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  1. Hey guys, what do you think about idea to make a petition to BW to add Darth Vindican's( sith assassin from ''The Return'' trailer) set of gear into one of CM Packs?
  2. I cry not about vengeance you stupid ******e
  3. You are mistken, in rage after Furious strike you put a debuf on the target wich increase melee dmg dealt on 5%, but the joke is that marauders gets this debuf for free in all specs after using battaring assult, so.....So far, the only actual advantage that rage have over fury as a free retaliation after each Furious stike that can crit on 7k, but compare to everithing else it's hardly a substantial.
  4. Rage dont need to be more ''tanky'', it's a dps spec after all, and the main problem in pvp is that rage can easily be stunlocked to death and all your cd's wont save you, so marauders with their 6sec cc immine in fury+ 6 sec. with saber ward will be so much better, +15% crit dmg to raging burst is just enother stupid advantage of Fury over Rage. Juggernauts dont even get advantage of wearing heavy armor, rage jug have 33% dmg reduction, fury marauder have 30%+20% by cloack of pain, thats just idiotic, plus marauders have such awsome thing as obfuscate, 4-6 sec invisibilty, 4-6 sec bubble, 10 sec speed boost.
  5. Im pretty sure BW wont change anything because they simply dont give a **** what you saying. I think this entire thread is just to check warrior community reaction on incoming changes, but even if they will decide to change something it will be according of their own view.
  6. _tongue:Now im completely sure that BW just hate juggernauts, for now it seems that mad dash will be utterly useless in pve, and these passives are horrible, to give tanks extra defence is not a bad idea, but atm juggeranut tank have a worst mobility and this new passive assume that we must now use ravage on regular basis in our rotation that makes our mobilty even worse.....Vengeance passive sounds not that bad....exept the thing that to get a maximum benefit from stacking dmg increace we will have to use our rotation this way: Shatter - Impale - Force Scream - Ravage - Filres - Repeat, but the problem is that we have only 2 regular filers, Sundering assult and Vengeful slam and that will FORCE us to use only high alacrity build to keep the uptime, otherwise there will be a several seconds ''window'' between fillers and next Shatter that can be filled only with 25 sec. cd saber throw and 1min cd. force push or useless vicious slash. I hope im wrong but i think that the new rotation for Vengeance wont work without alacrity build. And as for Rage..... the only thing i can say WHAT THE ****:?! Rage AINT VIABLE in the end game pve content because of dps , it completely suck in ranked and hardly viable in normals because of total and overwhelming vulnerability to stunlocks. HOW this ****** 5% dmg reduction will improve Rage survivability or dps?P.S. As for mad dash in pvp, i see one way how it can be used. It can help to use our charge more often in combat by breaking the distance between you and the enemy and as result you will get maximum benefit from brawn, but honestly....i think only if mad dash will do like 10k hit to anyone that gets in it's way it may be of some use.
  7. I dont want to see my class op, but some ways to defend yourself will be at the place, but it seems thing will stay that way after 4.0 when all will get extra mobility. Btw, if it gets to crying, marauders will get extra stun immunity with saber ward for 6 seconds , considernig they already have 6 seconds cc immune in fury, jugs ''improvements'' looks laughable comapre to this. And 15% critical dmg bonus of raging burst passive in fury compare to jug's ''super'' passive 5% damage reduction for 6 sec. after furious strike its just a sheer idiocy. It seems rage will always suck so hard compare to it's marauder's mirror, and never be viable in ranked(
  8. I thing jugs need a few things like: 0 meters range charge, unstoppable should be united with brawn again and it must be utility for all specs and yeah, somthing to counter dots or avoid intial burst or something that allows to escape focus. Because ED doesnt work when u get 10k+10k+10k from sins and maras, 3k healing just doesnt make sence. 30% dot dmg reduction sounds good too, but dot reflect will be too op i guess.
  9. Yeah, agree, i have 1400, got it without syncing/skanking/wintrading. That was a real pain.
  10. 2000+ jug? syncing, skanking, wintrading, who knows? and about syncing, there is a group ranked queue for ppl, who want to play with friends, in solo q, syncing usually means skanktank+ offhealer and teamspeak, all this is unfair advantage over enemy team wich shouldn't exist in solo q. P.S. Yes, rage can do well with some team setups, usually that means u need to have a pt or sniper that will be the bait, then u can do your busrt. Otherwise, u will always be 1st to kill, and with worst def cds, rage is an easy prey.
  11. I bet all ppl who telling that rage is ok in ranked played only normals. I repeat, i haven't seen any DECENT jug, that played rage and not been raped in seconds. Moreover, it seems u dont realize how easily jug can be stunlocked to death in ranked, even with unstoppable, because he ABSOLUTELY LACK the way to avoid being focused. ANY OTHER class can do that.
  12. Im sure at least half ''top'' jugs are syncers/skanks/ or just wintraders. Honestly, i rly doubt that any class can easily farm top score in solo ranked with tons of noobs/ trolls in queue, not to mention syncers/ wintraders. As for skanks, i agree it's a part of gameplay, dumb and unfair imho, but ''legal'' at least. P.S. I bet that all top score pt's are tanks, at least Sirox 100% is a tank/skanktank For example: top 5 guardian Alec - mvp guild - syncer, top 5 sentinel I'gor - mvp guild - syncer, top 5 commando Tanvir - mvp guild - syncer, it's just ppl that i know from tofn.
  13. Pff, i wonder who are these ppl that keep saying that rage is fine in ranked. From what i know, the best thing rage jug can do in ranked is to die in 5 secs just being globaled. Ofc, if other team are complete noobs any class and any spec will do. And ''best melee class''? Are you fking kidding me? How about fury marauders and assassins,mb they are range, no? The best indicator of ''how cool'' we are in ranked is amount of jugs in queue, mb on other servers thing are different, but on tofn common solo ranked setup is 2 sorcs 2 sins/ 3 sorcs 1 sin. P.S. A man with 999 score tells that jugs are fine, and i need to learn to play my class, that's just laughable.
  14. The problem of jugs not in low dmg, they have enough dmg, the problem is that they can't properly inflict it to the enemy and low survivability/ high vulnerability to cc and focus. And yeah, many ppl aint bother themselves posting ''noob'' posts, they just reroll to to strongest rofl class atm.
  15. I really don't want to, but i have to do it, have to cry and ask to buff my class. I wonder, before you do some class changes, do you even test how it works, BW? Gratz, you can be proud, you broke juggernauts, because with their inablity to prevent incoming burst and stuns, with their pathetic ''double life'', that vaporazing under burst in seconds and idiotic 3sec ravage that can't even immobilize properly anymore they are completely suck in pvp as dps, not to mention that things are far worse in tank spec.
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