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Combat Changes in Fallen Empire


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Who do you think you are to tell anyone they shouldn't be gaming?


It's not about being unable to solo things. I can get through much of the quests and content in this game with my eyes closed or trained at the TV by now. It's about having fun with other people. You know what MMO(RP)G stands for? Massivelly Multiplayer Online (Role Playing) Game. You'll be shocked to hear that there are many people out there that actually enjoy play such games with others. You know, people - friends, family and such. ;)


Mhm. Sure. I'm not sure why you think the game is "failing" or why I might be responsible, but if you say so, it must be true, right? That would make me an immensely powerful person of great influence towards the development of this game indeed. I wonder why I haven't been able to utilize that immense power and influence to get chat bubbles implemented yet... ;)


No, you're right, probably not... If having been a subscriber on my main account non-stop on 6 month subscriptions since launch (and having played since early access, more accurately closed beta) doesn't count. Or owning the Collector's Edition on my main account and two more being regular pre-order accounts or currently having three subscribed accounts with 6 months subscription and another one on a monthly doesn't count as "paying" either. Or paying for all the unlocks like a maximum of character slots on all accounts, etc. that I've bought over time. Apparently that isn't paying either in your eyes. I wonder what is.


That said, what does payment have to do with it? I don't mind if one is free to play, a preferred player or a subscriber. They all should have an enjoyable experience, no matter their playstyle. And it shouldn't just be some solo players that think they are entitled to something or other just because they may or may not have done things or sunken loads of cash into a game.


Wow, what a great achievement! Four level 60 characters! Incredible! What do you want? A cookie? Please give Mr. Shakar a round of applause! Yay! ;)


You might understand that I don't really find it a huge achievement, considering that I myself have levelled 22 characters on one account and one server to level 60 (most solo as well except perhaps my first character, since the levelling together with others in this game is awful right now and you outlevel them pretty quickly if they miss a play session) without any XP boosts and another handful on my other accounts (not even counting the ones I levelled up with the 12x XP boost). I've also play all classes, advanced classes and the available group roles for them.

Perhaps if you had levelled up a couple of more characters, you would understand the value of the XP boost, level sync and even levelling together with other players and roleplaying through content, because you can only do the same quests so many times even in the variations given by dialogue choices before they get completely and utterly boring. And believe it or not, (role-)playing together with others can shake things up and make playing through the quests less boring as well!



Just to clarify, I'm not claiming I'm better than anyone for having done these things or shoved money up Bioware's behind, and I'm certain it also pales in comparison what others have "achieved" in the game or "paid" for it.

I'm a player just like any other. The reason why I'm posting these facts because you, Mr. Shakar - if that is actually your real name - have been talking trash about me personally (as well as others) and I thought it would be a good idea to point out the flaws in your "arguments". Perhaps it would be wiser if you had stopped and thought for a second or two or at least do some research (for example, the fun fact that you can't post on these forums without an active subscription) before making a fool out of yourself and bragging about things and making assumptions about other players that couldn't be further away from the truth and accuse them of things without any facts.


Let's get back on topic now, however.


This game is suppose to bring people together for a common goal. Enjoyment. Hence MMO. The sad fact is, that it does the exact opposite. We are real people in video game land. So real people problems arise. If yo took offence to what I said that's your right. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. PC politically correct police can go away. I was not attacking you personally nor your character, I was making a point that was missed obviously. We can banter back and forth and nothing will change. As you so freely express your likes and dislikes I too am going to do the same. Fact, most gamer's have some sort of emotional problem like super ego, or depression or a self entitlement issues. I for one probably fall under all 3. Can you say the same? Self awareness and a little humility goes a long way. I will end with this. I am in no way bullying people from anything, I'm American and believe in freedom of speech. Even if I don't agree with most of what I'm reading. I only replied to those who would do there best to push an agenda that only benefits them. I truly am only sending a message to those who would listen. Free your mind. Is the game broken? Or are the players? If this message is reported and taken down it shall surely prove my point. Have a nice day.

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My initial question was the pros of open world itself since I believe this is where contention lies on it being able to be toggled or not so I'll try only address points in regards to that ( though you may not have meant them in regards to open world ).


Pros of Level-Sync:


1. Makes lowbie content engaging for max-level characters bored of endgame activities.


Agree, though it can make some end game content more tedious also due to harder trash ( bounties, seeker, macro, holocrons are what I can think of ).


2. Allows overleveled (including max-level) characters to actively participate in lowbie content and earn decent rewards from it.


In terms of open world I've seen nothing to show the rewards are getting any sort of scaling.


3. Lowbie ganking won't be as easy.


True enough though I wish they would do away with expertise entirely in this game.


4. Resolves the stupidity inherent to the current system (being able to strip my skinny sniper bare and stand in a nest of K'lor'slugs on Korriban yet take no damage because I have a cute little number which says so).


Can't argue with that though you'll no dobut get counters saying "but my sith hazzes the force!".

In saying that having a toggle would at least give people the option if they wanted to do that ... for whatever reason.


5. Allows players to help other players level without hurting their experience gain.


Yes though this could have been an easy part of a toggle one would think. On - max exp, off no exp.


6. Gives players many more options for leveling (I can take my level 56 Commando and go level with Corellia's planet story if I want, since I've never finished it. Likewise I can take a 60 Sorcerer I don't want to level via KotFE story and instead level through sidequests on Dromund Kaas. This is a huge improvement in PLAYER CHOICE and will vastly improve our SWTOR experience).


I'm of 2 minds on this based around canon but I think they are more personal "story" based issues I have so not really worth debating with others. As a mechanic then it does indeed offer people more variety.


10. Makes World Bosses challenging even for max-level players, so they actually feel like fearsome foes.


Think I touched earlier on how this aspect could at least be easily done via toggle.


11. Allows BW to make the Gathering Skill changes they did without fear of players running right past enemies' faces and getting Gathering nodes for tons of materials.


Hadn't thought of this one, it does indeed force people to work a bit more for their nodes etc. Good point.


13. Allows BW to create future events on lowbie planets without fear of scaling issues.


True enough and optional would have caused extra issues in this regard too.


14. Allows lowbie guildmates to have (pretty much) as meaningful an impact in conquests as their greatly-overleveled buddies (assuming the lowbies aren't BELOW the level of the planet, of course).


Sort of a moot point when conquest is just going to be a PVP/GSF game now - I imagine they would all have equal chances anyway if the lower levels pop as much? I don't really do either so not sure.


15. Keeping players from blazing through lower-level Daily Areas like Ilum will very likely lower inflation, though it's hard to say by how much.


Yes though if we go back to the rewards point it could equally increase it with more easy to obtain rewards being offered compared to what you used to get from doing off level heroics.


16. High-level characters won't be able to utterly control rare/special lowbie mobs (including World Bosses) by farming them easily and selling the rare drops on the GTN.


Again could be toggled for that effect but certainly something that had to be addressed.


18. Allows BW to use the old planets for new KotFE content without having to worry about getting killed by trash mobs in KotFE related areas (since I doubt all areas will be instanced).


Not sure on this one ... during KoTFE we are level 65 and whatever power comes with it. As I understand going back to old world we are effectively time traveling outside of story. Thus if story KoTFE stuff was made on old planets I would think it would still need be at 65?

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If SirCopperfield was still here he would be mad jealous of your "skills" idnewton.
I hold this conversation under my thumb with truth, logic, and rational thought. SirCopperfield would be right to feel jealous, as he was never anything more than a troll, and a petty one at that.



A select few people in this thread have made any valid arguments against my points, and those people (like MeNaCe-NZ) have earned my respect and have helped move the conversation in a constructive direction.


Both of the players at the time of this post who had the guts to address my list of Level-Sync benefits without having a lot of very important KotFE info were unconstructive fools who I showed to have based many of their points purely on ego, ignorance, and trollish behavior. They were dismissed in the way their actions deserved: firmly.


I value players who make valuable arguments, and I ridicule and embarrass players who are here to fight and to wound the game and to flash their egos. This thread, like all threads starting with a gold post (among others as well, of course) exists to improve the game, and I personally will not tolerate players who aren't here for that reason.


This does not mean I will not tolerate players with opposing viewpoints (an example would be Rujopetteri). However, if you want me to care, you ought to present your points with logic and reason, rather than troll tactics, ignorance, fake information, guesswork, and an inadequate understanding of the English language. :p

Edited by idnewton
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There is one propaganda machine hard at work to force these changes down our throats. I wonder why? I am leaving this game and its due to poor decision making. One difference between I and those who be, is this simple fact. I can let go. Last word anyone?
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But you did anyway, and the only way you were "able" to is by lacking common sense and KotFE information and thus essentially ignoring half my points because of a single word I chose to use which apparently you don't understand. "Allows" doesn't mean guesswork and it doesn't mean there's no proof. If you don't care enough to address each of my points, I don't care enough to address each of yours. However, I will point out the key reasons why your post doesn't matter.


That's a bold claim, considering you haven't even verified your information. Let's see just how much trouble that arrogance gets you into.


The rewards aren't relevant to this point. This point refers to the fact that your character's effective level will be roughly equivalent to that of the enemies you fight, and therefore the content will feel engaging even as a max-level character doing lowbie stuff.


You don't even know what proven or not because you haven't bothered to educate yourself on the topic. Overleveled/Max-level characters are able to actively participate in lowbie content, and it gives rewards based on your level, including credits, so it is an alternative to farming daily mission. Most likely, the missions will give gear of your character's level even if the mobs you kill do not. ("Most likely" is the type of phrase you should look for when trying to identify speculation, not "allows" :rolleyes: This last sentence is speculation, as I have made blatantly obvious. The rest is not.)


You don't even know what goes on in SWTOR. The only reason this comment exists is because you felt compelled to address every point I made, regardless of whether or not your response has any merit.


No, it isn't. The only reason you're saying that is because you're too lazy to write a unique comment for this point, so you just copy/pasted the one from last point.


I am idnewton, for crying out loud. Do you seriously think I'm going to let you get away with such a stupid statement?(Source) As proven, these areas and the missions pertaining to them were DESIGNED to be done by groups. You haven't had to deal with that reality because technically they've become broken (from the original intent). Now they're fixed, and you'll just have to deal with the game the way it was intended to work. Furthermore, the comment that "everything bioware has done lately is geared to solo content" is just downright pathetic. Obviously, all changes to Heroic Missions are group-focused, all rebalancing and restructuring of operations is group-focused, and flashpoint changes (excluding solo modes) such as tactical flashpoints and level bracket changes are group-focused.


THIS IS CONFIRMED INFORMATION. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, ignoramus.


Conquests are won through manpower. Small guilds should be doing small guild things, and big guilds should be doing big guild things. Your point is just as bad as saying "all operations are harmful to small guilds because small guilds don't have enough people to complete these operations and therefore miss out on conquest points and/or PvE progression." Those are the things you sacrifice by being in a small guild. Choices have consequences. Why do I have to explain this to you? I feel like I'm your parent or something, here. :rolleyes:


You are such an idiot... AGAIN, THIS IS CONFIRMED INFORMATION!!! Do your research!!!


You've never seen any of the threads where Double-XP weeks/weekends were announced? Players were always complaining that they wanted to be able to turn it off. The "White Acute Module" item for the Epic Story XP buff exists because of the clamoring of this portion of the playerbase. If I didn't see you here I'd question whether you've ever used the forums.


I'd argue that an understanding of economics comes into play in 15 as well, when someone responds to that pointwith a comment as clueless as this:However, rabbit trail aside, your point is still wrong, especially since your own supporting evidence disagrees with it. By allowing max-level characters to control the spawn of rare lowbie mobs and farm them, these select few players can and will control the market (as time has shown). With Level-Sync, lowbie players can kill these mobs with roughly equal effectiveness, thus negating the inherent advantage of using a max-level character to do so. This will in turn increase the number of sellers on the market and, as you stated, this will cause a drop in prices.


The same old copy/pasted comment as before. Speculative benefits are just as important as immediate benefits. Do you seriously think that the Cartel-Market-sold companion idea is stupid just because the only one we've seen evidence of is an Akk Dog? The potential is unbelievable, allowing them to give us companions like Bastila Shan, Atton Rand, generic Republic and Imperial troopers, generic Jedi and Sith, generic Mandalorians, all sorts of different animals, maybe even characters from our class stories that we couldn't get as companions. Do you have any long-term vision? When the Cartel Market first came out, did you criticize its item list because it was so minimal, not even realizing the potential for the vault of Cartel Market items we have access to now? Denying the potential of a feature is the action of a fool.Yup, looks about right.


I find debating with you pointless, your responses are between pushing propaganda and childish name calling.

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I hold this conversation under my thumb with truth, logic, and rational thought. SirCopperfield would be right to feel jealous, as he was never anything more than a troll, and a petty one at that.



A select few people in this thread have made any valid arguments against my points, and those people (like MeNaCe-NZ) have earned my respect and have helped move the conversation in a constructive direction.


Both of the players at the time of this post who had the guts to address my list of Level-Sync benefits without having a lot of very important KotFE info were unconstructive fools who I showed to have based many of their points purely on ego, ignorance, and trollish behavior. They were dismissed in the way their actions deserved: firmly.


I value players who make valuable arguments, and I ridicule and embarrass players who are here to fight and to wound the game and to flash their egos. This thread, like all threads starting with a gold post (among others as well, of course) exists to improve the game, and I personally will not tolerate players who aren't here for that reason.


This does not mean I will not tolerate players with opposing viewpoints (an example would be Rujopetteri). However, if you want me to care, you ought to present your points with logic and reason, rather than troll tactics, ignorance, fake information, guesswork, and an inadequate understanding of the English language. :p


Please. The only person you're embarrassing is yourself. You are simply too long winded and full of yourself to realize it. You've reacted with childish rebuke toward nearly everyone who has posted an opinion differing from your own, resorting even to name calling and trollish behavior, yourself. You consider yourself some sort of authority based on your own speculation and opinion on what someone of actual authority on the matter has written. This does NOT make you 'right'. I am done with you, and this thread. Feel free to post whatever you might consider a 'witty and intelligent' reply, I won't see it.

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My initial question was the pros of open world itself since I believe this is where contention lies on it being able to be toggled or not so I'll try only address points in regards to that ( though you may not have meant them in regards to open world ).




Agree, though it can make some end game content more tedious also due to harder trash ( bounties, seeker, macro, holocrons are what I can think of ).




In terms of open world I've seen nothing to show the rewards are getting any sort of scaling.




True enough though I wish they would do away with expertise entirely in this game.




Can't argue with that though you'll no dobut get counters saying "but my sith hazzes the force!".

In saying that having a toggle would at least give people the option if they wanted to do that ... for whatever reason.




Yes though this could have been an easy part of a toggle one would think. On - max exp, off no exp.




I'm of 2 minds on this based around canon but I think they are more personal "story" based issues I have so not really worth debating with others. As a mechanic then it does indeed offer people more variety.




Think I touched earlier on how this aspect could at least be easily done via toggle.




Hadn't thought of this one, it does indeed force people to work a bit more for their nodes etc. Good point.




True enough and optional would have caused extra issues in this regard too.




Sort of a moot point when conquest is just going to be a PVP/GSF game now - I imagine they would all have equal chances anyway if the lower levels pop as much? I don't really do either so not sure.




Yes though if we go back to the rewards point it could equally increase it with more easy to obtain rewards being offered compared to what you used to get from doing off level heroics.




Again could be toggled for that effect but certainly something that had to be addressed.




Not sure on this one ... during KoTFE we are level 65 and whatever power comes with it. As I understand going back to old world we are effectively time traveling outside of story. Thus if story KoTFE stuff was made on old planets I would think it would still need be at 65?


I'll be focusing on the points where there's disagreement or question, naturally, as any place that there's agreement... there's agreement :D


My initial question was the pros of open world itself since I believe this is where contention lies on it being able to be toggled or not so I'll try only address points in regards to that ( though you may not have meant them in regards to open world ).
Perhaps, but I felt that I might as well list whatever came to mind :p


Agree, though it can make some end game content more tedious also due to harder trash ( bounties, seeker, macro, holocrons are what I can think of ).
Perhaps, but it's a small price to pay IMO since that isn't a big part of endgame (especially datacrons now that they'll be legacy-unlocked).


In terms of open world I've seen nothing to show the rewards are getting any sort of scaling.
I don't know about items, but I know the credit and experience rewards will scale to the actual level (rather than effective level) of the player who completes the quest.


True enough though I wish they would do away with expertise entirely in this game.
Yeah. I've never seen an anti-expertise argument that made sense, until I saw yours. It's actually a really good idea, but unfortunately with less than 3 weeks until the effective release of KotFE, it's unlikely to happen unless that's already their plan (by effective release, I mean early access, and the reason I call it the 'effective release' is because that's when all the files are being downloaded; that's when all the game-wide changes are happening, regardless of KotFE ownership or not).


Can't argue with that though you'll no dobut get counters saying "but my sith hazzes the force!".
Hahaha oh I have... I might take the time to compile a list, just for a good laugh.


In saying that having a toggle would at least give people the option if they wanted to do that ... for whatever reason.
Well, that toggle option is the real trick, y'know...


Yes though this could have been an easy part of a toggle one would think. On - max exp, off no exp.
I always thought it was a stupid idea. This just happens to be the instance where they break away from that idiotic mentality.


I'm of 2 minds
What a boss! :D


I'm of 2 minds on this based around canon but I think they are more personal "story" based issues I have so not really worth debating with others. As a mechanic then it does indeed offer people more variety.
I don't like the idea of being forced to level on certain planets during certain levels. My class's Chapter 1 contact (with the ship terminal) even says I could go to Balmorra/Taris or Nar Shaddaa, or to Tatooine or Alderaan, and yet usually people will go to Balmorra/Taris first, and to Tatooine first. Does the dialog change if you do this? It actually does! Did you know that? The way the current system works, most people never will. How sad is that :(


Think I touched earlier on how this aspect could at least be easily done via toggle.
Yes. You did. However, going from the current system to mandatory Level-Sync, this is a benefit. Is it also a benefit of your proposed version of optional Level-Sync? Yes, it is.


Hadn't thought of this one, it does indeed force people to work a bit more for their nodes etc. Good point.
I have to say, I do love this benefit, because of the way it's allowed BW to change Gathering skills :)


True enough and optional would have caused extra issues in this regard too.
Yes. Essentially, this would allow them to make a Rakghoul-Plague-type event without forcing it to be instanced or forcing mobs to be level 25 or forcing mobs to absorb 100% damage for your first attack. This is just a solid long-term QoL improvement that we won't see the benefits of immediately. They'll come in time, though.


Sort of a moot point when conquest is just going to be a PVP/GSF game now - I imagine they would all have equal chances anyway if the lower levels pop as much? I don't really do either so not sure.
I don't know, with all the emphasis they've given to Heroic missions it seems like that'll be a pretty big part of Conquest too. Granted I think Heroic missions are becoming weekly completions, but that just means that the more characters you have in the guild, the more you'll be able to run them.


Yes though if we go back to the rewards point it could equally increase it with more easy to obtain rewards being offered compared to what you used to get from doing off level heroics.
Yes, with the credit reward scaling this would make these dailies meaningful. However, players wouldn't be able to blaze through them at the speed they currently can.


Again could be toggled for that effect but certainly something that had to be addressed.
Eh, easier said than done. It could function in the same way as World Bosses in the system you described, however it'd be awfully strange for you to be questing and suddenly you've activated an unexpected system, and you're like "oh, it's one of those clearly-special mobs, I have to treat this differently". I don't know, it just doesn't seem like the ideal reaction or the ideal solution.


Not sure on this one ... during KoTFE we are level 65 and whatever power comes with it. As I understand going back to old world we are effectively time traveling outside of story. Thus if story KoTFE stuff was made on old planets I would think it would still need be at 65?
On the contrary, it would have to be at the level of the planet, as all mobs will need to be (like Alderaan Bonus Series mobs, like Base Guards, etc), otherwise you'd be force-synced down to, say, 28 (ie: Tatooine; I presume this is the sync level of that planet, at least) but your enemies would still be 65. I don't know if they said they're using old planets for KotFE stuff... I think they said they are, but I can't remember where I saw/read/heard that, so don't consider it as fact at this point. I would certainly love to see something like that, for sure.
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Level-Sync CANNOT be toggleable, it would absolutely destroy the game. If it's toggleable, the entire purpose of the feature is lost. Not only that, everyone with the feature toggled on will be insta-kicked from Heroic groups. If it's toggleable, base raiding will be ruined because base guards will HAVE to be 65 to defend against players with the feature toggled off, yet players with it on will have no chance whatsoever against base guards on lower-level planets. If it's toggleable, everyone with it toggled on will be insta-ganked in Open World PvP (events, Outlaw's Den, etc). The only way to make this feature toggleable would be make it semi-permanently toggleable by separating every single server into two servers, one for Level-Sync and one for non-Level-Sync. However, this would still destroy the game because guilds would be split down the middle, breaking apart raid groups and player communities. Besides, the community simply is not large enough to halve every server; there just aren't enough players. There are hardly enough as it is, on some servers.


You're completely right; why should we have any expectation that, despite the already-demonstrated capability of the game to force your PvP flag on when you enter PvP areas or an area belonging to another faction, that the developers would be able to figure out how to make the game force your level-sync flag on when you enter an area belonging to another faction?


Unfortunately, doing this right is considerably more complicated than settting up a "When you go to [planet], your abilities are all scaled to [level], because to make it fair for players who, despite being on a PvP server, are not engaging in PvP activities, the server would need to dynamically set the level-sync flag and scale players when they engage in a PvP action. Based on 30+ years as a programmer, I can see in broad strokes how this would need to be implemented; based on my observation of the 'progress' of the game, though, I expect that Bioware took the simple, crude, brute-force approach so that they could devote the bulk of the developers' time to building fully-fleshed out stories for each class in the new expansion... ummm... to creating new operations and flashpoints for end-game group contact... ummm... get severance packages and look for employment elsewhere?

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People who are against the standardization of companions, I hear you. I think this is a poor idea IF it is done in the manner you think.


What do I mean by that? Well, we're technically assuming that they mean these abilities will be standardized in every way. They might be, but they also might not be. For example, I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) that there are companion abilities which look different and are named different but have the same effect. For example, Tharan's Holiday and Mako's Electro-stun-thingy. Effectively the same ability. Visually completely different.


Again, maybe they do mean by standardization that they're making all companions have the same visuals for their abilities. But they could instead mean that they're simply standardizing the effectiveness of abilities yet retaining the unique visuals.


Just food for thought -- I don't think we can know right now (unless someone's on the PTS and has the guts to break the NDA, which would be awfully stupid :D)

Edited by idnewton
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Level sync is problematic.


But what if I want to come back to an older area and feel vastly overpowered?

I always hate it in games where the enemies level up with me and this is essentially that except reversed I'm being limited by the area I'm in. The problem I see with this is that the levels I gain become pointless if they don't award an advantage (even if that advantage is being overpowered compared to surroundings) and also my sense of progression will be stunted as it will seem that I'm not getting any more powerful than I was than when I started the game (other than more abilities and flashier gear). I want to be able to come back to an earlier area and go exploring and while doing that come across an enemy that gave me grief and just stomp his face to the planets core with ease, that gives a satisfying (at least for me) sense of progression.

Also what if I already have achieved maximum level in the game? What then? Currently I'm at the maximum level on my main character (and not from max on my 15 alts) in the game and also my legacy is at the maximum level, what point would there be for me to have my level synced when I come back to an earlier world if I can't get any more experience at all?


So please I would ask that you add an item to the CC market, the fleet that disables the level reducer on planets or possibly to the legacy unlock at max legacy level that either turns excess experience into credits and/or increased drop rate of better quality items or turns off the level sync when a character reaches max class level.

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You're completely right; why should we have any expectation that, despite the already-demonstrated capability of the game to force your PvP flag on when you enter PvP areas or an area belonging to another faction, that the developers would be able to figure out how to make the game force your level-sync flag on when you enter an area belonging to another faction?


Unfortunately, doing this right is considerably more complicated than settting up a "When you go to [planet], your abilities are all scaled to [level], because to make it fair for players who, despite being on a PvP server, are not engaging in PvP activities, the server would need to dynamically set the level-sync flag and scale players when they engage in a PvP action. Based on 30+ years as a programmer, I can see in broad strokes how this would need to be implemented; based on my observation of the 'progress' of the game, though, I expect that Bioware took the simple, crude, brute-force approach so that they could devote the bulk of the developers' time to building fully-fleshed out stories for each class in the new expansion... ummm... to creating new operations and flashpoints for end-game group contact... ummm... get severance packages and look for employment elsewhere?

There are specific points that haven't been addressed, but the overarching one has:
I am still not supporting non-mandatory Level-Sync, but I am agreeing that there are ways to implement certain parts of it as optional. However, as I have said, by doing this, most of the pros are lost.
I really should list why I'm for level sync, rather than simply why most of the cons aren't of substance. Guess I know what post I'm making next :p
Which pros did you have in mind
Guess it's time to list the pros. I'll put this in its own post so I can easily refer to it.
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Except that content was designed to be group content. Those stronghold decorations were meant to be EARNED through GROUP CONTENT, which until 4.0 hasn't really functioned the way group content should. The current system does not line up with the fundamental philosophy of game, and as a result you have gotten used to the corrupt and broken version of SWTOR. This is a return to the fundamental principles of the game. You may not like it, but this is returning to the way the game was meant to work.


This is the reason that we will never agree. Your view is that currently the game is 'corrupt and broken'. I dont feel that it is.

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I just wanted to put my opinion out there as well, I am not a fan of the Level Sync feature at least as I understand it at this point. Primarily I think it falsely makes the assumption of why you may be in a particular area/planet. If you are there for another reason other than the first/primary reason of leveling, such as exploring, achievement hunting, codex entry hunting, datacrons, bonus series, etc, then you are at a disadvantage. I understand that each of these areas/intentions may be addressable or modified in some fashion, but then it seems you are forcing a feature/idea to work that isn't really fitting. Most of the other changes seem interesting, but this one in particular seems fairly awful. I've been a subscriber since Beta, so since I'm giving my money to this game I wanted to make sure and put my opinion out there.
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It hasn't been stated very clearly if the companion will match the character's level. I wish they would do that.


Except - it has been stated - a LOT. In the live streams. in the blogs. Every time they addressed the changes to companions they reiterated this.


YES your companions will level with you. They will be on par with your character's level throughout the game.

Edited by Faelandaea
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It might be in the streams but whenever I tried to access that, all I saw was a counter going on and nothing else. So I had to go by the *written word*. Which was not very well communicated.


That helps to know it will match the level of my toons. Only thing I haven't figured out is if the mods and adaptive armor still work on characters. Not everyone can see those streams.

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Honestly If I wanted something like the level sync I'd go play Guild Wars 2. If I'm over leveled I don't want trash mobs to be a challenge. I worked hard to get as powerful as I am so I could walk through the mooks swatting them down how ever I felt like.


Level Sync to me says it doesn't matter how big you are we want you at THIS power level to go into this area no matter what YOU(The player) wants. If I'm paying for a game don't slap me in the face and tell me how I want to play the game is wrong unless I'm breaking the EULA/Rules.

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I have no issues with stats or companion changes, those are good.


But that level sync crap? That is the worst thing you can do. It really should be optional not to mention its easily exploitable. Its like these devs have never played Guild Wars series or other games with this, what happens is you have jerks that sit in newbie areas mass killing mobs and holding up legitimately playing players from completing missions.


Sure, maybe for the first month they might bother to monitor this problem and ban people, but i can promise in the long haul, these kinds of mass killing bots are going to get away with it, because full time policing of bots is not something these companies want to pay for. Not to mention, sure you report them, but until a CSR can be arsed to do something about it, these people will just keep it up, it could take hours before something is done, if ever.

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Tossing in my two cents about the Level Sync, which is the only thing I'm not okay with. Mandatory Level Sync is one huge reason why I stopped playing Guild Wars 2. Any progress I've made is basically null and void when returning to old areas (planets). Those tiny k'lor'slugs on Korriban? Still going to be a minor threat because even though I'm technically level 60, to them, I'm level 5. Why bother levelling up if everything in the earliest parts of the game will be just as difficult as corresponding parts in the late game?
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