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Mercs getting a well-deserved nerf! ;(


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With so many stealths running around a 20m disengage is useless in arenas since you'll need space behind you for the disenage to work most effectively. All that will happen is a stealth (or 2) will be able to come up and stunlock you before you can get out. It seems poorly designed given hiding around pillars will basically neutralize this new ability so its either stay in the open and be a sniper with less defense or play as is but have the disengage become void.
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I definitely agree for ranked. For regs it will work pretty well (hopefully, lol), but for ranked it's kind of meh. I feel like they should get add to it an immunity like the operative's roll. For 1.5-3 seconds after using it, you resist/dodge all attacks. That would add some survivability as well as some skill in knowing when to use and to try to mitigate burst.
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I main a merc, and have for a long, long time. But if this change goes through to 4.0, I'm going to abandon the class (and most likely, the entire game not long after I finish the Kotfe storyline).


It's remarkable to me how a group of people can be so completely detached from the reality of how a class performs for the sheer amount of time BW has managed to be. My expectations of them have nosedived off a cliff in the past year, and frankly now I'm just relieved that they manage to keep the servers from burning up in a fire due to incompetence. Wishing for some semblance of real balance among the under-performing classes (merc/sniper) has become nothing more than a distant hope that I see as being very unlikely in the distant future.


The next time I hear metrics mentioned, I'm going to politely suggest they take their metrics, and stick them up their rears. And then (for once) consider actually PLAYING the class to see how terribly it's performing in pvp.


I'm suing you for sig plagiarism

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You get a 20sec leap backwards, even with immunity to being leapt to, if you spec it. That's REALLY good. 45sec CD for HTL in return is fine.


Ya I agree with you. There are a lot of classes gaining a leap ability so the rocket out with leap protection is actually really good. The hold the line nerf I'd have to try out first, but if you spec into it a 10 sec HOTL with a 45 sec cooldown means you're only waiting 30 sec for it to come back up. It doesn't seem that awful.


I realize the flavor of the year classes will become flavor of the game classes with this expansion, but it should be fun to play a commando/merc in PVP with 4.0, even if they are not effective like an assassin.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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Ya I agree with you. There are a lot of classes gaining a leap ability so the rocket out with leap protection is actually really good. The hold the line nerf I'd have to try out first, but if you spec into it a 10 sec HOTL with a 45 sec cooldown means you're only waiting 30 sec for it to come back up. It doesn't seem that awful.


45-10 = 35 seconds. That's a pretty big increase (75%) from the 20 seconds you currently have to wait, and it's going to seem like an eternity when a Jugg is push/leap juggling you, or a marauder has you eating a ravage etc. And then the sniper on your team gets to wave goodbye to you as the powertech rolls in and tries to figure out who to pull.


The leap protection is going to be required for it to be useful against juggs or maras. Which means giving up either 30% DR on stun (essential in arenas) or Blazing Bolts on the move.

Edited by Jherad
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The leap protection is going to be required for it to be useful against juggs or maras. Which means giving up either 30% DR on stun (essential in arenas) or Blazing Bolts on the move.


A lot of people keep forgetting about this part. Mercs/mandos aren't like a lot of the classes that have a bit more freedom in what abilities that they want to take. For a dps merc/mando in ranked these are the two that you're going to choose. There is no "Well you could..." because nothing else is viable.

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A lot of people keep forgetting about this part. Mercs/mandos aren't like a lot of the classes that have a bit more freedom in what abilities that they want to take. For a dps merc/mando in ranked these are the two that you're going to choose. There is no "Well you could..." because nothing else is viable.


I usually swap the stun reduc for lower shield dcd, but that might just be me.

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45-10 = 35 seconds. That's a pretty big increase (75%) from the 20 seconds you currently have to wait, and it's going to seem like an eternity when a Jugg is push/leap juggling you, or a marauder has you eating a ravage etc. And then the sniper on your team gets to wave goodbye to you as the powertech rolls in and tries to figure out who to pull.


The leap protection is going to be required for it to be useful against juggs or maras. Which means giving up either 30% DR on stun (essential in arenas) or Blazing Bolts on the move.


You're right, I don't even know how I screwed up the simple math lol. As I said, I would want to test the changes first, but my initial thought is it shouldn't be too bad. I would think rotating rocket out, the aoe knockback, and hold the line might be enough tools to kite with.


I think in the 3rd tier you actually have compelling choices to make now. It varies on how you play and what you need. Personally, in the 3rd tier utilities I'd go with the mobility on-the-move talent and leap protection for PVP. I rely on skill and good positioning to kite opponents though, so I pick utilities to compliment that. What works for me may not work for everybody though.


I think it'll be a fun challenge to play a merc in 4.0 because PVP is clearly going to be overrun by the usual top3 classes.

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I think it'll be a fun challenge to play a merc in 4.0 because PVP is clearly going to be overrun by the usual top3 classes.


Well, if that's your idea of fun.... repeating more of 3.0 and the last 3 seasons of ranked pretty much excluding Merc / Mando players, then more power to you.


Meanwhile I'm dusting off my Operative and shall enjoy porting / lolrolling / healing / opening up from stealth on every flipping idiot playing Merc / Mando.

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Well may as well roll with it (pun intended :D), it's looking like there is zero point in loading up my Mercs in 4.0. I shall savour every last kill in the hopes that they'll decide to buff Mercs when they see that k/d take a nose dive.


So something good may come of it :p


So...I should be thanking you for hunting me down and killing me huh? :p

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I've been playing SWTOR PvP since Launch. My experience: Most people aren't able to perform the thing mentioned above. :rolleyes:


Give merc another escape tool - add a gap closer for each melee class. BioWare conclusion: Nerf merc mobility. Classic.



Merc DPS playstyle in 4.0:


Stand WAAAAY in the back and tank tunnel.


soooo... Nothing changes? :confused::D

Edited by Owynyo
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I don't really see the big deal. Once I finally learned to play Merc the way the combat team wanted me to play Merc, I did so well in a single match that my rating jumped from 340 to 2900, and players offered me millions of credits, decorations, jawa junk, etc. if I would not queue in the future.


So remember, its not L2P, its L2PATCTWYTP (learn to play as the combat team wants you to play)


ps-in case you didn't realize, I'm being sarcastic:rak_03:

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