle annoy and worry me, in that order.

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I knew it wasn't a handful of malcontents. I am more than a little worried about a Cataclysm event, or (for something I'm a little more familiar with), the outrage over D&D 4.0 - which, while an excellent system in its own right; was not meaningfully D&D. (It was also a much bigger change than this is).


Cataclysm in WoW wasn't too bad for me. Mostly because I liked the Shattering and the mini movie showing all the destruction. Hey, I'm the same chick who will watch the premonition scenes over and over and over again from the Final Destination movies because I think it's cool. (Plus I'm a horror movie buff).


Though, when swtor came out, about what 4-6 months after Cataclysm came out? I think? I dropped WoW like a bad habit and came here. /end OT

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There's a claim that opposition to mandatory levelsync is just the same handful of people posting over and over again.


So, I went back through the thread and started counting, trying to get an idea of the number of different posters who have posted at least once asking for no levelsync or optional levelsync (both of which count as opposition to mandatory levelsync). I did try to avoid counting the same person more than once.


I quit counting when I reached 100 different posters opposed to mandatory levelsync. That was on page 15 (I'm using the longest page-view setting, so for me, this thread has 20 pages right now). To be clear, that's just on this thread, and stopped counting about 3/4 of the way through at this point.


The next time someone says "opposition to mandatory levelsync is just the same handful of (some juvenile insult) over and over again", you know how seriously to take that statement.


I hate this too. Sure, those of us REALLY not wanting mandatory change keep trying to brow beat Bioware to at least listen to us. Whether they DO anything is anyone's guess, but some acknowledgement would be nice, at least to know they heard our concerns. When the goobers for mandatory sync say 'oh it's only a handful of people against it!' Well, yeah maybe HERE on the forums compared to every single person in the game on every single server, but as you said, 100 people just after the first 15 pages? (Got mine set up like yours too). Yeah, that's not a 'tiny amount'. :rolleyes:

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I hate this too. Sure, those of us REALLY not wanting mandatory change keep trying to brow beat Bioware to at least listen to us. Whether they DO anything is anyone's guess, but some acknowledgement would be nice, at least to know they heard our concerns. When the goobers for mandatory sync say 'oh it's only a handful of people against it!' Well, yeah maybe HERE on the forums compared to every single person in the game on every single server, but as you said, 100 people just after the first 15 pages? (Got mine set up like yours too). Yeah, that's not a 'tiny amount'. :rolleyes:


And that's from the TINY chunk of the playerbase that actually go to the forums. As I said most of the people I asked had NO IDEA of the changes.

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Companions no longer generate any stats from gear, their stats are purely based on the level of the companion, so you can dress them up however you want. Accordingly, equipment slots that didn't have any effect on visibility have been removed from companions. Companions will still need a weapon in order to activate their abilities, but the stats of the weapon won't matter.


You realize, this will completely negate the Weekly missions you implemented just last expansion on Yavin 4. There's little reason for me to run through the weekly missions for my full set of companion armor when armor no longer matters.

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You realize, this will completely negate the Weekly missions you implemented just last expansion on Yavin 4. There's little reason for me to run through the weekly missions for my full set of companion armor when armor no longer matters.


It would have been out of date anyway, stat-wise. Gear ratings are still going up.

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