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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The writing is on the wall


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Your being Rediculous if u don't know for Fact that EA is Not giving EAWare enough money to do proper Expansions and with KOTFE/ SWTOR 2, when even some of the Devs off the Record, and a few on-the-record as well have said that they don't have enough ppl and money to do the things that they need to do for Expanions/ SWTOR 2 and even Patches.


Those are very bad things, when they say it themselves. But it proves it's not Biowares fault but EA's.


I love how this guy and the OP try to present their OPINIONS as facts. I would love to see their sources Real, official sources, not something off some random internet website.


By the way Flurry, it is BioWare, not eaware. There is no such company.:p

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I love how this guy and the OP try to present their OPINIONS as facts. I would love to see their sources Real, official sources, not something off some random internet website.


By the way Flurry, it is BioWare, not eaware. There is no such company.:p


Facts,,,,I do not need to present any facts,,the game itself the last two years show everything i stated,,now i know they moved people from that other game to help develop this expansion, which is great news for the game and i do hope this expansion is bigger and the best yet,,i do.


New players are the lucky ones,there is tons of stuff for them to do,i wish i would of waited to start the game,,or in the last year or so,they are seeing a great game,,now.


By the way were you aware that EA got all money up until all development costs were covered and then when they started making a profit Lucas Arts then started to receive 35% of all profits? yah ,now LA's is owned by Disney,i have no clue if that contract changed or not but Lucas Arts was taking 35% of all profit for roughly the last two years or so.



Here yah go before you ask for a link,,,,LucasArts will take “around 35%” of the profits from Star Wars: The Old Republic after EA has regained its investment.



Edited by Sathid
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Facts,,,,I do not need to present any facts,,the game itself the last two years show everything i stated,,n


Yah i do,what you have an issue with ME being a customer that has valid complaints,with yah know facts,.


You're funny. :D


New players are the lucky ones,there is tons of stuff for them to do,i wish i would of waited to start the game,,or in the last year or so,they are seeing a great game,,now.


I have more stuff still to do than I've done and I still continue to be happy to pay to play this game. I put forward suggestions and have discussions/arguments on the positive and negative aspects of the game as I see fit also.


What I don't do is start "this game is doomed" topics solely because I'm bored with the game. If I got to that point I would come back in 6 months.


All you've done here is have an nonconstructive rant and when called on it tried to imply the people countering your more or less non existent argument are kids. Real mature. ;)


By the way were you aware that EA got all money up until all development costs were covered and then when they started making a profit Lucas Arts then started to receive 35% of all profits? yah ,now LA's is owned by Disney,i have no clue if that contract changed or not but Lucas Arts was taking 35% of all profit for roughly the last two years or so.



Here yah go before you ask for a link,,,,LucasArts will take “around 35%” of the profits from Star Wars: The Old Republic after EA has regained its investment.




Wow a link from 2011 which then goes on to say it represents $80 million a year in predicted profit. EA are going broke.


Not that I know or care if that's the case now but then you're the one who put up the old *** data.

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You're funny. :D




I have more stuff still to do than I've done and I still continue to be happy to pay to play this game. I put forward suggestions and have discussions/arguments on the positive and negative aspects of the game as I see fit also.


What I don't do is start "this game is doomed" topics solely because I'm bored with the game. If I got to that point I would come back in 6 months.


All you've done here is have an nonconstructive rant and when called on it tried to imply the people countering your more or less non existent argument are kids. Real mature. ;)




Wow a link from 2011 which then goes on to say it represents $80 million a year in predicted profit. EA are going broke.


Not that I know or care if that's the case now but then you're the one who put up the old *** data.



Statement "Critical thinking is not this meat bags strong suit Master"


2011 and any figure tossed about in said article means,,,,wait for it,,,ZERO.


The fact of the LEGALLY BINIDING CONTRACT is,is that 35% of ALL PROFITS go to Lucas Arts,,you care to post anything contradicting that? of any date?



I bet when Disney purchased Lucas Art's EA brought up SWTOR and asked for a reduction in the profits being sent to Disney and a more favorable rate,Disney most likely had in house people review it and laughed at them and said


"You have not invested into the game,you are ripping of your loyal fan base of the game and the franchise title,hell no we are going to reduce the rates,why do you even keep it running if you have no commitment to this product,service?"


EA that wants future licensing for Star wars games most likely stated they are committing more resources to the game then,most likely in the clause deep down a "Good faith effort" with SWTOR,nothing concrete due to it being out for as long as it has.

Edited by Sathid
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First: Players are returning to the game for the new expansion. I myself have just returned after a two year absence. I have some catching up to do, but I plan on playing the new expansion.


Second: EA has sunk a LOT of money into Bioware to make this expansion, and its promotional material. I saw an ad on TV regarding KoTFE last week. That is not cheap to do.


Third: $200 a year is not a lot of money on the Cartel Shop. Before my absence, I used to spend $200 a month on the cartel shop


Fourth: Stop being so doom and gloomy and go enjoy the game.

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Statement "Critical thinking is not this meat bags strong suit Master"


2011 and any figure tossed about in said article means,,,,wait for it,,,ZERO.


The fact of the LEGALLY BINIDING CONTRACT is,is that 35% of ALL PROFITS go to Lucas Arts,,you care to post anything contradicting that? of any date?



I bet when Disney purchased Lucas Art's EA brought up SWTOR and asked for a reduction in the profits being sent to Disney and a more favorable rate,Disney most likely had in house people review it and laughed at them and said


"You have not invested into the game,you are ripping of your loyal fan base of the game and the franchise title,hell no we are going to reduce the rates,why do you even keep it running if you have no commitment to this product,service?"


EA that wants future licensing for Star wars games most likely stated they are committing more resources to the game then,most likely in the clause deep down a "Good faith effort" with SWTOR,nothing concrete due to it being out for as long as it has.


Of course LA is getting some money from EA, that still does not mean that EA has not invested in the game. You still have provided no proof that EA has not invested at all. You also have shown zero evidence that there are fewer than 100k subs, as you claimed in your OP. You make some wild doom and gloom claims but cannot back them up. Your link about LA receiving some money doesn't prove a damn thing so don't even bring it up again.

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If the writing is on the wall for TOR then it's also on the wall for... WoW as it's lost what? Five? Six million players now? EVE Online has lost a good amount of subs over the last year, note that two years ago even I was trolling how EVE was going to be the next big thing. WildStar the MMO that backed it's self on being an old school WoW like "hard" MMO? When's it going F2P? Guild Wars 2 just went F2P. Subs are down in a number of other MMO's, LoTRO, DnDO, few others as well.


The only games that are gaining anything from what I've heard are MMO's that have now had console releases. Final Fantasy XVI, Elder Scrolls Online and even Neverwinter. More so can anyone point out a big name triple AAA MMO that's coming out in the next year? I really can't think of any off the top of my head.


So MMO's as a whole not just TOR are losing subs, and really? TOR looks like it's where it was at last year. The only servers that look like they are losing people are PvP servers. And tell the truth I've seen that happen in just about every MMO I've played. Not going to get into "why" that happens, but moving on.


MMO's are losing numbers due to a few things. The first are MOBA's, why play an MMO when you can play a MOBA and do what you want right away? Co-Op games like Killing Floor and Payday 2 have taken off somewhat. Along with that the MMO market right now is just flooded with titles. A lot of those titles are now going F2P as well, so yes sub numbers may be down as you may have someone trying a number of games until they find something they enjoy.


Still and this is where a lot of you may claim I don't know what I'm talking about... The normal MMO mechanics are turning people off now. Talking to some real life friends and online friends, along with reading some posts on Reddit and other sites? People are somewhat sick of the whole leveling grind, note my girlfriend and two friends when I told them about the 12x xp in TOR liked that. They don't like the normal end game content, namely they are somewhat sick of the raiding system as a whole. I should point out, when I threw out there content like the 4 to 5 man dungeons all of them loved it.


But the point I'm making is level based, skill based, theme park, sandbox. KotFE may not be a bad idea in the long run. Funny thing STO has done well over the last few months with the Iconian War storyline that just ended.

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I hate to admit it,i have dropped maybe 200$ so far this year into this game in Cartel Purchases,my monthly sub fee excluded,,but looking at the game i doubt there is 100k subs.


I haven't skimmed the thread, but has there been an answer to the question how the statement that someone has paid 200$ for the game this year leads to the conclusion that there are less than 100.000 subs left? I can't follow that thought. How exactly are these two things connected?


Having said that, my 2 cents:


BW doesn't develop the original Swtor anymore. The game will remain as-is from now until the end (hopefully with some bug fixing still to come).


KotFE is a new game, connected to and put directly upon Swtor.


All future updates will be made for KotFE. (That might or might not include new OPs and WZs.)

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Look at oricon for instance,yes the Op's there are big and they are fun imo,but the whole daily area is a planet LOL,you cannot go anywhere,you remain in that area and thats it.


So, you actually expect to have the entire planet available?

You do realize the fundamental difference between sandbox and theme park MMOs, right?

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BW doesn't develop the original Swtor anymore. The game will remain as-is from now until the end (hopefully with some bug fixing still to come).


Technically, that is true for every MMO developer out there. Development efforts are always focused on the newest things that the expansion added.

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Statement "Critical thinking is not this meat bags strong suit Master"


2011 and any figure tossed about in said article means,,,,wait for it,,,ZERO.


The fact of the LEGALLY BINIDING CONTRACT is,is that 35% of ALL PROFITS go to Lucas Arts,,you care to post anything contradicting that? of any date?


You forget one thing ... that has pretty much nothing to do with the point you seemed to think you were making.


EA refused to put money into SWToR remember? You should because you posted it.


So your logic to defend that point is to post how Lucas Arts may or may not take 35% of their profits, of a predicted 80 mill a year. That's still over 50 mill to EA a year in profit.


Now can you see how rather silly your point is? That's before we get to the actual examples I gave of them clearly investing in this game with expansions etc. These things weren't made for free after all.


I bet when Disney purchased Lucas Art's EA brought up SWTOR and asked for a reduction in the profits being sent to Disney and a more favorable rate,Disney most likely had in house people review it and laughed at them and said


"You have not invested into the game,you are ripping of your loyal fan base of the game and the franchise title,hell no we are going to reduce the rates,why do you even keep it running if you have no commitment to this product,service?"


EA that wants future licensing for Star wars games most likely stated they are committing more resources to the game then,most likely in the clause deep down a "Good faith effort" with SWTOR,nothing concrete due to it being out for as long as it has.


I stopped reading at "I bet".

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You should,i pulled up what i have spent on the Cartel Market in the last three months,i understated what i have purchased,i did not add the Yavin Stronghold and unlocking all said rooms with Cartel Coins and three Shadow hypercrates and Two Explorer ones,so i am most likely in the 400$ or more area.



People like me keep the lights on.


golf claps...are we going to be whipping out our CC statements and see who has the bigger spread sheet?


if you think game is going south, leave. Many of us feel opposite, and are choosing to stay. I've seen many many returning players waiting for 4.0, If you enjoy the game play and pay what you think your entertainment value is worth, otherwise don't.


if i don't like a movie I don't continue to see it @$20 a viewing because I hope they will eventually release new better movies.

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I am a realist...


O Really?


Because a realist would not prosecute their complaints via hyperbolic statements as to how many active players are in game.


None of us know exactly how many players are active in game... but based on accumulated knowledge + reading current data on torstatus.... it's pretty clear your less then 100K statement is selective fantasy.


Honestly.. the only writing I see on the wall is the typical Monday morning crayon marks in the forum declaring the game dead.

Edited by Andryah
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The writing has been on the wall for a while now, however I think the OP misread what it said....


What's ACTUALLY written on the wall is a very ominous message about everything coming to swtor in the future. It's written in a strange language that roughly translates....


.... All in good time, soon™.






Otherwise the game is fine... Erbody can stop worrying now. :D

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$200 on Cartel Market. HA HAHAHAHAHA HAAA! :rolleyes:


Since 2011 until today, including my subscription fee, buying the expansions when they come out, buying cartel coin cards from places like Best Buy, and spending money for Cartel Coins for packs AND Strongholds, I've probably spent at the very LEAST $4,000 in 4 years. It could be more, it could be less. I don't add up every nickel and dime I spend in Swtor.


Are there things I'd like to see improved? Yes. Are there things I'd love to demand be in the game? Yes. Is the game still a buggy mess? Oh yeah.


But I've been here since 1.0, when the game launched, I've been through the ups, downs, ghost town servers, no QoL times, etc and I'm still here and the game continues to thrive. Of course we'll lose people, we'll also gain people too. It's the nature of MMOs and really any game out there.


Gamers are fickle people. They come, play, get bored and leave. Or they get blind sided by real life crap and go deal with that. **** happens. Sure there could be millions playing this game instead of maybe approximately 500k to 1 million at the moment, maybe there's more. But people change and their tastes change. If the game isn't your cup of tea anymore, than stop your sub and go. Bioware can't make people stay. They could add in EVERYTHING EVERYONE wants right now and people will STILL come and go. It happens.

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$200 on Cartel Market. HA HAHAHAHAHA HAAA! :rolleyes:


Since 2011 until today, including my subscription fee, buying the expansions when they come out, buying cartel coin cards from places like Best Buy, and spending money for Cartel Coins for packs AND Strongholds, I've probably spent at the very LEAST $4,000 in 4 years. It could be more, it could be less. I don't add up every nickel and dime I spend in Swtor.


Are there things I'd like to see improved? Yes. Are there things I'd love to demand be in the game? Yes. Is the game still a buggy mess? Oh yeah.


But I've been here since 1.0, when the game launched, I've been through the ups, downs, ghost town servers, no QoL times, etc and I'm still here and the game continues to thrive. Of course we'll lose people, we'll also gain people too. It's the nature of MMOs and really any game out there.


Gamers are fickle people. They come, play, get bored and leave. Or they get blind sided by real life crap and go deal with that. **** happens. Sure there could be millions playing this game instead of maybe approximately 500k to 1 million at the moment, maybe there's more. But people change and their tastes change. If the game isn't your cup of tea anymore, than stop your sub and go. Bioware can't make people stay. They could add in EVERYTHING EVERYONE wants right now and people will STILL come and go. It happens.

I gotta say...nice reply! A lot of truth in everything you've said.

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Gamers are fickle people. They come, play, get bored and leave. Or they get blind sided by real life crap and go deal with that. **** happens. Sure there could be millions playing this game instead of maybe approximately 500k to 1 million at the moment, maybe there's more. But people change and their tastes change. If the game isn't your cup of tea anymore, than stop your sub and go. Bioware can't make people stay. They could add in EVERYTHING EVERYONE wants right now and people will STILL come and go. It happens.




Puts much of the ongoing complaining and teeth gnashing in the forum in good context as well.


And note the OP started with how much money they have spent. That is a common tactic when setting up soapbox to vent spleen in the forum. "I paid... you must listen and listen nao!!!" is a much used tactic in gaming forums, not just this one. :p

Edited by Andryah
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You should,i pulled up what i have spent on the Cartel Market in the last three months,i understated what i have purchased,i did not add the Yavin Stronghold and unlocking all said rooms with Cartel Coins and three Shadow hypercrates and Two Explorer ones,so i am most likely in the 400$ or more area.



People like me keep the lights on.

I have to care what you do with your time, is that what you're trying to say? Sorry, but I don't care (and I'm a current subscriber to the game). What you do with your money is on you, no one has to care what you do or not do with your money. I'm pretty sure Bioware isn't shaking in their boots because Sathid's no longer going to pay them money.
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