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Not a huge thing but I'd like it if restrictions were removed from vanity items. I saw a thread earlier about blue/red lightsabers, and I think the same goes for gender restrictions on items.


Those restrictions should just be removed. The lightsaber one is neat, but I could see why some people might have a problem with it. I can personally make the choice to use a blue saber on my light-sided sith... but I think I should be allowed to use a red one if I chose to. It sort of represents your character's personal choice, so being restricted and FORCED to make that decision one way or another.. that's kind of lame.

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This thread is pure win.


I'm on the fence about subbing or not, but if just half the things on this list were implemented it would go a long way in helping me overlook the issues I have with the game as a whole.


In general anything that improves community, game play and end game content I will welcome. ( And leveling an alt doesn't count as end game content )

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When a companion returns from a mission crew skill with items, can that just get sent to the "PENDING" section, if another window is currently open?


How many times have we been kicked out of (inventory, character screen, galactic market, cargo hold, etc. etc. etc) when a companion returns? UGH!

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Full key bind customization. For example allowing the mouse keys to be keypress modifiers, instead of using Ctrl or Alt or Shift


Remove all the hard coded key bindings.


Allowing Left Cntrl and Right Cntrl, or Left Alt and Right Alt, or Left/Right Shift.


The way it is right now it is hard wired to use a standard keyboard layout and does not allow customization to alternate keyboards.



I use a Steelseries Merc http://steelseries.com/us/products/keyboards/steelseries-merc?gclid=CMTQsJLCoK0CFQXd4Aodu30OoA used to be called Ideazon Merc gaming keyboard and SW:TORs current key binding does not easily adapt to the Merc

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Bring back hoods over helms.


This, this, this, this, this, a thousand times this. It drives me crazy to see characters like Darth Marr and Kallig, as well as my own characters, without hoods just because they wear a mask. They were designed with a hood/mask combo, and look dumb without it.

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Guild Interface:


Event Guild Calendar - I suggest that the guild system should have it's own calendar so that the GM/Officer can create certain events and it lets the members know as an indicator like when you login and you see the message of the day or sends an email to the members of the guild.


Rank Titles - Let the Guild Master able to alter the default rank titles, in addition to adding new ones.


Character Faction Bank System - Share tab option, so you can drag items to that tab so you're able to share materials between your different characters


Companion - Tooltip function seems a little irritating, especially when you're in a full group and an item drops that you think your companion can use, but you can't check since you're in a full group, the tooltip should still show even if your companion is not out.


Character Appearance: I really would love to see the helm + hood combo in the game because it's kinda lame that I have a mask on, yet I can't have my hood over my mask or give an option in the social tab to show hood or hide it!


Sorry if these suggestions have been mentioned, these are just suggestions that I'd like to see!




Edited by Zortax
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Not at the top of the list, as i agree with almost everything said before me, but Space Battles would be nice. Even a PvP free flight space battle with objectives (such as in Star Wars Battlefront 2). As long as im on the space theme, Guild vs. Guild, or Faction vs. Faction epic space battles with giant destroyers, along with a variety of other ships, would be an intense option.


Making PvP battles fair for all is a cool idea, so lvl 10's and 50's can play together, but there should be a separate PvP queue for lvl caps with your own gear applied, doesnt make much sense giving up the ability to have the best stats in the game at lvl 10, but it gives people at the end of the lvl caps a sense of accomplishment for working for their own gear to win with.


More PvP gear would be appreciated aswell, its great to get a full gear setup for lvl 20, but wheres the stuff inbetween 50? Some i know, but still. Also, i may just be speaking for myself here but the End game PvP gear could look a little more... epic. i feel silly with the helmets supplied, just not what i imagined.


End game content is probably the most important part of the game, sounds stupid i know, but why are we all playing this game? To hit lvl 50 and get our gear. Raid Flashpoints with a 10man group etc to get it done, great idea right there.


At the beginning of Flashpoints, Heroics, etc, could/should have summoning droids to forgo the quite possibly LONG wait for team members to travel the distance.


|CHAT BUBBLES } ----------------------v



This represents a person talking -> ( o.o )

Also needed.


Item stacking has been mentioned a lot, agreement in full by myself.



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Apologies in advance for restating some given ideas (consider them simply emphasized):


  • Greater degree of customization for characters at creation (additional body sizes, hair styles, eye styles and colors, features and extras)
  • Streamline system of PVP achievements and drops rather than the token shuffling game that is required by high level warzone and daily/weekly players
  • Chat bubbles for /Say channel and the option to turn them off (as some may find it ruins the immersion due to the cartoonish or comic book feel)
  • Streamline Galactic Trade Network to allow ease of access
  • Address Ability Delay and improve character response to action ques
  • Greater range of customization options for gear and companions. An increase in the number and frequency of the companion customization packs would be a good start. There is also the thought of some kind of dye system or color/texture swapping for gear to allow greater personal customization and adaptation (reducing "Clown Costume" on character by allowing people to match colors on different equipment sets). This could be anything from a useable object to an additional slot on equipment.
  • Greater Exploration and Freedom on planets. There is little reason for exploration beyond opening the map and finding Datacrons and resources at the moment, with a very limited number of open world events and quests to be found. The greater issue is the Exhaustion Zones, which act as defensive player barriers in a setting ripe with the possiblity of exploration. I can understand it if these barriers are set in place as methods or reserving areas for later content development, but we need a reason to explore off the taxi routes, especially as we move farther into the game and away from side-plots and space battles.
  • More interest and incentives for Guilds. This has already been a widely discussed topic, but it bears a little reinforcement. Guilds should be more than extended friends lists. They should have goals, advantages, interests, and unique content to advocate getting into them and interacting with others in the game.

Edited by Torrentwave
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One small request that i imagine would be simple to impliment, could we please have an audiable alarm ( bleep, ding, buzz etc ) when receiving a whisper, and for party and guild chat also. Without this it is virtually impossible to know there has been a communication unless you are constantly watching chat window Edited by skyuk
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Jeeze, how many people do you need in a guild? I can understand people want to fit their alts in, but 1000 members seems like that could lead to a huge portion of the server in one group.


Why not link guild membership with accounts so the number of individual subscribers counts towards the member cap and not the created characters?

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Excuse me if these ideas have already been suggested but i'll share my views. In all I find the game a breath of fresh air however I am slightly puzzled to why theres so many minor things missing, but then again this is just early stages and have a long way to go to improve. But anyway here we go:


Camera - I dont like the fact that when you spin the camera around to look freely, when you move your character forward the camera spins back. Though i've gotten use to it, it still would be nice to run looking at your character. (good for filiming aswell :D)


Useable chairs - I see hundreds of chairs/benches dotted around and yet none can be used (Especially in cantinas!). I understand this isnt a BIG issue but its nice on social and roleplay perspective to sit down and chill, chat with friends etc. I know swtor made the game for less downtime as possible but let the player decide wether or not they want some downtime?


Cantinas: Im not comparing here but in SWG cantinas were popular and had that 'feel' to them, again was also good for roleplay moments. I've visted a few cantinas and found them amazing but like the idea above, allow us to sit down in them. Maybe bring in games like in the KOTOR series, did like that in kotor 1.


Space/ships: When i first entered space on my toon I found it fantastic, after doing the 4 missions I then found it rather repetitive and wonder to myself will this be the same as I progress the levels (Level 20 atm). Again this isnt a big issue and could be added in a expansion but make space free flight? So we can explore the galaxy, have mini missions prop up etc. Another thing I was miniorly disapointed about was the fact I couldnt name my ship? Again this isnt anything to drastic but just helps build your player.

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Alright here are some of mine suggestions:




CAMERA - to fix the thing - when you are fighting (and your default camera distance is at max) it eventually gets as close as it can. For some reason.



- Create alliances in game and introduce alliance chat.

- Create more customization for chat (so we can switch off annoying "joined channel" and "left channel" messages.

- Fix the bug when you are stuck on loading screen after exiting Warzones

- Enable to move icons on the companion panel (big and small one). So at least I can select which icons are there on the small one.




- Increase, increase and increase once again by all means the server's ability to handle large amount of people to reach the goal of 600 people fighting in world PvP if possible without server lag.

- Introduce a deserter debuff for leaving warzone before it ended.


- World PvP rewards should be increased, so the one selecting where to join - Warzone or World PvP raid - wouldn't even think they are comparable.

Edited by Bailante
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