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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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No. Its the prelude to "You made a statement and have no idea what you mean by it". :rolleyes:


I know exactly what I mean, if levels were such an important part of mmo gaming, they would never end. But all they do is serve as a content gate, which is a pretty pointless purpose.

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Are the developers actually caring about the opinion of the players ??

Nearly all players have a negative attitude towards this "feature"...

Hope they care at least a bit, and make this "feature" optional.


Not sure if you're trolling or just delusional, but clearly nobody here can know what "nearly all players" want or like, so get real. BW does listen to players, but since people have different opinions on just about everything, they can't give everybody what they want. Just because they're not giving you what you want, doesn't mean they didn't listen. They heard you, but just doesn't automatically mean they'll do what you ask.

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I know exactly what I mean, if levels were such an important part of mmo gaming, they would never end. But all they do is serve as a content gate, which is a pretty pointless purpose.


Content gating is not pointless. And endless levels do not serve the purpose they are intended for.

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From a business point of view this is a massive nail in the coffin for this game. MMOs to survive need to cater for casual gamers, who have too many commitments to devote time to grouping, and just want an outlet to relax while they have time. This game seriously cannot afford to lose subcribers they don't have an abundance of them, and there are far too many less restrictive free to play games to compete with. Riding on the coattails of the upcoming "Star Wars" movie won't last long if you annoy customers, leave well alone in my opinion because I highly doubt it'll end well.
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From a business point of view this is a massive nail in the coffin for this game. MMOs to survive need to cater for casual gamers, who have too many commitments to devote time to grouping, and just want an outlet to relax while they have time. This game seriously cannot afford to lose subcribers they don't have an abundance of them, and there are far too many less restrictive free to play games to compete with. Riding on the coattails of the upcoming "Star Wars" movie won't last long if you annoy customers, leave well alone in my opinion because I highly doubt it'll end well.


Complete nonesense...this is all based on this rampant fantasy that being level-synced suddenly makes it hard to do the content. As we saw in the video they showed, a down-leveled character still very easily kills mobs because he's still more powerful than a character who is actually of that level.


Yeh you might have to pay attention to what you're doing a bit, but then with a geared healer companion, which is always possible now, even that might be a non-issue most of the time.


I think I might test that when it goes live. I will go to say Tatooine or Alderaan with a level 60+ character and see when I attack mobs and just let my companion do all the work, how often I would actually have to intervene to not die. I have this feeling it's not going to take much.

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Are the developers actually caring about the opinion of the players ??

Nearly all players have a negative attitude towards this "feature"...

Hope they care at least a bit, and make this "feature" optional.


No I don't think they do...

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The devs want level sync in order to slow down player progress through content, and increase times to farm loot. Because the longer it takes players to do activity X, the longer they will tend to stay subbed, and also more likely to spend money on QoL convenience items once they are introduced.


This slowed progression time combats customer churn and buys the devs more time to content create. Do I like a non-optional level sync? Hell no! I worked hard to get where I am and I want to do things that, while they may be easy, are still enjoyable to me. My time is precious and I hate the fact that they have essentially made everything I do now a lot more time consuming.


That line of thinking backfired in WoW with no flying in the latest expansion. They hemoraged subs. In WoW they can afford that and still keep the servers open. In SWTOR, not so much. If the gamble backfires they, and us as players, are in trouble.

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Are the developers actually caring about the opinion of the players ??

Nearly all players have a negative attitude towards this "feature"...

Hope they care at least a bit, and make this "feature" optional.


LMAO@Nearly all the players.



Developers do listen, but that does not mean they should act on it. Negative feedback is just that, The few people making a uproar about this change should not be cater too. Until we got to test it, and give feedback on it. Feedback of "I hate it" or "I quit" or even "This ruins the game for me." Is not feedback worth hearing until we tried it.


If WildStar taught me anything it is that MMO players don't know what they want. They say they want this, but when they get it. They start not to like it. Developers should stay true to what they want, and only change if it causes problems with the plans they have. Right now 4.0 is shaping to be what SWTOR needs, and yes this change is a good one as well.

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From a business point of view this is a massive nail in the coffin for this game. MMOs to survive need to cater for casual gamers, who have too many commitments to devote time to grouping, and just want an outlet to relax while they have time. This game seriously cannot afford to lose subcribers they don't have an abundance of them, and there are far too many less restrictive free to play games to compete with. Riding on the coattails of the upcoming "Star Wars" movie won't last long if you annoy customers, leave well alone in my opinion because I highly doubt it'll end well.


Who says this change does not cater to casuals? I am sorry what? Causal does not mean you are bad. Also we saw the guy soloing heroic stuff. The game and stuff has changed. It does not mean it is bad move. It does not mean they are force grouping.


Not enough facts to make a judgement call like this. All the Doom and Gloom means very little until we tested it ourselves. If this works it will be better for the game, and the few people we lose now means very little to the ones coming back.

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LMAO@Nearly all the players.



Developers do listen, but that does not mean they should act on it. Negative feedback is just that, The few people making a uproar about this change should not be cater too. Until we got to test it, and give feedback on it. Feedback of "I hate it" or "I quit" or even "This ruins the game for me." Is not feedback worth hearing until we tried it.


If WildStar taught me anything it is that MMO players don't know what they want. They say they want this, but when they get it. They start not to like it. Developers should stay true to what they want, and only change if it causes problems with the plans they have. Right now 4.0 is shaping to be what SWTOR needs, and yes this change is a good one as well.


Lol. Flyiing in Draenor. Or maybe you don't know what that means.


This is *********** NGE.

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Lol. Flyiing in Draenor. Or maybe you don't know what that means.


This is *********** NGE.


Flying also did not kill Draenor. Players are willing to give up flying if the world felt savage, and the design was better. They failed to live up to what played felt was a fair trade for flying. Draenor issues are all piled on. It is not just flying.



Also NGE did not kill SWG. NGE came out, It still had 6+ years life. The very fact that they had to do NGE because the old SWG was bad enough that it could not stay on its own. NGE will never happen because F2P model helped a lot. People are willing to come back because they don't have to pay a fee to do it. Unlike SWG where people drop and moved on. Not willing to pay money to try the changes. (and many would argue NGE gave more content and more to do than the older SWG.)



My points stand.

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I am against it. :(

But the point is, nobody really likes to see their health/stats/damage/healing go up and down like a jojo.

I think the system has potential if they rechanged your health to 1 health/stat number across all the planets (in this way you can avoid confusion about your stats and avoid the feeling you loose something you worked (hard) for).

And as 2nd option if that is too much work then I would simply delete the silly and weird ability all our characters have when they are +5-10 levels higher then mobs they fight with, those abilities are called ''avoid/parried/deflect/dodge'' (I think! I am not sure anymore what all the names are).

If you are even higher then 10+ levels then you get unkilleable for mobs, it is almost like a cheat code. If you remove those ''avoid'' abilities and keep the stats then you get a bit more challenging fights from low level mobs but you can keep and enjoy the stats you worked hard for, especially at endgame level 60-65. There is for a lot of players otherwise no craving anymore to get best gear, or otherwise if you keep level sync then what is the point of even getting the best armor, the only thing you do it is to maintain at every level that you have the best stats to get buffed to the best stats everytime on lower level planets. I understand they want to give low level planets a boost, but the way they do it now is weird and will not be loved by a lot of people I am afraid.

Like I said it needs some redisign and once that is done they should ask us if we like it, by asking us to vote in a poll.

Much better then just to say nothing and suddenly surprise us with this 2,5 weeks before early access.




I stopped reading after that sentence. You =/= Everyone. Change it to "I don't like to see my health ..etc." Then we can talk. Unnecessary generalizing and dramatizing doesn't give pros nor cons of the change.

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Didn't play KOTOR? The game that this is the spiritual successor to? KOTOR fans play this game too.


Also this is the only Star Wars MMO, so it's not like there's completion for fans to play elsewhere.


The point I'm making is it's a bit of a laugh for Bioware to be like, "Yep, majority voted for Cathar" when the majority would most likely have a lot more experience with the species in all the other media, like the films all this is based on (and to a lesser extent the two Clone Wars). Cathar don't appear there once. Most of the others appear in spades.


So I mean, even Bioware's version of a "majority" is skewed as hell.



You're right we don't. My 86%/100% might have been snark, but the point was you made that number up to fit your needs. And your circle of friends biases you.


Except I also have said, repeatedly, that I didn't just ask my "circle of friends", I asked anyone on Fleet who'd talk about it. And I watched and "listened" (well read) when other people had conversations in general.


What I saw was a lot of unhappy people, and a handful of people saying it was good. And not Joe Schmoe harping on for an hour by himself either.



Whether majority or minority, it's still a boatload of people upset by it.

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The solo story play has been around since the game launched. SW, Agent, Jedi Knight, etc THOSE ARE SOLO STORIES! If you and your boyfriend were both playing Jedi Knights, you would have to do the Jedi Knight story twice. It's been like that since launch. Same with the STORY part of KOTFE. It's solo story.


Out in the open zone, doing planet quests and side quests, events and the like you can group up with your boyfriend until you two get tired of each other.


This level sync is completely different. It's not 'oh I'm playing with my BF now, yay' it's a matter of 'okay do I want to be gimp and play with newbs or do I want to retain my level I earned and decide if I want to play with newbs.'


Apples and oranges, girlie. I'm sorry to say.


Since you seem to dismiss anyone that wants other options than something you want, I truly hope they do not give an option to this as you have shown exactly what you are like. Your attitude is condescending and rude and therefore you don't need the option to opt out.



So sorry my support is on the other side while I was in the camp I didn't really care but when you dismiss others that request an option, you don't deserve the option you have requested.


So No to optional option.


So as you have basically told someone "Deal with it."


And on that note Goodbye.

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This seems to be the issue I see people have if they object to the mandatory down level. It's anecdotal, yes, just people whom I know. But this same thing was cited as the reason for their dislike.


A day after the stream and announcement, 5 players in the guild I am in quit the game. It's a casual guild, a bunch of friends. Today 2 more followed. Most of the players talk on skype, and I finally got to ask them what they disliked so much.


This was it. They like to over level things a bit, which will not be possible anymore. They just don't want to deal with it. I play mostly healers, I rolled all the healers and told them, I'll come along for anything and heal if they'd like.


They wouldn't mind it but it was the principle that turned them off. They'd prefer to over level a bit and just do it. It's how they like to play, and they have no interest otherwise. They completely lost interest.


3 have characters in another game and went back to that game exclusively now. 2 others followed immediately. Now the other 2, today, say they rolled characters there as well.


Anyway, what you said caught my attention. And going by the dev post, you won't be roughly 2 levels above the planet. You'll be at max level for that planet.


I'm OK with the downscaling, but clearly others are not.


The down leveling isn't chasing me away, but as word spreads ( most people do not follow the forums and dev posts and streams etc), I am seeing people leave. Their subs are still active for now I assume, but they have indeed left. I know their leaving is supposed to be good for the game, but I disagree.


Incidentally they've asked me to make a healer with them in the game; seems few want to roll a healer in games. I'll give it a shot. Not Star Wars, for which I have real soft spot, but maybe I can have fun there too. Been playing swtor exclusively for a long time now so it might be nice for a change.


I hope all those people telling others to quit the game read this post and understand that telling one person to leave, results in others leaving.

Good luck in your new game Shipwright.

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This was probably answered in the last 229 pages, but I do not get the over-leveling argument. I have played more MMOs than most here I am sure, and the ONLY time I have experienced face-roll levels of over-leveling is during the SWTOR 12x XP period. Every other game, including this one, you are pretty much within 1-2 levels of zone content AT MOST.


So what is the big deal here? Bioware already announced that storyline will allow you to level without side missions. Is it a question of difficulty then? Or is it a question of farming low zones at level cap?

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While Im opposed to the idea of Level-sync, mainly due to achievement hunting and already beating the planet in terms of level, I want to see how they have implemented it; if the heroic +2 are solo-able, if its enjoyable and if it gets me to do content more with friends.


If I do not enjoy it then I wish it to be optional, but I am holding judgment until 4.0 is released.

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So what is the big deal here? Bioware already announced that storyline will allow you to level without side missions. Is it a question of difficulty then? Or is it a question of farming low zones at level cap?


You've been able to go back and do older content at max level since the game launched, so the removal of that is a big change. Ideally you do everything at level, sure, but you can't always get a group or you just wanna do story so you skip and come back later when you can solo everything quickly.



My first character I spent a LOT of time just bumming about on planets trying to get groups for Heroics nobody ever wanted to do. After the hype wears off in KOTFE, I don't see much changing there, people may be just as likely to not run them as right now. But it's entirely possible you won't be able to solo anymore, so you're stuck just not doing the content cause nobody wants to help.


That's no good.

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Downgrading is allways a bad move.


My 3 cents.

Have a nice day


Recycling old content as part of an MMO expansion that comes without any new MMO core elements is a good move. - Certainly when it truly comes down to having either that or nothing new, besides 10 hours of talking heads and few Rishi-style zones.


Releasing an MMO expansion that comes without any MMO core elements is a *********** awful move. On a positive site, it works great as punchline for a joke.


Like "Impotent adult film star, KOTFE and an atheistic nun walked into a bar.."

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You've been able to go back and do older content at max level since the game launched, so the removal of that is a big change. Ideally you do everything at level, sure, but you can't always get a group or you just wanna do story so you skip and come back later when you can solo everything quickly.



My first character I spent a LOT of time just bumming about on planets trying to get groups for Heroics nobody ever wanted to do. After the hype wears off in KOTFE, I don't see much changing there, people may be just as likely to not run them as right now. But it's entirely possible you won't be able to solo anymore, so you're stuck just not doing the content cause nobody wants to help.


That's no good.


Ok I understand what you are saying. Yeah, well less opportunities to experience content is never good. Well they could offer to let us run with 3 companions ;)

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My first character I spent a LOT of time just bumming about on planets trying to get groups for Heroics nobody ever wanted to do. After the hype wears off in KOTFE, I don't see much changing there, people may be just as likely to not run them as right now. But it's entirely possible you won't be able to solo anymore, so you're stuck just not doing the content cause nobody wants to help.


That's no good.


Don't think so. Looks like they are favouring the H2 format over H4, so you shoul be able to do Heroics with your companion.


Also my suspicion is they will do things like a new reputation track to encourage people to go visit lower planets.


And then there is this. I have 22 characters and if I get 40 slots I will make 18 more...over time of course. When leveling characters though I would prefer bumming around doing quests on lower level planets that I like, gaining proper xp and being able to skip around faster on planets I don't like for example. So you'll see me on certain planets much more regularly simply because of this. And when I'm there and someone needs help with a heroic I might as well jump in as it benefits me too.


A lot of people have talked about being at level or being max level but I can see myself taking a level 50 character back to Hoth or Tatooine, just cause I like it and can level there just the same. I haven't seen too much talk about that idea.

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