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Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior


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I like the idea of better movement and immunity to control of CC. I'll have to test the changes myself to see if they're what we need but I think they could be positive. I also enjoy the addition of a 100% defense chance as I think it adds skill to the use of the ability.


I do wish there was a open beta but as others have pointed out these are the final changes prior to release of 4.0 so what's the point of a beta.

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:D_tongue:Now im completely sure that BW just hate juggernauts, for now it seems that mad dash will be utterly useless in pve, and these passives are horrible, to give tanks extra defence is not a bad idea, but atm juggeranut tank have a worst mobility and this new passive assume that we must now use ravage on regular basis in our rotation that makes our mobilty even worse.....Vengeance passive sounds not that bad....exept the thing that to get a maximum benefit from stacking dmg increace we will have to use our rotation this way: Shatter - Impale - Force Scream - Ravage - Filres - Repeat, but the problem is that we have only 2 regular filers, Sundering assult and Vengeful slam and that will FORCE us to use only high alacrity build to keep the uptime, otherwise there will be a several seconds ''window'' between fillers and next Shatter that can be filled only with 25 sec. cd saber throw and 1min cd. force push or useless vicious slash. I hope im wrong but i think that the new rotation for Vengeance wont work without alacrity build. And as for Rage..... the only thing i can say WHAT THE ****:?! Rage AINT VIABLE in the end game pve content because of dps , it completely suck in ranked and hardly viable in normals because of total and overwhelming vulnerability to stunlocks. HOW this ****** 5% dmg reduction will improve Rage survivability or dps?P.S. As for mad dash in pvp, i see one way how it can be used. It can help to use our charge more often in combat by breaking the distance between you and the enemy and as result you will get maximum benefit from brawn, but honestly....i think only if mad dash will do like 10k hit to anyone that gets in it's way it may be of some use. Edited by Kiffurio
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I was actually hoping for a new active skill for every skill tree.


But no, Bioware Devs are lazy or underpaid (or both) as always. :mad:

1 new active for each superclass (warrior, inqui, agent, merc) and 1 new passive and pushing all the skills higher up in level. I could have done that in 5 minutes, really.


My expectations of KOTFE sunk drastically after reading those so-called "class changes". :(


Outside of giving Shadows/Assassins a lunge, I haven't felt the need for more active skills at all on my characters. Something else to click that I may or may not use, or to just replace an ability I already have (and may like)? Meh.

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Out of 20 pages of comments I have only seen 2-3 positive comments, the rest of them are negative. Even though I know not everyone is expressing their opinions here it gives you some indications on how well these new changes have met the expectations of the player base.


I've been playing since shortly after ROTHC, just to establish the time, not as in a sense of entitlement.


Never have I been so opposed to something, up til now I've just taken everything good or bad.

But this, THIS, this is just so wildly retarded I could no longer sit idly by and just swallow it. Out of fear how horrid it would obviously taste.


Every 45 seconds! I would be able to run in a 20m straight line. At which point I can only assume the devs realized how retarded that sounded and said, "well lets just add 100% defense rating, the least useful of tank stats, and a pitiful amount of aoe damage, that'll make it useful"

And either end up 20m closer to my target - if said target hasn't moved yet - or overshoot it, so I should just stand there and wait until they're further away. Or I could use it to run away.

I could also use it defensively to parry white melee/ranged attacks which do the least amount of damage, and end up 20m away from my original target.


Sounds to me the most useful of these is to run away, is this what is intended? What's next? Use it to LoS and heal to full, then make them pay?

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I've been playing since shortly after ROTHC, just to establish the time, not as in a sense of entitlement.




Sounds to me the most useful of these is to run away, is this what is intended? What's next? Use it to LoS and heal to full, then make them pay?


Remember, Juggernauts, unlike snipers and marauders, can use Enraged Defense to heal to full. It is intended that juggernauts then play defensively and make them pay for trying to kill you.

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I've been playing since shortly after ROTHC, just to establish the time, not as in a sense of entitlement.


Never have I been so opposed to something, up til now I've just taken everything good or bad.

But this, THIS, this is just so wildly retarded I could no longer sit idly by and just swallow it. Out of fear how horrid it would obviously taste.


Every 45 seconds! I would be able to run in a 20m straight line. At which point I can only assume the devs realized how retarded that sounded and said, "well lets just add 100% defense rating, the least useful of tank stats, and a pitiful amount of aoe damage, that'll make it useful"

And either end up 20m closer to my target - if said target hasn't moved yet - or overshoot it, so I should just stand there and wait until they're further away. Or I could use it to run away.

I could also use it defensively to parry white melee/ranged attacks which do the least amount of damage, and end up 20m away from my original target.


Sounds to me the most useful of these is to run away, is this what is intended? What's next? Use it to LoS and heal to full, then make them pay?


The way that it is worded means it works just like the roll move that Operatives use so just base it's uses off that move.

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"In Game Update 4.0, we wanted to increase the mobility of these formidable combatants in order to allow them to realize their full potential on the battle field, and to make them more difficult to kite."


Why won't you just give marauders the immunity to knockbacks on force charge like juggernauts have in every spec or at least add something in carnage like we have in fury now to counter knockbacks? It's such a disadvantage in pvp not to have this. Adding immunity on saber ward on 3 min cd is a joke..

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"In Game Update 4.0, we wanted to increase the mobility of these formidable combatants in order to allow them to realize their full potential on the battle field, and to make them more difficult to kite."


Why won't you just give marauders the immunity to knockbacks on force charge like juggernauts have in every spec or at least add something in carnage like we have in fury now to counter knockbacks? It's such a disadvantage in pvp not to have this. Adding immunity on saber ward on 3 min cd is a joke..


That's the reason they gave you the dash move for to counter that.

Edited by Kaizersan
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So we're getting 3 new utilities...but still only get 7 utility points total? AND they're all getting pushed back 5-8 levels? Do you ever actually think changes through, or do you make changes just because they "sound good?"


And Blade Dance...really? The reasoning for that change is so lame. But at least that's just a semantic change.


Not 5 posts in and there are already those complaining about how it's "disappointing". God, I love mmo forums.


Maybe that's because it IS "disappointing." Just a thought.

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So we're getting 3 new utilities...but still only get 7 utility points total? AND they're all getting pushed back 5-8 levels? Do you ever actually think changes through, or do you make changes just because they "sound good?"


And Blade Dance...really? The reasoning for that change is so lame. But at least that's just a semantic change.




Maybe that's because it IS "disappointing." Just a thought.


It's because certain classes become over powered if you gave them 8 points.

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"Below you can find the work-in-progress changes that are currently slated for Game Update 4.0. As always, these changes are not final and subject to change. We look forward to sharing these changes with you, and we will see you on the battlefield!"


I do not think the developers are lazy, underpaid, or don't play the game. In fact, I think they have probably put a lot of time and effort into the KotFE expansion and class updates/changes, are paid decent enough, and love to play the game. I appreciate all their work so far, and look forward to seeing how it actually feels in October. As a PVE player, I like the story focus -- but have some concerns/suggestions for the Mara class changes (see page 9 of this thread)


However, I think they may have succumbed to "Groupthink" -- "Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints, by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences." (See Wikipedia)


I sincerely hope the developers will seriously consider the views/ideas/suggestions expressed by a very passionate gaming community. Until recently, they were making class changes in a vacuum, free of the outside influence of the full gaming community (or at least the forums). They provided us the information so we could discuss it. Hopefully the discussion bears fruit.

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"Below you can find the work-in-progress changes that are currently slated for Game Update 4.0. As always, these changes are not final and subject to change. We look forward to sharing these changes with you, and we will see you on the battlefield!"


I do not think the developers are lazy, underpaid, or don't play the game. In fact, I think they have probably put a lot of time and effort into the KotFE expansion and class updates/changes, are paid decent enough, and love to play the game. I appreciate all their work so far, and look forward to seeing how it actually feels in October. As a PVE player, I like the story focus -- but have some concerns/suggestions for the Mara class changes (see page 9 of this thread)


However, I think they may have succumbed to "Groupthink" -- "Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints, by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences." (See Wikipedia)


I sincerely hope the developers will seriously consider the views/ideas/suggestions expressed by a very passionate gaming community. Until recently, they were making class changes in a vacuum, free of the outside influence of the full gaming community (or at least the forums). They provided us the information so we could discuss it. Hopefully the discussion bears fruit.


That is pretty sad if you think they are going to listen because unless the "Metrics" tell them other wise they will stay the course and you are crazy if you think other wise.

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That is pretty sad if you think they are going to listen because unless the "Metrics" tell them other wise they will stay the course and you are crazy if you think other wise.


Pretty much this. They only care about their metrics which over the years have proven to be completely flawed. BW is way too one tracked to do anything different. Metrics are fine but they gotta look at other avenues as well. Sadly they don't.

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Don't know if it has been said already, but can you give us a movement impairing immunity with this:

New Utility: Unshackling Rage/Focused Freedom! When activated, Enrage/Combat Focus removes movement-impairing effects (immobilizes and slows) and increases the Juggernaut's/Guardian’s movement speed by 50% for the next 6 seconds.

Pretty please?


Right now we have an immunity with through power/true harmony, but not a purge, on a 60sec cooldown. With 4.0 you're giving us a purge, but not an immunity on a 45sec cooldown.

Other classes have this as baseline skills or also through utilitys but with a much shorter cooldown. If you're really aiming to give us better means to stay on target, we need this.

And Master Strike on the move.

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Im pretty sure BW wont change anything because they simply dont give a **** what you saying. I think this entire thread is just to check warrior community reaction on incoming changes, but even if they will decide to change something it will be according of their own view.
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