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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Never had one in the last 3+ years. Highly consistent, clearly.


Then I highly suggest joining a pay to survey site to increase that consistency. If you thought I was talking about some weekly newsletter survey, you can stop checking the spam box of your email. EA sends out surveys regarding their games through third party survey companies to gather a wide range of gamer data regarding updates to their games & new releases and has been for years. Not too informed on company dealings, clearly. :rolleyes:

Edited by Aeristash
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I know it wasn't directed at me, but whether his threats are empty or otherwise, trolling him doesn't add anything to the discussion.


To be honest, this multi-thread has had its best time a long time ago. It's all just regurgitation and further nonesense. I don't think anything sensible can come out of this anymore. But I wouldn't call calling someone's bluff trolling per se.

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Actually the obvious community majority as shown by this thread about the changes has been positive about the level sync. This thread is feedback about the release info that was just given. Being on the main page it gets a broader base of people to draw from and the majority seem to be fine with it. Of course eventually it will be derailed by a vocal minority demanding change but overall it has been positive.



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To be honest, this multi-thread has had its best time a long time ago. It's all just regurgitation and further nonesense. I don't think anything sensible can come out of this anymore. But I wouldn't call calling someone's bluff trolling per se.


What bluff?


I dislike this not being optional but hell, I'm more pissed that blizz will possibly lose his rocket launcher. That makes me sad.

Edited by Quraswren
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You know what? I read all of the threads since before they were merged, and care to guess what's wrong with your logic here? Allow me to spell it out for you, this blog and the stream weren't out yet when people started freaking out. After the stream went live, people were complaining about losing all their abilities, and now that the blog's out, the last thing I saw quoted from it before I posted the whole level sync section was one line about killing mobs. When you pull one line out of a document, and comment on that, it's called cherry picking. That's exactly what was done.


You can feel free to rationalize it, or justify it however you see fit, but let's not rewrite the language to support your Vision of Doom, ok?


I've no idea if your getting me mixed if with somebody or just completely misunderstanding, I have no vision of doom.


I cannot speak for anybody else, and can't comment if people were freaking out about this (and freaking out about things that aren't happening like losing abilities) before it was even announced because I wasn't aware of that (I rarely came to the forums before this was announced). I came here and started voicing my opinion after it was announced in the stream, and based on what was announced in the stream (and confirmed in the blog post)


Since the stream was broadcast I have seen a great number of arguments both for and against this system as it was presented. Even if people were worrying about losing abilities before the stream, just because that concern has been relieved, it doesn't nullify all the other arguments that still apply.

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Point is, you win some and you lose some.


The new kids also don't have to worry about gearing companions, for example.


So maybe a couple of things are more tedious for them, if they even experience it as such, and other things are less tedious for them. .


But it doesn't have to be that way. We can have the cake and eat is too. If it optional we can reap the benefits it provides, without any of the downsides of it being mandatory.

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Please name a single reason it's bad, outside of one-shoting. Money farming? The only place to spend credits is GTN anyway, and its prices are determined by money farm to begin with. What else? It's a serious question, i want to know.


All the other reasons that have been quoted many times in this thread, I am bored of having to repeat myself.

Money farming, achievements, farming for a particular item, decorations, rp, just seeing the content, exploration, there are a few off the top of my head.


It's about options. If I could choose to turn this on to see content as it was originally designed, great, because sometimes I want that, and I'm not denying the benefit of this system. Other times I don't want this on and want to enjoy the full power of the character I have levelled and geared.

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I have experienced level sync in Guild Wars 2 and it sucks.


Don't do that ****. If levels no longer matter the way they do now, just remove them altogether and turn the game into Force Unleashed online... no use for half measures...

Edited by Kaedusz
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That's me and youtube, I never go there on purpose, but if someone links a video of something, I might not come out for three days...


tvtropes, youtube, wikipedia all shame the same theme. You go in at 11pm to look at one thing before bed and come out 6 hours later having been viewing/reading something completely unrelated with no idea how the original item lead to it.

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I know it wasn't directed at me, but whether his threats are empty or otherwise, trolling him doesn't add anything to the discussion.


I agree with you ZavienUK. I think some other people just want to belittle and shutdown the other person to stop them from talking, because the latter happens to be emotional, or don't like their points...


Me? I know that millions of people are emotional. They do emotional life decisions that aren't logical, like, say, smoking, that can KILL YOU, yet they still do it.


If people can do that IRL, they will do emotional decisions / reactions about a game. Saying "be logical" will not work, but, as per the above, feel free to try. And I'm in that emotional bucket. "And... loving it... " if kids these days get the reference...


I'd give IRL "emotional decision" examples of my life, but if people can tell me they don't believe my in game SWTOR experience examples, they certainly won't believe the IRL ones...

Edited by DalrisThane
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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... .


So much wrong with this post...


1. Forum posters make up a tiny fraction of players.


2. People are 5 to 6 time more likely to complain about something they don't like than something they do.


3. Not even all the forum posters are against this. Many are neutral and many, like myself, LIKE this idea.



The majority you perceive is only obvious to you. In reality we have no way to really know what the opinion is towards this idea, though the player count after it rolls out will be a good indication, at least for Bioware.

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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... Copious amount of threads showing the distaste of it. So much so that the threads all had to be compiled into one thread. The one thread that is in support of the level sync, " level sync = revival of swtor" has 5-6 times less replies and support for it.


The question is why not implement this in a way to get feedback before actually putting it in game? A poll, pts, etc... Would have done the job, but it is interesting to see that bioware claims they are giving the community what we want, but it clearly isn't the majority they are listening to, or even their own community. Though this may be something they wanted to test and see how ppl react and if it is not well received they may get rid of it, it is quite obvious, the reaction is not positive.


Many questions still are uncertain about level sync such as:

GSI quest

Story missions requiring to go back to lower level planets

Bounty contracts

Events (Gree/Rak)

Etc.... The list goes on


How will level sync work with these in detail? All we were told is what it does in general, " you are scaled to the max level for that planet...", as stated in stream many many many times. But no details that actually needed to be addressed were addressed for whatever reason. The dodge method.


The majority of players are not on the swtor forums. The majority of players in any mmorpg players never visit the official forums. This is a fact. The title of your thread is incorrect.

Edited by Knockerz
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To be honest, this multi-thread has had its best time a long time ago. It's all just regurgitation and further nonesense. I don't think anything sensible can come out of this anymore. But I wouldn't call calling someone's bluff trolling per se.


Your right on the first point, and fair point on the second. It is probably time to back away from this thread, but I don't want Bioware thinking when this thread quietens down we don't care anymore. There is no point beating a dead horse, so if this is still mandatory in 6months I won't still be going on about it, but it doesn't mean it no longer bothers me.

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Ok so you want this game to be an arcade...




Now lets talk about YOUR thoughts.


You want level 60 to be downgraded to 15?

Ok, troll. Now explain why i should even BOTHER to level and gear up my character?

Isn't this is a damn essence of ALL MMORPG?

To grow Stronger.


Now let's see what you want and support:


You leveled character to 60. Geared him in token gear just to be... downgraded.

Tell me, troll - what's the point of WHOLE LEVELING system then?


But i guess you didn't even bother to think before posting sh*t.


No response could make you sound less like the actual troll here, and more like an intelligible person. You really should fix your brain, the brainwaves are being obstructed by something. :rak_03:



What's the point of leveling your character? To do end game content and story missions, you hingus. The game doesn't bring you up from level 20 to 65. You level and gear for end game. With the level sync you are now able to actually do older content, because it's now relevant. You know how freaking bad it's gotten? Dreadtooth is a joke. 2-3 people can faceroll the hell out of him. 4 people can do the 50 ops on NiM and get the speedrun. Now the rest of the game isn't just some boring monotonous faceroll and as a 60 it allows for some fun to be had taking on heroics and older world bosses.

Edited by DeltaaXx
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Lots of people DO want this. My girlfriend and I are going to start playing again as this will make it drastically easier to play together.


Your vocal minority is acknowledged.


We know that, and everybody here recognises that, we are not asking for the system to not exist because it does bring benefits. We are simply asking for it to be optional.

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OK, then, don't. No one cares but you.


That is an unhelpful reply that adds nothing to the discussion. The poster makes a valid point that this change neuters the point of levelling and gearing your character. And lots of people care about that.

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